10 research outputs found

    Culture Conditions for Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Schwann Cells: A Two-Centre Study

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    Adult human Schwann cells represent a relevant tool for studying peripheral neuropathies and developing regenerative therapies to treat nerve damage. Primary adult human Schwann cells are, however, difficult to obtain and challenging to propagate in culture. One potential solution is to generate Schwann cells from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs). Previously published protocols, however, in our hands did not deliver sufficient viable cell numbers of hiPSC-derived Schwann cells (hiPSC-SCs). We present here, two modified protocols from two collaborating laboratories that overcome these challenges. With this, we also identified the relevant parameters to be specifically considered in any proposed differentiation protocol. Furthermore, we are, to our knowledge, the first to directly compare hiPSC-SCs to primary adult human Schwann cells using immunocytochemistry and RT-qPCR. We conclude the type of coating to be important during the differentiation process from Schwann cell precursor cells or immature Schwann cells to definitive Schwann cells, as well as the amounts of glucose in the specific differentiation medium to be crucial for increasing its efficiency and the final yield of viable hiPSC-SCs. Our hiPSC-SCs further displayed high similarity to primary adult human Schwann cells

    A Novel RNA Editing Sensor Tool and a Specific Agonist Determine Neuronal Protein Expression of RNA-Edited Glycine Receptors and Identify a Genomic APOBEC1 Dimorphism as a New Genetic Risk Factor of Epilepsy

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    C-to-U RNA editing of glycine receptors (GlyR) can play an important role in disease progression of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) as it may contribute in a neuron type-specific way to neuropsychiatric symptoms of the disease. It is therefore necessary to develop tools that allow identification of neuron types that express RNA-edited GlyR protein. In this study, we identify NH4 as agonist of C-to-U RNA edited GlyRs. Furthermore, we generated a new molecular C-to-U RNA editing sensor tool that detects Apobec-1- dependent RNA editing in HEPG2 cells and rat primary hippocampal neurons. Using this sensor combined with NH4 application, we were able to identify C-to-U RNA editing-competent neurons and expression of C-to-U RNA-edited GlyR protein in neurons. Bioinformatic analysis of 1,000 Genome Project Phase 3 allele frequencies coding for human Apobec-1 80M and 80I variants showed differences between populations, and the results revealed a preference of the 80I variant to generate RNA-edited GlyR protein. Finally, we established a new PCR-based restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) approach to profile mRNA expression with regard to the genetic APOBEC1 dimorphism of patients with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy (iTLE) and found that the patients fall into two groups. Patients with expression of the Apobec-1 80I variant mostly suffered from simple or complex partial seizures, whereas patients with 80M expression exhibited secondarily generalized seizure activity. Thus, our method allows the characterization of Apobec-1 80M and 80l variants in the brain and provides a new way to epidemiologically and semiologically classify iTLE according to the two different APOBEC1 alleles. Together, these results demonstrate Apobec-1-dependent expression of RNA-edited GlyR protein in neurons and identify the APOBEC1 80I/M-coding alleles as new genetic risk factors for iTLE patients

    RNA Editing-Systemic Relevance and Clue to Disease Mechanisms?

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    Recent advances in sequencing technologies led to the identification of a plethora of different genes and several hundreds of amino acid recoding edited positions. Changes in editing rates of some of these positions were associated with diseases such as atherosclerosis, myopathy, epilepsy, major depression disorder, schizophrenia and other mental disorders as well as cancer and brain tumors. This review article summarizes our current knowledge on that front and presents glycine receptor C-to-U RNA editing as a first example of disease-associated increased RNA editing that includes assessment of disease mechanisms of the corresponding gene product in an animal model

    Impact of Gut Microbiota on the Peripheral Nervous System in Physiological, Regenerative and Pathological Conditions

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    It has been widely demonstrated that the gut microbiota is responsible for essential functions in human health and that its perturbation is implicated in the development and progression of a growing list of diseases. The number of studies evaluating how the gut microbiota interacts with and influences other organs and systems in the body and vice versa is constantly increasing and several ‘gut–organ axes’ have already been defined. Recently, the view on the link between the gut microbiota (GM) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) has become broader by exceeding the fact that the PNS can serve as a systemic carrier of GM-derived metabolites and products to other organs. The PNS as the communication network between the central nervous system and the periphery of the body and internal organs can rather be affected itself by GM perturbation. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge about the impact of gut microbiota on the PNS, with regard to its somatic and autonomic divisions, in physiological, regenerative and pathological conditions

    A bright FIT-PNA hybridization probe for the hybridization state specific analysis of a C → U RNA edit via FRET in a binary system.

