51 research outputs found


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    Resumo:Introdução: O quantitativo de indivíduos com idade acima de 65 anos está crescendo de forma elevada em muitos países desenvolvidos e consequentemente no mundo. No Brasil o processo de envelhecimento está ocorrendo de forma rápida dificultando a adaptação dos sistemas sociais na atenção ao idoso. Uma mudança significativa que ocorre com a população idosa é o declínio do desempenho cognitivo. Objetivo: caracterizar o perfil antropométrico, funcional e cognitivo de idosos não institucionalizados. Materiais e Métodos: A amostra foi constituída por 37 idosos que não tinha vínculo com instituições de longa permanecia (ILP). Foram Incluídos no estudo idosos com mais de 60 anos de idade, não residentes de ILP, que assinaram o termo TCLE, os que participaram de todas as coletas de dados e os que não apresentaram nenhuma neuropatia ou problema osteomuscular que impossibilitasse a participação nos testes físicos. Resultados: O percentual de déficit cognitivo encontrado no presente estudo foi de 8,1%, sendo 6,7% nas mulheres e 14,3% nos homens, contudo, não diferindo entre ambos os sexos. Também não observou-se diferenças significativas no percentual de idosos com déficit cognitivo em idosos obesos 13,2% comparado a idosos não obesos 4,5%. Discussão: O Desequilíbrio no idoso justifica-se pelas alterações do sistema sensorial e motor ocasionado pelo processo de envelhecimento, caracterizando uma instabilidade postural que proporciona um risco de queda. Conclusão: Concluiu-se que as variáveis antropométricas dos homens e mulheres foram semelhantes, inclusive em relação ao percentual de idosos obesos. AbstractIntroduction: The amount of persons aged over 65 is growing so high in many developed countries and consequently in the world. In Brazil the aging process is happening quickly hindering the adaptation of social systems in elderly care. A significant change occurs with the elderly population is the decline of cognitive performance. Objective: To characterize the profile anthropometric, functional and cognitive of non-institutionalized elderly. Materials and Methods: The sample consisted of 37 elderly people who no connection with long institutions had remained (ILP). Have been added in the elderly study of more than 60 years of age, not ILP residents who signed the informed consent term, those who participated in all data collections and those who showed no neuropathy or musculoskeletal problem impossibilities’ participation in physical tests. Results: Cognitive impairment percentage found in this study was 8.1% and 6.7% in women and 14.3% in homes, however, did not differ between the sexes. Also not observed significant differences in the percentage of elderly people with cognitive impairment in elderly obese 13.2% compared to non-obese elderly 4.5%. Discussion: The Imbalance in the elderly is justified by changes in the sensory and motor systems caused by the aging process, featuring a postural instability that provides a risk of falling. Conclusion: It was concluded that the anthropometric variables of men and women were similar, including in relation to the percentage of obese elderly. figshare DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.819878


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    Introdução: alguns indicadores antropométricos são considerados preditores de ocorrências relevantes tais como síndrome metabólica e risco para doenças cardiovasculares. Objetivo: verificar a associação entre indicadores antropométricos e fatores de risco cardiovasculares em idosos. Materiais e Métodos: a amostra constitui-se de 66 idosos residentes em três instituições de longa permanência em Brasília. Os critérios de inclusão foram: ser residente em instituição de longa permanência, ter mais de 65 anos de idade, assinar o termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido e participar de todas as coletas de dados. Foram avaliadas variáveis antropométricas e os fatores de risco cardiovasculares. A análise estatística dos dados foi realizada por meio do programa Statatm, versão 9.1. Conclusão:conclui-se que 30% dos homens e 44,7% das mulheres apresentam síndrome metabólica e que a relação cintura/estatura e o índice de massa corporal são os indicadores antropométricos que possuem maior associação com a síndrome metabólica

    Trypanosoma cruzi Infection Induces Cellular Stress Response and Senescence-Like Phenotype in Murine Fibroblasts

