210 research outputs found

    Characteristic properties of generalized order statistics from exponential distributions

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    Exponential distributions are characterized by distributional properties of generalized order statistics. These characterizations include known results for ordinary order statistics and record values as particular cases

    Оценка погрешности выделения сигнала из шума на основе синхронного детектирования

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    Объектом исследования является метод синхронного детектирования, его применение и оценка погрешностей при разных параметрах. Цель работы – анализ составляющих погрешности при выделении сигнала методом синхронного детектирования. В процессе исследования проводился анализ принципа синхронного детектирования, аналитический обзор средств измерений на основе синхронного детектирования. Также проводилась оценка составляющих погрешности при отклонении частот детектируемого и опорного сигнала, влияние некогерентности опорного сигнала, влияние не ортогональности опорных сигналов. В результате исследования были получены оценки составляющих погрешности при отклонении частот детектируемого и опорного сигнала, а также было выявлено влияние некогерентности опорного сигнала, влияние не ортогональности опорных сигналов. Экономическая эффективность/значимость работы: реализация данного научно-технического проекта, позволяет увеличить эффективность производства, с ресурсосберегающей стороны путем внедрения новых синхронных усилителей с меньшей погрешностью, это позволит производить измерения более точно.The object of the study is the method of synchronous detection, its application and estimation of errors in different parameters. The work purpose – the analysis of the error components when the selection signal by the method of synchronous detection. In the process of investigation the analysis of the principle of synchronous detection, analytical review of measurement tools based on synchronous detection. Also was evaluated the components of the error in the frequency deviation detected and the reference signal, the influence of the incoherence of the reference signal, the influence of orthogonality of a reference signal. The study produced estimates of the components of error in the frequency deviation detected and the reference signal, but also revealed the effects of incoherence of the reference signal, the influence of orthogonality of a reference signal. Economic efficiency and significance of the work: the implementation of this research project, allows to increase production efficiency, resource-saving hand through the introduction of new synchronous amplifiers with reduced error, this will allow to measure more precisely

    Electron diffraction studies of unsupported clusters

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    The motivation to study the structure of clusters is the possible observation of unusual structures for small cluster sizes. The presence of such structural size effects is generally associated with the optimization of surface energy in clusters. For metals that have face centred cubic (FCC) structure in the bulk, optimization of the surface energy typically results in icosahedral or decahedral structures being preferred for nanometre sized clusters. The inert gas aggregation (IGA) technique has been used to produce a beam of clusters (diameter ≤10 nm) for structural studies using electron diffraction. Studying the clusters while in a molecular beam, as opposed to on a substrate, means that the clusters are unsupported and thus free of any perturbing effects due to a substrate. The use of a beam also means each cluster is subjected to only a brief exposure to the electron beam, minimizing effects due to the electron beam. Attempts to obtain diffraction patterns from Zn clusters were unsuccessful, however using Pb it was possible to obtain diffraction patterns from clusters using a wide range of parameters in the IGA source. The experimental diffraction patterns result from the range of different sized and structured clusters produced by the source. The analysis reflects the distribution of cluster sizes and structures by combining diffraction patterns from model clusters with a range of sizes and structures to produce a best fit to the experimental pattern. In general, two sets of model clusters are used: the first set contains models with up to ~6500 atoms, created using bulk and symmetry properties for clusters with FCC, decahedral and icosahedral structure. The second set contains the same sizes and structures as the first, however each model has been relaxed using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. In the analysis of several experimental diffraction patterns, models with twinned FCC, liquid, anti-Mackay icosahedral and shaved icosahedral structures are also considered. Domain size estimates are obtained using the fit results; cluster size estimates are made from samples collected from the beam and observed in a TEM. Size estimates are also made using the Scherrer formula and the Fourier inversion method . Analysis of diffraction patterns from Pb clusters shows that changing the type of inert gas produces the greatest variation in the size and structure of the clusters. The small clusters produced using He are found to be based on icosahedral structures. The clusters produced using Ar are larger than those produced using He and the diffraction patterns are difficult to interpret. The patterns bear a strong resemblance to those from decahedra, but diffraction patterns from decahedra are similar to those from twinned FCC structures, and from a combination of shaved icosahedra and FCC structures. FCC structure is not observed, which is both interesting and surprising

    Разработка технологического процесса изготовления детали «Опора»

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    Объектом исследования является "опора". Цель работы - решение задача по созданию эффективного технологического процесса изготовления детали. В данном работе, проектировен процесс изготовления детали.The object of research is "support." The purpose of the work is to solve the problem of creating an efficient technological process for manufacturing a part. In this work, the process of manufacturing the part is designed

    Диффузия катионов в двойной слое минерала глина

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    Stakeholder theory: basic provisions and field studies

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    Розглянуто сутність і понятійний апарат теорії зацікавлених сторін (стейкхолдерів); обґрунтовано її основні положення з урахуванням сучасних підходів до розуміння сенсу існування підприємства; узагальнено підходи до класифікації ключових стейкхолдерів і визначено зміст основних областей дослідження теорії зацікавлених сторін.Today, the focus of the institutional theory of firm is shifted towards the stakeholder theory – an alternative to the neoclassical theory of firm that based on meeting the interests of the various participants in business activity. This direction, on the one hand, has considerable theoretical and applied significance, and on the other hand, is characterized by a certain incompleteness and inconsistencies. The paper considers the essence and the main concepts of the stakeholder theory, substantiates its key tenets according to the current approaches to understanding the enterprise’s raison d'etre; determines that all groups or individuals that influence on company business activities are its stakeholders whose interests should be considered by management; summarizes the approaches to the classification of the key stakeholders and determines the content of the main research areas of stakeholder theory (who are stakeholders, what are their interests and what are the ways they can realize these interests)