117 research outputs found

    Who would vote for inflation in Brazil? : an integrated framework approach to inflation and income distribution

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    Most studies of how inflation affects income distribution focus only on wages or the inflation tax. The authors argue that this approach can be misleading as it ignores important channels through which inflation affects income distribution. The authors present an integrated framework that combines interest bearing assets with labor income and cash holdings. This allows them to describe clearly the conditions under which inflation will create gainers and losers. They apply the model to Brazil, which is a prime candidate for this exercise because its economy combines skewed income distribution and high inflation. They show that in Brazil inflation helped worsen income distribution in the 1980s. Their major findings follow. In 1980-1989, the inflation induced income loss for the lowest quintile in Brazil was an estimated 19 percent a year, of which 16 percent is attributable to the erosion of real wages and the rest to the inflation tax. During the same period, Brazil's middle class which lost close to 30 percent of its annual income, was devastated because of its limited access to indexed assets. But the richest quintile managed to insulate itself from inflation by taking advantage of high real interest on demand deposits - without losing from reduced labor income. Had real assets and subsidized credits been considered in the analysis, the regressive effects on inflation would probably have been worse, say the authors. This raises aquestion: Do these findings about the distributional effects of inflation help explain Brazil's delays in adopting a stabilization program?Economic Theory&Research,Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Conditions and Volatility,Inequality,Banks&Banking Reform

    How can China provide income security for its rapidly aging population?

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    The authors discuss key choices policy makers face about China's pension system in the face of a rapidly aging population. They describe the problems the current pay-as-you-go system faces in the near and long term and simulate policy options for solving those problems. They find that simple design changes are necessary but not sufficient conditions for making the pension system sustainable. Partial funding is necessary to avoid large increases in future contribution rates. They investigate the impact of the old-age system and economic growth of a multipillar system that includes a modest mandatory tax-financed- basic benefit plus a mandatory fully-funded defined- contribution scheme. Implementation of a partially funded multipillar pensions system must go hand in hand with reform of the financial sector and restructured investment procedures that emphasize the"right"mix of competition, diversification, and regulation. Otherwise, China's pension reform will ultimately fail.Banks&Banking Reform,Pensions&Retirement Systems,Public Health Promotion,Environmental Economics&Policies,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Banks&Banking Reform,Environmental Economics&Policies,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Wages, Compensation&Benefits,Pensions&Retirement Systems

    Caractérisation sérologique des souches d'Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae sérotype 2 à l'aide d'anticorps polyclonaux et monoclonaux

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothÚques de l'Université de Montréal

    L’Hybridation langagiĂšre dans le roman nĂ©gro-africain francophone : entre subversion du français et rĂ©alisme littĂ©raire

