18 research outputs found


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    Increasing number of technologically advanced mobile devices causes the need for seeking methods of software development that would involve persons without or with highly limited programming skills. They could participate as domain experts or individual creators of personal appli-cations. Methods based on models might be the right answer, thus the author conducted workshops and surveys concerning perspectives of gra-phical modeling languages for the mobile domain. Research revealed that nontechnical users declared high learnability of simplified ones as well as the majority of them correctly read models in such languages


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    This paper presents comparison of efficiency of basic integration methods implemented in App Inventor and Java for Android environment. Chosen methods (rectangle, trapezoidal and Simpson’s rules) were applied for linear, cubic and sine functions. Conducted experiment revealed that applications developed in App Inventor were significantly slower than in case of Java, which makes App Inventor unsuitable for applications involving intensive calculations.W niniejszym artykule dokonano porównania wydajności podstawowych metod całkowania zaimplementowanych w środowisku App Inventor oraz Java dla platformy Android. Wybrane metody (prostokątów, trapezów i Simpsona) zastosowano dla funkcji liniowej, sześciennej oraz sinusoidy. Rezultaty eksperymentu wykazały, że działanie algorytmów zaimplementowanych w App Inventor jest wielokrotnie wolniejsze niż w Java dla Android, co znacząco ogranicza przydatność środowiska App Inventor do tworzenia aplikacji realizujących obliczenia matematyczne


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    Prophet is a quite fresh and promising open-source library for machine learning, developed by Facebook, that gains some significant interest. It could be used for predicting time series taking into account holidays and seasonality effects. Its possible applications and deficit of scientific works concerning its usage within decision processes convinced the authors to state the research question, if the Prophet library could provide reliable prediction to support decision-making processes at the airport. The case of Radawiec airport (located near Lublin, Poland) was chosen. Official measurement data (from the last 4 years) published by the Polish Government  Institute was used to train the neural network and predict daily averages of wind speed, temperature, pressure, relative humidity and rainfall totals during the day and night. It was revealed that most of the predicted data points were within the acceptance threshold, and computations were fast and highly automated. However, the authors believe that the Prophet library is not particularly useful for airport decision-making processes because the way it handles additional regressors and susceptibility to unexpected phenomena negatively affects the reliability of prediction results


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    This article presents algorithms for controlling a mobile robot. An algorithms are based on artificial neural network and fuzzy logic. Distance was measured with the use of ultrasonic sensor. The equipment applied as well as signal processing algorithms were characterized. Tests were carried out on a mobile wheeled robot. The analysis of the influence of algorithm while avoiding obstacles was made.W artykule przedstawiono algorytmy sterowania robotem mobilnym. Wykorzystano algorytm oparty o sztuczną sieć neuronową oraz logikę rozmytą. Odległość od przeszkód mierzono za pomocą czujnika ultradźwiękowego. Scharakteryzowano zastosowane urządzenia oraz algorytmy przetwarzania sygnałów. Testy przeprowadzono na mobilnym robocie kołowym. Przeprowadzono analizę wpływu algorytmów sterowania podczas omijania przeszkód

    Budżet partycypacyjny jako mechanizm współrządzenia miastem

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    Abstract: One of the solutions to deal with the current crisis of democracy might be actions increasing the socio-political participation of citizens. These actions (solutions) should be based on assumptions of governance concept. An example of the method (mechanism) involving citizens in the process of co-decision and increasing their engagement in shaping urban policy is participatory budget. This method is gaining more and more popularity in Polish local governments. However, the question is, to what extent Polish participatory budgets are really participatory? Are they based on real and active participation of residents of the cities? This article attempts to answer these questions.Jednym z możliwych sposobów poradzenia sobie ze współczesnym kryzysem demokracji mogą być rozwiązania zmierzające do zwiększania społeczno-politycznej partycypacji obywateli. Rozwiązania te powinny się opierać na założeniach koncepcji governance. Przykładem metody (mechanizmu) włączania obywateli w proces współdecydowania, a tym samym zwiększania ich zaangażowania w kształtowanie polityki miejskiej jest zyskujący coraz większą popularność w polskich samorządach budżet obywatelski. Na ile jednak jest to narzędzie partycypatywne, oparte na rzeczywistym i aktywnym uczestniczeniu mieszkańców w jego realizacji? Celem artykułu jest próba odpowiedzi na tak sformułowane pytanie

    UML – a survey on technical university students in Lublin

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    Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a commonly known OMG (Object Management Group) standard for designing software systems. However, practice shows that the usage of UML varies depending on the specificity of a software system and company. The authors decided to explore the perspective of students with experience in using UML by conducting a survey with them. Analysis of the data gathered revealed that they use UML diagrams as an additional help when developing software. The main risk turned out to be different diagram interpretations

