17 research outputs found

    Importance of investigation of fatty acid composition in etiopatogenesis and prevention of chronic non-infectious diseases

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    Mortality rate from chronic non-infectious diseases (coronary heart diseases, diabetes mellitus, and chronic liver disease) in Lithuania is far higher as compared to the European Union average. In 2007, Lithuania ranked third among EU member states according to mortality rate indicator for cardiovascular diseases of males aged 20–64. The most frequent manifestation of cardiovascular diseases is the coronary heart disease (CHD). Epidemiological studies revealed the most important risk factors of chronic non-infectious diseases. Moreover, new elements in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis have been identified, i.e. oxidized low-density lipoproteins, antioxidant vitamins and fatty acids. Fatty acids (FA) are oxidation markers, since they participate in lipid peroxidation as substrates. The most sensitive to peroxidation are the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). On the contrary, essential PUFA are important for synthesis of eicosanoids. When too little or too much of fatty acids are consumed with food, certain health disorders arise. A common cause of FA imbalance is too abundant consumption of animal fats and insufficient consumption of vegetable fats. This may cause chronic non-infectious diseases. The FA of human body influences the metabolism of other substances, therefore, the study of such metabolic correlations comes of relevance in exploring the pathogenesis pathways of diabetes mellitus, liver and kidney diseases. The purpose of the present review is to evaluate fatty acids as biomarkers as well as their implications for the etiopatogenesis of chronic non- infectious diseases. Our research has shown that a higher quantity of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the group of Lithuanian males aged 50 and lower blood levels of antioxidants reflect insufficient protection of lipids from oxidation and, obviously, this may be one of the risk factors predetermining accelerated atherosclerosis and a higher morbidity of cardiovascular diseases. The main factors that influence LDL susceptibility to oxidation are long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, α-tocopherol and the plasma concentration of triacylglycerols. Lower γ-tocopherol concentration in the group of Lithuanian males may imply that the Lithuanians take less of the vitamin with food, while oxidation processes proceed more rapidly. It is likely that higher plasma concentration of 7ß-hydroxycholesterol in the Lithuanian men is determined by the more intense lipid peroxidation in vivo. Our research has shown that patients with CHD have considerably lower blood levels of PUFA. This may impact on the synthesis of antiatherogenic eicosanoids and thus may be an atherogenic factor. The general quantity of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the adipose tissue in individuals with glucose tolerance disorders, also patients with diabetes mellitus is lower, its level possibly being related to the degree of metabolic disorder, more rapid mobilisation of fatty acids from the adipose tissue or to smaller quantities of essential PUFA (linoleic acid and α-linolenic acid) consumed with food. The data allow us to assume that PUFA enriched food may cause an increase of the blood levels of adiponectin, an important antiatherogenic and anti-inflammatory factor. The positive relationship between n3 PUFA and leptin concentrations suggests that abundant consumption of PUFA may determine an increase of leptin levels in blood. PUFA do not influence the resistin metabolism in human body, however, some saturated and monounsaturated FA may relate to resistin concentrations in blood. Individuals with chronic liver disease take sufficient quantities of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids and their resorption is not upset. Also, the chronic liver disease patients show no signs of increased deterioration of reserve lipid tissue. Fish oil (source of n3 PUFA) appeared to influence the changes of fatty acid composition of blood in the bodies of children with nephrotic syndrome. Supplementing the diet with omega-3 fatty acids tended to reduce the quantity of triacylglycerols (p<0,06). The increase in the eicosapentaenoic/arachidonic acid ratio showed that fish oil is useful as a supplement reducing the aggregation of platelets. Treatment with fish oil, when patients received 6 ml/d, was safe and had no serious adverse effect

    Relations between the members of Parliament and interest associations in Lithuania

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    Summary Interest associations play an important role in decision making processes of every democratic legislature and have an impact on parliamentary work. The Parliament is an institution particularly central to the political life and processes of a democratic regime These are crucially important institutions linking citizens to their larger polity, to their regime. Thus, does the relationship between the Parliament and key interest associations exist in the Lithuanian society and what kind of relationships are these? The answers to these questions have been provided by an empirical study of Parliament/Seimas members in Lithuania conducted in the winter of 1999-2000. The premise of the empirical research has predicted the main conclusions: 1. The majority of parliamentary in Lithuania most often interact with not less than two association agents or with the majority of them. 2. Most of the contacts are implemented with associated interest groups. The frequency of these contacts is "several times a year". 3. Positive evaluation of the utility of these contacts allows to distinguish between the following natures of interest groups: consulting, consulting judgment, and judgment. 4. The contacts, not regulated enough by the laws of the 7lh Seimas, elected in 1999, established between the members of Parliament/Seimas and interest associations, have come into being on the initiative of both parties. The nature of contacts between the members of Parliament/Seimas and the agents of interest associations can be defined along three categories which involve: the power on enabling legislature, collaboration with public institutions, and other applications associated with participation of the members of Parliament/Seimas in different actions

