249 research outputs found

    Spectroscopic characterization of charge carrier anisotropic motion in twisted few-layer graphene

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    Graphene, a layer of carbon atoms in a honeycomb lattice, captures enormous interest as probably the most promising component of future electronics thanks to its mechanical robustness, flexibility, and unique charge carrier quasiparticles propagating like massless high energy Dirac fermions. If several graphene layers form a stack, the interaction between them is, on the one hand, weak, allowing realization of various registries between the layers and, on the other hand, strong enough for a wide range tuning of the electronic properties. Here we grow few layer graphene with various number of layers and twist configurations and address the electronic properties of individual atomic layers in single microscopic domains using angle-resolved photoelectron spectromicroscopy. The dependence of the interlayer coupling on the twist angle is analyzed and, in the domains with tri-layers and more, if different rotations are present, the electrons in weaker coupled adjacent layers are shown to have different properties manifested by coexisting van Hove singularities, moir\ue9 superlattices with corresponding superlattice Dirac points, and charge carrier group velocity renormalizations. Moreover, pronounced anisotropy in the charge carrier motion, opening a possibility to transform strongly coupled graphene bilayers into quasi one-dimensional conductors, is observed

    Eliciting new, believed-in memories : the role played by retrieval techniques and demand factors

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    Research on memory modification and creation has suggested that not only can details of memories for events from childhood be altered, but entire and complex memories can be created. However, several questions remained unanswered. The focus of the present research was to examine the extent to which subjects will alter their opinion to reflect the belief that an event happened in childhood and the conditions under which this will happen. It examined whether motivation is by itself a sufficient factor to enable subjects to remember unknown and originally repudiated events from childhood, or whether strong demands are also necessary. A second aim was to compare three so-called memory retrieval techniques that are currently employed in therapy to retrieve memories from childhood: the first was hypnosis, the second involved relaxation and visualization (termed guided imagery ), and the third involved relaxation and concentration (termed focused thinking ). In two sessions, the second a week after the first, subjects were asked to 'remember' two events of which they claimed to have no recollection. The occurrence of the two events had also been repudiated by subjects' parents in a telephone interview. Results revealed no differences between groups: guided imagery and focused thinking were as effective as hypnosis in producing memories which led over 50% of subjects to claim that each of the two events had taken place. Further, subjects' initial motivation to determine whether they had experienced these new events was sufficient for them to produce memories and alter their original judgments; added pressure in the form of social demands from the experimenter was not necessary. Subjects' altered opinions remained unchanged despite being told that their parents had no memory for the events, and remained stable over a period of several months following the study. Implications of memory retrieval for therapeutic and legal purposes are discussed

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    Studentská vědecká konference je pořádána s podporou prostředků na specifický vysokoškolský výzkum SVK1-2019-016


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    У статті розглянуто проблему емоційної зрілості особистості та її розвитку,  що розглядається в різних працях і вітчизняних, і зарубіжних фахівців при аналізі сфери професійної діяльності. Простежено взаємозв’язок між етапом професійного становлення, сформованістю професійної толерантності особистості та компонентами емоційної зрілості. Здійснене в рамках наукової статті дослідження дало змогу оцінити емо- ційну зрілість за такими показниками: експресивність (Ек) – відображеність емоцій на обличчі, їх трансформацію в діях (ІЕк), здатність передавати свій настрій оточенню (ЕЕк); саморегуляція (С) – вміння керувати своїми  емоціями,  стримувати небажані на цей момент емоції та викликати бажані, регулюючи таким чином і свою поведінку (ІС), і поведінку інших людей (ЕС); емпатія (Ем) – здатність розуміти емоційний стан оточення (ІЕм) та адекватно використо- вувати ці уміння у взаємодії з людьми (ЕЕм). Зазначено, що толерантність в сучасній освіті належать до комплексу цілей становлення системи виховання, виступає як особистісна якість, предмет розвитку не тільки в ході навчання, виховання, а й самонавчання і самовихо- вання, спрямованих на формування у професіонала знань, вмінь і навичок толе- рантної свідомості і ставлення до оточення. Основний шлях досягнення якості, яка забезпечить підвищення конку- рентоспроможності української професійної освіти на міжнародному ринку, пов’язаний зі спробами модернізації всієї системи вищої освіти, її структури, різноманітності сфери «академічних послуг». Аналіз проблеми емоційної зрілості свідчить про відсутність чіткого, ло- гічно структурованого уявлення про систему показників, за якими можна було б визначити рівень досягнення людиною емоційної зрілості. Найбільш вдалим варіантом такого дослідження є вивчення показників професійної толерантності особистості. Підставою вважати такий варіант ґрунтовним і актуальним є думка про те, що саме масштаб прояву професійної толерантності особистості – це і є по- казник її емоційного дозрівання. Крім того, доцільність дослідження показників емоційної зрілості у прояві професійної толерантності зумовлена актуальними запитами практичної психології

