15 research outputs found

    Genetic and physiology of cold and drought resistance in Turkish red pine (Pinus brutia, Ten.) populations from southern Turkey

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    The purpose of the study was to determine the pattern of genetic variation in morphological and physiological traits associated with cold and drought stress using seedling from over-exploited and natural populations of Pinus brutia Ten. (Turkish red pine) from southern Turkey. To determine the pattern of genetic variation existing in over-exploited and natural populations, seedlings from 6 populations each with 40 families were raised in Ankara forest nursery from 1998-2000. Three of the populations (Yaylaalan, 111Çalkaya and Gölhisar) were over-exploited and the others (Alanya, Fethiye and Çameli) were relatively natural populations. In three growing seasons, 17 characters were recorded including cold and drought stress involved traits. The component of variation due to populations varied from 0% in height growth by second flush 1999 (SF99) to 45% in cold damage in 2000 (COLD00) while variance component due to families ranged from 4% in height growth in July 2000 (HTJ00) and height growth in August 2000 (HTA00) to 23% in germination (GER) and survival in July 1998 (SUR1). Over-exploited and natural population group did not vary significantly in studied seedling traits. Evaluation of materials with the nursery winter conditions of 1999 (the lowest temperature during the winter of 2000 was -5.9°C) and 2000 (-15.2°C) and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements showed that Çameli and Gölhisar populations were the most cold tolerant ones while Çalkaya was the least tolerant to cold. Family heritabilities for cold tolerance traits were moderate and suggest that by selection for cold tolerance among families from Çameli and Gölhisar populations, considerable amount of genetic gain could be achieved in one generation. The families, which were suffered greatly from frost, were also the ones suffered from drought. Furthermore, these families accumulated less height growth after induced water stress. The most drought sensitive population was Çalkaya population. There were no significant differences among other populations for drought tolerance. On the average, cold resistant families during the water stress ivexperiment had higher osmotic potential in needles and proline accumulation than cold sensitive families. So osmotic potential of seedlings on proline contents in needles of seedlings during the drought period could be used as a reliable trait for rapid screening of large families from drought tolerant populations.Türkiye'nin güneyinden örneklenen kızılçam (pinus brutia ten) popülasyonlarında soğuğa ve kuraklığa dayanıklılığın genetiğiBu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye'nin güneyindeki doğal ve aşırı kullanılmış kızılcam (Pinus brutia) populasyonlarında kuraklık ve soğuk stresi ile bağlantılı olarak fizyolojik ve morfolojik karakterlerde genetik varyasyonun yapılaşmasının belirlenmesidir. Aşın kullanılmış ve doğal kızılcam populasyonlarının genetik varyasyon motifini tespit edebilmek için, herbiri 40 aileden oluşan 6 kızılcam populasyonun tohumlan 1998 yılında Ankara Orman Fidanlığına ekilmiş ve üç yıl süre ile büyütülmüştür. Populasyonlardan üçü (Yaylaalan, Çalkaya ve Gölhisar) aşın vikullanılmış, diğer üçü ise (Alanya, Fethiye ve Çameli) nispeten doğaldır. Fidanların ekimi ile beraber üç yıl boyunca büyüme, soğuk ve kuraklıkla ilintili karakterlerde dahil 17 karakter ölçülmüştür. Yapılan varyans analizinde, populasyonlardan kaynaklanan varyasyon en küçük değeri (%0) 1999 yılında İkinci Sürgün uzunluğu (SF99) karakterinde, en büyük değeride (%45) 2000 yılı soğuk zararı (COLD00) karakterinde gözlenmiştir. Aileden kaynaklanan varyasyon ise %4 ile %23 arasında değişmektedir. 2000 yılı haziran ayı boy uzaması (HTJ00) ve 2000 yılı ağustos ayı boy uzaması (HTA00) için aileden kaynaklanan varyasyon %4 tür. çimlenme (GER) ve 1998 yılı temmuz ayı yaşama (SURİ) karakterlerinde aileden kaynaklanan vaeyasyon % 23 tür. Aşırı kullanılmış ve doğal kızılcam populasyonları arasında ölçülen karakterler bakımından önemli sayılabilecek farklılıklar bulunmamıştır. Ankara fidanlığında 1999 (en düşük sıcaklık -5.9°C) ve 2000 (en düşük kaydedilen sıcaklık - 15.2°C) kışında ölçülen morfolojik ve fizyolojik karakterler ile klorofil floresan değerleri Çameli ve Gölhisar populasyonlarının soğuğa en dayanıklı, Çalkaya populasyonunun ise soğuğa en hassas olduğunu göstermiştir. Soğuğa dayanıklılık karakterleri bakımından aile düzeyinde kalıtsallık orta bir değer göstermiştir. Elde edilen bu aile kalıtsallık değeri Çameli ve Gölhisar ailelerinden soğuğa dayanıklılık için yapılacak seçimlerde bir nesil sonra önemli bir genetik kazancın olabileceğini öngörmektedir. Soğuktan büyük ölçüde zarar görmüş aileler aynı zamanda kuraklıktan da zarar görmüştür. Buna ilaveten, bu ailelerde kuraklık (su) stresine sokulduktan sonra viidaha az boy uzaması kaydedilmiştir. Kuraklığa en hassas populasyon Çalkaya' dır. Diğer populasyonlar arasında kuraklığa dayanıklılık bakımından önemli bir farklılık gözlenmemiştir. Ortalama değerler göz önüne alındığında, soğuğa dayanıklı ailelerin yaprak osmotik potansiyeli ve prolin miktari soğuğa hassas ailelerden daha yüksek olarak bulunmuştur. Bu da kuraklık dönemlerinde yaprak osmotik potansiyeli ve prolin değerlerinin kurağa dayanıklı populasyonların çabuk taramalarının yapılmasında güvenilir karakterler olarak kullanılabileceğini göstermektedir.Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    Morphometrical and biochemical aspects of genetics of malathion resistance in housefly, musca domestical

