218 research outputs found

    Heads or Tails? Network Effects on Game Purchase Behavior in The Long Tail Market

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    This study aims to uncover the effects of network effects, namely the social influence and network externalities, on purchasing of digital goods. We are particularly interested in the differences in network effects in long tail versus the head of the market. We used a novel dataset from an online game distribution platform covering 1975 games and 8000 users in this study. The results reveal that network effects are more pronounced for the tail of the market in comparison to the head of the market. For the games that are in the head of the market the popularity may be more significantly influenced by factors unobserved in this study (such as advertising budget) yet the games in the tail benefited greatly from any change to the network effects. The exception was social games. The games that relied on user to user engagement did not fare well in the tail of the market. This study contributes to the literature on network effects and long tail market literature by highlighting the differential effects in different segments of the market

    Current clinician perspective on non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulant use in challenging clinical cases.

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    OBJECTIVE: The evolution of non-vitamin K antagonist anticoagulants (NOACs) has changed the horizon of stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation (SPAF). All 4 NOACs have been tested against dose-adjusted warfarin in well-designed, pivotal, phase III, randomized, controlled trials (RCTs) and were approved by regulatory authorities for an SPAF indication. However, as traditional RCTs, these trials have important weaknesses, largely related to their complex structure and patient participation, which was limited by strict inclusion and extensive exclusion criteria. In the real world, however, clinicians are often faced with complex, multimorbid patients who are underrepresented in these RCTs. This article is based on a meeting report authored by 12 scientists studying atrial fibrillation (AF) in diverse ways who discussed the management of challenging AF cases that are underrepresented in pivotal NOAC trials. METHODS: An advisory board panel was convened to confer on management strategies for challenging AF cases. The article is derived from a summary of case presentations and the collaborative discussions at the meeting. CONCLUSION: This expert consensus of cardiologists aimed to define management strategies for challenging cases with patients who underrepresented in pivotal trials using case examples from their routine practice. Although strong evidence is lacking, exploratory subgroup analysis of phase III pivotal trials partially informs the management of these patients. Clinical trials with higher external validity are needed to clarify areas of uncertainty. The lack of clear evidence about complex AF cases has pushed clinicians to manage patients based on clinical experience, including rare situations of off-label prescriptions

    Physical Education in Primary Schools: Cognitive Stimulation, National Active Games and Cultural Background

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    This study describes the features of active game-based learning in primary schools. The survey involved 38 national sports coaches and 29 school teachers. Based on previous empirical findings, this study probes whether there is an established opinion about national games in the school curriculum among teachers and experts. Primary school students are offered many techniques to form necessary skills during the execution of physical exercises. The findings demonstrate that different games and competitions are able to expand the social circle of children. In the long run, the relationships between individual tribes and tribal unions became consistent and global. Games and competitions favoured this tendency, contributing to a gradual formation of behavioural norms in people of different generations. &nbsp

    Identifikacija monomorfnih i polimorfnih gena povezanih s recesivno uvjetovanim poremećajima plodnosti holštajnskih krava u Kazahstanu

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    Haplotypes of candidate genes namely: apoptotic protease activating factor 1 (APAF1 p.Q579X or HH1), glycinamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase (GART or HH4), structural maintenance of chromosomes 2 (SMC2 or HH3), and haplotype cholesterol deficiency (HCD) genes associated with recessive fertility defects (loss of fertility) were investigated in imported Canadian Holstein cows reared at “Medeu Commerce” LLP breeding farm in Kazakhstan. The genotypic profiling of the APAF1/HH1, GART/HH4 fertility haplotype carriers was carried out by PCR-RFLP methods using BstC8I and Tru9I and MseI, while the genotypic profiling of the SMC2/HH3, and HCD fertility haplotype carriers was carried out using our own primer designed by internal primer marker methods. The study revealed that the PCR-RFLP diagnostic markers APAF1/HH1 and GART/HH4 for recessive fertility defects were monomorphic in the Canadian Holstein cows investigated. However, the diagnostic markers SMC2/HH3 and HCD fertility haplotype carriers (our own design diagnostic markers) were polymorphic, with frequencies of 3% and 11%, respectively, in the investigated Canadian Holstein cows. The study concluded that genetic monitoring of recessive fertility defects enables the timely identification of carriers of harmful lethal mutations, and control of the fertility haplotype elimination process.U krava holštajnske pasmine, uvezenih iz Kanade i uzgojenih na poljoprivrednom gospodarstvu Medeu Commerce LLP u Kazahstanu, istraživani su haplotipovi slijedećih kandidatnih gena za koje se smatra da su povezani s poremećajima (gubitkom) plodnosti: faktor koji aktivira apoptotsku proteazu 1 (APAF1 p.Q579X ili HH1), glicinamidribonukleotidna formiltransferaza (GART ili HH4), strukturno održavanje kromosoma 2 (SMC2 ili HH3) i haplotip za manjak kolesterola (HCD). Genotipsko profiliranje nositelja haplotipova APAF1/HH1, GART/HH4 provedeno je metodom PCR-RFLP uz upotrebu BstC8I i Tru9I te MseI, dok je genotipsko profiliranje nositelja haplotipova SMC2/ HH3, i HCD provedeno vlastitim primerima, oblikovanim internim metodama. Rezultati su pokazali da su metodom PCR-RFLP dijagnostički markeri APAF1/HH1 i GART/HH4 za recesivne poremećaje plodnosti u istraživanih krava bili monomorfni. Istovremeno, dijagnostički markeri nositelja haplotipova SMC2/HH3 i HCD (oblikovani prema vlastitim metodama) bili su polimorfni, s učestalošću od 3 % i 11 %. Zaključeno je da genetski nadzor recesivnih poremećaja plodnosti omogućuje pravodobno identificiranje nositelja štetnih letalnih mutacija i kontrolu eliminacije haplotipova koji štetno utječu na plodnost