    Klimato veiksnių įtakos sergantiems koronarine liga prognozavimo modelis

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    Sudaryti medicininių-meteorologinių orų tipų įvertinimo ir prognozavimo empiriniai modeliai. Algoritmo ir modelio pagalba objektyvizuotas orų medicininių-meteorologinių tipų įvertinimas ir prognozavimas. Sudarytas orų medicininių-meteorologinių klasių ivertinimo bei prognozavimo empirinis modelis igalina tiksliau vertinti ir prognozuoti orus pagal jų palankumą (ar nepalankumą) sergantiems išemine širdies liga, tuo padėdamas meteoprofilaktikos vykdymui, mažinant orų itaką ligoniams, sergantiems išemine širdies liga atstatomojo gydymo etape Lietuvos pajūryje (Palanga)A medical-meteorological weather assessment using hybrid spatial classification of synoptic and meteorological data was done. Empirical models for assessment as well as for forecast of medical-meteorological weather type at the seaside climatic zone in Palanga were developed. It was based on the data of meteofactors (atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, temperature, oxygen density in atmosphere, cyclone fronts, etc.) as well as on the occurrence of meteotropical reactions of cardiovascular function collected during 8-year period. The empirical models allow objectively assess and forecast 3 types of medical-meteorological weather types: favourable, unfavourable and very unfavourable weather. Classification model assessed favourable weather type in 56.1%, unfavourable in 31.7% and very unfavourable in 12.2%, while forecast was of favourable weather type in 52.4%, unfavourable in 46% and very unfavourable in 1.6% of days. Developed model enables more precise weather estimation and forecast meteotropical reactions promoting development of preventive measures of cardiovascular complications for reduction of negative weather impact on health in coronary artery diseases patientsInformatikos fakultetasKMU Psichofiziologijos ir reabilitacijos institutasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    An impact of weather on cardiovascular system

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    Katalikų teologijos fakultetasKauno medicinos universiteto Psichofiziologijos ir reabilitacijos institutasSistemų analizės katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    An impact of weather on cardiovascular system

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    Katalikų teologijos fakultetasKauno medicinos universiteto Psichofiziologijos ir reabilitacijos institutasSistemų analizės katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Population-based screening for selective immunoglobulin A (IgA) deficiency in Lithuanian children using a rapid antibody-based fingertip test

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    Background: Selective immunoglobulin A (IgA) deficiency is the most common inherited immunodeficiency disorder worldwide. An early diagnosis is advocated because of the increased risk of infections, autoimmune diseases, and allergic reactions. We investigated the usefulness of a rapid point-of-care test in detecting for IgA deficiency in a population with a previously unknown prevalence. Material/Methods: Altogether, 1000 children aged 11–13 years from randomly selected Lithuanian schools were enrolled. A pointof-care test with a fingertip sample was used to screen for the presence of IgA deficiency in children whose parents gave consent. Those with suspected IgA deficiency were referred to hospital for further clinical examination and confirmation of the diagnosis. In addition, their medical histories were compared with those of 30 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. Results: IgA deficiency was suspected in one girl and in three boys on the basis of the rapid test, and the diagnosis was confirmed for all four cases (prevalence 0.4%, 95% confidence interval 0.16–1.02%). There was no difference in disease history or complications between IgA-deficient children and healthy controls. Conclusions: The rapid antibody test is a practical and accurate method to diagnose selective IgA deficiency in children. The prevalence of IgA deficiency among Lithuanian schoolchildren is 1:250

    Oat β-glucan in milk products: impact on human health

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    The aim of this study was to determine the impact of the bioactive ingredient – oat β-glucan – on the quality characteristics of the fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt and fermented milk beverages) made on buttermilk-skimmed milk mixture base and establish the influence of the consumption of one of them on the health characteristics of volunteers. The enrichment of fermented milk products with 0.6 % oat β-glucan had no impact on the fermentation time, enhanced the apparent viscosity and changed sensory properties. The experiments of medical nutrition of volunteers showed a significant decrease of total (p<0.05) and low density lipoprotein (p<0.05) cholesterol, increase in high density lipoprotein cholesterol (p<0.01) in their blood after a 21-day period of consumption of fermented product with β-glucan. According to these findings, consumption of fermented milk beverage prepared on the buttermilk-skimmed milk base and enriched with oat β-glucan had a beneficial effect on human health

    Impact of chronic psychological stress on platelet membrane fatty acid composition in a rat model of type 1 diabetes Mellitus

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    Abstract Background Chronic stress and diabetes mellitus are highly associated with oxidative stress and inflammation, resulting in cell membrane disruption and platelet activity. This study aims to evaluate the impact of chronic psychological stress on the composition of the platelet phospholipid membrane and platelet activation in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Methods We enrolled 35 mature healthy female Wistar rats and randomly divided them into 4 groups, namely the control group (n = 9), stress group (n = 10), T1DM group (n = 8), and T1DM + Stress group (n = 8). The Wistar rats were treated in different experimental conditions for 28 days while being provided free access to feed and water. The concentration of corticosterone in blood serum and hair samples was measured using a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was conducted to identify the methyl esters of fatty acids (FAs) in the platelet phospholipid membrane. A quantitative determination of 11-dehydro-thromboxane B2 in the blood serum was also performed using a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results After 28 days, the concentration of corticosterone in blood serum (ng/mL) was observed to be higher in the stress group as compared to the T1DM and T1DM + Stress groups (P = 0.031 and P = 0.008, respectively). The percentage of C 16:0 FA in the platelet membrane was greater in the T1DM + Stress group, but its levels of C 20:1 omega (ω) 9 FA, including C 18:3ω3 FA, C 20:5ω3 FA, and the total sum of ω3 FAs, were lower as compared to the control group (P = 0.016; P = 0.016; P = 0.031; P = 0.016, P = 0.031). The concentration of 11-dehydro-thromboxane B2 in blood serum (pg/mL) was observed to be higher in the stress group than in rats with T1DM (P = 0.063). Conclusion Chronic psychological stress is related to higher levels of corticosterone, saturated FAs acids in the platelet membrane, and greater platelet activation. This study proves how a low percentage of unsaturated fatty acids in the DM and stress groups indicates the disturbing impact of the oxidative/inflammatory environment to lipid metabolism and neuroendocrine response