Relations between the members of Parliament and interest associations in Lithuania


Summary Interest associations play an important role in decision making processes of every democratic legislature and have an impact on parliamentary work. The Parliament is an institution particularly central to the political life and processes of a democratic regime These are crucially important institutions linking citizens to their larger polity, to their regime. Thus, does the relationship between the Parliament and key interest associations exist in the Lithuanian society and what kind of relationships are these? The answers to these questions have been provided by an empirical study of Parliament/Seimas members in Lithuania conducted in the winter of 1999-2000. The premise of the empirical research has predicted the main conclusions: 1. The majority of parliamentary in Lithuania most often interact with not less than two association agents or with the majority of them. 2. Most of the contacts are implemented with associated interest groups. The frequency of these contacts is "several times a year". 3. Positive evaluation of the utility of these contacts allows to distinguish between the following natures of interest groups: consulting, consulting judgment, and judgment. 4. The contacts, not regulated enough by the laws of the 7lh Seimas, elected in 1999, established between the members of Parliament/Seimas and interest associations, have come into being on the initiative of both parties. The nature of contacts between the members of Parliament/Seimas and the agents of interest associations can be defined along three categories which involve: the power on enabling legislature, collaboration with public institutions, and other applications associated with participation of the members of Parliament/Seimas in different actions

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