    Analysis of basic value levels of sport high school and general high school students according to receiving physical education and sports courses

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    The aim of this study was to analyze basic value level of Anatolian Sport High School and General High School students according to their receiving Physical Education and Sports courses. As 296 girls and 324 boys from General High School and 84 boys and 49 girls from Anatolian High School students, totally 753 students participated in research. In order to collect data related to independent and dependent variables, “Personal Information Form” and “Portrait Values Scale” were applied to high school students. Research data was evaluated by using Independent Sample T Test with statistics packet program. According to research results, meaningful difference in support of General High School was found at humanistic basic values which Power, Success, Excitement, Self-Management, Universalism, Benevolence, Compliance and Safety related to sub dimension according to Anatolian Sport High School and General High School students school types. Besides it was found that total points related to basic values vary according to gender and meaningful differences were found for the benefit of the girls. Meaningful differences were not found at Hedonism and Conventionalism sub levels

    Optimizing Silanization to Functionalize Stainless Steel Wire: Towards Breast Cancer Stem Cell Isolation

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    Chemically modified metal surfaces have been used to recognize and capture specific cell types and biomolecules. In this work, stainless steel wires were functionalized with aptamers against breast cancer stem cell markers. Stainless steel wires were first electropolished and silanized via electrodeposition. Aptamers were then attached to the silanized surface through a cross-linker. The functionalized wires were able to capture the target cells in an in vitro test. During surface modification steps, wires were analyzed by atomic force microscopy, cyclic voltammetry, scanning electron and fluorescence microscopy to determine their surface composition and morphology. Optimized conditions of silanization (applied potential, solution pH, heat treatment temperature) for obtaining an aptamer-functionalized wire were determined in this work together with the use of several surface characterization techniques suitable for small-sized and circular wires. These modified wires have potential applications for the in vivo capture of target cells in blood flow, since their small size allows their insertion as standard guidewires in biomedical devices


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    This research article examines Abylai Khan's role as a historical figure in the Kazakh Khanate's foreign policy from the middle of XVIII century to 1781, as well as his diplomatic relations with the Qin Manchurian Empire of China, the Russian Empire, and, most importantly, good diplomacy connections. All these have been considered from the point of view of historical research in the state archives of Russia and Kazakhstan. The diplomatic relations of the Kazakh Khanate with neighboring countries in the seventeenth century, armed conflicts between the Kazakh Khanate and the Dzungarian Khanate, the heroic deeds of Abylai Khan, Kabanbai Batyr, Bogenbai Batyr, and others during the Qin Empire's invasion of the Kazakh Khanate are documented. On the basis of ancient and current scientific literature in Kazakh and international scientific libraries, the real data have been analyzed and methodically reviewed. From a theoretical and methodological point of view, the work was carried out on historical principles, true objective research, analysis of historical events in chronological order, comparative use of archival data, references to the research of scientific literature. The history of further development of Kazakh people has proved that such a courageous and purposeful service, provided by Abylai Khan in the middle of the XVIII century, transcended the borders of one country and became the most important in the region

    Antithrombotic Therapy in Elderly Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: The State of the Problem in the Real Clinical Practice of a Family Medicine Doctor

