740 research outputs found


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    Promoting Real Australian Indonesian Science Education (PRAISE) is a collaboration IndonesiaAustralia pilot project. The project managed by SEAMEO QITEP in Science, in which innovative inquiry based science learning resources were developed and piloted in ten junior secondary schools in two areas namely Bandung City and West Bandung County, West Java Province, Indonesia. This project was intended to provide an effective curriculum units for running inquiry based science learning activities in schools which appropriate with local condition as well as able to generate students with high motivation and high achievement in science fields which can be expected to grow as scientists in the future. Data analysis indicated that the utilization of PRAISE curricular units improves the quality of science learning in terms of activeness of students during classes, students’ motivation to learn science, students’ daring to express their opinions during discussions, students’ collaborations, eradicating classroom discipline problems, attractiveness of learning activities as well as providing opportunity to develop students’ scientific investigations and to apply their knowledge in daily life. Utilization of PRAISE curricular units for science learning also significantly improve students’ basic inquiry skills

    Energi dan perubahannya,untuk guru SD

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    Di dalam modul ini akan dibahas tentang pengertian energi, bentuk-bentuk energi, sumber energi, dan penghematan energi. Pengertian energi meliputi hubungan energi dengan usaha dan satuan internasional untuk energi. Bentuk-bentuk energi meliputi energi kinetik, energi potensial, energi mekanik, energi termal, energi listrik, energi kimia, dan energi nuklir. Sedangkan pada sumber-sumber energi akan dibahas dua jenis sumber energi yaitu sumber energi tak terbaharui dan sumber energi alternatif serta bagaimana cara penghematan energi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Materi-materi yang dibahas di dalam modul ini sesuai dengan ruang lingkup bahan kajian IPA untuk SD/ MI yang salah satu diantaranya membahas energi dan perubahannya meliputi: gaya, bunyi, panas, magnet, listrik, cahaya dan pesawat sederhana. Pada akhir Bab II akan diberikan contoh aplikasi dalam pembelajaran untuk materi energi listrik dan penghematannya

    Energi dan Perubahannya untuk Guru SMP

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    Materi-materi yang dibahas di dalam modul ini sesuai dengan ruang lingkup bahan kajian IPA untuk SMP/ MTs yang salah satu diantaranya membahas energi dan perubahannya meliputi: gaya, bunyi, panas,magnet, listrik, cahaya dan pesawat sederhana. Pada akhir Bab II akan diberikan contoh aplikasi dalam pembelajaran untuk materi energi listrik dan penghematannya

    A Survey Examining the Attitudes in a College Population toward Suicide Attempters.

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    Suicidal behaviors are common and problematic among young populations, and attitudes held towards such behavior likely impact the frequency of its occurrence. The present study was conducted to gain insight into the attitudes held towards suicide attempt victims amongst a traditional college population. Undergraduate students (n = 360) were administered a survey to assess demographics, suicide ideation levels, and perceptions formed after reading a short suicide attempt report. Results indicated that ideation levels had the most impact on perceptions, with ideators being significantly more likely than non-ideators to view suicide attempters as more intelligent, more justified in their actions, more likable, more trusting, and more likely to be a personal friend. These findings signify that acceptance of suicidal behavior is positively correlated with one’s own level of suicidal ideation. The understanding of these attitudes is an essential aspect to address when developing prevention programs for suicidal behaviors in the future

    Rethinking Red Lights: An Economic Approach to Appalachian Prostitution Laws

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    The legal discourse surrounding prostitution frequently drowns out the voices of sex workers themselves by focusing on questions of morality. But ignoring the voices of those affected by prostitution laws also ignores the driving force behind prostitution: economics. This Note departs from a traditional case study by using interviews with chiefly sex workers and brothel management to craft a more efficient and fair mode of regulating prostitution. By viewing prostitution for what it is—an industry driven by basic economic principles—business law becomes the clear choice for replacing the current, ineffective laws. Furthermore, reshaping prostitution laws to meet the monetary needs of sex workers carries the potential of bridging the wage gap between rural and urban sex workers: a vital step towards financially enabling sex workers in Appalachia

