31 research outputs found

    Upregulation of microrna-106a is associated with microsatellite instability status in colorectal cancer

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    Mikrosatellit instabilite (MSI), DNA tamir genlerindeki hatalardan kaynaklanan ve kolorektal kanserin (KRK) oluşmasına neden olan genetik bir durumdur. Sporadik KRK’larda MSI görülme sıklığı, prognoza olan etkisi literatürde çelişkilidir. Bununla birlikte MSI’ya sahip KRK’larda standart kemoterapi yetersiz kaldığı için yeni tedavi seçeneklerine ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. micoRNA’lar (miRNA) kanserleşme sürecinde görev alan ve tanıda, prognozda ve tedavide belirteç olarak kullanılan küçük RNA molekülleridir. Mevcut çalışmada, Türk popülasyonuna ait sporadik gelişen KRK’larda MSI’nın görülme sıklığının tanımlanması ve bu tümörlerde miRNA’ların ekspresyon farklılıklarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada, sporadik KRK tanısı almış 63 hasta değerlendirildi. Hastalara ait arşiv tümör ve normal dokularından DNA ve RNA izolasyonları yapıldı. DNA örneklerinden fragment analizine dayalı MSI testi gerçekleştirildi. qRT-PCR kullanılarak 38 farklı miRNA’nın ekspresyon profili incelendi. 63 hastada MSI görülme oranı %23.8 olarak belirlendi. MSI ve mikrosatellit stabil (MSS) tümörler karşılaştırıldığında, MSI tümörlerde, miR-124 ve miR-106a’nın yüksek ve miR-145’in ise düşük ekspresyon gösterdiği belirlendi (p<0.05). Bununla birlikte miR-106a’nın yüksek ekspresyonunun cerrahi sonrası nüks gelişimi ile ilişkili olduğu saptandı (p=0.002). Elde edilen bulgular ışığında miR-106a’nın özellikle MSI genotipine sahip KRK tümörlerde hedeflenmesi ile KRK hastalarında yeni tedavi protokollerinin oluşturularak nüks oluşumunun engellenebileceğini öngörülmüştür.Microsatellite instability (MSI) is a genetic condition that results from errors in DNA repair genes and causes colorectal cancer (CRC). The incidence of MSI in sporadic CRCs and its effect on prognosis are contradictory in the literature. However, since standard chemotherapy is insufficient in CRCs with MSI, new treatment options are needed. micoRNAs (miRNAs) are small RNA molecules that take part in the cancer process and are used as markers in diagnosis, prognosis and treatment. In the study, it is aimed to define the prevalence of MSI in sporadically developing CRCs belonging to the Turkish population and to determine the expression differences of miRNAs in these tumors. 63 patients diagnosed with sporadic CRC were evaluated in the study. DNA and RNA isolations were made from archive tumor and normal tissues of the patients. MSI test was performed based on fragment analysis from DNA samples. The expression profiles of 38 different miRNAs were examined using qRT-PCR. In 63 patients, the incidence of MSI was determined as 23.8%. When MSI and microsatellite stable (MSS) tumors were compared, it was determined that miR-124 and miR-106a showed high expression and miR-145 low expression in MSI tumors (p <0.05). However, high expression of miR-106a was found to be associated with postoperative recurrence (p=0.002). In the light of the findings obtained, we think that by targeting miR-106a especially in CRC tumors with MSI genetype, recurrence can be prevented by creating new treatment protocols in these tumors

    Long and Short Term Results of Karydakis Flap Technique for Surgical Treatment of Sacrococcygeal Pilonidal Sinus Disease

