10 research outputs found

    Ontology-based collaborative framework for disaster recovery scenarios

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    This paper aims at designing of adaptive framework for supporting collaborative work of different actors in public safety and disaster recovery missions. In such scenarios, firemen and robots interact to each other to reach a common goal; firemen team is equipped with smart devices and robots team is supplied with communication technologies, and should carry on specific tasks. Here, reliable connection is mandatory to ensure the interaction between actors. But wireless access network and communication resources are vulnerable in the event of a sudden unexpected change in the environment. Also, the continuous change in the mission requirements such as inclusion/exclusion of new actor, changing the actor's priority and the limitations of smart devices need to be monitored. To perform dynamically in such case, the presented framework is based on a generic multi-level modeling approach that ensures adaptation handled by semantic modeling. Automated self-configuration is driven by rule-based reconfiguration policies through ontology

    Adaptation d’architectures logicielles de contrôle d’accès dans les environnements collaboratifs ubiquitaires

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    The objective of this work is to explore the design of access control mechanisms in collaborative ubiquitous environments. The dynamic changes and the increasing number of resources and users in this type of environments make the access control more complex. In this work, we propose an adaptation approach that allows deploying and reconfiguring the software components at runtime according to the changes of the collaboration structure and access control requirements. Firstly, a semantic model of access control is proposed to allow the expression of access control requirements. Adaptation rules that ensure the decentralization of access control mechanisms are also proposed for scalability reasons. Secondly, we propose a framework that makes adaptation and implements deployment actions during the collaboration process. We validate our contributions through a scenario that implements collaboration services and resources sharing in a collaborative working environment.L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est d’explorer la conception de mécanismes de contrôle d’accès dans les environnements collaboratifs ubiquitaires. Les changements dynamiques et l’augmentation du nombre de ressources et d’utilisateurs dans ce type d’environnements rendent le contrôle d’accès plus complexe. Dans ce travail, nous proposons une approche d’adaptation qui permet de déployer et de reconfigurer dynamiquement les composants logiciels en cours d’exécution en fonction des fluctuations de la structure de collaboration et des changements des besoins de contrôle d’accès. En premier lieu, un modèle sémantique de contrôle d’accès est proposé afin de permettre l’expression des besoins de contrôle d’accès selon les situations de collaboration. Des règles d’adaptation qui assurent la décentralisation des mécanismes de contrôle d’accès ont été proposées dans le but d’assurer un passage à l’échelle. En second lieu, nous proposons un framework qui permet d’effectuer l’adaptation et d’exécuter les actions de déploiement des composants logiciels en fonction des besoins de contrôle d’accès à tout moment de la collaboration. Nous avons validé nos contributions à travers un scénario mettant en oeuvre des services de collaboration et de partage de ressources dans un environnement de travail collaboratif

    Adaptation of access control software architectures in collaboratives ubiquitous environments

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    L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est d’explorer la conception de mécanismes de contrôle d’accès dans les environnements collaboratifs ubiquitaires. Les changements dynamiques et l’augmentation du nombre de ressources et d’utilisateurs dans ce type d’environnements rendent le contrôle d’accès plus complexe. Dans ce travail, nous proposons une approche d’adaptation qui permet de déployer et de reconfigurer dynamiquement les composants logiciels en cours d’exécution en fonction des fluctuations de la structure de collaboration et des changements des besoins de contrôle d’accès. En premier lieu, un modèle sémantique de contrôle d’accès est proposé afin de permettre l’expression des besoins de contrôle d’accès selon les situations de collaboration. Des règles d’adaptation qui assurent la décentralisation des mécanismes de contrôle d’accès ont été proposées dans le but d’assurer un passage à l’échelle. En second lieu, nous proposons un framework qui permet d’effectuer l’adaptation et d’exécuter les actions de déploiement des composants logiciels en fonction des besoins de contrôle d’accès à tout moment de la collaboration. Nous avons validé nos contributions à travers un scénario mettant en œuvre des services de collaboration et de partage de ressources dans un environnement de travail collaboratif.The objective of this work is to explore the design of access control mechanisms in collaborative ubiquitous environments. The dynamic changes and the increasing number of resources and users in this type of environments make the access control more complex. In this work, we propose an adaptation approach that allows deploying and reconfiguring the software components at runtime according to the changes of the collaboration structure and access control requirements. Firstly, a semantic model of access control is proposed to allow the expression of access control requirements. Adaptation rules that ensure the decentralization of access control mechanisms are also proposed for scalability reasons. Secondly, we propose a framework that makes adaptation and implements deployment actions during the collaboration process. We validate our contributions through a scenario that implements collaboration services and resources sharing in a collaborative working environment

    FADYRCOS, a semantic interoperability framework for Collaborative Model-Based dynamic reconfiguration of Networked Services

