68 research outputs found

    Causal relations of health indices inferred statistically using the DirectLiNGAM

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    Causal relations among many statistical variables have been assessed using a Linear non-Gaussian Acyclic Model (LiNGAM). Using access to large amounts of health checkup data from Osaka prefecture obtained during the six fiscal years of years 2012–2017, we applied the DirectLiNGAM algorithm as a trial to extract causal relations among health indices for age groups and genders. Results show that LiNGAM yields interesting and reasonable results, suggesting causal relations and correlation among the statistical indices used for these analyses

    Functional expansion of a TCA cycle operon mRNA by a 3′ end-derived small RNA

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    Global RNA profiling studies in bacteria have predicted the existence of many of small noncoding RNAs (sRNAs) that are processed off mRNA 3′ ends to regulate other mRNAs via the RNA chaperones Hfq and ProQ. Here, we present targets of SdhX (RybD), an Hfq-dependent sRNA that is generated by RNase E mediated 3′ processing of the ∼10 000-nt mRNA of the TCA cycle operon sdhCDAB-sucABCD in enteric bacteria. An in silico search predicted ackA mRNA, which encodes acetate kinase, as a conserved primary target of SdhX. Through base pairing, SdhX represses AckA synthesis during growth of Salmonella on acetate. Repression can be achieved by a naturally occurring 38-nucleotide SdhX variant, revealing the shortest functional Hfq-associated sRNA yet. Salmonella SdhX also targets the mRNAs of fumB (anaerobic fumarase) and yfbV, a gene of unknown function adjacent to ackA. Instead, through a slightly different seed sequence, SdhX can repress other targets in Escherichia coli, namely katG (catalase) and fdoG (aerobic formate dehydrogenase). This study illustrates how a key operon from central metabolism is functionally connected to other metabolic pathways through a 3′ appended sRNA, and supports the notion that mRNA 3′UTRs are a playground for the evolution of regulatory RNA networks in bacteria

    LDL-C/HDL-C Ratio Predicts Carotid Intima-Media Thickness Progression Better Than HDL-C or LDL-C Alone

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    High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) are strong predictors of atherosclerosis. Statin-induced changes in the ratio of LDL-C to HDL-C (LDL-C/HDL-C) predicted atherosclerosis progression better than LDL-C or HDL-C alone. However, the best predictor of subclinical atherosclerosis remains unknown. Our objective was to investigate this issue by measuring changes in carotid intima-media thickness (IMT). A total of 1,920 subjects received health examinations in 1999, and were followed up in 2007. Changes in IMT (follow-up IMT/baseline IMT × 100) were measured by ultrasonography. Our results showed that changes in IMT after eight years were significantly related to HDL-C (inversely, P < 0.05) and to LDL-C/HDL-C ratio (P < 0.05). When the LDL-C/HDL-C ratios were divided into quartiles, analysis of covariance showed that increases in the ratio were related to IMT progression (P < 0.05). This prospective study demonstrated the LDL-C/HDL-C ratio is a better predictor of IMT progression than HDL-C or LDL-C alone


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    [実践報告] A大学成人看護学実習における看護技術経験に関する4年間の継続調査