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    Cette contribution porte sur la dimension hybride de la langue française dans l’expression littĂ©raire africaine francophone et propose une typologie des diverses interfĂ©rences langagiĂšres observĂ©es Ă  la lecture. Il est ici rendu compte d’une approche littĂ©raire qui se focalise sur les mĂ©tamorphoses du mĂ©tissage langagier, Ă  travers une Ă©tude exploratoire de plusieurs romans tirĂ©s de l’histoire littĂ©raire africaine. Ainsi essaie-t-on de catĂ©goriser les insertions, dans le français classique Ă©crit, des intrants langagiers issus des sociĂ©tĂ©s d’Afrique subsaharienne, patrimoine socio-linguistique des romanciers nĂ©gro-africains francophones. La rĂ©fĂ©rence au concept d’hybridation est celle faite Ă  un processus particulier d’enrichissement de la langue française littĂ©raire. L’hybridation peut se prĂȘter Ă  plusieurs interprĂ©tations mais on l’étudie en se focalisant sur sa dimension vivante, dynamique, nourriciĂšre. On s’intĂ©resse Ă  la prĂ©sence de proverbes, d’interactions verbales typiques, de vocables et d’expressions, voire d’intrants civilisationnels, Ă©trangers Ă  la langue française acadĂ©mique. Est ainsi prĂ©sentĂ©e l’observation d’interfĂ©rences langagiĂšres allant de l’explicite lexical au discret calque syntaxique, qui contribuent Ă  donner Ă  la langue française un nouveau souffle, une nouvelle vitalitĂ© qui, tout en Ă©tant subversifs par une dĂ©sacralisation de la langue classique, la rendent plus rĂ©aliste et plus apte Ă  restituer l’espace socio-culturel du public africain.Mots clĂ©s : Francophone. InterfĂ©rence. Hybridation. Langue. MĂ©tissage. NĂ©gro-africain. Proverbe. Roman. Socio-culturelle. Language hybridization in the french-speaking negro-african Novel: between subversion of the french and literary realismAbstract: This contribution relates to the hybrid dimension of the French language in French-speaking African literary expression and proposes a typology of the various language interferences observed during reading. It is here reported on a literary approach which focuses on the metamorphoses of linguistic interbreeding, through an exploratory study of several novels drawn from African literary history. So, we try to categorize the insertions, in written classic French, of language inputs from sub-Saharan African societies, socio-linguistic heritage of French-speaking black African novelists. The reference to the concept of hybridization is that made to a particular process of enriching the literary French language. Hybridization can lend itself to several interpretations, but we study it by focusing on its living, dynamic, nurturing dimension. We are interested in the presence of proverbs, typical verbal interactions, terms and expressions, even civilization inputs, foreign to the French academic language. This is the presentation of the observation of linguistic interference ranging from the lexical explicit to the discreet syntactic tracing, which contribute to give the French language a new breath, a new vitality. All this happens, while being subversive through a decanonization of the classical language, making it more realistic and better able to restore the socio-cultural space of the African public.Keywords: Francophone. Interference. Hybridization. Language. Mixing. Negro-African. Proverb. Novel. Sociocultural. Hibridização linguĂ­stica no romance negro-africano francĂłfono: entre a subversĂŁo da lĂ­ngua francesa e o realismo literĂĄrioResumo: O tema deste artigo Ă© a dimensĂŁo hĂ­brida da lĂ­ngua francesa expressa na literatura africana francĂłfona e propĂ”e uma tipologia das vĂĄrias interferĂȘncias linguĂ­sticas observadas durante a leitura. Aqui serĂĄ relatada uma anĂĄlise literĂĄria que enfoca as metamorfoses do cruzamento linguĂ­stico, por meio de um estudo exploratĂłrio de vĂĄrios romances extraĂ­dos da histĂłria literĂĄria africana. Para tanto, tentamos categorizar as inserçÔes, no francĂȘs clĂĄssico escrito, das contribuiçÔes de idiomas das sociedades da África Subsaariana, a herança sĂłcio-linguĂ­stica dos romancistas negros africanos de lĂ­ngua francesa. A referĂȘncia ao conceito de hibridação Ă© aquela feita a um processo particular de enriquecimento da lĂ­ngua literĂĄria, que pode prestar-se a vĂĄrias interpretaçÔes, mas aqui a estudamos focando sua dimensĂŁo viva, dinĂąmica e estimulante. Estamos interessados na presença de provĂ©rbios, interaçÔes verbais tĂ­picas, termos e expressĂ”es, atĂ© elementos de civilização, estranhos Ă  lĂ­ngua acadĂȘmica francesa. Essa presença da interferĂȘncia linguĂ­stica que varia do explĂ­cito lexical ao discreto traçado sintĂĄtico, contribue para dar um novo fĂŽlego Ă  lĂ­ngua, uma nova vitalidade que, apesar de subversiva por uma decanonização da lĂ­ngua clĂĄssica, a torna mais realista e mais capaz de restaurar o espaço sociocultural do pĂșblico africano.Palavras-chave: FrancĂłfono. InterferĂȘncia. Hibridização. Idioma. Cruzamento. Negro-Africano. ProvĂ©rbio. Romance. Sociocultural. HibridaciĂłn lingĂŒĂ­stica en la novela negra-africana francofona: entre la subversiĂłn de la lengua francesa y el realismo literarioResumen:Esta contribuciĂłn se relaciona con la dimensiĂłn hĂ­brida del idioma francĂ©s en la expresiĂłn literaria africana francĂłfona y propone una tipologĂ­a de las diversas interferencias lingĂŒĂ­sticas observadas durante la lectura. AquĂ­ se informa sobre un enfoque literario que se centra en las metamorfosis del entrecruzamiento lingĂŒĂ­stico, a travĂ©s de un estudio exploratorio de varias novelas extraĂ­das de la historia literaria africana. Por lo tanto, tratamos de clasificar las inserciones, en el francĂ©s clĂĄsico escrito, del lĂ©xico de idiomas de las sociedades del África subsahariana, herencia socio-lingĂŒĂ­stica de los novelistas africanos negros de habla francesa. La referencia al concepto de hibridaciĂłn es la que se hace a un proceso particular de enriquecimiento de la lengua literaria francesa. La hibridaciĂłn puede prestarse a varias interpretaciones, pero la estudiamos enfocĂĄndonos en su dimensiĂłn viva, dinĂĄmica y enriquecedora. Estamos interesados en la presencia de proverbios, interacciones verbales tĂ­picas, tĂ©rminos y expresiones, incluso entradas de civilizaciĂłn, ajenas al idioma acadĂ©mico francĂ©s. Esta es la presentaciĂłn de la observaciĂłn de la interferencia lingĂŒĂ­stica que abarca desde el trazado sintĂĄctico lĂ©xico explĂ­cito hasta el discreto, que contribuyen a dar al idioma francĂ©s un nuevo aliento, una nueva vitalidad ya que es a la vez subversiva a travĂ©s de una decanonizaciĂłn del idioma clĂĄsico pero tambiĂ©n mĂĄs realista y capaz de restaurar el espacio sociocultural del pĂșblico africano.Palabras-clave: FrancĂłfono. Interferencia. HibridaciĂłn. Lengua. Entrecruzamiento lingĂŒĂ­stico. Negro-africano Proverbio. Novela. Sociocultural

