123 research outputs found

    The effectiveness of using viscoelastic materials to reduce seismic induced vibrations of above ground pipelines

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    Pipeline systems are commonly used to transport oil, natural gas, water, sewage and other materials. They are normally regarded as important lifeline structures. Ensuring the safety of these pipeline systems is crucial to the economy and environment. There are many reasons that may result in the damages to pipelines and these damages are often associated with pipeline vibrations. Therefore it is important to control pipeline vibrations to reduce the possibility of catastrophic damages. This paper carries out numerical investigations on the effectiveness of using viscoelastic material layers to mitigate seismic induced vibrations of above ground pipelines. The numerical analyses are carried out by using the commercial finite element code ANSYS. The numerical model of the viscoelastic material is firstly calibrated based on the experimental data obtained from a 1.6m long tubular sandwich structure. The calibrated material model is then applied to the pipeline system. The effectiveness of using viscoelastic materials as the seismic vibration control solution is discussed


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    Dibandingkan dengan penanganan pembangunan  hunian tetap pasca gempa bumi tahun 2018 di Lombok dan pasca erupsi Gunung Semeru Desember 2021 di Lumajang, pembangunan hunian tetap di Palu dirasakan lambat. Salah satu penyumbang keterlambatannya adalah proses lelang untuk kontraktor yang ternyata cukup lama, bahkan ada yang hampir 1 tahun. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat faktor-faktor  apa yang menjadi hambatan dan faktor apa yang paling berpengaruh menghambat dalam proses lelang untuk pelaksanaan pembangunan hunian tetap pasca gempa di Palu. Dalam penelitian ini juga dikaji usulan solusi untuk penanganan hambatan proses lelang dari para narasumber dan responden. Narasumber sebanyak 4 orang adalah pelaku yang terlibat langsung dalam proses lelang yang diteliti dan 9 responden juga merupakan pelaku yang terlibat dalam proses penyediaan hunian tetap pasca gempa di Palu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hambatan-hambatan yang muncul dalam proses penyediaan penyedia jasa konstruksi pembangunan hunian tetap pasca gempa di Palu adalah sumber daya manusia pelaku proses lelang, materi lelang dan metode lelang. Pengaruh hambatan paling besar setelah diuji dengan analisis non parametrik Kendall W, didapati bahwa  “metode” dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 3.00, “sumber daya manusia” sebesar 1.89 dan “materi” sebesar 1.11. Tingkat ketersetujuan antar responden terhadap pilihan hambatan sangat tinggi sebesar 0.901. Sedangkan untuk usulan solusi paling tinggi dari responden yaitu “metode request for quotation (RFQ)” dengan nilai sebesar 2.00 dan “penambahan sumber daya manusia” sebesar 1.00. Tingkat ketersetujuan antar responden terhadap solusi yang dipilih juga sangat tinggi sebesar 1.00

    Studi Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001 pada Industri Konstruksi di NTT

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    Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur yang merupakan salah satu provinsi di Indonesia yang saat ini sedang mengalami perkembangan signifikan dalam industri konstruksi. Dengan melihat kebutuhan  perusahaan  jasa  konstruksi  dalam  meningkatkan mutu produk (barang/jasa) saat ini, maka dibutuhkanlah  sistem  manajemen  mutu  yang  baik.  Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat bagaimana penerapan sistem manajemen mutu ISO 9001 di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur dan juga mengkaji mengenai perbedaan presepsi yang ada dari stakeholder tentang manfaat, hambatan dan juga motivasi dalam menerapkan sistem manajemen mutu berbasis ISO 9001. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada penilaian penerapan sistem manajemen mutu ISO 9001 di Provinsi NTT masih berada ditingkat sedang. Dalam kajian perbedaan presepsi, setiap stakeholder memiliki presepsi yang berbeda mengenai manfaat, hambatan, dan juga motivasi dalam menerapkan sistem manajemen mutu berbasis ISO 9001


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    This study aims to find out what indicators are applied in the infrastructure of Tibar Port, port of East Timor and to formulate a port development strategy. The research location is in East Timor, a small country located in the south of East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. This research was conducted using the gap between reality and expectations of respondents using the Gap Analysis method. The result showed that the Customer Satisfaction Index in general, was 77, 6% and was in the 68-83 intervals therefore, the Tibar East Timor Partnership was categorized as “Satisfied”. The gap between expectations and reality <1 is already good. The aspect that has the biggest GAP is the Energy and Resources Management Aspect with an Average Gap of 1.0. Whereas the aspects that have the smallest GAP are the Port Ecology Management Aspect and the Science and Technology Aspect Imaging and Social Participation with an Average Gap of 0.8. The indicators that must be considered are those in quadrant I: Noise control (noise pollution), Conservation, and ecological protection (interaction of living things and the environment) of the port, Quality management of clean water sources

    Penerapan Rekayasa Nilai (Value Engineering) pada Bangunan Rumah Susun Sederhana (Studi Kasus: Rusunawa Jongke Sleman)

