8 research outputs found

    Cloning and functional characterization of a vertebrate low-density lipoprotein receptor homolog from eri silkmoth, Samia ricini

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    The lipophorin receptor (LpR) is the insect lipoprotein receptor and belongs to the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) superfamily. It has a vital role in the uptake of lipophorin (Lp) into various tissues. Here we report the full length cloning and functional characterization of an LpR from eri silkmoth, Samia ricini. The full length cDNA of SrLpR7-1 is 4132 bp including an open reading frame (ORF) of 2595 bp. The deduced amino acid sequence revealed well structured ligand binding, epidermal growth factor, glycosylation, transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains. The ligand binding domain consisted of seven cysteine repeats instead of the common eight cysteine repeats indicating it as a homolog of human LDLR. We identified another splice variant, SrLpR7-2 with a deletion of 27 amino acids in the O-glycosylation domain. Apart from the fat body, both isoforms are expressed in ovary, brain and other tissues at different developmental stages of the silkworm. RNAi experiments did not show any marked effects except that the adult emergence was delayed compared to controls. In addition, the SrLpR7 cDNA was recombinantly expressed and ligand binding experiments confirmed that the receptor protein binds not only to SrLp but also to Bombyx mori Lp

    PTTH - A potential growth activator in silkwonm, <i>Bombyx mori L. </i>for enhancing silk production

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    936-941In silkworm, prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH), directly or indirectly controls silk production and spinning activity along with juvenile hormone (JH). An effort was made to exploit the potential of PTTH by indirectly activating silk gland for increasing silk productivity using short chain synthetic analogues of PTTH. The analogy in action was also established using PTTH extracted from the silkmoth. Different doses of 42 synthetic PTTH analogues, viz., 2.5, 5, 10 and 20 ppm and 3.3 mg/ml of PTTH extracted from silk moth heads were administered orally to V instar silkworm larvae (Race: KA×NB4D2 and PM× NB4D2) at 0-144 hr at an interval of 24 hr. The analysed data showed an improvement of about 14-23% in KA × NB4D2 and about 10-14% in PM×NB4D2 in respect of cocoon shell weight on administration of some of the synthetic PTTH analogues. The PTTH extracted from the adult brain also showed similar effect. The structural analogy of synthetic PTTHs (which improved the shell weight) with original PTTH and its probable mode of action in silkworm are discussed


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    Fibroin is the silk protein synthesized by silk gland of Bombyx mori as a core material which is surrounded by sericin protein layer. Fibroin is an important protein having the properties of water absorbency, dyeing affinity, thermo tolerance, insulation and lusture. Fibroin protein is used for biomedical and cosmetic purposes particularly for human health care. The cocoon shells of silkworm, Bombyx mori of both sexes of twenty four bivoltine breeds (KA, CSR20, Kinshu, CSR8SL, CSR2SL, CSR18, CSR19, BMN, CSR5, Showa, 3HT, NB4D2, CSR23, CSR2, CSR4, 5HT, 8HT, B62, JPN8, B71, A60, D13, S5, B60), nine multivoltine breeds (PM, C. nichi, 96C, ND7, BL 67, 2000K, LMO, MAD, Moria), six bivoltine x bivoltine hybrids (CSR2 x CSR4, CSR4 x CSR2, CSR18 x CSR19, CSR19 x CSR18, D13 x S5, JPN8 x CSR4), one double hybrid (CSR2 x CSR27) x (CSR6 x CSR26) and one multivoltine x bivoltine hybrid (PM x CSR2) were taken to screen the fibroin protein content. The study revealed that the bivoltine breeds/hybrids contained more fibroin protein than in multivoltine breeds/ hybrids. In bivoltine, fibroin protein ranged from 71.7-80.3%, in multivoltine it was 72.2-78.5% and in hybrids it ranged from 72.9 to 80.4%

    Influence of Bakuchiol, a JH analogue from Bemchi (<i>Psoralea corylifolia</i>) on Silk Production in Silkworm, <i>Bombyx mori </i>L. (Bombycidae: Lepidoptera)

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    The influence of a juvenile hormone analogue (JHA), bakuchiol on the silk yield of silkworm, Bombyx mori L. was studied involving two popular commercial hybrids, KA x NB4D2 (bivoltine x bivoltine) and PM x NB4D2 (multivoltine x bivoltine). The compound was administered topically to 5th instars at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h as a single dose. Three-concentration viz., 0.625, 1.25 and 2.5 ppm were tested. Economic characters of the larvae and the resultant cocoon traits were measured. The result showed that 1.25 ppm of bakuchiol applied to 48 h old 5th instars was the most favourable treatment for improvement of commercial traits. Cocoon and cocoon shell weight and filament length have increased significantly due to this treatment. The possible role of exogenous JH analogues in eliciting this response in silkworm is discussed. Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management Vol. 7(2) 2003: 31-3