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    Map position of phosphoglucomutase (Pgm) locus on autosome IV of house fly (Diptera : Muscidae)

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    WOS: 000242565000022PubMed: 17195677We determined the map position of phosphoglucomutase (Pgm) locus on autosome IV of housefly, Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae), by using three and five point linkage test crosses. Test strains had visible mutant markers (car, bwb, cyw, and aabys). We analyzed 1,738 offspring in total from two groups of single-pair matings by electrophoresis. Here, we report the linkage of Pgm locus to autosome IV loci curly wing (cyw) and yellow eyes (ye) with recombination frequency of 16.9 and 1.1%, respectively. We combined the distances calculated from this study and the previously published data. An updated linkage map of the M. domestica L. Autosome IV was drawn based on combined data in terms of real map units obtained from the mapping function

    Population variation in drought resistance and its relationship with adaptive and physiological seedling traits in Turkish red pine (Pinus brutia Ten.)

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    Variation in drought resistance and its relationship with adaptive and physiological traits in forest trees are important in choosing suitable seed sources for reforestation and afforestation programs. A common garden experiment using 240 half-sib families originating from coastal and inland populations of Turkish red pine (Pinus brutia) in Turkey was set up with three replicates. The aims were to determine variation of drought damage, height growth, and phenology among populations and to investigate the relationship between drought damage and physiological traits (i.e. plant moisture stress and proline content). Three-year-old seedlings were subjected to drought treatment during the summer of 2000 and adaptive and physiological traits were measured. Except for bud burst, the majority of the variation resided between populations, leading to low heritability estimates for all traits. On average, inland populations were more resistant to drought and taller, with earlier bud burst and bud set times, than coastal populations. Proline content increased with higher drought damage, especially in cold-resistant and inland families. Inland populations are more drought-resistant than coastal populations. The results of the study demonstrate the possibility of selection for drought resistance for Turkish red pine at the population level

    Magnitude and efficiency of genetic diversity captured from seed stands of Pinus nigra (Arnold) subsp pallasiana in established seed orchards and plantations