    Simplified Graphical Domain-Specific Languages as Communication Tools in the Process of Developing Mobile Systems for Reporting Life-Threatening Situations – the Perspective of Technical Persons

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    Reporting systems based on mobile technologies and feedback from regular citizens are becoming increasingly popular, especially as far as protection of environmental and cultural heritage is concerned. Reporting life-threatening situations, such as sudden natural disasters or traffic accidents, belongs to the same class of problems and could be aided by IT systems of a similar architecture. Designing and developing systems for reporting life-threatening situations is not a trivial task, requiring close cooperation between software developers and experts in different domains, who could possibly find industrially recognized languages and notations difficult. Thus, the question is whether using simplified graphical domain-specific languages (SGDSLs) could help in creating a common communication platform. It has been revealed that domain experts have a preference for such languages as they offer good learnability, readability and ability to focus on the idea of application. The perspective of developers (technical persons) is introduced on the basis of feedback obtained from 84 students of Computer Science at the Lublin University of Technology, who attended comprehensive workshops followed by an anonymous survey. All participants received theoretical and practical training in modeling mobile software using the same set of languages as domain experts. An analysis of the results revealed that opinions expressed by technical and nontechnical persons concerning SGDSLs oriented on defining a flow of actions is consistent. Most respondents claimed that such languages might be valuable as tools for creating a common communication platform

    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Detection – from Psychological Checklists to Mobile Solutions

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    The notion of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) may have its origins in 1763, when Scottish physician Sir Arthur Crichton observed people who could be easily distracted to a degree approaching the nature of delirium. Since then, the notion of ADHD matured and aroused controversy concerning whether it is a real illness and the motives behind particular methods of its treatments. Despite the controversy, ADHD is well established as a research subject and a frequently diagnosed disorder. Thus, the aim of this paper is not to deal with controversies but rather to show the evolution of methods used for the detection of this disorder. Literature analysis revealed that those methods varied from classical psychological tests/questionnaires to analyses of: eye-motion, micro-motion, brain activity, and behavioral patterns in virtual reality. The main conclusion is that the above methods tend to be heavily computer-aided and that the future belongs to mobile solutions incorporated into complex e-health systems

    Perspectives of Simplified Graphical Domain-Specific Languages as Communication Tools in Developing Mobile Systems for Reporting Life-Threatening Situations

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    Reporting systems, based on mobile technologies and feedback from regular citizens, are constantly gaining popularity, especially when it comes to environmental and cultural heritage protection. Reporting life-threatening situations, such as sudden natural disasters or traffic accidents, constitutes the same class of problems and could be aided by IT systems of similar architecture. Emergency services also could benefit from such kinds of solutions, e.g., by getting an accurate location of the place where help is needed as well as fast exchange of information. Designing and developing systems for reporting life-threatening situations is not a trivial task, requiring tight cooperation among software developers and experts of different domains, who most likely would have trouble with industrially recognized languages and notations. Thus, the question is whether using simplified graphical domain-specific languages (SGDSLs) could help in creating a common communication platform. In order to answer that question, short workshops were conducted at the University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic and in Lublin, Poland. They involved people trained during their studies to work in administration and emergency services, among others, as policy makers, medicine specialists, environmentalists, or managers. All participants received brief training in graphical modeling languages in the context of modeling mobile applications and were asked to voluntarily fill in an anonymous survey in order to check their knowledge about and attitude toward the presented technologies. Most respondents claimed that SGDSLs oriented on defining a flow of actions might be valuable as tools for creating a common communication platform

    Scanning of Historical Clothes Using 3D Scanners: Comparison of Goals, Tools, and Methods

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    Due to the UN and EU’s strong interest in digitizing cultural heritage, the application of 3D scanning technology is gaining importance, even in the case of under-explored areas, such as the 3D scanning of historical clothes. This article discovers and compares methodologies of 3D scanning of historical clothes presented in the literature in order to determine if a new methodology is needed. PRISMA protocol was used to browse scientific sources in an organized way. We posed the following research question: How have 3D scanners been used to digitize historical clothes? The very limited number of works identified, despite our thorough search, allows us to conclude that this topic is very new, and a lot of research can be conducted in the future. We analyzed the methodologies proposed by other authors, taking into account factors such as what was scanned, what was the purpose of scanning, what hardware and software was used, how detailed the description was, etc. It was revealed that other authors explored the topic insufficiently and no complex and coherent methodology of 3D digitization of historical clothes is present. Generally, the field of 3D scanning of historical clothing remains, at this point, very small and fragmented. This work is one of steps to change it.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio