14 research outputs found

    Strong variations of cosmic ray intensity during thunderstorms and associated pulsations of the geomagnetic field

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    Strong variations of the intensity of secondary cosmic rays during thunderstorms are found to be accompanied in some cases by very clear pulsations of the geomagnetic field. The experiment is carried out in the Baksan Valley, North Caucasus, the Carpet air shower array being used as a particle detector. Magnetic field measurements are made with high-precision magnetometers located deep underground in the tunnel of the Baksan Neutrino Observatory, several kilometers apart from the air shower array.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure


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    The paper considers the properties of statistical function whose plot comprises a set of measurements of H-component of the magnetic field. There has been found a set of quasi-linear objects with very similar parameters. In the context of a hypothesis about the correspondence of these structures to seismic processes, there has been made an estimate of time intervals typical for the phases of decrease and increase in the level of compression of lithospheric plate material in the earthquake source zones. It has been shown that the application of statistical methods in geophysics may contribute to near real-time assessment of seismic hazard in the study area.В статье рассматриваются свойства статистического функционала, построенного по совокупности измерений H-компоненты магнитного поля. Выявлена совокупность квазилинейных объектов с очень близкими параметрами. В рамках гипотезы о соответствии данных структур сейсмическим процессам проведена оценка характерных интервалов времени для фаз усиления и уменьшения уровня сдавливания литосферных плит в вероятных зонах подготовки надвигающихся землетрясений. Показано, что статистический подход в геофизических задачах может быть использован для оценки сейсмической опасности в рассматриваемом регионе в режиме, близком к реальному времени

    Operative center of the geophysical prognosis in Izmiran

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    IZMIRAN was founded about 65 years ago with one of the goals of carrying out geomagnetic prognoses. More or less, this activity has been developed during its entire history, but about 6 years ago this aim became sufficiently feasible due to the organization of the Forecasting Center of helio-geo-physical conditions. This Center appeared in response to new technologies, numerous new data available and new social demand. The Center uses the extended experimental basis of IZMIRAN and all available Internet sources. Its main tasks consist of continuous monitoring of the processes at the Sun and in the near-Earth environment, development of different kinds of prognoses and delivering them to users. The main product is a short-term (1-6 days) prognosis of geomagnetic activity (mainly daily Ap-index and maximum Kp-index), a long-term (from weeks to years) prognosis and detailed forecasting on the special fixed dates. Among its consumers it is worth mentioning the Russian Space Agency, the Russian Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, railway departments, a number of medical institutions, and mass media. In this work we discuss some activities of the Center, along with presenting several examples of the real influence of geomagnetic disturbances on different sides of human activity. Our six years of experience show a growing interest in prognoses of this type and this tendency seems to be retained


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    Anomalous geomagnetic disturbances induced by catastrophic tsunamigenic earthquakes in the region of Indonesia

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    Analysis of geomagnetic variations registered by the stations of the North-Caucasian geophysical observatory (the Elbrus volcanic area) has been fulfilled. Anomalous "quasi-harmonic" magnetic disturbances have been distinguished which were observed during all the stages of development of catastrophic tsunami-producing earthquakes in the area of Indonesia and morphologic effects in variation structure of geomagnetic field of the Earth have been described. Experimental results cited permit to obtain general idea on geomagnetic activity and some features of induced geomagnetic disturbances which we refer to tsunami-producing earthquakes. In all the observed cases seismic events occurred under the conditions of specific ratios between the components of magnetic field; it has been found that in the structure of magnetic variations we succeeded to distinguish ultra-low-frequency quasi-harmonic wave forms of geomagnetic disturbances reflecting the conditions of preparation and development of tsunami-producing earthquake in the studied region. We do not consider in the paper the forecast of tsunamiproducing earthquakes because even if we can distinguish in geomagnetic field some specific indications, in the source preceding the start of seismic event its coordinates and time in the source are left uncertain so far

    Black Sea earthquakes in late December 2012 and their manifestations in the geomagnetic field

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    Results of instrumental observations of geodynamic, geomagnetic and other geologic-geophysical processes in the lithosphere of the North Caucasus and the Crimea have been presented, which reflect geophysical disturbances related to December seismic events in this area. Laboratories of the North Caucasian geophysical observatory RAS and VSEGINGEO MPR of Russia, magnetic variation stations in Alushta and Karpogores during the stages of preparation and development of seismic events on the shelf of the Black Sea in the area of Sochi-Sukhumi registered anomalous disturbances in geophysical fields. Principal attention has been paid to analysis of anomalous «quasiharmonic» magnetic disturbances registered during the stage of earthquakes preparation during the third decade of December 2012. Morphologic effects in variation structure of geomagnetic field have been considered. The observed changes in geophysical fields during the preparation of hazardous seismic events are being considered in details and the reasons of their appearance are being analyzed