9 research outputs found


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    Pengetahuan tentang puskesmas akan mempengaruhi perilaku masyarakat dalam pemanfaatan pelayanan puskesmas. Pengetahuan sangat penting perannya karena dengan adanya pengetahuan yang dimiliki masyarakat maka akan terbentuk sikap yang akan diikuti dengan tindakan memilih pelayanan kesehatan yang baik. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis hubungan pengetahuan, sikap dan pendapatan dengan pemanfaatan puskesmas oleh masyarakat Desa Kima Bajo Kecamatan Wori. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Lokasi penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Kima Bajo pada bulan September – Oktober 2018. Populasi berjumlah 267 keluarga, sampel berjumlah 160 responden. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik non probability sampling dengan menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel dengan cara kuota sampel. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan uji Chi-Square dan Fisher Exact test dengan nilai α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan dan sikap dengan pemanfaatan puskesmas dan tidak terdapat hubungan antara pendapatan keluarga dengan pemanfaatan puskesmas di Desa Kima Bajo Kecamatan Wori.Kesimpulan terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan dan sikap dengan pemanfaatan puskesmas, tidak terdapat hubungan antara pendapatan keluarga dengan pemanfaatan puskesmas di Desa Kima Bajo Kecamatan Wori.Saran untuk masyarakat diharapkan untuk terus memanfaatkan secara maksimal fungsi dari puskesmas serta memiliki kepedulian dan partisipasi aktif disaat ada kegiatan dari pihak puskesmas. Kata kunci: Pengetahuan, sikap, pendapatan keluarga, pemanfaatan puskesmas  ABSTRACTKnowledge of puskesmas will influence people's behavior in utilizing puskesmas services. Knowledge is very important because the existence of knowledge owned by the community will form an attitude that will be followed by the act of choosing good health services. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship of knowledge, attitudes and income with the use of health centers by the community of Kima Bajo Village, Wori District. This study uses an analytical survey method with a cross sectional approach. The location of the study was conducted in Kima Bajo Village in September - October 2018. The population was 267 families, a sample of 160 respondents. Sampling uses non probability sampling techniques by using sampling techniques by means of sample quotas. The measuring instrument used is a questionnaire. Data analysis using Chi-Square test and Fisher Exact test with a value of α = 0.05. The results of the study showed that there was a relationship between knowledge and attitudes with the use of puskesmas and there was no relationship between family income and the use of puskesmas in Kima Bajo Village, Wori District. Kima Bajo Wori Subdistrict. Suggestions for the community are expected to continue to make maximum use of the functions of the puskesmas and have care and active participation when there are activities from the puskesmas.  Keywords: Knowledge, attitudes, family income, utilization of public health cente

    Hubungan Beban dan Masa Kerja dengan Stres Kerja pada Pekerja Pengolah Kopra di PT.Royal Coconut Airmadidi

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    Stres kerja adalah konsekuensi tindakan, situasi, dan kejadian eksternal yang menempatkan tuntutan psikologis ataupun fisik yang berlebihan pada individu. Pada kejadian stress kerja, ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi stress kerja yaitu diantaranya beban kerja dan juga masa kerja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan antara beban dan masa kerja dengan stres kerja ada pekerja pengolah kopra di PT. Royal Coconut Airmadidi. Desain penelitian ini adalah survei analitik, dengan menggunakan uji pearson, didapatkan hasilnya mayoritas berada dikategori stress kerja ringan dengan jumlah mencapai 97,0% dan didapatkan pula adanya hubungan negatif dengan korelasi sedang antara beban kerja dengan stres kerja pada pekerja yang ada di tempat penelitian, dimana ketika semakin besar beban, maka semakin kecil tingkat stress kerja. Didapatkan juga tidak adanya hubungan antara masa kerja dengan stres kerja pada pekerja yang ada di tempat penelitian. Kedepannya disarankan agar pemberian tugas kerja yang seimbang dan diadakan pergantian tugas agar pekerja tidak merasa bosan dengan pekerjaan yang berulang-ulang. Kata kunci: Pekerja, Stres Kerja, Pengolah Kopra ABSTRACTJob stress is a consequence of external actions, situations, and events that place excessive psychological or physical demands on the individual. In the event of work stress, several factors influence work stress, including workload and length of work. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a relationship between workload and length of service with work stress among copra processing workers at PT. Royal Coconut Airmadidi. The design of this study is an analytical survey, using the Pearson test, the results obtained are the majority are in the category of mild work stress with the number reaching 97.0% and there is also a negative relationship with a moderate correlation between workload and work stress on workers at the research site. where the greater the load, the lower the level of work stress. It was also found that there was no relationship between the length of service and work stress on workers at the research site. In the future, it is suggested that the provision of balanced work assignments and task changes be held so that workers do not feel bored with repetitive work. Keywords: Workers, Job Stress, Copra Processor