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    To test how efficiently plantations and seed orchards captured genetic diversity from natural Anatolian black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold subspecies pallasiana Holmboe) seed stands, seed sources were chosen from 3 different categories (seed stands (SS), seed orchards (SO) and plantations (P)) comprising 4 different breeding zones of the species in Turkey. Twenty-five trees (mother trees) were selected from each SS, SO and P seed sources and were screened with 11 Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Estimated genetic diversity parameters were found to be generally high in all Anatolian black pine seed sources and the majority of genetic diversity is contained within seed sources (94%). No significant difference in genetic diversity parameters (numbers of effective alleles, % of polymorphic loci and heterozygosity) among seed source categories was found, except for a slight increase in observed heterozygosities in seed orchards. For all seed source categories, observed heterozygosity values were higher (H-o = 0.49 for SS, 0.55 for SO and 0.49 for P) than expected ones (H-e = 0.40 for SS, 0.39 for SO and 0.38 for P) indicating the excess of heterozygotes. In general, genetic diversity in seed stands has been transferred successfully into seed orchards and plantations. However, the use of seeds from seed orchards can increase the amount of genetic diversity in plantations further. The study also demonstrated that number of plus-tree clones (25-38) used in the establishment of seed orchards was adequate to capture the high level of diversity from natural stands

    Molecular phylogeny of relict-endemic Liquidambar orientalis Mill based on sequence diversity of the chloroplast-encoded matK gene

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    The genetic diversity and evolutionary divergence in Liquidambar species and Liquidambar orientalis varieties were compared with respect to the matK gene. A total of 66 genotypes from 18 different populations were sampled in southwestern Turkey. The matK region, which is about 1,512 bp in length, was sequenced and studied. L. orientalis, L. styraciflua, and L. formosana had similar magnitude of nucleotide diversity, while L. styraciflua and L. acalycina possessed higher evolutionary divergence. The highest evolutionary divergence was found between L. styraciflua and eastern Asian Liquidambar species (0.0102). However, the evolutionary divergence between L. orientalis and other species was of a similar magnitude. The maximum-parsimony phylogenetic tree showed that L. styraciflua and L. orientalis formed a closer clade while East Asian species were in a separate clade. This suggests that the North Atlantic Land Bridge through southern Greenland may have facilitated continuous distribution of Liquidambar species from southeastern Europe to eastern North America in early Tertiary period. The maximum-parsimony tree with only 18 Oriental sweetgum populations indicated that there were two main clusters: one with mainly L. orientalis var. integriloba and the other with var. orientalis and undetermined populations. High nucleotide diversity (0.0028) and divergence (0.00072) were found in L. orientalis var. integriloba populations and Mugla-1 geographical region. This region could be considered as the major refugium and genetic diversity center for the species. The low genetic diversity and divergence at intraspecies level suggest that L. orientalis populations in Turkey share an ancestral polymorphism from which two varieties may have evolved

    Correlation between intrahepatic hepatitis B virus cccDNA levels and other activity markers in patients with HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B infection

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    WOS: 000296752100014PubMed ID: 21934508Objective The aim of this study was to demonstrate the relation between intrahepatic (IH) hepatitis B virus (HBV) covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) levels and the other HBV replicative intermediates and hepatocyte expression of HBV antigens. Patients and methods Patients with hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) positivity, hepatitis B early antigen negativity, serum HBV DNA levels 10(4) copies/ml or more, and constantly or intermittently increased alanine aminotransferase levels were included. Results Fifty-nine patients were included. There was a good correlation between the levels of IH HBV cccDNA and serum HBV DNA (P<0.001). Serum HBsAg levels were weakly correlated with IH HBV cccDNA levels and moderately correlated with serum HBV DNA (r=0.322, P=0.017; r=0.489, P=0.001, respectively). There were no significant correlation between serum HBsAg level and histologic activity index groups (P=0.691), but stage 0, 1, and greater than 2 fibrosis groups were positively correlated with serum HBsAg levels (P=0.019). IH cccDNA and serum HBV DNA were significantly different in hepatitis B core antigen staining groups (P=0.008 and <0.001, respectively) but there was no significant correlation between HBsAg staining groups and HBV replication markers. There was a weak correlation between serum HBsAg levels and IH HBsAg and hepatitis B core antigen levels (r=0.333, P=0.012; r=0.366, P=0.006, respectively). In multivariate analysis, alanine aminotransferase, age, fibrosis stage, and serum HBsAg quantitation were the most important factors predicting IH HBV cccDNA level. Conclusion Histopathologic damage, serum HBV DNA levels, and IH HBV replication markers have a more complex and dynamic process. However, both serum and IH HBV replication markers provide important knowledge about the activity of the disease. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 23:1185-1191 (C) 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins