54 research outputs found


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    45 pulmonary tuberculosis patients with concurrent type 1 diabetes, 69 pulmonary tuberculosis patients with concurrent type 2 diabetes and 131 pulmonary tuberculosis patients without diabetes (control group) were examined. The intensity of the system inflammatory response syndrome was evaluated by the markers of the acute inflammation phase – blood levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), serum amyloid A (SAA), α1 -antitrypsin (α1 -АТ), haptoglobin, and fibrinogen. Nutritional status was assessed by body mass index (BMI) and concentration of total protein (TP), albumin (A), and transthyretin (TTR). It was found out that in new progressing forms in pulmonary tuberculosis patients with concurrent diabetes the mobilisation of acute phase proteins responsible for early anti-infection protection (CRP, SAA) was less expressed compared to the patients without concurrent diabetes. On the contrary in torpent forms of the disease CRP and SAA were much higher in those with concurrent conditions compared to the patients without concurrent diabetes. The reaction of acute phase proteins in new cases and infiltrate and pneumonic forms of the disease was more severe in those with concurrent type 1 diabetes and more moderate and slow in case of type 2 diabetes. Nutritional status in the patients with concurrent conditions differed greatly from patients in the control group. With no concurrent diabetes all signs of nutritional deficiency (low BMI, A and TTR) promoted the severe course of the disease. TP remained within normal limits. Patients with concurrent diabetes demonstrated reduction TP and TTR, but BMI and A remained normal in case of type 1 diabetes and increased in type 2 diabetes. Ratio of albumins/globulins (A/G) went down in the control group but tended to increase in case of concurrent diabetes. According to correlation analysis the reduction of TP in the patients with concurrent condition was not due to A but globulins. Shifts fundamentally different for patients with concurrent diabetes and those without concurrent diabetes (increase of BMI, A, A/G) were much greater expressed in type 2 diabetes and manifestations of protein-energy deficiency (decrease of TP and TTR) were more intensive in type 1 diabetes

    Endothelial Dysfunction in Diabetes Mellitus: Possible Involvement of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress?

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    The vascular complications of diabetes mellitus impose a huge burden on the management of this disease. The higher incidence of cardiovascular complications and the unfavorable prognosis among diabetic individuals who develop such complications have been correlated to the hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress and associated endothelial dysfunction. Although antioxidants may be considered as effective therapeutic agents to relieve oxidative stress and protect the endothelium, recent clinical trials involving these agents have shown limited therapeutic efficacy in this regard. In the recent past experimental evidence suggest that endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in the endothelial cells might be an important contributor to diabetes-related vascular complications. The current paper contemplates the possibility of the involvement of ER stress in endothelial dysfunction and diabetes-associated vascular complications

    Кислородзависимый метаболизм и синтез фактора активации тромбоцитов в разных типах фагоцитирующих клеток у морских свинок при естественном течении экспериментального туберкулеза и в условиях специфической химиотерапии

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    Summary cell sediment (SCS) and aiveolar macrophages (AM ) pure fraction were isolated from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and leucocytes which were neutrophyles by 85— 89% were isolated from blood of 108 infected with tuberculosis guinea pigs in various terms of natural trend of experimental tuberculosis and after chemo therapy course. All the ceil samples were tested by spontaneous and stimulated test with nitrogen blue tetrazolinium in order to determine superoxide dismutase and catalase activity, malondialdehyde and thrombocytes activation factor (TAF) content. Eighteen healthy animals formed the control group. It was found that after in sertion of pathogen alveolar macro phages of pure fraction went to maxim umirritation , then became decompensated rapidly and then, in the terminal period of infection, they began working for self-preservation and increased the activity of antioxidant protection enzymes multiply. SCS bactericidal potential was kept longer, but AM and SCS values were equivalent in the terminal period. Blood neutrophyles bactericidal potential was kept during the whole infectious process. TAF level of SCS and neutrophyles increased sharply in infected animals, but it enlarged only for a short time in isolated AM. All the revealed changes were smoothed out in various degrees after chemotherapy course.У 108 зараженных туберкулезом морских свинок в разные сроки естественного течения экспериментального туберкулеза и после курса химиотерапии (ХТ) из бронхиального смыва (БАС) выделяли суммарный клеточный осадок (СКО) и чистую фракцию альвеолярных макрофагов (АМ), из крови—лейкоциты, среди которых 85—89% составляли нейтрофилы (Н). Во всех образцах клеток ставили спонтанный и стимулированный тест с нитросиним тетразолием, определяли активность супероксиддисмутазы и ка-талазы, а также содержание малонового диальдегида и фактора активации тромбоцитов (ФАТ). Контроль составили 18 здоровых животных. Установлено, что АМ в чистой фракции сразу после введения возбудителя приходили в состояние максимального раздражения, затем быстро декомпенсироваись, а в терминальный период инфекции начинали работать на самосохранение, многократно увеличивая активность ферментовантиоксидантной защиты. ВСКО бактерицидный потенциал сохранялся более длительно, но в терминальный период показатели АМ и СКО были аналогичными. ВН крови бактерицидный потенциал сохранялся на протяжении всего инфекционного процесса. Уровень ФАТ резко возрастал в СКО и Н зараженных животных, но лишь кратковременно увеличивался в изолированных АМ. После курса ХТ все выявленные изменения в разной степени нивелировались


