31 research outputs found
Development of Augmented Reality Mobile Application in Physics to Study the Electric Circuit
Проаналізовано використання віртуальних засобів навчання з технологією AR у різних сферах освіти, зокрема фізики. Проведено аналогію між фізичною та електронною моделями та обґрунтовано розробку мобільного додатку для дослідження простого електричного кола. Обґрунтовано доцільність створення технології мобільних додатків доповненої реальності. Окреслено віхи розвитку додатку доповненої реальності: розробка електронних моделей, встановлення ігрового движка Unity3D, розробка всіх програмних сцен, тестування та демонстрація роботи. Особливу увагу було приділено використанню сценаріїв для обертання та руху електронних моделей. Презентовано власно розроблений мобільний додаток доповненої реальності для мобільних пристроїв «Програма доповненої реальності для дослідження найпростішої електричної схеми». Створений мобільний додаток читає, розпізнає дизайнерський маркер і виводить на екран електронну модель товару. Встановлено, що розроблену колективом авторів програму доповненої реальності як програмне забезпечення для мобільного навчання можна використовувати для виконання завдань як для самостійної роботи студентів, так і для аудиторних занять у ВНЗ.Using the virtual teaching aids with AR technology in different spheres of education, including physics, has been analysed. The analogy between physical and electronic models has been drawn and the development of mobile app to study simple electric circuit has been substantiated. The reasonability of creating the technique f the augmented reality mobile apps has been given. The milestones in the development of the augmented reality app have been outlined: development of electronic models, installation of the game engine Unity3D, development of all program scenes, operation testing and demonstration. Using the scenarios for electronic models rotation and movement has been particularly focused on. Own developed augmented reality mobile app for mobile devices “Augmented reality program to study the simplest electric circuit” has been presented. The created mobile app reads, recognizes the designer marker and displays the product electronic model on the screen. It is established that the augmented reality program developed by the team of authors as the mobile teaching software can be used to do the tasks for the students’ individual work, as well as for the classroom studies at the universities
This article adduces the experience of the teaching staff of Kryvyi Rih school training and retraining of junior medical specialists in an optimization teaching the discipline emergency medical care for junior specialists with medical education. There were defined the main components of the educational process and steps of their improvement, which were committed in the institution in order to optimize of teaching of discipline “Medical emergency”. Combining cycles of training in groups depending on probability appearance of the need to provide emergency medical care in the workplace allowed differentiating approach to the distribution of teaching hours allocated to the subjects. The priority of practical training in the modern professional preparation of specialists determined the increase in the share of practical lessons. It was fulfilled 5-steps model of teaching the discipline actions on forming a highly qualified teaching staff and creation of appropriate material and technical resources enabled increasing efficiency postgraduate training courses.У статті узагальнено досвід роботи педагогічного колективу училища з оптимізації викладання дисципліни “Невідкладна медична допомога” для молодших спеціалістів з медичною освітою. Визначені основні компоненти освітнього процесу та заходи з їх удосконалення, що були здійснені у закладі з метою оптимізації викладання дисципліни “Невідкладна медична допомога”. Об’єднання циклів підвищення кваліфікації у групи залежно від вірогідності виникнення потреби у наданні екстреної медичної допомоги на робочому місці дозволило диференційовано підійти до розподілу обсягу навчальних годин, що відводяться на вивчення дисципліни. Пріоритетність практичного навчання у сучасній професійній підготовці фахівців визначила збільшення частки практичних занять. Відпрацьована 5-етапна форма навчання з цієї дисципліни, заходи з формування висококваліфікованого викладацького складу та створення відповідної матеріально-технічної бази дозволили підвищити якість післядипломного навчання з дисципліни