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    Amaç Bu çalışmanın amacı kliniğimizde Karydakis flep ile tedavi edilen sakrokoksigeal pilonidal sinüs hastalığının kısa ve uzun dönem sonuçlarını retrospektif olarak sunmaktır. Gereç ve Yöntem Kasım 2008 ile Aralık 2012 tarihleri arasında sakrokoksigeal pilonidal sinüs tanısıyla ameliyat edilen ve cerrahi yöntem olarak Karydakis flep prosedürü uygulanan 186 hasta incelendi. Hastalar yaş, cinsiyet, ameliyat süresi, postoperatif erken dönem komplikasyon ve nüksler açısından değerlendirildi. Bulgular Olguların 147’si (% 79) erkek, 39’u (% 21) kadındı. Hastaların yaş ortalaması 26±13 yıl idi. Ortalama ameliyat süresi 56 (38-76) dakika olarak bulundu. Hastaların takip süresi ortalama 24 (4-48) ay idi. Bu süre içerisinde 4 hastada (% 2,1) nüks saptandı. Ayrıca 6 hastada (% 3) seroma, 3 hastada (% 1,6) yara yeri enfeksiyonu ve 1 hastada (% 0,53) flep iskemisi gelişti. Sonuç Pilonidal sinüs hastalığı için ideal bir tedavi yöntemi henüz netlik kazanmamıştır. Bu konu güncel cerrahide hâla tartışmaya açıktır. Cerrahi ve cerrahi olmayan yöntemler mevcut olup bu çalışmaya göre Karydakis flep tekniği düşük nüks oranı ile sakrokoksigeal pilonidal sinüsün tedavisinde iyi bir cerrahi yöntemdir.Aim The aim of this study was to determine the long and short term results of Karydakis flap technique retrospectively. Material and Methods A retrospective analysis was done in patients who were treated with Karydakis flap techniques between November 2008 and December 2012. Patients are evaluated in terms of age, sex, time of surgery, postoperative early period complication and recurrences. Results One hundred and forty-seven cases (79%) were male and 39 (21%) were female. The mean age was 26 ± 13 years. Mean operation time was 56 (38-76) minutes. Mean followup time was 24 (4-48) months. Four patients (2.1%) had recurrence in this time. The rates of postoperative complications as seroma, wound infection and flap ischemia are respectively 3 % (n=6), 1.6 % (n=3) and 0.53 % (n=1). Conclusion There isn’t any ideal treatment for pilonidal disease yet. This subject has controversies in actual surgery. There are different procedures, surgical and nonsurgical, for this disease. According to this study Karydakis flap technique, with low recurrence rate, is a good surgical procedure for the treatment of sacrococcygeal pilonidal disease

    The efficacy of fibrin glue to control hemorrhage from the gallbladder bed during laparoscopic cholecystectomy

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    Amaç: Laparoskopik kolesistektomi sırasında safra kesesi yatağından gelişen ve klasik yöntemlerle durdurulamayan kanamalarda fibrin yapıştırıcı uygulama deneyimimizi sunmak.Gereç ve Yöntemler: Laparoskopik kolesistektomi uygulanan 382 hastadan, safra kesesi yatağında kanama meydana gelen ve konservatif yöntemlerle durdurulamayan ve bu nedenle de fibrin glue kullanılan 14 hasta retrospektif olarak incelendi.Bulgular: Fibrin yapıştırıcı kullanılan hastaların 10'u (%71) kadın, 4'ü (%29) erkekti. Hastaların ortalama yaşı 55,7 idi. 14 hasta da semptomatik safra kesesi taşı nedeniyle ameliyat edildi. On üç hastada (%92) yandaş bir hastalık mevcuttu. Kanamanın kontrol altına alınarak hemostazın sağlanması için harcanan zaman ortalama olarak 23,9 dakika olarak saptandı. Hemoglobin değeri 8 mg/dL altına düşen 2 hastaya kan transfüzyonu yapıldı. Bir hastada fibrin yapıştırıcı kullanılmasına rağmen kanama kontrolü sağlanamadı ve açık cerrahiye geçildi.Sonuç: Laparoskopik kolesistektomi yapılan hastalarda, karaciğerde safra kesesi yatağından meydana gelen kanamalarda fibrin yapıştırıcı uygulanmasının açığa geçme oranlarını düşürdüğü saptanmış olup bu konu ile ilgili daha geniş çalışmalara da ihtiyaç duyulmaktadırObjective: The aim of the study is to report our experience with fibrin glue application in the management of bleeding from the gallbladder bed during laparoscopic cholecystectomy, which could not be controlled by conventional methods.Material and Methods: Three hundred eighty-two patients underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Fourteen patients with bleeding from the gallbladder bed, which could not be controlled by conventional methods, were analyzed retrospectively.Results: Fibrin glue was used in 10 patients, 6 (71%) were female and 4 were (29%) male. The mean age was 55.7 years. Fourteen patients were operated for the presence of symptomatic gallstones. Thirteen patients (%92) had a concomitant pathology. The mean time spent to maintain hemostasis was 23.9 minutes . Blood products were used in two patients with hemoglobin under 8 mg/dL. Hemostasis could not be achieved in a patient despite fibrin glue application, and the operation was converted to open surgery. Conclusion: The application of fibrin glue for bleeding from the gallbladder bed during laparoscopic cholecystectomy can reduce conversion rates, further studies including more patients are require