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    The article deals with pressing issues of formation of compliance to the treatment of patients with hypertensive disease (HD) and ischemic heart disease (IHD). The necessity of interaction of nurses and patients in solving of problems connected with insufficient compliance to the conducted medical treatment is assessed.У статті розглянуто актуальні питання формування комплаєнсу (прихильності) до лікування пацієнтів із гіпертонічною хворобою та ішемічною хворобою серця. Оцінено необхідність взаємодії медичних сестер і пацієнтів при вирішенні проблем, пов’язаних із недостатнім комплаєнсом до проведеної медикаментозної терапії


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    45 pulmonary tuberculosis patients with concurrent type 1 diabetes, 69 pulmonary tuberculosis patients with concurrent type 2 diabetes and 131 pulmonary tuberculosis patients without diabetes (control group) were examined. The intensity of the system inflammatory response syndrome was evaluated by the markers of the acute inflammation phase – blood levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), serum amyloid A (SAA), α1 -antitrypsin (α1 -АТ), haptoglobin, and fibrinogen. Nutritional status was assessed by body mass index (BMI) and concentration of total protein (TP), albumin (A), and transthyretin (TTR). It was found out that in new progressing forms in pulmonary tuberculosis patients with concurrent diabetes the mobilisation of acute phase proteins responsible for early anti-infection protection (CRP, SAA) was less expressed compared to the patients without concurrent diabetes. On the contrary in torpent forms of the disease CRP and SAA were much higher in those with concurrent conditions compared to the patients without concurrent diabetes. The reaction of acute phase proteins in new cases and infiltrate and pneumonic forms of the disease was more severe in those with concurrent type 1 diabetes and more moderate and slow in case of type 2 diabetes. Nutritional status in the patients with concurrent conditions differed greatly from patients in the control group. With no concurrent diabetes all signs of nutritional deficiency (low BMI, A and TTR) promoted the severe course of the disease. TP remained within normal limits. Patients with concurrent diabetes demonstrated reduction TP and TTR, but BMI and A remained normal in case of type 1 diabetes and increased in type 2 diabetes. Ratio of albumins/globulins (A/G) went down in the control group but tended to increase in case of concurrent diabetes. According to correlation analysis the reduction of TP in the patients with concurrent condition was not due to A but globulins. Shifts fundamentally different for patients with concurrent diabetes and those without concurrent diabetes (increase of BMI, A, A/G) were much greater expressed in type 2 diabetes and manifestations of protein-energy deficiency (decrease of TP and TTR) were more intensive in type 1 diabetes.Обследованы 45 больных туберкулезом легких с сопутствующим сахарным диабетом 1-го типа (СД1), 69 - с сопутствующим сахарным диабетом 2-го типа (СД2) и 131 больной туберкулезом легких без СД (группа сравнения). Выраженность синдрома системного воспалительного ответа оценивали по показателям маркеров острой фазы воспаления - уровням в крови С-реактивного белка (СРБ), сывороточного амилоидного белка А (SAA), α1-антитрипсина (α1-АТ), гаптоглобина и фибриногена. Нутритивный статус оценивали по показателям индекса массы тела (ИМТ) и по концентрациям в сыворотке крови общего белка (ОБ), альбумина (А) и транстиретина (ТТР). Установлено, что при свежих прогрессирующих процессах у больных туберкулезом легких с сопутствующим СД мобилизация острофазных белков, обеспечивающих ранние реакции противоинфекционной защиты (СРБ, SAA), была выражена слабее, чем у пациентов без сопутствующего СД. Напротив, при торпидно протекающих процессах показатели СРБ и SAA у больных с сочетанной патологией были повышены более значительно, чем у пациентов без сопутствующего СД. Реакция со стороны острофазных белков при впервые выявленных процессах и инфильтративно-пневмоническом варианте их течения оказалась более острой у больных с сопутствующим СД1 и более умеренной и замедленной при СД2. Нутритивный статус у больных с сочетанной патологией резко отличался от такового в группе сравнения. При отсутствии сопутствующего СД утяжелению специфического процесса сопутствовали все признаки нутритивной недостаточности (снижение ИМТ, А и ТТР). ОБ оставался в пределах нормы. У больных с сопутствующим СД снижались ОБ и ТТР, но ИМТ и А оставались в пределах нормы при СД1 и повышались при СД2. Соотношение альбумины/глобулины (А/Г) снижалось в группе сравнения, но обнаруживало тенденцию к росту при наличии сопутствующего СД. Корреляционный анализ показал, что снижение ОБ у больных с сочетанной патологией происходило не за счет А, а за счет глобулинов. Сдвиги, принципиально отличающие больных с сопутствующим СД от пациентов без сопутствующего СД (рост ИМТ, А, А/Г) были в гораздо большей степени выражены при СД2, а проявления белково-энергетической недостаточности (снижение ОБ и ТТР) - при СД1

