5,144 research outputs found

    Normal metal - insulator - superconductor interferometer

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    Hybrid normal metal - insulator - superconductor microstructures suitable for studying an interference of electrons were fabricated. The structures consist of a superconducting loop connected to a normal metal electrode through a tunnel barrier . An optical interferometer with a beam splitter can be considered as a classical analogue for this system. All measurements were performed at temperatures well below 1 K. The interference can be observed as periodic oscillations of the tunnel current (voltage) through the junction at fixed bias voltage (current) as a function of a perpendicular magnetic field. The magnitude of the oscillations depends on the bias point. It reaches a maximum at energy eVeV which is close to the superconducting gap and decreases with an increase of temperature. Surprisingly, the period of the oscillations in units of magnetic flux ΔΩ\Delta \Phi is equal neither to h/eh/e nor to h/2eh/2e, but significantly exceeds these values for larger loop circumferences. The origin of the phenomena is not clear.Comment: 11 pages and 8 figure

    A new method of evaluating the side wall interference effect on airfoil angle of attack by suction from the side walls

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    A quantitative evaluation method of the suction effect from a suction plate on side walls is explained. It is found from wind tunnel tests that the wall interference is basically described by the summation form of wall interferences in the case of two dimensional flow and the interference of side walls

    Nonequilibrium steady states of driven magnetic flux lines in disordered type-II superconductors

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    We investigate driven magnetic flux lines in layered type-II superconductors subject to various configurations of strong point or columnar pinning centers by means of a three-dimensional elastic line model and Metropolis Monte Carlo simulations. We characterize the resulting nonequilibrium steady states by means of the force-velocity / current-voltage curve, static structure factor, mean vortex radius of gyration, number of double-kink and half-loop excitations, and velocity / voltage noise spectrum. We compare the results for the above observables for randomly distributed point and columnar defects, and demonstrate that the three-dimensional flux line structures and their fluctuations lead to a remarkable variety of complex phenomena in the steady-state transport properties of bulk superconductors.Comment: 23 pages, IOP style, 18 figures include

    Preliminary experimental results of gas recycling subsystems except carbon dioxide concentration

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    Oxygen concentration and separation is an essential factor for air recycling in a controlled ecological life support system (CELSS). Furthermore, if the value of the plant assimilatory quotient is not coincident with that of the animal respiratory quotient, the recovery of oxygen from the concentrated CO2 through chemical methods will become necessary to balance the gas contents in a CELSS. Therefore, oxygen concentration and separation equipment using Salcomine and O2 recovery equipment, such as Sabatier and Bosch reactors, were experimentally developed and tested

    The formation of disinfection by-products from the chlorination and chloramination of amides

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    This study examined the potential of six aliphatic and aromatic amides, commonly found in natural waters or used as chemical aids in water treatment, to act as organic precursors for nine haloacetamides (HAcAms), five haloacetonitriles (HANs), regulated trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs) upon chlorination and chloramination. The impact of key experimental conditions, representative of drinking water, including pH (7 & 8), retention time (4 & 24 h) and bromide levels (0 & 100 ÎŒg/L), on the generation of the target DBPs was investigated. The highest aggregate DBP yields upon chlor(am)ination were reported for the aromatic and hydrophobic hydroxybenzamide; 2.7% ± 0.1% M/M (chlorination) and 1.7% M/M (chloramination). Increased reactivity was observed in aliphatic and hydrophilic compounds, acrylamide (2.5 ± 0.2% M/M) and acetamide (1.3 ± 0.2% M/M), in chlorination and chloramination, respectively. The addition of bromide increased average DBP yields by 50–70%. Relative to chlorination, the application of chloramines reduced DBP formation by 66.5% (without Br−) and by 46.4% (with Br−). However, bromine incorporation in HAAs and HAcAms was enhanced following chloramination, of concern due to the higher toxicological potency of brominated compounds

    Inversion analysis of the 2004 off the Kii peninsula earthquakes using seismic intensity data

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    Ung och tanklös Àr en litteraturstudie som handlar om pÄföljdssystemet för unga lagövertrÀdare. Den ger en översikt över dagens pÄföljdssystem samt en historisk tillbakablick inom lagstiftningen och ÄtgÀrderna kring unga lagövertrÀdare i Sverige. Syftet med uppsatsen Àr att undersöka hur dagens samhÀlle hanterar unga lagövertrÀdare. Varför ser vÄrt pÄföljdssystem ut som det gör? Tyngdpunkten i arbetet ligger pÄ utvecklingen av pÄföljderna samt att det har gÄtt frÄn straff till ett mer behandlingsinriktat samhÀlle. Uppsatsen tar Àven upp sluten ungdomsvÄrd och hur straff och behandlig förenas pÄ institutionerna. De resultat som framkommer i uppsatsen Àr att de behandlingsmetoder som visat sig vara effektiva för gruppen unga lagövertrÀdare Àr Kognitiv beteendeterapi baserade program och familjebaserade insatser. De insatser som visats fungera bÀttre Àn andra utmÀrks genom att de inriktar sig pÄ att pÄverka den unges sÀtt att tÀnka, kÀnna och bete sig. Det innebÀr att det Àr mer effektivt att ge den unge nÄgon typ av kvalificerad behandling utöver en juridisk pÄföljd. Uppsatsen visar Àven en utveckling av olika slags pÄföljder för unga lagövertrÀdare eftersom olika straffteorier har tillÀmpats genom tiden. Samt hur samhÀllets ÄtgÀrder för unga lagövertrÀdare förÀndrats.Young and thoughtless is a literature which deals with penalties for young offenders. It gives an overview of the current system of sanctions and to history in the legislation and measures relating to young offenders in Sweden. The purpose of this paper is to examine how our society handles young offenders. Why does our system of penalties the way they do? The focus of the work lies in the development of the sanctions and that it has moved from criminal to a more treatment-oriented society. The essay also takes up secure youth and how punishment and treatment united in institutions. The results obtained in the paper is that the methods of treatment proved effective for the group of young offenders is cognitive-behavioral therapy-based programs and family-based interventions. The actions demonstrated work better than others, characterized by the focus on to influence the young person's way of thinking, feeling and behaving. That means it is more effective to give the kids some type of skilled therapy beyond a legal sanction. The essay also shows a development of different types of sanctions for young offenders because various criminal theories have been applied through time. And how society measures for young offenders has changed

    Force measurements of a superconducting-film actuator for a cryogenic interferometric gravitational-wave detector

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    We measured forces applied by an actuator with a YBCO film at near 77 K for the Large-scale Cryogenic Gravitational-wave Telescope (LCGT) project. An actuator consisting of both a YBCO film of 1.6 micrometers thickness and 0.81 square centimeters area and a solenoid coil exerted a force of up to 0.2 mN on a test mass. The presented actuator system can be used to displace the mirror of LCGT for fringe lock of the interferometer.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure