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    Trypanosoma cruzi infects and replicates within a wide variety of immune and non-immune cells. Here, we investigated early cellular responses induced in NIH-3T3 fibroblasts upon infection with trypomastigote forms of T. cruzi. We show that fibroblasts were susceptible to T. cruzi infection and started to release trypomastigotes to the culture medium after 4 days of infection. Also, we found that T. cruzi infection reduced the number of fibroblasts in 3-day cell cultures, by altering fibroblast proliferation. Infected fibroblasts displayed distinctive phenotypic alterations, including enlarged and flattened morphology with a nuclei accumulation of senescence-associated heterochromatin foci. In addition, infection induced an overexpression of the enzyme senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal), an activation marker of the cellular senescence program, as well as the production of cytokines and chemokines involved with the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) such as IL-6, TNF-α, IL-1β, and MCP-1. Infected fibroblasts released increased amounts of stress-associated factors nitric oxide (NO) and reactive oxygen species (ROS), and the treatment with antioxidants deferoxamine (DFO) and N-acetylcysteine reduced ROS generation, secretion of SASP-related cytokine IL-6, SA-β-gal activity, and parasite load by infected fibroblasts. Taken together, our data suggest that T. cruzi infection triggers a rapid cellular stress response followed by induction of a senescent-like phenotype in NIH-3T3 fibroblasts, enabling them to act as reservoirs of parasites during the early stages of the Chagas disease

    Cerebral Abscess with Cranial Hypertension in Young Infants: A Case Report and Systematic Review

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    Objective: To report a Central Nervous System infection evolving with brain abscess and to address aspects of the treatment of the disease. Results: even with advances in treatment and diagnosis, the pathology has a high mortality. However, the best prognosis is noticed when there is a suspicion through the clinic, neuroradiological images readily available, antimicrobial therapy against commonly encountered agents, and surgical drainage procedures. One study, which combined antibiotic therapy and surgery to drain the abscess, in most of the cases, studied, demonstrated a mortality rate of 12%, and another study, a 42% mortality rate when using antibiotic therapy alone. Another reference suggests the use of antibiotic therapy alone in less severe cases with less neurological impairment. Neurological clinical sequelae can be found in up to 30% of cases. The time of antibiotic therapy still needs to be debated, as well as the surgical indication for drainage. Final Considerations: Pediatric brain abscess is an uncommon disease, still with high morbidity and mortality. Surgical drainage or excision of pediatric abscesses remains the basis of treatment both to relieve the mass effect and to provide a microbiological diagnosis. The literature demonstrates that broad-spectrum antibiotics and access to CT and MRI images decrease the rates of morbidity and mortality. It is concluded that the therapeutic approach involves the administration of broad-spectrum intravenous antibiotics and surgical drainage in more complex cases

    Post-COVID-19 multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children: a case report

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    Objective: Report of a case of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) post-COVID 19 and review of articles on the topic. Results: Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection is a disease whose symptoms are similar between the adult and pediatric population, ranging from asymptomatic cases to more serious conditions that have spread global terror due to the high number of infections worldwide deaths. However, children have presented a milder clinic. It is worth mentioning, however, that this population is not completely risk-free, with reports of the association of the Coronavirus triggering inflammatory diseases, such as the so-called MIS-C whose complications can be as serious as the forms of symptoms experienced by adults. Conclusion: The temporal and serological relationship of a link with SARS-CoV-2 infection is supported by consistent data, however further studies are needed to establish SARS-CoV-2 as an inciting agent. Due to the severity of MIS-C, knowledge about this disease is necessary for a quick diagnosis and early treatment, aiming to reduce systemic lesions. Due to the increase in the number of cases of children affected by MIS-C, the use of immunomodulatory drugs, such as intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), aspirin, and systemic glucocorticoids, has been instituted as first-line therapy, to reduce inflammation and late complications

    Asymptomatic Leishmania infection in blood donors from a major blood bank in Northeastern Brazil: a cross-sectional study

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    This study has estimated the risk of Leishmania transmission via blood transfusion in one of the largest blood banks in Northeastern Brazil, where visceral leishmaniasis is endemic. Five hundred blood samples from donors were tested for circulating Leishmania spp. DNA by real-time PCR. Positive samples were tested by a species-specific conventional PCR targeting Leishmania infantum . Overall, 6.2% (95% CI: 4.1–8.3%) of the samples carried Leishmania DNA and in one sample the species was confirmed as L. infantum . No statistically significant differences were found in relation to gender, sex, education level, incomeas well as the place of residence between positive and negative blood donors. Our results confirm the presence of asymptomatic Leishmania carriers among blood donors in a large blood bank in Northeastern Brazil. Considering the studied population, we estimate that for every 1,000 blood donors screened, 41 to 83 will be positive for Leishmania DNA. This finding reinforces the urgent need for elaborating specific Blood bank guidelines to allow the early detection of asymptomatic Leishmania carriers among blood donors before their blood products are transfused to uninfected individuals