    Участие антиоксидантной системы легочной ткани в формировании клинических особенностей течения туберкулеза легких

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    In 86 patients suffering from different forms of pulmonary tuberculosis, we performed analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage obtained' from the affected and contralateral lung. We evaluated the cellular contents, spontaneous and stimulated with the killed BCG-culture NST-test with alveolar macrophages, as well as the contents of the dienic conjugates and the activity of some enzymes of antioxidant protection (AOP), i. e., ceruloplasmin, superoxiddismutase, catalase, glutation-peroxidase, glutation-reductase. It has been shown that even in acute limited cases, the whole lung tissue was involved into the infection process. The activation of the AOP system, being increased in parallel with the disease becoming more severe, promoted the inflow of phagocytic cells and intensification of the oxygen-dependent metabolism in them. Severe intoxication and massive release of the bacilli initiated gradual decompensation of the AOP system of intact lung tissue, thus being one of the facts predisposing to bronchoobstruction developing in tuberculosis; patients. The reaction of the AOP system in the vicinity of the inflammatory locus in principle is less differentiated, while its insufficiency contributes into the development of extensive non-specific inflammatory changes of the bronchial mucosa.

    Parent-of-origin effects on nuclear chromatin organization and behavior in a Drosophila model for Williams–Beuren Syndrome

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    Prognosis of neuropsychiatric disorders in progeny requires consideration of individual (1) parent-of-origin effects (POEs) relying on (2) the nerve cell nuclear 3D chromatin architecture and (3) impact of parent-specific miRNAs. Additionally, the shaping of cognitive phenotypes in parents depends on both learning acquisition and forgetting, or memory erasure. These processes are independent and controlled by different signal cascades: the first is cAMPdependent, the second relies on actin remodeling by small GTPase Rac1 – LIMK1 (LIM-kinase 1). Simple experimental model systems such as Drosophila help probe the causes and consequences leading to human neurocognitive pathologies. Recently, we have developed a Drosophila model for Williams–Beuren Syndrome (WBS): a mutant agnts3 of the agnostic locus (X:11AB) harboring the dlimk1 gene. The agnts3 mutation drastically increases the frequency of ectopic contacts (FEC) in specific regions of intercalary heterochromatin, suppresses learning/memory and affects locomotion. As is shown in this study, the polytene X chromosome bands in reciprocal hybrids between agnts3 and the wild type strain Berlin are heterogeneous in modes of FEC regulation depending either on maternal or paternal gene origin. Bioinformatic analysis reveals that FEC between X:11AB and the other X chromosome bands correlates with the occurrence of short (~30 bp) identical DNA fragments partly homologous to Drosophila 372-bp satellite DNA repeat. Although learning acquisition in a conditioned courtship suppression paradigm is similar in hybrids, the middle-term memory formation shows patroclinic inheritance. Seemingly, this depends on changes in miR-974 expression. Several parameters of locomotion demonstrate heterosis. Our data indicate that the agnts3 locus is capable of trans-regulating gene activity via POEs on the chromatin nuclear organization, thereby affecting behavior