266 research outputs found

    The Bulgarian anatomical terminology of today

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    By Bulgarian anatomical terms we mean the names established by scientific tradition, duplicating the Latin anatomical terms and coined with the means of the Bulgarian language or loan-words which are grammatically integrated (assimilated) into the Bulgarian anatomical text and are written in the Cyrillic alphabet. In their integrity and systemic relationships, the Bulgarian anatomical terms make up the Bulgarian anatomical terminology. The modern Bulgarian anatomical terms are formed in conformity with the basic term formation methods in Bulgarian literary language: lexico-morphological, lexico-syntactical and lexico-semantic. Besides them, word-borrowing in its two varieties – borrowing through translation (literal and free) and borrowing existing foreign terminological items – has had an impact on the terminological norm and is currently an active modern process lending itself to control. Main points in the research: Terms, terminolgy and nomenclature; Definitions in the anatomical scientific literature; Term formation; Links and interrelationships; General linguistic characteristics of the anatomical terms; Norm, codification and standardization in anatomical terminology

    The Bulgarian anatomical terminology of today

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    By Bulgarian anatomical terms we mean the names established by scientific tradition, duplicating the Latin anatomical terms and coined with the means of the Bulgarian language or loan-words which are grammatically integrated (assimilated) into the Bulgarian anatomical text and are written in the Cyrillic alphabet. In their integrity and systemic relationships, the Bulgarian anatomical terms make up the Bulgarian anatomical terminology. The modern Bulgarian anatomical terms are formed in conformity with the basic term formation methods in Bulgarian literary language: lexico-morphological, lexico-syntactical and lexico-semantic. Besides them, word-borrowing in its two varieties – borrowing through translation (literal and free) and borrowing existing foreign terminological items – has had an impact on the terminological norm and is currently an active modern process lending itself to control. Main points in the research: Terms, terminolgy and nomenclature; Definitions in the anatomical scientific literature; Term formation; Links and interrelationships; General linguistic characteristics of the anatomical terms; Norm, codification and standardization in anatomical terminology


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    Research on Linguistic Approaches, Used for Semantic Explanation of Bell’s Knowledge

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    This paper presents a research of linguistic structure of Bulgarian bells knowledge. The idea of building semantic structure of Bulgarian bells appeared during the “Multimedia fund - BellKnow” project. In this project was collected a lots of data about bells, their structure, history, technical data, etc. This is the first attempt for computation linguistic explain of bell knowledge and deliver a semantic representation of that knowledge. Based on this research some linguistic components, aiming to realize different types of analysis of text objects are implemented in term dictionaries. Thus, we lay the foundation of the linguistic analysis services in these digital dictionaries aiding the research of kinds, number and frequency of the lexical units that constitute various bell objects

    Смирението на Царя (старозаветните четива в навечерието на Вход Господен в Иерусалим)

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    Тържественото влизане на Господ Иисус Христос в Иерусалим е описано и от четиримата евангелисти. С Вход Господен в Иерусалим започва и пътя към страданието. В богослужението се прославя Христос като Бог и Цар – Спасител и Победител, но се споменава и предстоящата Пасха и доброволните страдания. Празникът, намиращ се след Великия пост и предшестващ Великата седмица и Пасха има ясно изразен есхатологичен характер. В навечерието на неделя Ваия се четат три старозаветни четива (паримии): Битие 49:1–2, 8–12, Соф. 3:14-19 и Зах. 9:9-15. Докладът представя тълкуване на перикопите чрез светоотеческите съчинения и химнографията на Православната църква. Темата за смирението на Царя е своеобразен "вход" към следващата Велика седмица, когато Творецът на небето и земята ще претърпи смърт от ръцете на Своите творения, за да победи смъртта и да издигне природата на Адам.The solemn entry of the Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem is described by the four evangelists. With the Lord's entrance into Jerusalem, the road to His suffering begins. The worship glorifies Christ as God and King - Victor and Saviour, but it also mentions the coming Passover and voluntary suffering. The feast, located after the Great Lent and preceding Holy Week and Pascha, has a distinctly eschatological character. Three Old Testament readings (paroemias) are read on the eve of Palm Sunday: Gen. 49:1-2, 8-12, Zeph. 3:14-19, and Zech. 9:9-15. The paper presents an interpretation of the pericopes through the writings of the Holy Fathers and the hymnography of the Orthodox Church. The theme of the humility of the King is a kind of "gateway" to the next Holy Week, when the Creator of heaven and earth will suffer and die at the hands of His creatures in order to conquer death and exalt the nature of Adam

