7,001 research outputs found

    Notions of Gender: Rehabilitating Refugee Women in Partition’s Aftermath

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    This article seeks to recover the experience and agency of refugee women during the process of rehabilitation after Partition, focusing on technical training.2 It explores the ideas that underpinned the process of rehabilitating refugee women in the immediate years following the Partition of India in August 1947, within the Bombay state. This article contributes to attempts in the historiography to challenge conventional histories of Partition that have marginalised women and focuses on recovering the agency of refugee women in rebuilding and reshaping their lives.3 It will be argued that the Bombay state’s notions of gender shaped and informed the type and content of rehabilitation that unattached refugee women4 received. Whilst the state showed little evidence of any genuine concern regarding the welfare of refugee women, unofficial organisations designed and implemented various schemes to rehabilitate refugee women. This article will reveal the fraught and unequal relationship, between a relatively absent state, and these unofficial organisations

    Variations in attitudinal gender preferences for children across 50 less-developed countries

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    While a number of studies have examined gender preferences for children by studying behavioral measures, such as skewed sex ratios, sex imbalance in infant mortality, and sibling size/order; attitudinal measures have been analyzed less systematically. Using 50 Demographic and Health Surveys conducted between 2000 and 2008, this paper seeks to advance our understanding of gender preferences in developing countries by examining attitudinal measures cross-nationally. This study’s findings show that, while balance preference is the most common type of preference in the vast majority of countries, countries/regions vary in the prevalence of son and daughter preferences. A preference for sons is not always found; and, indeed, a preference for daughters is shown to prevail in many societies.comparative, cross-national, gender preferences for children

    Effect of Large-Scale Structure on Multiply Imaged Sources

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    We study the effects of large-scale density fluctuations on strong gravitational lensing. Previous studies have focused mostly on weak lensing, since large-scale structure alone cannot produce multiple images. When a galaxy or cluster acts as a primary lens, however, we find that large-scale structure can produce asymmetric shear of the same order as the lens itself. Indeed, this may explain the origin of the large shear found in lens models in conflict with the small ellipticity of the observed galaxy light distributions. We show that large-scale structure changes the lens equation to the form of a generalized quadrupole lens, which affects lens reconstruction. Large-scale structure also changes the angular diameter distance at a given redshift. The precise value depends on the lens and source redshifts and on the large-scale structure power spectrum, but the induced 1σ1\sigma uncertainty in determinations of the Hubble constant from measurements of time delays is of order 5−10%5-10 \%. If observations of lensing can constrain the magnitude of the shear which is due to large-scale structure, it would provide a direct probe of the overall amplitude of mass fluctuations.Comment: Latex, 20 pages, 3 PostScript figures, to appear in ApJ Sept. 10, 1996, substantially revise

    Manfaat dan Tantangan Moral Penggunaan Internet dalam Budaya Digital di Dunia Pendidikan, serta Tanggapan Etis Kristen

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menyelidiki manfaat dan tantangan moral yang umumnya terjadi dikalangan pengguna internet dalam konteks dunia pendidikan. Internet pada satu sisi memberikan manfaat yang baik, tetapi juga dapat menjerumuskan para penggunanya, khususnya para pelajar kepada penyimpangan moral. Beberapa penyimpangan moral yang sering terjadi di dunia pendidikan seperti plagiarisme, akses situs porno, cyber bullying, penyebaran berita bohong. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan, dan sumber pustaka yang digunakan adalah artikel jurnal online. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa penyalahgunaan internet yang tidak sesuai dengan manfaatnya menurut nilai-nilai etis Kristen merupakan penyimpangan moral dan terlebih lagi merupakan dosa. Untuk menyikapinya, diperlukan sikap etis Kristen dengan cara menanamkan nilai-nilai Kristen agar para pelajar sebagai pengguna internet dapat menggunakannya sesuai dengan kebenaran Allah.Penelitian ini bertujuan menyelidiki manfaat dan tantangan moral yang umumnya terjadi dikalangan pengguna internet dalam konteks dunia pendidikan. Internet pada satu sisi memberikan manfaat yang baik, tetapi juga dapat menjerumuskan para penggunanya, khususnya para pelajar kepada penyimpangan moral. Beberapa penyimpangan moral yang sering terjadi di dunia pendidikan seperti plagiarisme, akses situs porno, cyber bullying, penyebaran berita bohong. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan, dan sumber pustaka yang digunakan adalah artikel jurnal online. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa penyalahgunaan internet yang tidak sesuai dengan manfaatnya menurut nilai-nilai etis Kristen merupakan penyimpangan moral dan terlebih lagi merupakan dosa. Untuk menyikapinya, diperlukan sikap etis Kristen dengan cara menanamkan nilai-nilai Kristen agar para pelajar sebagai pengguna internet dapat menggunakannya sesuai dengan kebenaran Allah

    Longitudinal dynamics of liquid filled elastic shells

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    Longitudinal dynamics of liquid filled elastic shells - interaction liquid and elastic tank, liquid surface instability, and bubble dynamic

    Sharing, listening, learning and developing understandings of Kaupapa Māori research by engaging with two Māori communities involved in education.