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    Menurut Perda Kota Tomohon No 6 Tahun 2013 tentang Rencana Tata Ruang dan Wilayah Kota Tomohon Tahun 2013 – 2033, dalam Bab 4 Pasal 14 Ayat 1b direncanakan akan dibangun 4 terminal penumpang angkutan jalan raya tipe B, masing-masing di  Kecamatan Tomohon Barat, Tomohon Timur, Tomohon Utara, dan Tomohon Selatan. Dalam penelitian ini dibahas tentang perencanaan terminal di Kecamatan Tomohon selatan yang  merupakan kawasan tingkat kedatangan trayek terbanyak dibandingkan dengan Kecamatan lain.Perencanaan terminal penumpang angkutan jalan raya ini digunakan data terminal eksisting untuk perencaanan terminal baru yang mengacu pada Permenhub No. 132 Tahun 2015 dan tidak mengambil data forecast karena akan memerlukan data jangka panjang. Berdasarkan data tersebut akan di analisis Fasilitas dan Kapasitas terminal, Pola Parkir dan antrian pada terminal, serta Model bentuk rencana terminal beserta layout-nya.Dari hasil analisis data yang diperoleh maka untuk luas perencanaan terminal adalah 7665 m² dan terdiri dari 2 (dua) jalur dengan perincian 1 (satu) jalur untuk areal kedatangan dan 1 (satu) jalur untuk areal pemberangkatan. Terminal menggunakan 2 (dua) pintu yaitu 1 (satu) pintu masuk dan 1 (satu) pintu keluar. Dan untuk areal parkir kendaraan yaitu areal kedatangan menggunakan sistem parkir 180º dan areal pemberangkatan menggunakan sistem parkir 90º. Diharapkan hasil perencanaan yang didasarkan pada data terminal eksisting dapat memenuhi kebutuhan perencanaan salah satu terminal yang akan dibangun di tomohon selatan kota Tomohon. Kata Kunci : Perencanaan Terminal, Tomohon Selata


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    Penyakit Tuberkulosis paru adalah penyakit menular langsung oleh Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Biasanya paru-paru adalah yang paling umum terinfeksi, tetapi dapat mengenai organ lain. Penyakit ini dapat ditularkan melalui droplet dari TB paru orang yang terinfeksi . Indonesia adalah 10 negara dengan kejadian TB tertinggi, mulai dari India, Cina, Afrika Selatan, dan Indonesia berada di urutan keempat pada tahun 2012. Penelitian ini adalah survei cross sectional yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan, sikap, dan tindakan dengan kejadian Tuberkulosis. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua masyarakat di wilayah kerja Desa Wori, Kecamatan Wori dengan sampel 97 orang. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji Chi Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan dengan kejadian Tuberkulosis (p=0,617), juga tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara sikap dengan Tuberkulosis kejadian (p=0,281), namun terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara tindakan dengan kejadian Tuberkulosis (p=0,048). Untuk itu diperlukan penyuluhan tentang penyakit Tuberkulosis kepada warga masyarakat di Desa Wori.     Kata Kunci: Pengetahuan, Sikap, Tindakan, Tuberkulosis Par

    Gambaran Kebiasaan Makan Makanan Beresiko Penyakit Jantung Koroner Pada Masyarakat Etnis Minahasa di Lingkungan 2 Kelurahan Bahu Kecamatan Malalayang Kota Manado

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    Coronary heart disease (CHD) is one of degenerative diseases which is the biggest cause of death and also main causeof death in indonesia’s population aged over 40 years old. This disease is generally caused by unhealthy behaviour orlifestyle. The community of ethnic Minahasa has custom party followed by junket or eating Minahasan dish which arelargely derived from animal fat (pork). This study aimed to describe the overview of eating habit which was the typeof food and the frequency of eating risky food that can cause CHD and also the overview of past incidence of CHD oncommunity of ethnic Minahasa in Environment 2 Bahu Village District Malalayang Manado City. This is a descriptivestudy with method used was by questionnaire and followed by interview. The sample in this study was 43 heads ofthe family or housewives ethnic Minahasa with certain criteria. The result showed that among 25 types of food thatcould potentially lead to CHD based on frequently consumed meal (≥2 times per month), there were 10 types of frequentlyconsumed meal which were sayur kangkung tumis (76.7%), babi garo rica (37.2%), brenebon babi (37.2%),sayur pait ba’ (30.2%), sate babi (23.3%), babi tore (23.3%), babi kecap (20.9%), babi bakar (16.3%), babi leylem(16.3%) and rw/anjing (16.3%). There were incidence of past CHD (4.7%) who had the disease for more than 1 year,history of CHD in family (20.9%) and history of diseases that could potentially lead to CHD which were diabetes mellitus(18.6%), hypertension (53.5%), hyperuricemia (27.9%) and dyslipidemia (18.6%). Conclusions of this study thatthere were 10 types of frequently consumed food based on frequently consumption (≥2 times per month) which weresayur kangkung tumis, babi garo rica, brenebon babi, sayur pait ba’, sate babi, babi tore, babi kecap, babi bakar, babileylem, dan rw/anjing. There were history of CHD for over 1 year found among 43 respondents.Keywords: Eating habit, coronary heard diseas