In the context of reforming land relations and land system usage individual methodological approaches and systems of natural and economic indicators of land use efficiency assessment require improvement. The current research covers various views and approaches of native scientists to the evaluation of land resource usage with taking into account factorial and result indicators, which differentially influence the formation of elements of land tenure system and land management efficiency. The efficiency of land tenure system and land management is substantiated to be determined by a set of its priority types: environmental, technological, legal, social, economic, and budgetary efficiency and their varieties. A system of criteria and indicators for integrated assessment of land tenure system and land management efficiency level at the local level has been proposed. It includes assessment of environmental, social and economic efficiency, which are interrelated and interdependent. It has been confirmed that the development of sustainable and effective methodological bases for land tenure system and land management evaluation is gaining great importance in the context of land market introduction in Ukraine and the abolition of moratorium on agricultural land sale
Features of exogenous development of Trichuris globulosa (Nematoda, Trichuridae)
Parasitic nematodes of the genus Trichuris Röderer, 1761 are hematophagous helminths, capable of parasitizing many different hosts including humans. The domestic and wild ruminants are hosts of several Trichuris species, with Trichuris globulosa (Linstow, 1901) one of the most prevalent parasites found in cattle. The exogenous stages of the helminth’s life cycle develop in the outer environment, and their activity and survival depend on the abiotic factors. Thus the aim of the work was to determine the influence of temperature on the rate and success of development of infectious eggs of T. globulosa in laboratory culture considering their morphological and metric changes. The results of experimental studies showed that the embryogenesis of T. globulosa eggs, cultured in laboratory conditions and obtained from gonads of female nematodes, occurs in six stages regardless of the temperature regime. At the same time, the rate of transition from one stage to another, the term for the formation of infectious eggs and their viability directly depends on the temperature of the external environment. At the optimal temperature for the development of T. globulosa eggs, 25 °C, 76.3% of eggs reached the mobile larva stage. A decrease in temperature to 20 °C and an increase to 30° C led to an increase in the egg mortality of up to 26% and 32%, respectively, and the viability of eggs decreased. Under such temperature conditions, 74% and 68% of eggs of Trichuris reached the mobile larva stage. With an increase in the culture temperature, the time of embryogenesis decreased and amounted to 56 days at 20 °C, 48 days at 25 °C, and 32 days at 30 °C. Depending on the temperature regime, the zygote stage lasted from the release of eggs from the gonads of female nematodes to 12 days, the stage of blastomere formation from 4 to 12 days, the stage of the bean-shaped embryo from 8 to 24 days, the stage of the tadpole embryo from 16 to 36 days, the stage of larval formation lasted from 16 to 48 days, the stage of mobile larva from days 20 to 56. The formation of the infectious T. globulosa egg from a non-infectious one is shown in an experiment to include the metric changes confirmed by metric indicators. Mature eggs with a mobile larva are shorter and wider, with shorter and narrower plugs and a thinner shell than eggs at the zygote stage. The obtained research results on the influence of temperature on the exogenous development of Trichuris globulosa will make it possible to predict the epizootic situation of trichurosis in animal husbandry, as well as take timely measures to arrest the embryonic stages of nematode development in the external environment
Genetic Aspects of Pathogenesis of Congenital Spastic Cerebral Paralysis
Congenital spastic cerebral palsy (СР) is a large group of non-progressive disorders of the nervous system. The basis of the pathogenesis of these conditions is considered the impact of many factors. The clinical diversity of the disease and the syndromic principle of classification determine the existing uncertainties in the diagnosis of these diseases. The multifactorial nature of the underlying brain lesions is obvious and beyond doubt. The volume of information accumulated to date does not allow one to exclude the role and significance of the direct effect of acute asphyxiation in childbirth on a fetus normally formed during pregnancy, the role of infectious brain lesions, and disorders of neuronal migration. It is impossible to ignore the dependence of the