    Kullanıcı teknoloji benimseme faktörleri: yapısal eşitlik modeli yaklaşımı ile farklı bağlamlarda amprik incelemeler

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    TÜBİTAK SOBAG30.09.2011Teknoloji ve uygulamalarının hayatımızda giderek daha fazla yer alması ile kullanıcıların kendilerine sunulan teknoloji ürün veya uygulamalarını benimsemelerini etkileyen faktörler araştırmacıların dikkatini çekmiştir. Bu alanda temel olarak kabul edilen Teknoloji Kabul Modeli (Technology Acceptance Model-TAM) ele alınarak yapılan çeşitli çalışmalarla literatürde karşılaşmaktayız. Bu çalışmada, Teknoloji Kabul Modelinin dört farklı bağlamda geliştirilerek her bir bağlam için kullanıcıların kendilerine sunulan uygulamaya ya da ürünlere olan tutumlarını etkileyen faktörler araştırılmış, analiz edilmiş ve çapraz karşılaştırma ile ortak faktörler bulunmuş, sonuç olarak genel bir teknoloji benimseme modeli geliştirilmiştir. Araştırma e-devlet, e-sağlık, e-öğrenme ve e-ticaret bağlamlarından veri toplanarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veri toplama ve ölçüm aracı olarak anket kullanılmış; veriler Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli yaklaşımı ile analiz edilerek sunulan modeller doğrulanmıştır. Doğrulanan modeller ile ürün ve uygulama geliştiricilere tasarım aşamasında yol göstermek, bu alanda kullanılan teknolojilerin kullanımı açısından güçlü ve zayıf yönlerini ortaya koymak ve modelin etkinliğinin değişik bağlamlarda test edilerek literatüre katkıda bulunmak amaçlarına erişilmiştir. Bu bağlamda bulgular değerlendirilmiştir ve çapraz karşılaştırmalar yapılarak sonuçların akademik literatüre katkısı 3 ulusal ve 8 uluslararası konferansta bildiri sunumu, bir uluslararası kitapta bölüm ve değerlendirilme aşamasında olan 2 uluslararası dergi yayını ile sağlanmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Bilişim Sistemleri Bölümü’nde 2 Yüksek Lisans tezi tamamlanmış, 3 Doktora tezinin zemini oluşturulmuştur.By the increasing use of technology, the factors that affect users’ behaviors towards technology and its applications had drawn attention of researchers. In the literature, there are plenty of studies covering user’s behavior and adoption towards technologies which were based on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). It should be noted that TAM was accepted as a cornerstone in behavioral studies by many authorities. In this study, TAM was developed in four different domains, and in each domain, factors affecting users’ adoption towards specific applications and products were investigated. Then, the findings were analyzed and common factors were extracted by cross sectional comparison. In the bottom line, it was intended to create a joint technology acceptance model. The study was conducted by collecting and analyzing data from the domains of e-health, e-government, e-learning and e-commerce. Survey method was employed for collecting data and measurement. Structural Equation Modeling approach was employed for analysis of data and verification of models. The aims of the study were (1) to guide developers by verified models in the design phase, (2) to unveil strengths and weaknesses of the technologies in terms of user adoption which were categorized under these four domains and (3) to test and verify the effectiveness of the model in different domains and thus, contribute to the literature. In the path of these purposes, findings were evaluated and cross sectional comparisons were conducted. At the end of the study, valuable findings were extracted which can serve for determined purposes. Besides, social contributions have been accomplished by delivering feedbacks to related organizations. In addition, as an outcome of this project work 2 Master’s theses within the Information Systems Department of Middle East Technical University have been completed and the research has formed the basis of 3 PhD theses which are currently ongoing at the same department