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    Introduction. The research aimed at studying the efficacy and safety of anticoagulant therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), especially in older age groups, is now increasingly relevant.The aim of the study is to analyze the situation with prescribing anticoagulant therapy in elderly and senile persons with atrial fibrillation in real clinical practice and to demonstrate the possibility of improving the quality of observation and management of a group of patients as part of the work of a specialized team.Materials and methods. A total of 2,770 medical records of outpatient patients with atrial fibrillation were studied for the period from 2017 to 2019. Of this number, 320 patients with AF of nonvalvular etiology were selected, the average age of which was 70.3 ± 8.15 years. There were 270 women and 50 men. An observational prospective study in 45 elderly and senile patients with AF of non-valvular etiology was carried out by a team of specialized doctors for 12 months.Results. Of the 301 patients, anticoagulant therapy was prescribed to 166 (55.1 %), of which only 17 (10.2 %) people received proper anticoagulant therapy. The excessive activity was observed in 114 (37.9 %) patients, who underwent antiplatelet therapy with aspirin, and 21 (7.0 %) patients remained without any treatment with anticoagulants nor antiplatelet agents. Although, in the case of both, prescribing aspirin and not prescribing, anticoagulants have been indicated. In the prospective part of the study (for 12 months), all 45 patients continued to take anticoagulants and were systematically monitored. The INR in the target range over 60 % of the time was achieved in 37 % of patients receiving warfarin therapy.Conclusion. In the actual clinical practice of Kyrgyzstan family medicine centers, older patients with atrial fibrillation receive inadequate antithrombotic therapy. The main drug of choice for specialists remains warfarin, a therapy that can be recognized as adequate only in a small number (16 %) of patients. The ability to improve the quality of surveillance and management of a group of patients with AF and high adherence to treatment was demonstrated by the work of a specialized team of doctors

    Konjski i goveđi papilomavirusi u turskih rasplodnih konja: molekularna identifikacija i imunohistokemijska analiza.

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    Papillomaviruses have an oncogenic nature, developing benign or malignant tumours in association with the proliferation of cutaneous or mucosal epithelia in humans and animals. The objective of this study was to investigate, the genoprevalence of bovine papillomavirus (BPV) types 1 and -2, and equine papillomavirus (EcPV) types 1, 2 and 3 in Turkish brood horses, with or without genital lesions and skin tumours, and confirmation of the equine sarcoids by several immunohistochemical markers. A total of 42 genital swabs and 6 skin tumours were collected from Thoroughbred stallions/mares in Turkey. Overall, both EcPV and BPV specific DNA amplicons sampled were detected in genital swabs from 38.1% of the brood horses tested by PCR. The prevalence of BPV-1, BPV-2 and EcPV-2 in the Turkish brood horses was 14.3%, 2.4% and 21.4%, respectively. Furthermore, there was no significant difference between the horses that appeared to be healthy (38.7%) and symptomatic horses (36.4%) (P>0.05). Out of the six samples obtained from the six horses that had skin tumours, BPV-1 was detected in five tissue samples and four blood samples, and only one skin tumour was found to be infected with EcPV-2. This study indicates that a high prevalence of EcPV-2 and BPV-1 was found in apparently healthy horses as well as in symptomatic cases. Additionally, the horses infected subclinically with papillomaviruses may play a significant role in the epizootiology of papillomavirus infections and lead to an increase in reproductive problems in brood horse populations.Papilomavirusi su onkogene prirode, uzrokuju razvoj dobroćudnih ili zloćudnih novotvorina povezanih s proliferacijom epitela kože ili sluznica u ljudi i životinja. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ustanoviti genoprevalenciju goveđeg papilomavirusa (BPV) tipa 1 i 2 i konjskog papilomavirusa (EcPV) tipa 1, 2 i 3 u turskih rasplodnih konja, s genitalnim lezijama i kožnim tumorima ili bez njih, te potvrditi sarkoide u konja pomoću nekoliko imunohistokemijskih biljega. Od kobila i pastuha pasmine engleski punokrvnjak u Turskoj prikupljena su ukupno 42 genitalna brisa i 6 kožnih tumora. Produkti DNA specifični za EcPV i za BPV, pronađeni su u genitalnim brisovima u 38,1 % konja u uzgoju testiranih PCR-om. Prevalencija je bila: BPV-1 – 14,3 %, BPV-2 – 2,4 %, a EcPV-2 – 21,4 %. Nije bilo znakovite razlike (P>0,05) između konja bez simptoma (38,7 %) i onih sa simptomima (36,4 %). Iz šest uzoraka dobivenih od šest konja koji su imali kožne tumore, BPV-1 pronađen je u pet uzoraka tkiva i četiri uzorka krvi, a samo je jedan kožni tumor bio inficiran s EcPV-2. Ovo istraživanje pokazuje da se visoka prevalencija EcPV-2 i BPV-1 može pronaći jednako i u konja koji ne pokazuju znakove bolesti i u onih koji imaju simptome. Također, supklinički inficirani konji mogu imati važnu ulogu u epizootiologiji papilomatoze te utjecati na porast reproduktivnih problema u rasplodnih konja

    Optimizing Clinical Benefits of Bisphosphonates in Cancer Patients with Bone Metastases

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    Malignant bone disease is common in patients with advanced solid tumors or multiple myeloma. Bisphosphonates have been found to be important treatments for bone metastases. A positive benefit-risk ratio for bisphosphonates has been established, and ongoing clinical trials will determine whether individualized therapy is possible