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    Oligonucleotide probes that show enhanced fluorescence upon nucleic acid hybridization enable the detection and visualization of specific mRNA molecules, and . A challenging problem is the analysis of single nucleotide alterations that occur, for example, when cellular mRNA is subject to C → U editing. Given the length required for uniqueness of the targeted segment, the commonly used probes do not provide the level of sequence specificity needed to discriminate single base mismatched hybridization. Herein we introduce a binary probe system based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) that distinguishes three possible states (i) absence of target, (ii) presence of edited (matched) and (iii) unedited (single base mismatched) target. To address the shortcomings of read-out FRET, we designed donor probes that avoid bleed through into the acceptor channel and nevertheless provide a high intensity of FRET signaling. We show the combined use of thiazole orange (TO) and an oxazolopyridine analogue (JO), linked as base surrogates in modified PNA FIT-probes that serve as FRET donor for a second, near-infrared (NIR)-labeled strand. In absence of target, donor emission is low and FRET cannot occur of the lacking co-alignment of probes. Hybridization of the TO/JO-PNA FIT-probe with the (unedited RNA) target leads to high brightness of emission at 540 nm. Co-alignment of the NIR-acceptor strand ensues from recognition of edited RNA inducing emission at 690 nm. We show imaging of mRNA in fixed and live cells and discuss the homogeneous detection and intracellular imaging of a single nucleotide mRNA edit used by nature to post-transcriptionally modify the function of the Glycine Receptor (GlyR)

    iPSC-Derived Striatal Medium Spiny Neurons from Patients with Multiple System Atrophy Show Hypoexcitability and Elevated α-Synuclein Release

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    Multiple system atrophy of the parkinsonian type (MSA-P) is a rare, fatal neurodegenerative disease with sporadic onset. It is still unknown if MSA-P is a primary oligodendropathy or caused by neuronal pathophysiology leading to severe, α-synuclein-associated neurodegeneration, mainly in the striatum. In this study, we generated and differentiated induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from patients with the clinical diagnosis of probable MSA-P (n = 3) and from three matched healthy controls into GABAergic striatal medium spiny neurons (MSNs). We found a significantly elevated release and neuronal distribution for α-synuclein, as well as hypoexcitability in the MSNs derived from the MSA-P patients compared to the healthy controls. These data suggest that the striatal hypoexcitable neurons of MSA-P patients contribute to a pathological α-synuclein burden which is likely to spread to neighboring cells and projection targets, facilitating disease progression


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    C-to-U RNA editing of glycine receptors (GlyR) can play an important role in disease progression of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) as it may contribute in a neuron type-specific way to neuropsychiatric symptoms of the disease. It is therefore necessary to develop tools that allow identification of neuron types that express RNA-edited GlyR protein. In this study, we identify NH4 as agonist of C-to-U RNA edited GlyRs. Furthermore, we generated a new molecular C-to-U RNA editing sensor tool that detects Apobec-1- dependent RNA editing in HEPG2 cells and rat primary hippocampal neurons. Using this sensor combined with NH4 application, we were able to identify C-to-U RNA editing-competent neurons and expression of C-to-U RNA-edited GlyR protein in neurons. Bioinformatic analysis of 1,000 Genome Project Phase 3 allele frequencies coding for human Apobec-1 80M and 80I variants showed differences between populations, and the results revealed a preference of the 80I variant to generate RNA-edited GlyR protein. Finally, we established a new PCR-based restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) approach to profile mRNA expression with regard to the genetic APOBEC1 dimorphism of patients with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy (iTLE) and found that the patients fall into two groups. Patients with expression of the Apobec-1 80I variant mostly suffered from simple or complex partial seizures, whereas patients with 80M expression exhibited secondarily generalized seizure activity. Thus, our method allows the characterization of Apobec-1 80M and 80l variants in the brain and provides a new way to epidemiologically and semiologically classify iTLE according to the two different APOBEC1 alleles. Together, these results demonstrate Apobec-1-dependent expression of RNA-edited GlyR protein in neurons and identify the APOBEC1 80I/M-coding alleles as new genetic risk factors for iTLE patients