    Prevenção de úlcera de pressão: uma ação educativa na unidade básica de saúde do bairro Pêra, Coari – AM

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    Introdução: As úlceras de pressão ou úlceras de decúbito, são lesões que acometem as regiões da pele onde há sobreposição de uma proeminência óssea, originando-se basicamente de isquemia tecidual prolongada. Ocorre devido a permanência do paciente na mesma posição por um longo período de tempo, sendo muito comum em pacientes acamados e idosos.  Os locais comumente afetados são a região sacral e os calcâneos, sendo mais frequente na região pélvica ou abaixo desta. Diante disto, por se tratar de um problema completamente evitável, uma professora da Universidade Federal do Amazonas observou a necessidade de adotar medidas preventivas através de atividades educativas. Objetivo: Relatar ações educativas que foram realizadas na Unidade Básica de Saúde do Bairro Pêra, para a prevenção de úlceras de pressão. Métodos: Primeiramente foi feito um planejamento sobre as atividades que seriam realizadas, dividindo grupos e realizando apresentações em sala de aula. As palestras foram realizadas por acadêmicos do curso de enfermagem da Universidade Federal do Amazonas, na Unidade Básica de Saúde do Bairro Pêra nos dias 19 e 24 de outubro de 2017. Foram escolhidos dias estratégicos, em que a Unidade estaria atendendo pacientes idosos, por se tratar de uma população de risco. As apresentações foram feitas pela manhã e pela tarde, enquanto os pacientes aguardavam o atendimento médico e de enfermagem. Foram utilizados cartazes explicativos e linguagem clara e objetiva para o melhor entendimento da população. Resultados: Em cada palestra, participou em média 10 pacientes, de faixa etária distintas, pois embora fosse dia de atendimento de idosos e hipertensos, havia muitos pacientes em busca de outro tipo de atendimento à saúde. Apesar de muitos dos participantes não possuírem fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de úlceras por pressão, é importante destacar a prevenção enquanto ainda não há possibilidade de lesão. Durante as apresentações, os participantes puderam elucidar suas dúvidas quanto ao assunto e ficarem preparados para saberem lidar com possíveis situações em que precisem agir na prevenção dessas lesões, em casos de identificação de fatores de riscos no meio em que vive. Conclusão: A educação é o principal meio de acesso à promoção da saúde e prevenção de doenças. Neste sentido, esta ação configura-se uma importante ferramenta no combate a problemas de saúde que podem ser evitados. Diante disto, ressalta-se a importância do profissional de saúde na atuação de atividades educativas. Além disso, os acadêmicos de enfermagem são preparados desde o início da graduação para serem agentes promotores de saúde, representando um valioso meio de acesso à informação e transformação da sociedade em que estão inseridos

    Prevalence and influence of overweight and obesity on clinical and epidemiological profile of breast cancer patients in the North of Mato Grosso, Brazil: a retrospective cross-sectional study

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    Obesity is one of the main preventable risk factors in post-menopausal breast cancer. This retrospective cross-sectional study aimed to demonstrate the clinical and epidemiological profile of breast cancer patients diagnosed in the period from 2013 to 2018 in the North of Mato Grosso, Brazil and to verify the prevalence and influence of overweight and obesity in these patients. Data were collected from patient’s medical records who were diagnosed with breast carcinoma in the Department of Oncology of Santo Antônio’s Hospital, in Sinop-MT. 196 patients were included. 99.5% were women. The majority were married, ≥50 years old (57.7%) and overweight or obese. In the overweight and obesity group the percentage of patients with invasive breast carcinoma were significantly higher when compared with eutrophic group (p=0.03). In all groups the profile of estrogen and progesterone receptors positive and HER-2 negative were more prevalent, however, the frequency of triple negative profile was higher in the overweight (7.1%) and obesity (6.3%) group when compared with control (4.3%) group, as well as the presence of hypertension and diabetes. In conclusion, it was observed a high prevalence of overweight and obesity in breast cancer patients, which contributed to modify the histological type of breast cancer (high prevalence of invasive and lobular carcinomas), increase the frequency of patients in stages 3 and 4, the percentage of triple negative profile and the frequency of other comorbidities, as hypertension and diabetes. Furthermore, metformin, an antidiabetic drug, seems to be contributing to reduce tumor development and improve the clinical profile and prognosis in diabetic breast cancer patients