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    The construction of apartment units which is certain to increase every year, of course must be followed by the construction and management of good and planned. In previous studies with the title "Life Cycle Cost Analysis in Simple Rental Flats in Yogyakarta Special Region" resulted in a very high final cost. In Construction Management (MK) know the science used to streamline and streamline costs and time. The science is known as Value Engineering (VE) or value engineering (Sesaria, 2012). There are several stages in VE, namely the Information Stage, the functional analysis stage, the creative stage, the development stage, the presentation stage. The quality of existing K350 concrete while the alternative quality used is K375. After using the VE method, the cost savings from existing K350 quality amounted to Rp 15,966,601,250.45 to Rp 13,211,701,701.00 alternative quality of K375. Cost savings of 17%

    A theoretical mapping of green roofs on building for sustainable constructions

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    In 2019, the results of the national GHG inventory calculation showed a GHG emission level of 1,866,552 Gg CO2e in each industrial sector. This poses a significant challenge in the era of globalization. If construction continues with high carbon usage, climate change conditions in the coming years will likely lead to global warming of more than 1.5°C. One of the proposed agendas in the Indonesia Construction 2030 document is the promotion of sustainable development through the application of environmentally friendly building concepts. This paper aims to map the studies conducted on Green Roofs within the past 10 years and study their application in Sustainable Construction in Indonesia. The mixed method approach was used in this research. A total of 864 articles were gathered from the Scopus database, and a bibliometric analysis was conducted using the VOSviewer® application. The results indicate that the number of publications between 2012 and 2023, indexed by Scopus, was highest in 2020, with 110 publications. China emerged as the largest contributor in terms of publications. The most productive authors were Cabeza L. F. and Shushunova N., who produced 12 articles. The development of publications based on co-words resulted in three clusters. The application of green roofs in Sustainable Construction in Indonesia has already commenced, with notable examples such as the PT Dahana Campus and the University of Indonesia Library. These projects have demonstrated numerous benefits

    Enhancement of natural convection for improvement of Trombe wall performance. An experimental study

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    This experimental work shows that the natural convective heat transfer in the active enclosure of a conventional Trombe wall assembly is enhanced by the interposition of transparent and vertical partitions. Quantification of the average Nusselt number corresponding to both versions with and without partitions was carried out by means of a 1/5 scale assembly. The glass cover is maintained isothermal at cold temperature while the active wall generates a variable heat flux simulating the incident solar radiation. The distance between the two active and parallel walls is variable. Four ratios between this distance and the height of the wall are considered, associated with a wide range of Rayleigh number reaching 4.1Ă—109. An error calculation is carried out for all the processed configurations, taking into account the experimental uncertainties of the measured physical parameters. The maximum error found on the average Nusselt number is low, of about 5%. Measurements made by means of an interstitial medium without partitions are consistent with the results of other work carried out by experimental and numerical approaches in specific ranges of Rayleigh number. This study reveals the partitions effectiveness, since the natural convective heat transfer's increase lies between 10.0% and 14.4% according to the considered configuration. Correlations are proposed in the present work in order to calculate the average natural convective Nusselt number for the conventional Trombe wall without partitions and for its improved version, for any aspect ratio and in the whole range of the considered Rayleigh number. They contribute to the optimization of the thermal design of this interesting assembly

    A review and bibliometric analysis of utilizing building information modeling (BIM) on effective operation and maintenance (O&M)

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    Developments in information technology can facilitate the planning and implementation of sustainable development. Building Information Modeling (BIM) is one such technology that can be utilized to achieve this goal. BIM has now reached dimensions of 6D and even 7D, with 6D BIM being used for energy analysis and 7D BIM for facility management during the operational and maintenance period of a building. This paper aims to discuss patterns, gaps, and trends in the utilization of BIM for effective building operation and maintenance. Bibliometric data mapping was conducted using VOSviewer® software, and 219 scholarly bibliographic records from the Scopus database between 2009 and 2023 were analyzed. The results showed that the highest publication growth was in 2021, with 36 publications (16.44%). China published the most articles, with 74 (29.84%). Recent research reviews indicate that BIM can facilitate the O&M process of a facility, including maintenance and repair, energy management, and security. However, there are still many challenges related to the BIM 7D function, such as data interoperability issues and the need for a framework for using BIM. The study also examines the application of BIM 7D in Indonesia. Further research is needed to balance the utilization of BIM for facility management with its application for asset management

    Impact of Stakeholder Psychological Empowerment on Project Success

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    The relationship between psychological empowerment of stakeholders and project success is an important thing that must be known by project manager. This research developed and tested the model to predict how well the impact of stakeholder psychological empowerment on project success. Stakeholder psychological empowerment was defined to have five indicator variables covering intrinsic motivation, opportunity to perform, ability to perform, task behaviors, and contextual behaviors. Meanwhile, project success can be measured by cost performance, time performance, quality performance, profitability, and customer satisfaction. In this study, it was hypothesized that stakeholder psychological empowerment influenced project success. Based on the data obtained from a questionnaire survey carried out to 204 respondents, structural equation modeling (SEM) was used for predicting the performance of project success. It was found that stakeholder psychological empowerment influenced project success, especially on the ability to perform of stakeholders . Keywords : stakeholder psychological empowerment, project success
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