104 research outputs found

    Strategies for Regenerating Striatal Neurons in the Adult Brain by Using Endogenous Neural Stem Cells

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    Currently, there is no effective treatment for the marked neuronal loss caused by neurodegenerative diseases, such as Huntington's disease (HD) or ischemic stroke. However, recent studies have shown that new neurons are continuously generated by endogenous neural stem cells in the subventricular zone (SVZ) of the adult mammalian brain, including the human brain. Because some of these new neurons migrate to the injured striatum and differentiate into mature neurons, such new neurons may be able to replace degenerated neurons and improve or repair neurological deficits. To establish a neuroregenerative therapy using this endogenous system, endogenous regulatory mechanisms that can be co-opted for efficient regenerative interventions must be understood, along with any potential drawbacks. Here, we review current knowledge on the generation of new neurons in the adult brain and discuss their potential for use in replacing striatal neurons lost to neurodegenerative diseases, including HD, and to ischemic stroke

    Genetic diversity and structure in the Sado captive population of the Japanese crested ibis.

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    The Japanese crested ibis Nipponia nippon is a critically threatened bird. We assessed genetic diversity and structure in the Sado captive population of the Japanese crested ibis based on 24 and 50 microsatellite markers developed respectively for the same and related species. Of a total of 74 loci, 19 showed polymorphisms in the five founder birds of the population, and therefore were useful for the analysis of genetic diversity and structure. Genetic diversity measures, A, ne, He, Hoand PIC, obtained by genotyping of the 138 descendants were similar to those of other species with population bottlenecks, and thus considerably low. The low level of genetic diversity resulting from such bottlenecks was consistent with the results of lower genetic diversity measures for the Sado captive relative to the Chinese population that is the source population for the Sado group as determined using previously reported data and heterozygosity excess by Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium tests. Further, individual clustering based on the allele-sharing distance and Bayesian model-based clustering revealed that the founder genomes were equally at population in total, and with various admixture patterns at individual levels inherited by the descendants. The clustering results, together with the result of inheritance of all alleles of the microsatellites from the founders to descendants, suggest that planned mating in captive-breeding programs for the population has succeeded in maintaining genetic diversity and minimizing kinship. In addition, the Bayesian model-based clustering assumed two different components of genomes in the Sado captive Japanese crested ibis, supporting a considerably low level of genetic diversity

    Paraganglioma that caused sinus arrest

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    Paragangliomas are neural-crest-derived nonepithelial neuroendocrine tumors distributed along the parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves. To our knowledge, no studies were reported regarding sinus arrest on day 4 after paraganglioma resection. A 66-year-old female patient with a history of pulmonary vein isolation visited our department for sigmoid colon cancer treatment. Enhanced computed tomography revealed an enhanced small nodule-like lymph node near the root of the inferior mesenteric artery. The patient underwent laparoscopic colectomy with regional lymph node dissection. Postoperatively, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation attacks developed, and the patient resumed oral medication. Additionally, sinus arrest after tachycardia developed. Changing the oral medication could maintain her circulatory dynamics. Pathological examination revealed that differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma infiltrated the submucosa. Immunohistochemically, the excised nodule as a lymph node was considered a functional paraganglioma. Our case indicates that paraganglioma resection and oral medication resumption may contribute to sinus arrest. When arrhythmias affecting the circulation occur perioperatively, the presence of a catecholamine-producing tumor should be considered in addition to cardiac disease

    Human NK cell development in hIL-7 and hIL-15 knockin NOD/SCID/IL2rgKO mice.

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    The immune system encompasses acquired and innate immunity that matures through interaction with microenvironmental components. Cytokines serve as environmental factors that foster functional maturation of immune cells. Although NOD/SCID/IL2rgKO (NSG) humanized mice support investigation of human immunity in vivo, a species barrier between human immune cells and the mouse microenvironment limits human acquired as well as innate immune function. To study the roles of human cytokines in human acquired and innate immune cell development, we created NSG mice expressing hIL-7 and hIL-15. Although hIL-7 alone was not sufficient for supporting human NK cell development in vivo, increased frequencies of human NK cells were confirmed in multiple organs of hIL-7 and hIL-15 double knockin (hIL-7xhIL-15 KI) NSG mice engrafted with human hematopoietic stem cells. hIL-7xhIL-15 KI NSG humanized mice provide a valuable in vivo model to investigate development and function of human NK cells


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    報告Reports 2020 年度は、新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の感染拡大により、多くの看護系大学において、臨地実習の中止または変更を余儀なくされ、本学でも実習施設の方針により5、6 月の臨地実習は中止となった。そこで、慢性看護学領域では、臨地実習に代わる学修方法として、学修の質を担保しつつ感染を拡大させないためにオンラインによる遠隔実習プログラムを構築した。オンデマンド視聴覚教材やe-learning システムを活用し、臨地実習と同様の学修ができるように計画し、実践した。学生の到達度や満足感として、臨地実習と比較し大きな変化はみられなかった一方で、臨床現場における緊張感や感情面での情緒的な学びを得られにくいという課題が挙げられた。今後、Society 5.0 に向けICT(Information and Communication Technology)教育の推進が求められておりオンラインを活用した教育は非常に重要となることが予測される。遠隔実習がより効果的な学修につながるように今後も検討を重ねていきたい


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    報告Reports 2020 年は新型コロナウィルス感染症の世界的パンデミックが起こり、本学においても遠隔授業に切り替わることとなった。成人看護援助論Ⅲにおいて、利用できるe-learningシステム、遠隔会議システム、クラウド教材を用い、学生の学修が深まるようにシステム的な教材設計と協働学習の演習を構築した。講義はオンデマンド型で行い、単元ごとの達成度をテストやレポートで評価した。 ほとんどの学生はオンデマンド授業を視聴し課題の提出が遅れることなく授業に参加できた。また、学生個人の情報デバイス機器も十分に操作できていた。今後の課題としては、ペーパーレス時代に向け対面授業時に配付していた資料をクラウド上に保管できる方法の習得及びPDF 資料に書き込みなどができるソフトの導入などである。また科目の到達度を真正に評価できる方法を構築することである

    COVID-19 流行下における統合実習(慢性看護学領域)の展開と課題

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    報告Reports 成人・慢性看護学領域では、現在、講義・演習・実習科目の連動性や段階的な学びを意識した教育内容への見直しを進めている。統合実習については、2020 年度より、臨地実習と学内演習との連動性や段階的な学びを意識した教育活動を実施した。新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大の影響により臨地実習日数の短縮などがあったが、実習プログラムの大幅な変更をすることなく、実習はでき、実習目標も前年度と同様としたが、学生は実習目標の達成がおおよそできた。教員は、今後も実習や教育形態が変化しても教育の継続性、質の保証がなされるように変化に備えた教育方法の検討を重ねる必要がある。また、こうした教育活動に対する評価を行っていくことが今後の課題にある。本報告では、2020 年度の統合実習(成人・慢性看護学領域)における教育活動の実際と、今後の課題について報告する