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    This paper is a culmination of common understandings that were elicited from two pieces of research: ‘The Impact of the BHP New Zealand Steel Mining on the Tangata Whenua and the Environment’ and ‘The Impact of Maori Medium Education within a Mainstream Secondary School on the Lives of its Participants, in particular the Teachers, Caregivers and Students’. It was at the conclusion of each research project and as a consequence of informal conversations and discussions that this paper evolved. The paper discusses shared understandings in the context of Kaupapa Māori research methodology and key findings from the two research projects

    “She didn’t ask me about my grandma”. Using process drama to explore issues of cultural exclusion and educational leadership.

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    Purpose – This purpose of this paper is to describe a collaborative project from the University of Waikato, Hamilton New Zealand, in which the authors used process drama to engage final year teaching students with complex issues of cultural diversity, enabling them to “grow into” different kinds of leadership positions in an imagined educational setting. The paper describes the project and makes a case for process drama as a means of providing opportunities for leadership and as a potent tool for learning about issues of social justice. Design/methodology/approach – The drama was based on a fictional scenario described by Hall and Bishop, where a beginner teacher (of European descent) unwittingly diminishes the experiences of Maori and other non-European children in her class. Using a three-phase process planning model and with facilitators in role alongside the students, the drama explored the scenario from all points of view. Students were encouraged to build empathy for the beginner teacher and for the children and also to explore the dilemma faced by the teacher's tutor in deciding whether, and how, to confront the teacher on the issue. Findings – Through the drama, students built a sense of empathy for all sides of the issue and engaged in deep thinking about the experience of cultural exclusion. The safety and distance provided by the drama “frame” spurred students to take leadership roles and “stand up” for issues of social justice. The authors suggest that through such dramas students gain skills and perspectives that they may carry into their professional lives. Research limitations/implications – The paper describes a small project, over one lesson with a specific group of students. More research is needed into the effectiveness of process drama as a sustained strategy for teacher education. Originality/value – This scenario explored in the drama has currency in Aotearoa New Zealand, where the population is increasingly culturally diverse, where underachievement of Maori students continues to be of concern, and where research has shown the centrality of teacher-student relations in raising educational achievement for Maori. The authors believe this paper makes a compelling case for the value of drama as a tool for student teachers to encounter social justice issues in a meaningful way, and suggest that the paper is a valuable contribution to more than one discipline, as it straddles the fields of professional practice and drama as pedagogy


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    ABSTRAKBursa efek negara Indonesia mengalami pertumbuhan yang signifikan.Pertumbuhan tersebut tidak terlepas dari peran para investor dalam melakukankegiatan investasi, salah satunya adalah transaksi jual atau beli. Dalam melakukantransaksi jual atau beli, investor yang berperilaku rasional akan melakukanpertimbangan serta analisis yang mendalam terhadap fundamental emiten dankondisi perekonomian. Namun peneliti-peneliti terdahulu telah menemukanbahwa investor kerap kali berperilaku tidak rasional. Perilaku yang tidak rasionaltersebut salah satunya adalah perilaku herding, yaitu perilaku mengikuti investorlain atau sentimen pasar tanpa melakukan analisis pada saat melakukan transaksi.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mendeteksi adanya indikasiperilaku herding di perusahaan industri manufaktur. Metode pendeteksian herdingdalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode Cross-Sectional Standard Deviation(CSSD) dari Christie dan Huang (1995). Variabel yang digunakan pada metodetersebut yaitu nilai dispersi return, return pasar absolut, dan varians return pasar.Data-data yang dibutuhkan yaitu return mingguan dari saham-saham individualyang aktif dan return mingguan dari indeks harga saham gabungan (IHSG).Hasil pengujian variabel nilai dispersi return,return pasar absolut, dan variansreturn pasar dengan metode Cross-Sectional Standard Deviation (CSSD)menunjukkan bahwa ditemukan adanya bukti yang signifikan dari perilakuherding di perusahaan industri manufaktur.Kata kunci: Perilaku Keuangan, Perilaku Herding, IHSG, Cross-SectionalnStandard Deviation (CSSD