    Reuse of Treated Wastewater: Drivers, Regulations, Technologies, Case Studies, and Greater Chicago Area Experiences

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    Water reuse is a practical solution to augment water supplies in areas where water resources are increasingly scarce. Water reuse technology is versatile and can be used to alleviate the different causes of water scarcity, such as groundwater depletion or increased availability of brackish water. Treatment technologies can be tailored specifically to the end use of recycled water, focusing on these drivers that are region-specific, for a more cost-effective treatment system. This is called a “Fit-for-Purpose” strategy that is commonly implemented in any water reuse project. However, implementing water reuse can be challenging due to infrastructural requirements, economic issues, and social acceptance. To help navigate these challenges, this article provides a comprehensive review of water reuse cases and presents guidelines that can act as a reference framework for future water reuse projects. This article also makes the case for implementing water reuse in the Greater Chicago area as a means of alleviating pressure on withdrawals from Lake Michigan

    Putative biomarkers of environmental enteric disease fail to correlate in a cross-sectional study in two study sites in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Environmental enteric dysfunction (EED) is an elusive, inflammatory syndrome of the small intestine thought to be associated with enterocyte loss and gut leakiness and lead to stunted child growth. To date, the gold standard for diagnosis is small intestine biopsy followed by histology. Several putative biomarkers for EED have been proposed and are widely used in the field. Here, we assessed in a cross-sectional study of children aged 2-5 years for a large set of biomarkers including markers of protein exudation (duodenal and fecal alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT)), inflammation (duodenal and fecal calprotectin, duodenal, fecal and blood immunoglobulins, blood cytokines, C-reactive protein (CRP)), gut permeability (endocab, lactulose-mannitol ratio), enterocyte mass (citrulline) and general nutritional status (branched-chain amino acids (BCAA), insulin-like growth factor) in a group of 804 children in two Sub-Saharan countries. We correlated these markers with each other and with anemia in stunted and non-stunted children. AAT and calprotectin, CRP and citrulline and citrulline and BCAA correlated with each other. Furthermore, BCAA, citrulline, ferritin, fecal calprotectin and CRP levels were correlated with hemoglobin levels. Our results show that while several of the biomarkers are associated with anemia, there is little correlation between the different biomarkers. Better biomarkers and a better definition of EED are thus urgently needed

    Stunted children display ectopic small intestinal colonization by oral bacteria, which cause lipid malabsorption in experimental models

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    Environmental enteric dysfunction (EED) is an inflammatory syndrome postulated to contribute to stunted child growth and to be associated with intestinal dysbiosis and nutrient malabsorption. However, the small intestinal contributions to EED remain poorly understood. This study aimed to assess changes in the proximal and distal intestinal microbiota in the context of stunting and EED and to test for a causal role of these bacterial isolates in the underlying pathophysiology. We performed a cross-sectional study in two African countries recruiting roughly 1,000 children aged 2 to 5 years and assessed the microbiota in the stomach, duodenum, and feces. Upper gastrointestinal samples were obtained from stunted children and stratified according to stunting severity. Fecal samples were collected. We then investigated the role of clinical isolates in EED pathophysiology using tissue culture and animal models. We find that small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is extremely common (>80%) in stunted children. SIBO is frequently characterized by an overgrowth of oral bacteria, leading to increased permeability and inflammation and to replacement of classical small intestinal strains. These duodenal bacterial isolates decrease lipid absorption in both cultured enterocytes and mice, providing a mechanism by which they may exacerbate EED and stunting. Further, we find a specific fecal signature associated with the EED markers fecal calprotectin and alpha-antitrypsin. Our study shows a causal implication of ectopic colonization of oral bacterial isolated from the small intestine in nutrient malabsorption and gut leakiness in vitro. These findings have important therapeutic implications for modulating the microbiota through microbiota-targeted interventions

    Emergence and spread of SARS-CoV-2 lineage B.1.620 with variant of concern-like mutations and deletions

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    Distinct SARS-CoV-2 lineages, discovered through various genomic surveillance initiatives, have emerged during the pandemic following unprecedented reductions in worldwide human mobility. We here describe a SARS-CoV-2 lineage - designated B.1.620 - discovered in Lithuania and carrying many mutations and deletions in the spike protein shared with widespread variants of concern (VOCs), including E484K, S477N and deletions HV69Delta, Y144Delta, and LLA241/243Delta. As well as documenting the suite of mutations this lineage carries, we also describe its potential to be resistant to neutralising antibodies, accompanying travel histories for a subset of European cases, evidence of local B.1.620 transmission in Europe with a focus on Lithuania, and significance of its prevalence in Central Africa owing to recent genome sequencing efforts there. We make a case for its likely Central African origin using advanced phylogeographic inference methodologies incorporating recorded travel histories of infected travellers