clinical picture of the disease on what stage of ontogenesis the impact of the damaging agent occurs. As one of the pathogenetic factors, the genetic determinism of the phenotype of the clinical picture of a disease is fairly considered. This review focuses on the genetic aspects of the pathogenesis of this pathology. The information on monogenic mechanisms of inheritance is analyzed in detail. Such genetically determined mechanisms of pathogenesis as the inheritance of prerequisites for brain trauma in the perinatal period are considered separately. The new clinically significant variants of chromosomal mutations found in patients with CР are reviewed in detail, the evidence of the influence of genetic factors on the development of cerebral palsy in the absence of a pronounced monogenic cause of the disease, obtained through twin studies, is reviewed. Lit search of polymorphisms markers of predisposition to the development of cerebral palsy genes of the folate cycle, genes of glutamate receptors, the gene of apolipoprotein and of the gene for the transcription factor of oligodendrocytes (OLIG2) in Detail the role of epigenetic effects on the activity of genes coding for mitochondrial proteins
The dynamics of the population and peculiarities of the morphometric structure of Melophagus ovinus (Diptera, Hippoboscidae) in Ukraine
The indices of the Melophagus ovinus (Linnaeus, 1758) population in Ukraine, and also the peculiarities of morphological and metric structure of the insects’ body at all the stages of their development within the conditions of the surveyed region were investigated. New data on morphometric differential signs of sexually mature males and females of sheep bloodsuckers were obtained. We established that M. ovinus is significantly widespread in Poltava and Zaporizhzhia regions, and parasitizes 26.1% of the examined sheep stock with the infection intensity of 92.7 ± 1.4 specimens and abundance – 24.7 specimens on one animal. The dynamics of M. ovinus population at different stages of development was characterized by the highest abundance of sexually mature males (11.1 specimens on one animal) and females (8.9 specimens). The given index concerning pupae and larvae was considerably lower (4.2 and 0.5 specimens on one animal). It was found that post-embryonic and adult development stages of M. ovinus differ in their metric indices.The length and width of the pupae were 17.4% and 13.2% larger than those of the larvae. The sizes of males and females relative to the indices of body length, the length and width of head, thoracic, and abdominal segments, the length of maxillary palpus and the length and width of the proboscis in fact differ in their values. The differential morphological species signs of M. ovinus are the form and location of the oculi, antennae, the structure of the head segment of the body, and the mouthparts, and of sexual dimorphism – the distance from the caudal segment of the copulatory apparatus to the rear of the insect’s last abdominal segment. The indices of the Melophagus ovinus (Linnaeus, 1758) population in Ukraine, and also the peculiarities of morphological and metric structure of the insects’ body at all the stages of their development within the conditions of the surveyed region were investigated. New data on morphometric differential signs of sexually mature males and females of sheep bloodsuckers were obtained. It was established that M. ovinus are significantly widespread in Poltava and Zaporizhzhia regions, and they parasitize 26.1% of the examined sheep stock with the infection intensity of 92.7 ± 1.4 specimens and abundance – 24.7 specimens on one animal. The dynamics of M. ovinus population at different stages of development was characterized by the highest abundance of sexually mature males (11.1 specimens) and females (8.9 specimens). The given index concerning pupae and larvae was considerably lower (4.2 and 0.5 specimens on one animal). It was found that post-embryonic and adult development stages of M. ovinus differ in their metric indices.The length and width of the pupae were 17.4% and 13.2% larger than those of the larvae. The sizes of males and females relative to the indices of body length, the length and width of head, thoracic, and abdominal segments, the length of maxillary palpus and the length and width of the proboscis in fact differ in their values. The differential morphological species signs of M. ovinus are the form and location of oculi, antennae, the structure of the head segment of the body, and the mouthparts, and of sexual dimorphism – the distance from the caudal segment of the copulatory apparatus to the rear of the insect’s last abdominal segment.
