93 research outputs found

    The dependence of intrinsic alignment of galaxies on wavelength using KiDS and GAMA

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    The outer regions of galaxies are more susceptible to the tidal interactions that lead to intrinsic alignments of galaxies. The resulting alignment signal may therefore depend on the passband if the colours of galaxies vary spatially. To quantify this, we measured the shapes of galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts from the GAMA survey using deep gri imaging data from the KiloDegree Survey. The performance of the moment-based shape measurement algorithm DEIMOS was assessed using dedicated image simulations, which showed that the ellipticities could be determined with an accuracy better than 1% in all bands. Additional tests for potential systematic errors did not reveal any issues. We measure a significant difference of the alignment signal between the g,r and i-band observations. This difference exceeds the amplitude of the linear alignment model on scales below 2 Mpc/h. Separating the sample into central/satellite and red/blue galaxies, we find that that the difference is dominated by red satellite galaxies.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, accepted, to appear in A&

    Persistent entanglement in a class of eigenstates of quantum Heisenberg spin glasses

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    FWN – Publicaties zonder aanstelling Universiteit Leide

    The Effect of Detector Nonlinearity on WFIRSTPSF Profiles for Weak Gravitational Lensing Measurements

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    Weak gravitational lensing (WL) is one of the most powerful techniques to learn about the dark sector of the universe. To extract the WL signal from astronomical observations, galaxy shapes must be measured and corrected for the point-spread function (PSF) of the imaging system with extreme accuracy. Future WL missions—such as NASA's Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST)—will use a family of hybrid near-infrared complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor detectors (HAWAII-4RG) that are untested for accurate WL measurements. Like all image sensors, these devices are subject to conversion gain nonlinearities (voltage response to collected photo-charge) that bias the shape and size of bright objects such as reference stars that are used in PSF determination. We study this type of detector nonlinearity (NL) and show how to derive requirements on it from WFIRST PSF size and ellipticity requirements. We simulate the PSF optical profiles expected for WFIRST and measure the fractional error in the PSF size (ΔR/R) and the absolute error in the PSF ellipticity (Δe) as a function of star magnitude and the NL model. For our nominal NL model (a quadratic correction), we find that, uncalibrated, NL can induce an error of ΔR/R = 1 × 10^(−2) and Δe_2 = 1.75 × 10^(−3) in the H158 bandpass for the brightest unsaturated stars in WFIRST. In addition, our simulations show that to limit the bias of ΔR/R and Δe in the H158 band to ~10% of the estimated WFIRST error budget, the quadratic NL model parameter β must be calibrated to ~1% and ~2.4%, respectively. We present a fitting formula that can be used to estimate WFIRST detector NL requirements once a true PSF error budget is established

    Cosmology from large-scale structure. Constraining LambdaCDM with BOSS

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    We reanalyse the anisotropic galaxy clustering measurement from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS), demonstrating that using the full shape information provides cosmological constraints that are comparable to other low-redshift probes. We find Ωm = 0.317+0.015−0.019, σ8 = 0.710±0.049, and h = 0.704 ± 0.024 for flat ΛCDM cosmologies using uninformative priors on Ωch2, 100θMC, ln1010As, and ns, and a prior on Ωbh2 that is much wider than current constraints. We quantify the agreement between the Planck 2018 constraints from the cosmic microwave background and BOSS, finding the two data sets to be consistent within a flat ΛCDM cosmology using the Bayes factor as well as the prior-insensitive suspiciousness statistic. Combining two low-redshift probes, we jointly analyse the clustering of BOSS galaxies with weak lensing measurements from the Kilo-Degree Survey (KV450). The combination of BOSS and KV450 improves the measurement by up to 45%, constraining σ8 = 0.702 ± 0.029 and S8 = σ8 Ωm/0.3 = 0.728 ± 0.026. Over the full 5D parameter space, the odds in favour of a single cosmology describing galaxy clustering, lensing, and the cosmic microwave background are 7 ± 2. The suspiciousness statistic signals a 2.1 ± 0.3σ tension between the combined low-redshift probes and measurements from the cosmic microwave background

    KiDS-i-800: Comparing weak gravitational lensing measurements in same-sky surveys

