17 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Kinerja Peralatan Pemboran Berarah di Lapangan Lepas Pantai “Mln” Laut Jawa

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    Pada operasi pemboran selalu diinginkan lubang yang lurus atau vertikal karena operasinya lebihmudah dan lebih murah. Akan tetapi, terkadang dalam Kenyataannya tidak selalu demikian, banyakmasalah yang timbul ketika melakukan pemboran vertikal. Oleh karena itu, diperlukannyapemboran berarah sebagai solusi untuk mengatasi masalah dalam pemboran vertikal. Terdapatbeberapa hal yang patut diperhatikan dalam pemboran berarah, salah satunya ialah pemilihanrangkaian BHA yang tepat. BHA ialah serangkaian kombinasi peralatan bawah permukaan yangdipasang pada rangkaian drill string sehingga diperoleh suatu performa yang baik dalammembentuk kemiringan atau arah dari lintasan lubang bor dalam mencapai target pada pemboranberarah. Terdapat beberapa hal yang patut diperhatikan dalam pengoperasian pemboran berarah,yaitu faktor formasi dan lithology batuan, pemilihan rangkaian BHA, hidrolika pemboran sertaparameter – parameter pemboran untuk menghasilkan ROP (Rate Of Penetration), WOB (WeightOn Bit) dan RPM (Rotation Per Minute) yang maksimal. Pemboran berarah merupakan salah satuaspek penting dalam operasi pemboran, dimana perlu diketahui target permukaan dan dibawahpermukaan agar dapat direncanakan pola lintasan (Trajectory) dari sumur yang akan di bor. DalamTugas Akhir ini akan dilakukan Evaluasi terhadap kinerja peralatan pemboran berarah yangdigunakan yaitu Down Hole Drilling Motor (DHDM) pada sumur S-02 dan Rotary Steerable System(RSS) pada sumur K-02

    The Dual PI3Kδ/CK1ε Inhibitor Umbralisib Exhibits Unique Immunomodulatory Effects on CLL T Cells

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    The in-clinic phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitors idelalisib (CAL-101) and duvelisib (IPI-145) have demonstrated high rates of response and progression-free survival in clinical trials of B-cell malignancies, such as chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). However, a high incidence of adverse events has led to frequent discontinuations, limiting the clinical development of these inhibitors. By contrast, the dual PI3Kδ/casein kinase-1-ε (CK1ε) inhibitor umbralisib (TGR-1202) also shows high rates of response in clinical trials but has an improved safety profile with fewer severe adverse events. Toxicities typical of this class of PI3K inhibitors are largely thought to be immune mediated, but they are poorly characterized. Here, we report the effects of idelalisib, duvelisib, and umbralisib on regulatory T cells (Tregs) on normal human T cells, T cells from CLL patients, and T cells in an Eμ-TCL1 adoptive transfer mouse CLL model. Ex vivo studies revealed differential effects of these PI3K inhibitors; only umbralisib treatment sustained normal and CLL-associated FoxP3+ human Tregs. Further, although all 3 inhibitors exhibit antitumor efficacy in the Eμ-TCL1 CLL model, idelalisib- or duvelisib-treated mice displayed increased immune-mediated toxicities, impaired function, and reduced numbers of Tregs, whereas Treg number and function were preserved in umbralisib-treated CLL-bearing mice. Finally, our studies demonstrate that inhibition of CK1ε can improve CLL Treg number and function. Interestingly, CK1ε inhibition mitigated impairment of CLL Tregs by PI3K inhibitors in combination treatment. These results suggest that the improved safety profile of umbralisib is due to its role as a dual PI3Kδ/CK1ε inhibitor that preserves Treg number and function

    The Dual PI3Kδ/CK1ε Inhibitor Umbralisib Exhibits Unique Immunomodulatory Effects on CLL T Cells

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    The in-clinic phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitors idelalisib (CAL-101) and duvelisib (IPI-145) have demonstrated high rates of response and progression-free survival in clinical trials of B-cell malignancies, such as chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). However, a high incidence of adverse events has led to frequent discontinuations, limiting the clinical development of these inhibitors. By contrast, the dual PI3Kδ/casein kinase-1-ε (CK1ε) inhibitor umbralisib (TGR-1202) also shows high rates of response in clinical trials but has an improved safety profile with fewer severe adverse events. Toxicities typical of this class of PI3K inhibitors are largely thought to be immune mediated, but they are poorly characterized. Here, we report the effects of idelalisib, duvelisib, and umbralisib on regulatory T cells (Tregs) on normal human T cells, T cells from CLL patients, and T cells in an Eμ-TCL1 adoptive transfer mouse CLL model. Ex vivo studies revealed differential effects of these PI3K inhibitors; only umbralisib treatment sustained normal and CLL-associated FoxP3+ human Tregs. Further, although all 3 inhibitors exhibit antitumor efficacy in the Eμ-TCL1 CLL model, idelalisib- or duvelisib-treated mice displayed increased immune-mediated toxicities, impaired function, and reduced numbers of Tregs, whereas Treg number and function were preserved in umbralisib-treated CLL-bearing mice. Finally, our studies demonstrate that inhibition of CK1ε can improve CLL Treg number and function. Interestingly, CK1ε inhibition mitigated impairment of CLL Tregs by PI3K inhibitors in combination treatment. These results suggest that the improved safety profile of umbralisib is due to its role as a dual PI3Kδ/CK1ε inhibitor that preserves Treg number and function

    Retificação cilíndrica do aço VP50 utilizando o rebolo de carbeto de silício verde com a técnica de MQL

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    RESUMO A retificação é um processo de alta geração de calor, portanto, com seu uso em larga escala, a pesquisa e desenvolvimento de novas técnicas de lubri-refrigeração se fazem necessários, visando respeitar as leis ambientais, preservar a saúde do operador e reduzir custos de produção. Deve-se, então, buscar soluções que mantenham os mesmos parâmetros de qualidade, acabamento e os mesmos efeitos tecnológicos. Um dos métodos propostos para este fim é o MQL (mínima quantidade de lubrificação), que utiliza uma mistura de ar com baixo fluxo de óleo a elevada pressão. O aço a ser utilizado como corpo de prova foi VP 50, muito usado na indústria em moldes para injeção de termoplásticos. O rebolo utilizado foi o de carbeto de silício verde, com ligante vitrificado. Apresentam boas características térmicas, estabilidade química elevada na retificação ferros fundidos, materiais não ferrosos e não metálicos. A análise dos resultados foi feita através avaliação das variáveis de saída do processo, tais como rugosidade, emissão acústica, circularidade, microscopia óptica (para verificação de dano térmico) e microdureza. Dentre os resultados evidenciados, a técnica MQL demonstrou ser superior ao método convencional apenas nos parâmetros de circularidade e desgaste diametral do rebolo, sendo que não houve alteração microestrutural em ambos os métodos de lubrificação