    Factors Effecting Morbidity And Mortality in Obstructing Colorectal Cancers

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    Aim:The aim of this study is sharing the morbidity and mortality rates and risc factors efecting the morbidity and mortality rates of patients underwent emergency operation in our clinic.Materials and Methods:Between January 2008 - July 2012 eighteen patients, 10 men and 8 women, who operated because of obstructive colorectal cancer, were reviewed. Patients were examined fora ge, sex, complication, operation type, morbidity and mortality. The effects of age, sex and tumor location on morbidity and mortality were examined.Results:Mean age of patients was 66 ± 8,6. Ten patients were elder than 70 (% 56,6). Complet obstruction was seen in 16 patients (% 88,8). In one patient perforation was seen wtih obstrucion (% 5,6). Hartmann’s procedure was performed for 12 patients (% 66,7), loop colostomy was performed for two patients (% 11,2), right hemicolectomy was performed for two patients (% 11,2), total colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis was performed for 1 patient (% 5,6), right hemicolectomy with end ileostomy was performed for 1 patient (% 5,6). Morbidity was seen in 5 patients (% 27,8). Mortality was seen in two patients (% 11,2). Both patients with mortality were elder than 70 (p=0.21). There weren’t any significant difference for sex and tumor’s location.Conclusion:Morbidity and mortality rates increases in patients whom underwent emergency surgery for obstructive colorectal cancer. Being elder patient is one of the reasons. And also accompanied complications like perforation searously increase mortality and morbidity

    Factors Effecting Morbidity And Mortality in Obstructing Colorectal Cancers

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı obstrüksiyon yapmış kolorektal kanserler nedeniyle kliniğimizde acil şartlarda ameliyat edilen hastalardaki morbidite ve mortalite oranlarını ve bunlara etki eden faktörleri sunmaktır. Materyal ve Metod Ocak 2008 - Temmuz 2012 yılları arasında mekanik bağırsak tıkanıklığına neden olmuş kolorektal kanser nedeniyle ameliyat edilen 10 erkek ve 8 kadın olmak üzere 18 hasta retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Hastalar yaş, cinsiyet, komplikasyon, yapılan ameliyat, morbidite, mortalite açısından incelendi. Yaşın, cinsiyetin ve tümör yerleşiminin morbidite üzerine olan etkileri incelendi. Bulgular Hastaların yaş ortalaması 66 ± 8,6 idi. 70 yaş üzerinde 10 (% 56,6) vardı. Hastaların 16’sında komplet bir obstrüksiyon izlendi (% 88,8). Bir hastada obstrüksiyonla beraber perforasyon mevcuttu (% 5,6). On iki hastaya Hartmann prosedürü (% 66,7) uygulanırken, 2 hastaya loop kolostomi (% 11,2), 2 hastaya sağ hemikolektomi (% 11,2), 1 hastaya total kolektomi ileorektal anastomoz (% 5,6), 1 hastaya sağ hemikolektomi uç ileostomi (% 5,6) uygulandı. Beş hastada morbidite izlendi (% 27,8). İki hastada mortalite izlendi (% 11,2). Morbidite görülen tüm hastalar 70 yaş üzerindeydi (p=0.21). Cinsiyete göre ve tümörün yerleşim yerine göre ise morbidite oranları açısından anlamlı fark yoktu. Sonuç Obstrüktif kolorektal kanser nedeniyle acil operasyona alınan hastalarda mortalite ve morbidite izlenme olasılığı artmaktadır. Bunun nedenlerinden birisi hastaların daha çok ileri yaşlarda olmalarıdır. Ayrıca hastalarda perforasyon gibi eşlik eden bir komplikasyon varlığı mortalite ve morbiditeyi ciddi ölçüde arttırmaktadır.Aim The aim of this study is sharing the morbidity and mortality rates and risc factors efecting the morbidity and mortality rates of patients underwent emergency operation in our clinic. Materials and Methods Between January 2008 - July 2012 eighteen patients, 10 men and 8 women, who operated because of obstructive colorectal cancer, were reviewed. Patients were examined fora ge, sex, complication, operation type, morbidity and mortality. The effects of age, sex and tumor location on morbidity and mortality were examined. Results Mean age of patients was 66 ± 8,6. Ten patients were elder than 70 (% 56,6). Complet obstruction was seen in 16 patients (% 88,8). In one patient perforation was seen wtih obstrucion (% 5,6). Hartmann’s procedure was performed for 12 patients (% 66,7), loop colostomy was performed for two patients (% 11,2), right hemicolectomy was performed for two patients (% 11,2), total colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis was performed for 1 patient (% 5,6), right hemicolectomy with end ileostomy was performed for 1 patient (% 5,6). Morbidity was seen in 5 patients (% 27,8). Mortality was seen in two patients (% 11,2). Both patients with mortality were elder than 70 (p=0.21). There weren’t any significant difference for sex and tumor’s location. Conclusion Morbidity and mortality rates increases in patients whom underwent emergency surgery for obstructive colorectal cancer. Being elder patient is one of the reasons. And also accompanied complications like perforation searously increase mortality and morbidity

