142 research outputs found

    Кванто-механические исследования молекулярных комплексов p-хлоранила с пиперидином, анилином и их производными

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    В настоящей работе мы провели сравнение экспериментальных данных адиабатических и вертикальных потенциалов ионизации молекулярных комплексов p-хлоранила с пиперидином, анилином и их производными с результатами кванто-механических расчётов в программе Gaussian 09

    Badania asocjacyjne genów interleukin i ich receptorów w schizofrenii

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    Schizofrenia należy do złożonych chorób psychicznych charakteryzujących się wysokim stopniem odziedziczalności. W prowadzonych badaniach genetycznych metodą asocjacyjną wybór genów kandydujących w schizofrenii oparty jest o istniejące koncepcje etiologiczne choroby. Jedną z podstawowych jest neuroimmunologiczna koncepcja schizofrenii, oparta na obserwowanej w chorobie dysregulacji układu odpornościowego. Interleukiny (oraz ich receptory) należą do białek sygnałowych odgrywających istotną rolę w procesie regulacji odpowiedzi immunologicznej. Celem pracy było przedstawienie przeglądu piśmiennictwa dotyczącego związku pomiędzy polimorfizmami genów kodujących interleukiny oraz ich receptory a ryzykiem zachorowania na schizofrenię

    The influence of cryogenic temperatures on the characteristics of a brushless motor

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    This article presents the results of a study on the magnetic properties of soft magnetic powder composites at room temperature and at liquid nitrogen temperature. The properties of a magnetoelectric motor with the power of 0.75 kW at room temperature and cryogenic temperatures are also presented in this article. The study of magnetic properties showed that magnetization curves at 20°C and -195.8°C temperatures are almost the same. Iron loss in the composite at liquid nitrogen temperature increased significantly in comparison to loss at room temperature. The study of the magnetoelectric motor showed that the back electromotive force at liquid nitrogen temperature decreases insignificantly in comparison to the back electromotive force at room temperature. Electromagnetic torque at liquid nitrogen temperature increases in comparison to room temperature

    Association between polymorphisms of 1287 A/G noradrenaline transporter gene and drug response for escitalopram and nortriptyline in depressed patients

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    Wstęp. Celem pracy była analiza możliwej asocjacji genu kandydującego związanego z układem noradrenergicznym - transportera noradrenaliny (NET) - z efektywnością leczenia przeciwdepresyjnego. Materiał i metody. W badaniu uczestniczyło 90 niespokrewnionych pacjentów (21 mężczyzn i 69 kobiet), ze średnią wieku 38 lat, z rozpoznaniem epizodu depresji niepsychotycznej, co najmniej umiarkowanego stopnia, którzy spełniali kryteria diagnostyczne DSM-IV i ICD-10. Pacjentów podzielono losowo na dwie grupy: 1) osoby leczone lekiem serotoninergicznym - escitalopramem (n = 51) w terapeutycznych dawkach 10-20 mg/d.; 2) osoby leczone lekiem noradrenergicznym - nortryptyliną (n = 39) w dawkach 75-100 mg/d. Skutecznością leczenia określano redukcję o ≥ 50% punktów w skali Hamiltona w 8. tygodniu leczenia w porównaniu z tygodniem 0. Oznaczenia genotypowe badanych polimorfizmów przeprowadzono na podstawie metody PCR-RFLP. Analizy statystyczne wykonano za pomocą programu Statistica versja 7.1. Wyniki. W niniejszej pracy nie wykazano asocjacji genotypowych i allelowych polimorfizmu 1287 A/G genu NET a efektem terapii, zarówno w grupie osób leczonych escitalopramem (genotypy: p = 0,767; allele: p = 0,651), jak i w grupie osób leczonych nortryptyliną (genotypy: p = 0,471; allele: p = 0,484). Wnioski. U osób chorujących na depresję nie wykazano związku badanego polimorfizmu genu NET z dobrą odpowiedzią zarówno na escitalopram, jak i nortryptylinę.Introduction. The aim of this study was to analyze the possible association of the candidate gene of noradrenergic system - noradrenaline transporter with efficacy of antidepressant treatment. Material and methods. In the study we analyzed 90 patients with major depression (21 males and 69 females) with a mean age of 38 years, suffering from depressive disorder of at least moderate severity, meeting the research criteria of ICD-10 and DSM-IV for major depression. Patients were randomized into two groups: 1) patients received the serotoninergic drug - escitalopram (n = 51) with specified dose range 10-20 mg/day. 2) Patients treated by noradrenergic drug - nortriptyline (n = 49) with dose range 75-150 mg/day. The response to the drug was defined by a reduction ≥ 50% of total score of Hamilton scale in the 8 week of treatment in comparison to the week 0. Genotypes for 1287A/G NET gene polymorphisms were established by PCR-RFLP method. Statistical analysis was performed with Statistica version 7.1. Results. We have not found an association of 1287A/G polymorphism of NET gene with treatment response neither to escitalopram (p = 0.767 for genotypes, p = 0.651 for alleles) nor to nortriptyline (p = 0.471 for genotypes, p = 0.484 for alleles) when comparing the group of patients with response to the group of patients without response to the drugs. Conclusions. The polymorphisms of NET gene analyzed in this study are not likely to be associated with treatment response to antidepressants, neither escitalopram nor nortriptyline in our group of patients with depression