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    International audienceThe increasing interdependence of economies across the world has stimulated the collaborative development of complex products implying wide ranges of groups. In this context, the collaborative development of products provides new challenges in distributed systems. It requires continuous communication and exchanges between teams of collaborators having different roles and using different tools. A global model of collaboration is necessary to guarantee the quality of communication and to ensure adaptability and interoperability between tools whatever may happen. In this paper, we present a framework for collaborative model-based networked services development that supports a semantic adaptation model enabling the awareness of the presence, roles and tasks of collaborating actors. In this article, the implementation of the framework FADYRCOS and its conceptual model are presented. Algorithms that implement dynamic reconfiguration are also presented. A test case for collaborative software development has been developed to validate the framework

    Ontology-based support for reconfigurable adaptive group communication architecture

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    16In collaborative communication, adaptation is required to maintain the reliable connection. Within the framework of a wireless environment, it is very challenging for the host entities to handle a sudden/unexpected change in communication and available resources. This issue is addressed in the context of save and rescue missions carried out during natural disasters such as floods and forest fires by human and voluntary operators aided by ground mobile devices and autonomous robots. This paper proposes a multi level architecture that supports reconfigurable adaptive group communications using semantic model. Modeling follows the well-known SWRL (Semantic Web Rule Language) instructions which establish the degree of importance of each communication link or component. Adaptation is then achieved through initializing between various configurations and for a given entity, the latter is modified as need be. Providing generic and scalable solutions for automated self-reconfiguration is driven by rule-based reconfiguration policies using ontologies. Finally, we illustrate constraints capable of meeting evolving requirements and the solutions followed by implementation of this scenario

    A context and application-aware framework for resource management in dynamic collaborative wireless M2M networks

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    International audienceAchieving end-to-end goals of Wireless Machine to Machine Networks (M2M) is a highly challenging task. These goals include guaranteeing connectivity and maximizing throughput while satisfying application layer Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. Moreover, the problem becomes more complicated in the context of emerging dynamic allocation of application layer software components. This paper presents a collaborative framework for communications in M2M wireless networks. This framework is composed of a context-aware and application-aware software platform and a reasoning machine for network management. The software platform uses multi-level adaptation mechanisms to support dynamic collaboration activities. The platform is also capable of installing the required software components on the appropriate nodes. On the other hand, the reasoning machine for network management is designed using the tool known as Weighted Cognitive Map (WCM). The inference properties of WCMs allow the system to self-organize while considering multiple objectives and constraints. Methods for achieving different objectives using WCMs are illustrated, as well as how system processes can operate coherently to achieve end-to-end goals. Computer simulations show that the system achieves excellent performance results in metrics of call dropping and blocking probabilities and achieving the required Quality of Service (QoS) parameters of the applications

    Nanostructured Fe,Co-Codoped MoO<sub>3</sub> Thin Films

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    Molybdenum oxide (MoO3) and Fe,Co-codoped MoO3 thin films obtained by spray pyrolysis have been in-depth investigated to understand the effect of Co and Fe codoping on MoO3 thin films. The effect of Fe and Co on the structural, morphological and optical properties of MoO3 thin films have been studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX), optical and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy, and electropyroelectric methods. The XRD patterns demonstrated the formation of orthorhombic &#945;-MoO3 by spray pyrolysis. SEM characterization has shown an increase in roughness of MoO3 thin films by Fe and Co doping. Optical reflectance and transmittance measurements have shown an increase in optical band gap with the increase in Fe and Co contents. Thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of Fe,Co-doped MoO3 were 24.10&#8315;25.86 Wm&#8722;1K&#8722;1 and 3.80 &#215; 10&#8722;6&#8315;5.15 &#215; 10&#8722;6 m2s&#8722;1, respectively. MoO3 thin films have shown PL emission. Doping MoO3 with Fe and Co increases emission in the visible range due to an increase number of chemisorbed oxygen atoms. The photodegradation of an aqueous solution of methylene blue (MB) depended on the content of the codoping elements (Fe,Co). The results showed that a degradation efficiency of 90% was observed after 60 min for MoO3: Fe 2%-Co 1%, while the degradation efficiency was about 35% for the undoped MoO3 thin film

    Semantic Driven Dynamic Redeployment of Components in Pervasive systems

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    25 pagesThe emergence of pervasive computing interweaving different devices and sensors introduces new challenges to ensure the continuity of the communication and collaboration between humans in distributed systems. The communication may be interrupted due to the change of context, such as a change of a user's role or an energy level diminution, thus leading to lose the cooperation or shared data. This paper describes a framework that aims at ensuring the continuity of communication services even if changes happen. This framework is based on a multi-level modeling approach. Dynamic redeployment algorithms based on semantic description of collaboration with a scenario for validation are presented