    A genomic snapshot of demographic and cultural dynamism in Upper Mesopotamia during the Neolithic Transition

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    Upper Mesopotamia played a key role in the Neolithic Transition in Southwest Asia through marked innovations in symbolism, technology, and foodways. We present thirteen ancient genomes (c.8500-7500 calBCE) from Pre-Pottery Neolithic Çayönü in the Tigris basin together with bioarchaeological and material culture data. Our findings reveal that Çayönü was a genetically diverse population, carrying a mixed ancestry from western and eastern Fertile Crescent, and that the community received immigrants. Our results further suggest that the community was organised along biological family lines. We document bodily interventions such as head-shaping and cauterization among the individuals examined, reflecting Çayönü's cultural ingenuity. Finally, we identify Upper Mesopotamia as the likely source of eastern gene flow into Neolithic Anatolia, in line with material culture evidence. We hypothesise that Upper Mesopotamia's cultural dynamism during the Neolithic Transition was the product not only of its fertile lands but also of its interregional demographic connections

    Effect of CDP-choline on oxaliplatin-induced neuropathic pain in rats and its mechanism of action

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    Oxaliplatin (OXA), gastrointestinal sistem kanserlerinin tedavisinde yaygın olarak kullanılan üçüncü kuĢak, platin bileĢiği bir kemoterapötik ilaçdır ve ağrılı periferik nöropati OXA’nın en önemli yan etkilerinden birisidir. CDP-kolin, vücutta endojen olarak sentezlenen bir nükleotiddir ve akut, nöropatik ve inflamatuvar ağrı modellerinde ekzojen (intraserebroventriküler [i.s.v.] veya lokal yolla) uygulanan CDP-kolin’in analjezik ve antihiperaljezik etki meydana getirdiği bilinmektedir. Bu çalıĢmada OXA’nın neden olduğu nöropatik ağrıda CDP-kolin’in antihiperaljezik etkisi ve etki mekanizmasının araĢtırılması amaçlandı. Deney hayvanı olarak sıçanlar kullanıldı ve ağrı eĢiği Randall- Selitto cihazı ile pençe çekme eĢiği olarak değerlendirildi. Sıçanlara tek doz (6 mg/kg) intraperitoneal yolla uygulanan OXA, uygulamadan bir gün sonra baĢlayan ve 14 gün süreyle devam eden mekanik hiperaljeziye neden oldu. OXA uygulamasından 48 saat sonra i.s.v. yolla uygulanan CDP-kolin (0.5, 1.0 ve 2.0 μmol), OXA’nın neden olduğu mekanik hiperaljeziyi doza ve zamana bağlı olarak azalttı. EĢmolar dozlarda (1 μmol;i.s.v.) uygulanan CDP-kolin’in hidroliz ürünü kolin ve sitidin de CDP-kolin’e benzer Ģekilde antihiperaljezik etki gösterdi. CDP-kolin’in antihiperaljezik etkisi, yüksek afiniteli nöronal kolin geri alım inhibitörü hemikolinyum-3 (1 μg; i.s.v.), selektif olmayan nikotinik kolinerjik reseptör antagonisti mekamilamin (50 μg; i.s.v.), selektif α7 nikotinik asetilkolin reseptör (nAChR) antagonisti α-bungarotoxin (2 μg; i.s.v.) ve spesifik GABAB reseptör antagonisti CGP-35348 (20 μg; i.s.v.) ön tedavileri ile önlendi. Bununla birlikte, selektif olmayan opioid reseptör antagonisti nalokson (10 μg; i.s.v.) ve selektif olmayan muskarinik reseptör antagonisti atropin (10 μg; i.s.v.) ön tedavileri, CDP-kolin’in antihiperaljezik etkisini değiĢtirmedi. Bu çalıĢmadan elde elde edilen sonuçlara göre, merkezi yolla uygulanan CDP-kolin’in