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    Double cocoons of silkworm Bombyx mori (NB4D2 x KA and PM X NB4D2) were collected and the pupal sexassociation was examined. Male-female pupal association occurred more frequently than male-male and femalefemalein double cocoons formed in normal populations of silkworm larvae. The percentage occurrence of male-male,male-female and female-female association was 26.8, 51.2 and 22.0 respectively in NB4D2 XKA and 27.2, 50.0 and22.8 respectively in PMX NB4D2. The overall participation of male larvae in double cocoon formation was found morethan that of females. When male and female larvae were made to spin separately, the double cocoons formed hadeither male-male association or female-female association depending on the treatment. This study, for the first timeproves that the predominance of male-female sex association in the double cocoons is not due to any affinitybetween the opposite sexes but only due to the random encounter of male and female larvae during spinnin

    Influence of Bakuchiol, a JH analogue from Bemchi (Psoralea corylifolia) on Silk Production in Silkworm, Bombyx mori L. (Bombycidae: Lepidoptera)

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    The influence of a juvenile hormone analogue (JHA), bakuchiol on the silk yield of silkworm, Bombyx mori L. was studied involving two popular commercial hybrids, KA x NB4D2 (bivoltine x bivoltine) and PM x NB4D2 (multivoltine x bivoltine). The compound was administered topically to 5th instars at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h as a single dose. Three-concentration viz., 0.625, 1.25 and 2.5 ppm were tested. Economic characters of the larvae and the resultant cocoon traits were measured. The result showed that 1.25 ppm of bakuchiol applied to 48 h old 5th instars was the most favourable treatment for improvement of commercial traits. Cocoon and cocoon shell weight and filament length have increased significantly due to this treatment. The possible role of exogenous JH analogues in eliciting this response in silkworm is discussed. Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management Vol. 7(2) 2003: 31-3

    Hormetic influence on silkworm, Bombyx mori L., of the Phytojuvenoid ω-Formyl longifolene oxime propargyl ether

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    The hormetic influence on silkworm, Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae) of the juvenile hormone mimic ω-formyl longifolene oxime propargyl ether (NL13) was assayed. Emulsions containing 2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 ppm of the compound were administered topically as a single dose, to two popular commercial silkworm hybrids, viz. KA x NB 4 D 2 and PM x NB 4 D 2 , at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h into the 5th instar, and economic characters of the larvae and resultant cocoons measured. A medium and absolute control were maintained in parallel. It was found that administration of 5 ppm of NL13 to 48-h-old 5th instars resulted in the maximum improvement in commercial traits. The possible role of exogenous JH-like compounds in eliciting this response in silkworm is discussed. RÉSUMÉ L'influence hormonal du ω-formyl longifene oxime propargyl ether (NL13) imitant l'hormone juvénile a été testée sur le ver à soie, Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae). Des émulsions contenant 2,5, 5,0 et 10,0 ppm du composé ont été administrées au 5ème stade larvaire, en une seule dose, à 24, 48, 72 et 96 h , à deux hybrides couramment commercialisés du ver à soie, viz KA x NB 4 D 2 et PM x NB 4 D 2 . Les caractéristiques économiques des larves et des cocons ont été mesurées. Un témoin moyen et absolu ont été maintenus en parallèle. On a constaté que l'administration de 5 ppm de NL13 à des larves de 5ème stade âgées de 48 h a permis une amélioration maximale des caractéristiques commerciales. Le rôle possible des composés exogènes, homologues de l'hormone juvénile, provoquant cette réponse chez le ver à soie est discuté

    Hormetic influence on silkworm, bombyx mori L., of the phytojuvenoid ω-formyl longifolene oxime propargyl ether

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    The hormetic influence on silkworm, Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera; Bombycidae) of the juvenile hormone mimic ω-formyl longifolene oxime propargyl ether (NL13) was assayed. Emulsions containing 2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 ppm of the compound were administered topically as a single dose, to two popular commercial silkworm hybrids, viz. KA × NB4D2 and PM × NB4D2, at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h into the 5th instar, and economic characters of the larvae and resultant cocoons measured. A medium and absolute control were maintained in parallel. It was found that administration of 5 ppm of NL13 to 48-h-old 5th instars resulted in the maximum improvement in commercial traits. The possible role of exogenous JH-like compounds in eliciting this response in silkworm is discussed