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    We present a weak gravitational lensing analysis of 815 square degree of ii-band imaging from the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS-ii-800). In contrast to the deep rr-band observations, which take priority during excellent seeing conditions and form the primary KiDS dataset (KiDS-rr-450), the complementary yet shallower KiDS-ii-800 spans a wide range of observing conditions. The overlapping KiDS-ii-800 and KiDS-rr-450 imaging therefore provides a unique opportunity to assess the robustness of weak lensing measurements. In our analysis, we introduce two new `null' tests. The `nulled' two-point shear correlation function uses a matched catalogue to show that the calibrated KiDS-ii-800 and KiDS-rr-450 shear measurements agree at the level of 1±41 \pm 4\%. We use five galaxy lens samples to determine a `nulled' galaxy-galaxy lensing signal from the full KiDS-ii-800 and KiDS-rr-450 surveys and find that the measurements agree to 7±57 \pm 5\% when the KiDS-ii-800 source redshift distribution is calibrated using either spectroscopic redshifts, or the 30-band photometric redshifts from the COSMOS survey.Comment: 24 pages, 20 figures. Submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcom

    A General Framework for Removing Point Spread Function Additive Systematics in Cosmological Weak Lensing Analysis

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    Cosmological weak lensing measurements rely on a precise measurement of the shear two-point correlation function (2PCF) along with a deep understanding of systematics that affect it. In this work, we demonstrate a general framework for describing the impact of PSF systematics on the cosmic shear 2PCF, and mitigating its impact on cosmological analysis. Our framework can describe leakage and modeling error from all spin-2 quantities contributed by the PSF second and higher moments, rather than just the second moments. We interpret null tests using the HSC Year 3 (Y3) catalogs with this formalism, and find that leakage from the spin-2 combination of PSF fourth moments is the leading contributor to additive shear systematics, with total contamination that is an order of magnitude higher than that contributed by PSF second moments alone. We conducted a mock cosmic shear analysis for HSC Y3, and find that, if uncorrected, PSF systematics can bias the cosmological parameters Ωm\Omega_m and S8S_8 by ∼\sim0.3σ\sigma. The traditional second moment-based model can only correct for a 0.1σ\sigma bias, leaving the contamination largely uncorrected. We conclude it is necessary to model both PSF second and fourth moment contamination for HSC Y3 cosmic shear analysis. We also reanalyze the HSC Y1 cosmic shear analysis with our updated systematics model, and identify a 0.07σ\sigma bias on Ωm\Omega_m when using the more restricted second moment model from the original analysis. We demonstrate how to self-consistently use the method in both real space and Fourier space, assess shear systematics in tomographic bins, and test for PSF model overfitting.Comment: 29 pages, 25 figures, submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcome

    Geometry versus growth. Internal consistency of the flat LambdaCDM model with KiDS-1000

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    We carry out a multi-probe self-consistency test of the flat ΛCDM model with the aim of exploring potential causes of the reported tensions between high- and low-redshift cosmological observations. We divide the model into two theory regimes determined by the smooth background (geometry) and the evolution of matter density fluctuations (growth), each governed by an independent set of Lambda Cold Dark Matter (ΛCDM) cosmological parameters. This extended model is constrained by a combination of weak gravitational lensing measurements from the Kilo-Degree Survey, galaxy clustering signatures extracted from Sloan Digital Sky Survey campaigns and the Six-Degree Field Galaxy Survey, and the angular baryon acoustic scale and the primordial scalar fluctuation power spectrum measured in Planck cosmic microwave background (CMB) data. For both the weak lensing data set individually and the combined probes, we find strong consistency between the geometry and growth parameters, as well as with the posterior of standard ΛCDM analysis. In the non-split analysis, for which one single set of parameters was used, tension in the amplitude of matter density fluctuations as measured by the parameter S 8 persists at around 3σ, with a 1.5 % constraint of S 8 = 0.776+0.016 for −0.008 the combined probes. We also observe a less significant preference (at least 2σ) for higher values of the Hubble constant, H0 = 70.5+0.7 km s−1 Mpc−1 , as well as for lower values of the total matter density parameter Ωm = 0.289+0.007 compared to the full Planck −1.5 −0.005 analysis. Including the subset of the CMB information in the probe combination enhances these differences rather than alleviate them, which we link to the discrepancy between low and high multipoles in Planck data. Our geometry versus growth analysis does not yet yield clear signs regarding whether the origin of the discrepancies lies in ΛCDM structure growth or expansion history but holds promise as an insightful test for forthcoming, more powerful data

    Impact of Point Spread Function Higher Moments Error on Weak Gravitational Lensing II: A Comprehensive Study