OXA tedavisinin neden olduğu nöropatik hiperaljeziyi azalttığı ve CDP-kolin’in bu etkisine presinaptik kolinerjik mekanizmalarla birlikte supraspinal α7 nAChR ve GABAB reseptörlerinin aracılık ettiği ilk defa gösterildi.Oxaliplatin (OXA) is a third-generation platinum compound that is commonly used for the treatment gastrointestinal cancer, and painful peripheral neuropathy is one of the most important side effects of OXA. CDP-choline is synthesized endogenously in the body, and it is known that exogenously administered (intracerebroventricularly [i.c.v.] or locally) CDP-choline produces analgesic and anti-hyperalgesic effects in acute, neuropathic and inflammatory pain models. In this study, we aimed to investigate the anti-hyperalgesic effect of CDP-choline and the mechanisms of its anti-hyperalgesic action in OXA-induced neuropathic pain. Rats were used in the experiment, and paw withdrawal pain threshold was assessed using the Randall-Selitto instrument. Intraperitoneal administration of a single dose (6 mg/kg) OXA to the rats caused mechanical hyperalgesia beginning on day 1 and continuing through 14 days after the injection. CDP-choline (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 μmol), which was given i.c.v. 48 hours after OXA injection, significantly reduced OXA-induced mechanical hyperalgesia, in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Equimolar doses (1 μmol; i.c.v.) of choline and cytidine (hydrolysis products of CDP-choline) also showed significant antihiperalgesic effect. The antihyperalgesic effect of CDP-choline was blocked by the pretreatment with neuronal high affinity choline uptake inhibitor hemicholinium-3 (1 μg; i.c.v.), nonselective nicotinic receptor antagonist mecamylamine (50 μg; i.c.v.), α7 selective nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist α-bungarotoxin (2 μg; i.c.v.), and gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA)-B receptor antagonist CGP-35348 (20 μg; i.c.v.). However, it was not changed by the pretreatment with nonselective opioid receptor antagonist naloxone (10 μg; icv) and nonselective muscarinic receptor antagonist atropine (10 μg; icv). The results of the present study demonstrated that for the first time centrally administered CDP-choline attenuates hyperalgesia caused by OXA treatment, and antihyperalgesic effect of CDP-choline is mediated by a presynaptic cholinergic mechanisms and activation supraspinal α7 nAChR and GABAB receptor

    Explaining Planning Citizen Adoption of Government to Citizen Services: A Model Based on Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB)

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    E-government initiatives are gaining traction worldwide, Unfortunately not all e-government initiatives end up being successful. The main determinant of failure for government to Citizen services is the low adoption by citizens. A better understanding of the factors influencing citizens' adoption behavior is required to guide e-government implementations. E-government adoption models can provide such an insight. The aim of this study is to develop a model that encompasses various dimensions of e-government that relate to citizen adoption behavior while still providing the mechanisms that can account for differences among different countries and implementations