    Старозаветните четива за Сретение Господне: Херменевтичен ключ за екзегезата на Стария Завет в Православната църква

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    Статията представя основните акценти в богослужението за празника Сретение Господне по отношение на екзегезата на Стария Завет и ги разглежда като "херменевтичен ключ" за разбирането, приемането и тълкуването на Стария Завет в богослужението на Православната църква. Законодателят, Който се подчини на закона, темата за жертвата и антитезата светлина/тъмнина са основните идеи в богослужението и неговата екзегеза на Писанието.The paper traces the main accents in the worship of the feast Meeting of the Lord towards the exegesis of the Old Testament and consider it as the "hermeneutical key" for understanding, accepting, and interpreting the Old Testament in the Orthodox Church. The Lawgiver who obeys the Law, the sacrifice’s theme and the antithesis light/darkness are the main ideas in the worship and its exegesis of the Scripture

    Contraception in HIV-positive female adolescents

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    Sexual behavior of HIV-positive youths, whether infected perinatally, through risky behavior or other ways, is not substantially different from that of HIV-uninfected peers. Because of highly active antiretroviral therapy, increasing number of children, infected perinatally, are surviving into adolescence and are becoming sexually active and need reproductive health services. The objective of this article is to review the methods of contraception appropriate for HIV-positive adolescents with a special focus on hormonal contraceptives. Delaying the start of sexual life and the use of two methods thereafter, one of which is the male condom and the other a highly effective contraceptive method such as hormonal contraception or an intrauterine device, is currently the most effective option for those who desire simultaneous protection from both pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Health care providers should be aware of the possible pharmacokinetic interactions between hormonal contraception and antiretrovirals. There is an urgent need for more information regarding metabolic outcomes of hormonal contraceptives, especially the effect of injectable progestins on bone metabolism, in HIV-positive adolescent girls

    Kinetic Studies of Methane-Hydrate Formation from Ice Ih

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    Diese Dissertation berichtet über die Bildungskinetik von Methanhydrat aus pulverförmigem Eis Ih unter Bedingungen der Hydratstabilität unterhalb des Quadrupelpunktes. Sie wurde im Rahmen des DFG-Projektes Ku 920/9 durchgeführt, das sich mit der Untersuchung von Eisgrenzflächen beschäftigte.Erstmals werden hier Ergebnisse unterschiedlicher experimenteller Methoden zur Erforschung des Gashydratwachstums zusammengeführt und auf Konsistenz überprüft. Quantitative Daten über die Bildung von Methanhydrat wurden durch Neutronendiffraktion und Messungen des Gasverbrauchs gewonnen. Weiterhin wurde versucht, das Hydratwachstum mit Hilfe von Röntgendiffraktion zu untersuchen. Die Anwendung von Neutronenbeugungsverfahren zeigte, dass sich in einem Fall im Anfangsstadium ein metastabiles Typ-II-CO2-Hydrat neben dem üblichen Typ-I-Hydrat bildet. Messungen des Gasverbrauchs während des Wachstumsprozesses zeigten die Neigung zu langen Reaktionsperioden bis zur nahezu vollständigen Umwandlung in Hydrat. Die Rasterelektronenmikroskopie lieferte qualitativ hochwertige Bilder der verschiedenen Transformationsphasen, anhand deren ein phänomenologisches Mehrphasenmodell des Gashydratwachstums von polydispersem Eispulver entwickelt wurde.So konnte erstmals die Existenz von drei Wachstums-Phasen festgestellt werden: die rasche Bildung eines Hydratfilms über der Eisoberfläche im Anfangsstadium (Phase I), von der Reaktion an der Eis-Hydrat-Grenzfläche gebremstes Hydratwachstum (Phase II) sowie die Diffusion von Wasser und Gas durch die Hydratschicht, von denen die schrumpfenden Eiskerne umgeben sind (Phase III). Zum ersten Mal konnte die Methanhydratbildung vollständig mit Hilfe des Mehrphasenmodells simuliert werden. Die sich daraus ergebenden Reaktionskonstanten des Hydratwachstums wurden zur Einschätzung der Aktivationsenergien der verschiedenen Wachstums-Phasen eingesetzt