74 research outputs found

    Comparative Studies of Acid and Alkaline Phosphatases from Bacteroides melaninogenicus

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    Acid and alkaline phosphatases from an oral strin of Bacteroides melaninogenicus were purified to homogeneity from cell extracts and their properties were compared. Molecular weights of acid and alkaline phosphatases were estimated to be 62,000 and 160,000, respectively. Michaelis constant for p-nitrophenylphosphate of the acid phosphatase was 0.17 mM and that of the alkaline enzyme was 0.23 mM. The alkaline phosphatase was more stable than the acid phospatase when they were heated at 60℃. The activity of the acid phosphatase was largely reduced by Cu^ or fluoride and the alkaline phosphatase was quite sensitive to inhibition by Zn^, thiol compounds, or EDTA. The inactivation by EDTA of the alkaline phosphatase was restored with Ca^ or Mg^. The acid phosphatase hydrolyzed α-D-glucose 1.6-diphosphate, p-nitrophenylphos-phate, D-glucose 6-phosphate, and D-fructose 6-phosphate. On the other hand, p-nitro-phenylphosphate was the most suitable substrate for the alkaline phosphatase. Nucleoside triphosphates were also hydrolyzed by the alkaline phosphatase

    Successful management of placenta percreta by cesarean hysterectomy with transverse uterine fundal incision

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    Placenta accreta presents one of the highest risks to pregnancy, and its more severe variant, placenta percreta, is particularly risky. The incidence of both conditions is increasing. Placenta percreta requires a cesarean hysterectomy for management, but the challenges associated with this surgery often result in severe obstetric hemorrhaging and high rates of maternal morbidity. Several recent obstetric studies have reported on the usefulness of the transverse uterine fundal incision for the management of placenta accreta and its variants. However, these reports included only a few cases of placenta percreta. Here we present a case of placenta percreta covering the anterior uterine wall that was successfully managed using a transverse fundal incision, which avoided incising the placenta at delivery and thus reduced maternal blood loss. After delivery, the patient underwent a total abdominal hysterectomy without the need for a blood transfusion. We conclude that a transverse uterine fundal incision can be very useful for the management of placenta percreta of the anterior uterine wall

    Antibacterial Actions of Dental Cements

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    We examined antibacteriral activities of ten clinically used dental cements on the oral indigenous bacteria. The order of the intensiveness of antibacterial activity in wideness of spectrum of various bacterial species was eugenol group, carboxylate group, zinc phosphate group, copper group=silicate phosahate group, silicate group. The two cements in eugenol group were active on all the indicator strains. Carboxylate group inhibited preferably anaerobes. The others were active on several strains. The action of cements on the susceptible cells was found to be both bactericidal and bacteriostatic, in which eugenol group acted mainly bactericidally. This bactericidal effects were demonstrated also in the teeth experimentally infected. Silicate group exhibited no measurable antibacterial activity. The inhibitory activities were rather stable, they did not lose at least 6 weeks in a solution except for one cement sample. The inhibitory activities were detected in the both of powder components and liquid components of the cements and the activities in the former components were stronger than those of the latter components. Of the authentic reagents consists of cements, eugenol, rosin, zinc oxide, and zinc phosphate exhibited inhibitory activity against various bactrial species

    Effect of aspirin treatment on serum levels of lipoprotein (a) : analysis from the apolipoprotein (a) isoforms

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    We have found that aspirin lowers elevated serum lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] levels via reduction of the transcriptional activity of apolipoprotein(a) [apo(a)] gene with suppression of apo(a) mRNA expression. In the present study, we evaluated the effect of aspirin treatment on serum Lp(a) level and analyzed its relation to type of apo(a) isoform. Serum levels of Lp(a) were measured by turbidimetric immunoassay before and after the oral administration of aspirin therapy (81 mg/day) in 57 patients with coronary artery disease or cerebral infarction. Apo(a) isoforms were determined by immunoblotting method. In patients with high serum Lp(a) levels (more than 30 mg/dl), aspirin reduced serum Lp(a) levels to approximately 80 % of the baseline after one month. Their levels sustained significantly low even after six months. The effect of aspirin in reducing elevated serum Lp(a) levels were stronger in patients with smaller-sized type or double-band type of apo(a) isoforms. The transcriptional efficiency of apo(a) gene is thought to be increased in patients with these apo(a) isoforms. Therefore, these findings suggest that aspirin reduces apo(a) gene transcription preferentialy in patients with high transcriptional efficiency of this gene