    Cord blood IgG and the risk of severe Plasmodium falciparum malaria in the first year of life

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    Young infants are less susceptible to severe episodes of malaria but the targets and mechanisms of protection are not clear. Cord blood antibodies may play an important role in mediating protection but many studies have examined their association with the outcome of infection or non-severe malaria. Here, we investigated whether cord blood IgG to Plasmodium falciparum merozoite antigens and antibody-mediated effector functions were associated with reduced odds of developing severe malaria at different time points during the first year of life. We conducted a case-control study of well-defined severe falciparum malaria nested within a longitudinal birth cohort of Kenyan children. We measured cord blood total IgG levels against five recombinant merozoite antigens and antibody function in the growth inhibition activity and neutrophil antibody-dependent respiratory burst assays. We also assessed the decay of maternal antibodies during the first 6months of life. The mean antibody half-life range was 2.51months (95% confidence interval (CI): 2.19-2.92) to 4.91months (95% CI: 4.47-6.07). The rate of decline of maternal antibodies was inversely proportional to the starting concentration. The functional assay of antibody-dependent respiratory burst activity predicted significantly reduced odds of developing severe malaria during the first 6months of life (Odds ratio (OR) 0.07, 95% CI: 0.007-0.74, P=0.007). Identification of the targets of antibodies mediating antibody-dependent respiratory burst activity could contribute to the development of malaria vaccines that protect against severe episodes of malaria in early infancy

    Acquired immune responses to three malaria vaccine candidates and their relationship to invasion inhibition in two populations naturally exposed to malaria

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    Background: Malaria still represents a major cause of morbidity and mortality predominantly in several developing countries, and remains a priority in many public health programmes. Despite the enormous gains made in control and prevention the development of an effective vaccine represents a persisting challenge. Although several para site antigens including pre-erythrocytic antigens and blood stage antigens have been thoroughly investigated, the identification of solid immune correlates of protection against infection by Plasmodium falciparum or clinical malaria remains a major hurdle. In this study, an immuno-epidemiological survey was carried out between two populations naturally exposed to P. falciparum malaria to determine the immune correlates of protection. Methods: Plasma samples of immune adults from two countries (Ghana and Madagascar) were tested for their reactivity against the merozoite surface proteins MSP1-19, MSP3 and AMA1 by ELISA. The antigens had been selected on the basis of cumulative evidence of their role in anti-malarial immunity. Additionally, reactivity against crude P. falciparum lysate was investigated. Purified IgG from these samples were furthermore tested in an invasion inhibition assay for their antiparasitic activity. Results: Significant intra- and inter- population variation of the reactivity of the samples to the tested antigens were found, as well as a significant positive correlation between MSP1-19 reactivity and invasion inhibition (p < 0.05). Interestingly, male donors showed a significantly higher antibody response to all tested antigens than their female counterparts. In vitro invasion inhibition assays comparing the purified antibodies from the donors from Ghana and Madagascar did not show any statistically significant difference. Although in vitro invasion inhibition increased with breadth of antibody response, the increase was not statistically significant. Conclusions: The findings support the fact that the development of semi-immunity to malaria is probably con tingent on the development of antibodies to not only one, but a range of antigens and that invasion inhibition in immune adults may be a function of antibodies to various antigens. This supports strategies of vaccination including multicomponent vaccines as well as passive vaccination strategies with antibody cocktails

    High activity of an indium alkoxide complex toward ring opening polymerization of cyclic esters

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    An indium complex supported by a ferrocene-derived Schiff base ligand has an unprecedented high activity toward ε-caprolactone, δ-valerolactone, and β-butyrolactone. l-Lactide, d,l-lactide, and trimethylene carbonate polymerizations also showed moderate to high activity