Клинико-генетические характеристики дистальных артрогрипозов, обусловленных мутациями в гене PIEZO2
Mutations in the PIEZO2 gene, which is involved in the formation of the mechanosensitive cation channel Piezo2, can cause distal arthrogryposis type 3 (Gordon’s syndrome), type 5, and Marden–Walker syndrome. Clinical and genetic characteristics of two patients with distal arthrogryposis with autosomal dominant inheritance and one with autosomal recessive inheritance are presented. Exome sequencing in one case revealed a de novo mutation in exon 52 of the PIEZO2gene c.8238G>A (p.Trp2746*, NM_022068.3), in the second, a known deletion of three nucleotides in exon 52 of the PIEZO2 gene c.8181_8183delAGA (p Glu2727del, NM_022068.3) was found, in the third, two mutations in the compound heterozygous state – a deletion of four nucleotides leading to a shift in the reading frame in c.1863_1866delTCAG(p.Ser621fs, NM_022068) and a deletion with putative coordinates 10785050–10789339 bp, spanning 15–16 exons of the PIEZO2 gene (NM_022068; LOD 2.40). The third patient was found to have two newly detected mutations in the compound heterozygous state – a deletion of four nucleotides, leading to a shift in the reading frame in exon 14, p.1863_1866delTCAG (p.Ser621fs, NM_022068) and a deletion with assumed coordinates 10785050–10789339 b. o., (NM_022068; LOD 2.40), spanning 15–16 exons of the PIEZO2 gene. The previous assumption was confirmed that heterozygous mutations are more often localized in exon 52 of the PIEZO2 gene and disrupt the amino acid sequence of the C‑terminal region of the protein molecule, while in patients with an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance of the mutation, the N‑terminal region is more often found.Мутации в гене PIEZO2, участвующем в формировании механочувствительного катионного канала, обусловливают возникновение дистальных артрогрипозов (ДА) 3‑го и 5‑го типов и синдрома Мардена–Уокера, наследующихся аутосомно‑доминантно, и аутосомно‑рецессивного ДА с нарушением тактильной и проприоцептивной чувствительности. Представлены клинико‑генетические характеристики 2 пациентов с аутосомно‑доминантным ДА и 1 пациента с аутосомно‑рецессивным ДА. В результате проведения секвенирования экзома у пациентов с аутосомно‑доминантным ДА обнаружены вновь выявленная нуклеотидная замена c. 8238G>A (p.Trp2746*,NM_022068.3) и ранее описанная мутация с. 8181_8183delAGA (p.Glu2727del, NM_022068.3) в 52‑м экзоне гена PIEZO2. У 3‑го пациента обнаружены 2 вновь выявленные мутации в компаунд‑гетерозиготном состоянии: делеция 4 нуклеотидов, приводящая к сдвигу рамки считывания в 14‑м экзоне, с.1863_1866delTCAG (p.Ser621fs, NM_022068) и делеция с предполагаемыми координатами 10785050–10789339 п. о. (NM_022068; LOD 2.40), захватывающая 15–16‑й экзоны гена PIEZO2. Подтверждено предположение о том, что гетерозиготные мутации чаще локализуются в 52‑м экзоне гена PIEZO2 и нарушают аминокислотную последовательность С‑концевого участка белковой молекулы, в то время как у больных с аутосомно‑рецессивным типом наследования мутации чаще обнаруживаются области N‑концевого или центрального участка
Клинико-генетические характеристики понтоцеребеллярной гипоплазии, обусловленной мутациями в гене TSEN54 (OMIM: 277470)
Introduction. The description of the clinical and genetic characteristics of eight patients with autosomal-recessive variant pontocerebellar hypoplasia due to mutations in the TSEN54 gene.Purpose. Description of clinical and genetic characteristics of Russian patients with type 2A and type 4 of pontocerebellar hypoplasia.Materials and methods. The diagnosis of pontocerebellar hypoplasia was established on the basis of the specific features of clinical manifestations and detection of mutations in the gene TSEN54 based on the analysis of the results of exome sequencing. Results. 8 patients with pontocerebellar hypoplasia caused by mutations in the TSEN54 gene were identified. Discussion. Based on the features of clinical manifestations and severity of the disease in 5 patients diagnosed pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 2A, and in 3 patients – type 4. In patients with type 2A of pontocerebellar hypoplasia discovered mutation c. 919G>T (p.Ala307Ser) in a homozygous state. Patients with type 4 of pontocerebellar hypoplasia this mutation is detected in the compound heterozygous state with c.670_671delAA (p.Lys224fs) and c.1264C>T (p.Gln422fs).Conclusion. The obtained results allow us to conclude that, as well as in European populations, the mutation c.919G>T (p. Ala307Ser) is a major in Russian patients with pontocerebellar hypoplasia 2A and 4 types, which account for about half of all cases of this disease group. The search for this mutation should be the first stage of molecular genetic diagnosis in patients with clinical and magnetic resonance signs of pontocerebellar hypoplasia.