    Electronic structure of single and few layered graphene studied by angle resolved photoemission spectro-microscopy.

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    This thesis reports the study of electronic band structure of single and few layered graphene grown by thermal decomposition of SiC at the surface and by C-sublimation on Ru single crystals. Growth conditions were optimized in order to obtain big few micrometer sized graphene domains. For the first system twisted multilayer graphene domains were found and chosen for study. On ruthenium only single layer graphene domains and also the domains with incorporated bilayer patches were obtained and their electronic properties were investigated after oxidation-reduction reactions at graphene/Ru interface. The electronic band structure was analyzed using high resolution angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. In order to obtain spectra from individual domains novel spectromicroscopy end station was used for focusing synchrotron radiation beam to sub-micrometer spot on the sample surface. Experimental results on twisted graphene confirmed interlayer coupling and resulting van Hove singularities, graphene Dirac fermions velocity renormalization and other exotic phenomena predicted by theoretical calculations and partially observed by scanning tunneling spectroscopy technique. Particular attention has been paid to poorly studied interlayer coupling in trilayer systems where middle layer has two different couplings being sandwiched between differently twisted layers. These multilayer graphene domains were also investigated in detail upon alkali metal intercalation and unexpected splitting of upper part of Dirac cone, related to graphene sublattice symmetry breaking in the middle graphene layer was found. In graphene on Ru it was first confirmed that oxidation of Ru under graphene decouples its strongly hybridized \u3c0 orbitals making graphene p-doped. Our observations indicate that bilayer patches incorporated into single layer background remain n-doped and decorated by intercalated oxygen, thereby forming lateral p-n junctions in the same graphene layer. It was found that hydrogen atmosphere helps to reduce RuOx without the formation of carbon vacancy defects. However, structural wrinkle patterns appeared due to loss of original graphene/Ru epitaxial order remain, and in big graphene domains they can trap H2+RuOx reaction products, making graphene fully decoupled and undoped

    Planarization With Fixed Subgraph Embedding

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    The visualization of metabolic networks using techniques of graph drawing has recently become an important research area. In order to ease the analysis of these networks, readable layouts are required in which certain known network components are easily recognizable. In general, the topology of the drawings produced by traditional graph drawing algorithms does not reflect the biologists' expert knowledge on particular substructures of the underlying network. To deal with this problem we present a constrained planarization method---an algorithm which computes a graph layout in the plane preserving the predefined shape for the specified substructures while minimizing the overall number of edge-crossings

    Planarization With Fixed Subgraph Embedding

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    The visualization of metabolic networks using techniques of graph drawing has recently become an important research area. In order to ease the analysis of these networks, readable layouts are required in which certain known network components are easily recognizable. In general, the topology of the drawings produced by traditional graph drawing algorithms does not reflect the biologists' expert knowledge on particular substructures of the underlying network. To deal with this problem we present a constrained planarization method---an algorithm which computes a graph layout in the plane preserving the predefined shape for the specified substructures while minimizing the overall number of edge-crossings

    Synthesis and investigation of electronic structure features of electroexplosive Ti02 and ТO2:Аg

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    Electrical explosion of wires is a promising technology which allows to obtain nanopowders with high density of surface catalytically-active centers, that is a sequence of nonequilibrium of synthesis process. Electroexplosive films and titanium dioxide nanopowders are promising for using in photoelectrochemical systems of solar energy conversion. The attention to TiO2 nanopowders incorporated nanoparticles of noble metals is caused by the fact that the particles of silver on the surface of metal can be centers of charge distribution and accumulation. At that such parameter as photosensitivity greatly increases. In the work the phase contents changes of the surface of doped TiO2 nanopowders were examined at different annealing conditions. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2064