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    4年間のA大学成人看護学実習における学生の看護技術経験のデータより実際の技術経験状況を明らかにし、成人看護学領域内でどのように構造的に教授していくか教育方略について検討する。【研究方法】調査対象は、A大学看護学部成人看護学実習看護技術経験表とした。技術経験表の各項目を単純集計し、パイロットスタディから本調査第3期の4年間の継続調査の累積計について経験頻度(率)を算出した。事前に研究者の所属する研究機関の研究倫理審査委員会より承認を得た後に実施した。【結果】4年間の継続調査における成人看護学実習終了後の学生289名の技術経験表を分析した。技術経験表から学内演習項目を除外し50%以上経験している項目数の方が経験していない項目数より多い大項目は6つであった。患者・状況特性による項目のうち50%以上経験している項目は、学内演習項目を除外した項目とほぼ同様の結果だった。学内演習項目を除外し50%以上経験していない項目は、排泄援助技術、活動・休息援助技術、呼吸循環を整える技術、褥瘡管理技術、与薬の技術、症状・生体機能管理技術、安全管理技術の7つだった。【考察】現在、臨地実習では学生が多くの看護技術を経験することは難しい。卒後研修である新人看護職員研修も視野に入れ、学士課程において卒業時に担保できる看護技術項目の精選が必要である。そして、看護技術経験の場でもある成人看護学領域における講義や学内演習の充実が求められる。臨地実習では、確実に実施できる看護技術をこれまでの指導者・教員との連携など教育的配慮のもと機会を逃すことなく、学習体験の意味づけを継続していくことが必要である。4年間の研究結果を踏まえ、A大学のDPや成人看護学の独自性を活かした到達目標と臨地実習病院の特徴を踏まえ、現状に合った看護技術内容を精選し、教授していくことが求められる。To determine the actual condition for nursing-skill experiences in adult nursing clinical practices of the students of College A, and to examine how to systematically teach students in the adult nursing education program at the university.[Method] We investigated the results from questionnairs completed by students of the nursing department in College A. We simply tallied the number of each item from the nursing skill experience questionnaire, and worked out the frequency of the experience based on the accumulation in the four-year study. This study was conducted after obtaining the approval from the Research Ethics Review Board of the affi liated research institutions. [Result] We analyzed the skill experience questionnaire of 289 students who finished the clinical practicum for adult nursing in four years. There are thirteen items. We discovered that in off -campus clinical practicum there were six items in which more than 50% of students had those experiences. Items regarding characteristics of patients and situations in which 50% of students had experience were almost the same number as those who attended off-campus clinical practicum.[Consideration] Today, it is diffi cult for students to experience many nursing-skills in clinical practicum. We should carefully select the nursing-skills and secure them in the university program, and consider the training program for new nurses after their graduation. We also should develop improved lectures in adult the nursing education program and on-campus clinical practicum. We should continuously conduct clinical practicum for students to acquire nursingskills in cooperation with the present trainers and teachers. In the light of the four-year study, Diploma Policy of University A and the attainment target of adult nursing education, we need to teach the best nursing-skills suited to the present conditions

    [その他] A大学成人看護学実習における看護技術経験の経時的推移

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    Antibacterial tooth surface created by laser-assisted pseudo-biomineralization in a supersaturated solution

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    A technique for implementing biocompatible and antibacterial functions to a targeted region on tooth surfaces has potential in dental treatments. We have recently demonstrated pseudo-biomineralization, i.e., the growth of an apatite layer on a human dentin substrate by a laser-assisted biomimetic (LAB) process, based on pulsed laser irradiation in a supersaturated CaP solution. In this study, pseudo-biomineralization was induced in the presence of fluoride ions using the LAB process in order to fabricate an antibacterial fluoride-incorporated apatite (FAp) layer on the dentin surface. After processing for 30 min, a micron-thick FAp layer was formed heterogeneously at the laser-irradiated solid-liquid interface via pseudo-biomineralization. A time-course study revealed that the LAB process first eliminated the pre-existing organic layer, while allowing fluoride incorporation into the dentin surface within 1 min. Within 5 min, FAp nanocrystals precipitated on the dentin surface. Within 30 min, these nanocrystals acquired a pillar-like structure that was weakly oriented in the direction normal to the substrate surface to form a dense micron-thick layer. This layer was integrated seamlessly with the underlying dentin without any apparent gaps. The FAp layer exhibited antibacterial activity against a major oral bacterium, Streptococcus mutans. The proposed LAB process is expected to be a useful new tool for tooth surface functionalization via facile and area-specific pseudo-biomineralization

    Fluoridated Apatite Coating on Human Dentin via Laser-Assisted Pseudo-Biomineralization with the Aid of a Light-Absorbing Molecule

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    A simple, area-specific coating technique for fluoridated apatite (FAp) on teeth would be useful in dental applications. Recently, we achieved area-specific FAp coating on a human dentin substrate within 30 min by a laser-assisted biomimetic (LAB) process; pulsed Nd:YAG laser irradiation in a fluoride-containing supersaturated calcium phosphate solution (FCP solution). The LAB-processed, FAp-coated dentin substrate exhibited antibacterial activity against a major oral bacterium, Streptococcus mutans. In the present study, we refined the LAB process with a combination of a dental diode laser and a clinically approved light-absorbing molecule, indocyanine green (ICG). A micron-thick FAp layer was successfully formed on the dentin surface within only 3 min by the refined LAB process, i.e., dental diode laser irradiation in the FCP solution following ICG treatment. The ICG layer precoated on the dentin substrate played a crucial role in inducing rapid pseudo-biomineralization (FAp layer formation) on the dentin surface by absorbing laser light at the solid-liquid interface. In the refined LAB process, the precoated ICG layer was eliminated and replaced with the newly formed FAp layer composed of vertically oriented pillar-like nanocrystals. Cross-sectional ultrastructural analysis revealed a smooth interface between the FAp layer and the dentin substrate. The refined LAB process has potential as a tool for the tooth surface functionalization and hence, is worth further process refinement and in vitro and in vivo studies