Введение. Представлено описание клинико-генетических характеристик 8 больных с аутосомно-рецессивным вариантом понтоцеребеллярных гипоплазий, обусловленных мутациями в гене TSEN54.Цель исследования – описание клинико-генетических характеристик российских больных с понтоцеребеллярной гипоплазией 2А и 4 типа.Материалы и методы. Диагноз понтоцеребеллярной гипоплазии устанавливался на основании особенностей клинических проявлений и обнаружения мутаций в гене ТSEN54 путем анализа результатов секвенирования экзома.Результаты. Выявлено 8 больных с понтоцеребеллярной гипоплазией, обусловленной мутациями в гене ТSEN54.Заключение. На основании особенностей клинических проявлений и тяжести течения заболевания у 5 больных диагностирована понтоцеребеллярная гипоплазия 2А типа, а у 3 больных – 4 типа. У больных с понтоцеребеллярной гипоплазией 2А типа обнаружена мутация с.919G>T (p.Ala307Ser) в гомозиготном состоянии. У больных с типом 4 эта мутация обнаружена в компаундгетерозиготном состоянии с мутациями c.670_671delAA (p.Lys224fs) и c.1264C>T (p.Gln422fs).Заключение. Полученные результаты позволяют сделать заключение, что, так же как и в европейских популяциях, мутация с.919G>T (p.Ala307Ser) является мажорной у российских больных с понтоцеребеллярной гипоплазией 2А и 4 типа, на долю которых приходится около половины всех случаев этой группы заболеваний. Поиск этой мутации должен быть первым этапом проведения молекулярно-генетической диагностики у больных с клиническими и магнитно-резонансными признаками понтоцеребеллярной гипоплазии
Семейный случай недостаточности декарбоксилазы L-ароматических аминокислот
Aromatic L‑amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) deficiency is rare autosomal recessive neurometabolic disorder. It caused by generalized combined deficiency of serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and adrenaline. This disorder is characterized by muscular hypotonia, motor development delay, oculogyric crises and impairment of the autonomic nervous system.Laboratory diagnostic of AADC deficiency in Russian Federation includes determination of the concentration of 3‑O‑methyldophamine in dried blood spots by tandem mass spectrometry and molecular analysis of the DDC gene by Sanger sequencing or next generation sequencing.Therapy of AADC deficiency includes combination of drugs which increase the formation of dopamine, inhibit its reuptake and increase the residual activity of the enzyme. The first‑line drugs are selective dopamine agonists, monoamine oxidase inhibitors of type B and vitamin B6 supplements.We present the case of management and treatment of patients with AADC deficiency. The patient’s condition was improved by using of combination therapy with pyridoxal‑5‑phosphate, pramipexole and selegiline. Significant positive dynamics was achieved on pyridoxal‑5‑phosphate therapy for the first time.Дефицит декарбоксилазы ароматических L‑аминокислот (aromatic L‑amino acid decarboxylase, AADC) – редкое аутосомно‑рецессивное нейрометаболическое заболевание, обусловленное генерализованным комбинированным дефицитом серотонина, дофамина, норадреналина и адреналина. Заболевание характеризуется мышечной гипотонией, задержкой моторного развития, окулогирными кризами, расстройствами вегетативной нервной системы. Лабораторная диагностика дефицита AADC в России основана на определении концентрации 3‑О‑метилдофамина в сухих пятнах крови методом тандемной масс‑спектрометрии, а также поиске патогенных вариантов в гене DDC методом секвенирования по Сэнгеру либо высокопроизводительного секвенирования.Терапия дефицита AADC включает комбинацию препаратов, улучшающих образование дофамина, тормозящих его обратный захват и увеличивающих остаточную активность фермента. Препаратами 1‑й линии являются селективные агонисты дофамина, ингибиторы моноаминоксидазы типа В и препараты витамина В6.Представлен собственный клинический опыт наблюдения и лечения пациентов с недостаточностью AADC. На фоне комбинированной терапии пиридоксаль‑5‑фосфатом, прамипексолом и селегилином наблюдалось улучшение состояния пациента. Впервые была достигнута выраженная положительная динамика на фоне терапии пиридоксаль‑5‑фосфатом