    Studies on adsorption isotherms and heats of adsorption of CH4 on microporous and mesoporous adsorbents

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    In our present area of research we have picked CH4 as the probe. Methane is a non-polar molecule with a kinetic diameter of 3.8 Å. Methane in ‘adsorbed’ mode is being projected to be an alternative to compressed natural gas (or, CNG) as fuel in vehicular transportation. It is therefore of paramount importance to find an adsorbent suitable enough for its storage. The two very fundamental things before any adsorbent can be claimed to a suitable one are: (a) High storage capacity (b) Fast kinetics Capacity signifies amount of gas being adsorbed (usually expressed in molar units) per unit mass or volume of adsorbent sample. Kinetics on the other hand explains how fast or slow a gas molecule will be released from the adsorbed phase to the bulk gas phase in desorption cycle. Although several research works in the recent past have published experimental data on CH4 adsorption (both gravimetry and volumetry) on various adsorbents, but a careful observation would indicate ambiguity. Data published for same experimental conditions on similar adsorbent surfaces varied from lab to lab. More importantly, concrete experimental data of CH4 on MOF surfaces are limited as compared to other conventional adsorbents. In our present endeavour, we clearly defined our objectives in two fronts

    Exploring Relational & Goal-Directed Interactions in Community-Based Mentor Relationships

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    Research suggests that the specific types of match interactions play a significant role in the development of mentor relationships, but these studies have been largely correlational. This study systematically examines relational and goal-directed interactions to better understand how these interactions contribute to high quality, long-term mentor relationships using the Theoretically Evolving Activities in Mentoring (TEAM) framework. The sample included 223 matches from a southeastern Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) community-based mentoring program in which mentors provided self-report data across multiple time points during the first 6 months of the relationship. Results support that relational interactions occurring early in the match have a stronger association with match persistence, whereas problem-focused, take on added importance as the match becomes established. Further, results suggest that mentor characteristics may be more important than mentee characteristics in determining match interactions and changes in these interactions over time. This study enriches the mentoring literature by providing empirical support for the three dimensions of the TEAM framework. The findings are discussed in terms of relevant implications for research, theory and practice

    Group B streptococcal carriage among pregnant women and its implications

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    Group B streptococci are a group of gram positive cocci of Streptococcaceae family belonging to Lancefield group B, classified based on carbohydrate antigen. Streptococci are a group of gram positive cocci predominantly showing chain arrangement attributed to the type of cell division (linear). Among the various groups of streptococci group B Streptococci comprise normal micro biota of human genitourinary tract. Group B Streptococci are represented by Streptococcus agalactiae which are not only commensals but also recognized as a potential pathogen responsible for serious neonatal infections. Colonization in vagina prior to pregnancy may be considered as a risk factor for intra-partum and post-partum complications in pregnant women and neonates. Considering the fact that there are many serotypes of group B streptococci prevalent in different geographical regions and that there are no vaccine available, studies on epidemiology of colonization among risk groups and potential pathogenic nature of the colonizing bacteria assume significance. This paper enlivens the current knowledge of epidemiology of group B Streptococci

    Cool Girls, Inc. and Psychological Need Satisfaction in Female Pre and Early Adolescents

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    This study sought to better understand the process of how youth development programs work by examining psychological need satisfaction among youth that participated in a weekly after school program, Cool Girls, Inc. The sample included 216 pre and early adolescent females participating in Cool Girls Club at sites in Atlanta, GA. It was hypothesized that Cool Girls participants would experience support for the basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness, and such need satisfaction would be associated with youth well-being. Engagement emerged as an important component of participation associated with perceived need satisfaction such that participants that reported being highly engaged experienced perceived need satisfaction. However, perceived need satisfaction was not associated with outcomes of well-being. Implications for future research are discussed