890 research outputs found
Kesesuaian Dasar Pertimbangan Hakim Mengenai Pembatalan Pertunangan sebagai Perbuatan Melawan Hukum dan Wanprestasi dengan Hukum Positif Indonesia (Analisis Putusan Mahkamah Agung No. 68k/pdt/2009)
Pertunangan merupakan bentuk hubungan antara laki-laki dengan perempuan untuk melanjutkan perkawinan di waktu tertentu. Pertunangan masih bisa dibatalkan dengan tata cara yang berlaku di dalam masyarakat. Kasus pembatalan pertunangan pernah terjadi di lingkungan masyarakat adat Buton Sulawesi Tenggara. Dimana pada saat itu telah terjadi pertunangan antara kedua belah pihak lak-laki dan perempuan. Namun pihak laki-laki tanpa sepengetahuan pihak perempuan telah menikahi perempuan lain padahal pada saat itu mereka masih terikat hubungan pertunangan. Karena merasa dirugikan secara materiil dan immateriil, kasus ini kemudian diajukan ke Pengadilan hingga ke tingkat Kasasi. Mahkamah Agung dalam putusan No. 68K/Pdt/2009 memutuskan perbuatan pembatalan pertunangan tersebut merupakan Perbuatan Melawan Hukum dan Wanprestasi, hal ini dikarenakan salah satu pihak tidak memenuhi janji untuk melangsungkan perkawinan dan perbuatan tersebut bertentangan dengan nilai kesopanan dan kepatutan di masyarakat.Kata Kunci : Pertunangan, Pembatalan Pertunangan, Perbuatan Melawan Hukum, Wanprestas
Potensi Mitigasi Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca dari Kegiatan Eksplorasi dan Produksi Minyak dan Gas Bumi di PT. Xyz
The activity of exploration and production in oil and gas industry is significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emission source. PT. XYZ is one of upstream oil and gas industry in Indonesia and it have large crude oil and gas potential with it reserves that not manage yet. Therefore, GHG emission potential from the activity of exploration and production in PT. XYZ is very large. This study is done for estimate GHG emission reduction potential in PT. XYZ from various activities. Emission inventory is the first step to estimate GHG released to atmosphere. Method of estimation use the method developed by American Petroleum Institute (API). This study considers three types of mitigation measures options, including technical options (scenario 1), behavior option (scenario 2), and policy option (scenario 3). Based on emission inventory, flare and oil storage tank are primary source of GHG emissions in PT. XYZ. Scenario 1 prefers control of GHG emissions in flare and storage tank as primary emission source. While others scenario prefers to control GHG emission from transportation sector. Scenario 1 has potential to reduce emissions by 48.3 %. While scenario 2, and 3 in sequences have potential to reduce emissions by 0.15%, and 0.52%. Emissions flare and oil storage tank can be reduced through the installation of flaring gas recovery unit and vapor recovery unit. Both are effective and efficient in reducing GHG emissions in PT. XYZ. In addition, all mitigation measures of transportation sector provide benefits even though the amount of GHG that can be reduced is not significant
Pengaruh Pengendalian Intern terhadap Efektivitas Target Produksi PT. Lucas Djaja Pharmaceutical Industry Bandung Jawa Barat
The achievement of operational targets is expected by each organization / company. Due to the achievement of the target, it can be judged that the performance of the company very well. Therefore, if it is not achieved it is necessary to study the factors that influence it. For then do repairs on these factors. In the achievement of the target company, it takes a process associated with the target to be achieved. In order to achieve maximum results and effective it is necessary to an adequate internal control structure, which aims to regulate the operational steps the company to run an organized and effective.The study was conducted at PT. Lucas Djaja Pharmaceutical Industry, located in Bandung, is to know how the implementation of internal controls and how they affect the effectiveness of the production targets, in particular the production of injection of 1 (one) milliliter. This research used descriptive analysis with research techniques such as interviews, observations, questionnaires and literature study. Based on the results of this study concluded that the implementation of internal control at PT. Lucas Djaja is sufficient, this can be seen from the data obtained from the questionnaire filled out by the respondents, which is related to the control environment, risk assessment, information and communication, control activities, and monitoring. Meanwhile that of the effectiveness of the production target is still this can be seen from the data obtained from the questionnaire filled out by the respondents, ranging from productivity, quality, efficiency, flexibility, excellence, development, and satisfaction. And the obtained results of the research stating that the internal control effect on effectiveness production targets with determination coefficient of 56.01% and the remaining 43.99% influenced by other factors. Keywords: internal control; effectiveness production targe
Aberrant lysosomal carbohydrate storage accompanies endocytic defects and neurodegeneration in Drosophila benchwarmer
Lysosomal storage is the most common cause of neurodegenerative brain disease in preadulthood. However, the underlying cellular mechanisms that lead to neuronal dysfunction are unknown. Here, we report that loss of Drosophila benchwarmer (bnch), a predicted lysosomal sugar carrier, leads to carbohydrate storage in yolk spheres during oogenesis and results in widespread accumulation of enlarged lysosomal and late endosomal inclusions. At the bnch larval neuromuscular junction, we observe similar inclusions and find defects in synaptic vesicle recycling at the level of endocytosis. In addition, loss of bnch slows endosome-to-lysosome trafficking in larval garland cells. In adult bnch flies, we observe age-dependent synaptic dysfunction and neuronal degeneration. Finally, we find that loss of bnch strongly enhances tau neurotoxicity in a dose-dependent manner. We hypothesize that, in bnch, defective lysosomal carbohydrate efflux leads to endocytic defects with functional consequences in synaptic strength, neuronal viability, and tau neurotoxicity
Tinjauan Hukum Internasional Mengenai Eksistensi Konsul Kehormatan (Honorary Consul) dalam Hubungan Konsuler (Studi Kasus: Konsul Kehormatan Jerman di Medan)
Regarding of the implementation of peaceful relations between countries, which generally marked by the opening of diplomatic relations and in addition followed by the opening of consular relations. Diplomatic relations are political while consular relations is non-political and tends to take care of administrative and commercial issues. To carry out consular functions in a foreign country who establishes consular relations with it, a country appointed the consular officer. Vienna Convention 1963 classifies consular officials into namely Career Consular Officers and Honorary Consular Officers. Indonesia and Germany have officially established diplomatic relations since 1952 and at present Germany representatives in Indonesia consists of an embassy and three Honorary Consuls, one of which located in Medan. The scope of consular relations by Germany Honorary Consul in Medan consists of honorary consulate opening, the appointment of honorary consuls and operational matters of consular relations by the honorary consul. Tasks and functions of the of Germany Honorary Consul in the field are based on the provisions contained in Konsulargesetz which is an affirmation of the Vienna Convention 1963. While the immunity and privileges acquired by Germany Honorary Consul in Medan in carrying out its tasks and functions are very limited. It is recommended for reasons of economy and efficiency, the appointment of honorary consuls may be the right choice for countries that want to open a consular representative at the present time. In carrying out its tasks and functions, Germany Honorary Consul in Medan can enhance its role as a liaison of the business activities between Germany and Indonesia. Therefore, in terms of granting immunities and privileges of the Honorary Consul, Indonesia and Germany should make a special agreement on the matter in order to ensure a honorary consul can carry out his functions without a hitc
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