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    神奈川リハビリテーション病院には脊髄損傷病棟が設置されている.今回我々は2001年4月から2003年9月の間に神奈川リハビリテーション病院脊髄損傷病棟に入院した患者のうち,泌尿器科受診患者のべ2,194人について入院目的,治療内容,手術内容について集計した.また1982年から2004年までの手術内容の変遷につき,10年毎3年間ずつの期間で比較検討した.結果は,脊髄損傷病棟における泌尿器科関与の症例は,急性期・回復期の排尿方法決定等と慢性期の合併症加療がほぼ半数ずつであった.排尿方法は上肢機能残存患者で基本的に間欠導尿を選択,導尿自立困難例では症例にあわせて自己導尿以外の排尿方法を選択している.この20年間で内視鏡的括約筋切開術は減少し間欠導尿を推奨し,また留置カテーテルフリーとする方向へ向かっていることが分かった.以上の傾向が膀胱尿管逆流症,膀胱高位切開術を要するような大きな膀胱結石の発生率を低下させており,尿道皮膚瘻などの合併も減少してきた.膀胱結石の発生率は依然高いが,早期発見によりほとんどの症例で内視鏡による治療が可能になっている.We made a statistical survey of urological treatments in the special wards for spinal cord injury, in Kanagawa Rehabilitation Hospital. Purpose of admission, treatment modality, management of urination, and types of surgical treatment were examined in 2,194 patients who had been to the hospital from April 2001 to September 2003. In particular, surgical treatment modalities were compared among 33-year periods, 1982 - 1984, 1992 - 1994, and 2002 - 2004, to elucidate the changing trend in choice of treatment. Through this survey, it became clear that the main role of a urologist in the wards was to give advice on management of urination and to treat urological complications of spinal cord injury. As the best management of urination, we recommend intermittent catheterization for patients able to use their arms. For those who are not able to do intermittent catheterization, several other options, such as cystostomy, were chosen. A comparative study of surgical treatments performed during last 20 years demonstrated a decrease in the use of endoscopic incision of the urethral sphincter muscle. This trend corresponded with increasing demand for intermittent catheterization that aims at a catheter-free state of the patients. These changes in the concept of treatment in fact decreased the incidence of complications such as large bladder stones and urethral fistula. Although bladder stone formation is still a common complication, they can be treated endoscopically if they are diagnosed at an early stage


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    The sex-chromosome constitution and the incidental rate of the 2A-XX/2A-XY chimerism were studied with colchicine treated bone marrow specimens, collected from three different bones in 3 freemartins and one male calf co-twined with a freemartin. Bone marrow cells in all cases manifested 2A-XX/2A-XY chimerism with varying degrees. But the chimera ratios tended to parallel each specimen in an individual and also with a set of co-twins. In addition, there is a similar tendency in the chimera ratios between bone marrow cells and cultured leukocytes

    The Amnioscope Strikes Back as a Useful Device for Pinhole Amniotomy in the Management of Polyhydramnios

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    Polyhydramnios is associated with many serious maternal complications such as placental abruption or cord prolapse at rupture of membranes, uterine dysfunction at delivery, and postpartum hemorrhage. When considering uterine dysfunction caused by overstretched uterine muscles, active artificial amniotomy for more efficient labor seems to be a preferred obstetric management, but the potential adverse complications make obstetricians hesitate to perform this procedure. In such a challenging situation, a new strategy is required. We recently performed pinhole artificial amniotomy using an amnioscope in four women with polyhydramnios, not only to accelerate of labor but also to more slowly and safely reduce amniotic fluid volume. We had no complications using this procedure, and all women were able to have a vaginal delivery without postpartum hemorrhage and neonatal asphyxia. Pinhole artificial amniotomy using an amnioscope may be more convenient and safer than conventional artificial amniotomy. The significance of the amnioscope has been practically nil in modern obstetric management. In this pilot clinical study, we identified a new value for the amnioscope as a promising device for safer amniotomy in women with polyhydramnios