    Plasmodium falciparum malaria co-infection with tick-borne relapsing fever in Dakar

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    Abstract Background West African tick-borne relapsing fever (TBRF) due to Borrelia crocidurae and malaria are co-endemics in Senegal. Although expected to be high, co-infections are rarely reported. A case of falciparum malaria and B. crocidurae co-infection in a patient from Velingara (South of Senegal) is discussed. Case A 28\ua0year-old-male patient presented to Aristide Le Dantec Hospital for recurrent fever. He initially presented to a local post health of Pikine (sub-urban of Dakar) and was diagnosed for malaria on the basis of positive malaria rapid diagnostic test (RDT) specific to Plamodium falciparum . The patient was treated as uncomplicated falciparum malaria. Four days after admission the patient was referred to Le Dantec Hospital. He presented with fever (39\ua0\ub0C), soreness, headache and vomiting. The blood pressure was 120/80\ua0mmHg. The rest of the examination was normal. A thick film from peripheral blood was performed and addressed to the parasitology laboratory of the hospital. Thick film was stained with 10% Giemsa. Trophozoite of P. falciparum was identified at parasite density of 47 parasites per microlitre. The presence of Borrelia was also observed, concluding to malaria co-infection with borreliosis. Conclusions Signs of malaria can overlap with signs of borreliosis leading to the misdiagnosis of the latter. Thick and thin smear or QBC test or molecular method may be helpful to detect both Plamodium species and Borrelia . In addition, there is a real need to consider co-infections with other endemics pathogens when diagnosing malaria

    Bis{2-amino-2-oxo-N-[(1E)-1-(pyridin-2-yl-ÎșN)ethyl­idene]acetohydrazidato-Îș2 Nâ€Č,O 1}nickel(II)

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    In the title compound, [Ni(C9H9N4O2)2], the NiII ion is situated on a twofold rotation axis and is coordinated by two O and four N atoms from two tridentate {2-amino-2-oxo-N-[(1E)-1-(pyridin-2-yl-ÎșN)ethyl­idene]acetohydrazidate ligands in a distorted octa­hedral geometry. In the crystal, N—H⋯O and N—H⋯N hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules into columns in [001]. The porous crystal packing is further stabilized via π–π inter­actions between the pyridine rings of neighbouring mol­ecules [centroid–centroid distance = 3.746 (3) Å] with voids of 270 Å3

    Barcoding: Comparison of Variation Degree of COI and Cytochrome b Mitochondrial Markers in Two Species Primary Maize Pests (Sitophilus zeamais and Sitophilus oryzae)

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    The phylogeny, taxonomy and identification of insects were originally based upon shared or derived morphological and anatomy criteria. However, these processes are confronted with the barrier of the existence of sympatric or cryptic species. Thus, genetic analyses have more recently played an increasingly important role in confirming existing or establishing often radically different insect
