45 research outputs found

    Interaction of Lamb Waves with Domain Walls in an Iron Borate Plate

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    This work presents the calculation results of the Lamb wave spectra in a plate of iron borate. Experimental data on how flexural vibrations in a borate plate influence its domain structure are provided

    Method for the Determination of Magnetoelastic and Elastic Constants of Weak Ferromagnets

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    Excitation of flexible vibrations in weak ferromagnets plaes in an external magnetic field is experimentally investigated. It is proposed to use dependence of resonant frequencies on a magnetic field for tunable source of flexural vibrations. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3367

    Dynamics of Domain Walls in Iron Borate and Yttrium Orthoferrite in Alternating and Constant Magnetic Fields

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    The velocity of domain wall in iron borate and yttrium orthoferrite as a function of a driving alternat-ing magnetic field with a constant magnetic field present is experimentally investigated. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3635

    Persistent gaps and default traps

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    We show how vicious circles in countries' credit histories arise in a model where output persistence is coupled with asymmetric information about output shocks. In such an environment, default signals the borrower's vulnerability to adverse shocks and creates a pessimistic growth outlook. This translates into higher interest spreads and debt servicing costs relative to income, raising the cost of future repayments, thereby creating “default traps”. We build a long and broad cross-country dataset to show the existence of a history-dependent “default premium” and of significant effects of output persistence on sovereign creditworthiness, consistent with the model's predictions

    Hall effect in the marginal Fermi liquid regime of high-Tc superconductors

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    The detailed derivation of a theory for transport in quasi-two-dimensional metals, with small-angle elastic scattering and angle-independent inelastic scattering is presented. The transport equation is solved for a model Fermi surface representing a typical cuprate superconductor. Using the small-angle elastic and the inelastic scattering rates deduced from angle-resolved photoemission experiments, good quantitative agreement with the observed anomalous temperature dependence of the Hall angle in optimally doped cuprates is obtained, while the resistivity remains linear in temperature. The theory is also extended to the frequency-dependent complex Hall angle

    JINR-IAP FEM oscillator with Bragg resonator

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    A FEM-oscillator with a reversed guide magnetic field and a Bragg resonator as a RF radiation source for collider applications was studied. The configuration with a step of the corrugation phase is proved to be advantageous. It possesses such features as a high efficiency, precise tunability of the operating frequency and a narrow spectral band. It is demonstrated experimentally that such an oscillator is capable of operating at frequencies of ~30 GHz in single-mode regime with the frequency tuning in interval up to 6%. Frequency and spectrum measurements have been performed with precision of ~0.1%

    JINR activity in microwave sources for TeV range linear colliders

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    Results of theoretical and experimental studies of the microwave radiation sources on the base of the induction linac LIU-3000 (JINR, Dubna) are presented. In particular, a FEM-oscillator with the reversed guide magnetic field and Bragg resonator as well as an electron beam buncher in the two-beam accelerator (TBA) driver was studied

    Clinical Approaches to the Treatment of Diabetic Neuropathy

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    The article is devoted to the treatment of diabetic neuropathy. The described scheme of application of preparations of alpha-lipoic (thioctic) acid. Recently in Europe and the United States conducted a series of clinical studies that have shown that the minimal period of the reaction to therapy drugs alpha lipoic acid is 21-28 days, during this time decreases symptoms of diabetic polyneuropathy. Optimal time course of treatment is the period of 3 months, which helps to eliminate metabolic injury, subject to the mandatory re courses with a break in 1-3-6 months. The total duration of therapy of neuropathy alpha lipoic acid should be at least one year