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    Weak gravitational lensing, or weak lensing, is one of the most powerful probes for dark matter and dark energy science, although it faces increasing challenges in controlling systematic uncertainties as \edit{the statistical errors become smaller}. The Point Spread Function (PSF) needs to be precisely modeled to avoid systematic error on the weak lensing measurements. The weak lensing biases induced by errors in the PSF model second moments, i.e., its size and shape, are well-studied. However, Zhang et al. (2021) showed that errors in the higher moments of the PSF may also be a significant source of systematics for upcoming weak lensing surveys. Therefore, the goal of this work is to comprehensively investigate the modeling quality of PSF moments from the 3rd3^{\text{rd}} to 6th6^{\text{th}} order, and estimate their impact on cosmological parameter inference. We propagate the \textsc{PSFEx} higher moments modeling error in the HSC survey dataset to the weak lensing \edit{shear-shear correlation functions} and their cosmological analyses. We find that the overall multiplicative shear bias associated with errors in PSF higher moments can cause a ∼0.1σ\sim 0.1 \sigma shift on the cosmological parameters for LSST Y10. PSF higher moment errors also cause additive biases in the weak lensing shear, which, if not accounted for in the cosmological parameter analysis, can induce cosmological parameter biases comparable to their 1σ1\sigma uncertainties for LSST Y10. We compare the \textsc{PSFEx} model with PSF in Full FOV (\textsc{Piff}), and find similar performance in modeling the PSF higher moments. We conclude that PSF higher moment errors of the future PSF models should be reduced from those in current methods to avoid a need to explicitly model these effects in the weak lensing analysis.Comment: 24 pages, 17 figures, 3 tables; Submitted to MNRAS; Comments welcome

    Photometric selection and redshifts for quasars in the Kilo-Degree Survey Data Release 4

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    We present a catalog of quasars and corresponding redshifts in the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS) Data Release 4. We trained machine learning (ML) models, using optical ugri and near-infrared ZYJHK_s bands, on objects known from Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectroscopy. We define inference subsets from the 45 million objects of the KiDS photometric data limited to 9-band detections. We show that projections of the high-dimensional feature space can be successfully used to investigate the estimations. The model creation employs two test subsets: randomly selected and the faintest objects, which allows to fit the bias versus variance trade-off. We tested three ML models: random forest (RF), XGBoost (XGB), and artificial neural network (ANN). We find that XGB is the most robust model for classification, while ANN performs the best for combined classification and redshift. The inference results are tested using number counts, Gaia parallaxes, and other quasar catalogs. Based on these tests, we derived the minimum classification probability which provides the best purity versus completeness trade-off: p(QSO_cand) > 0.9 for r < 22 and p(QSO_cand) > 0.98 for 22 < r < 23.5. We find 158,000 quasar candidates in the safe inference subset (r < 22) and an additional 185,000 candidates in the reliable extrapolation regime (22 < r < 23.5). Test-data purity equals 97% and completeness is 94%; the latter drops by 3% in the extrapolation to data fainter by one magnitude than the training set. The photometric redshifts were modeled with Gaussian uncertainties. The redshift error (mean and scatter) equals 0.01 +/- 0.1 in the safe subset and -0.0004 +/- 0.2 in the extrapolation, in a redshift range of 0.14 < z < 3.63. Our success of the extrapolation challenges the way that models are optimized and applied at the faint data end. The catalog is ready for cosmology and active galactic nucleus (AGN) studies.Comment: We publicly release the catalog at kids.strw.leidenuniv.nl/DR4/quasarcatalog.php , and the code at github.com/snakoneczny/kids-quasar

    KiDS-1000: cosmic shear with enhanced redshift calibration

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    We present a cosmic shear analysis with an improved redshift calibration for the fourth data release of the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS-1000) using self-organising maps (SOMs). Compared to the previous analysis of the KiDS-1000 data, we expand the redshift calibration sample to more than twice its size, now consisting of data of 17 spectroscopic redshift campaigns, and significantly extending the fraction of KiDS galaxies we are able to calibrate with our SOM redshift methodology. We then enhance the calibration sample with precision photometric redshifts from COSMOS2015 and the Physics of the Accelerated Universe Survey (PAUS), allowing us to fill gaps in the spectroscopic coverage of the KiDS data. Finally we perform a Complete Orthogonal Sets of E/B-Integrals (COSEBIs) cosmic shear analysis of the newly calibrated KiDS sample. We find S8=0.748−0.025+0.021S_8 = 0.748_{-0.025}^{+0.021}, which is in good agreement with previous KiDS studies and increases the tension with measurements of the cosmic microwave background to 3.4{\sigma}. We repeat the redshift calibration with different subsets of the full calibration sample and obtain, in all cases, agreement within at most 0.5{\sigma} in S8S_8 compared to our fiducial analysis. Including additional photometric redshifts allows us to calibrate an additional 6 % of the source galaxy sample. Even though further systematic testing with simulated data is necessary to quantify the impact of redshift outliers, precision photometric redshifts can be beneficial at high redshifts and to mitigate selection effects commonly found in spectroscopically selected calibration samples.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures, 6 table
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