16 research outputs found

    Neuropeptide Y2 Receptor (NPY2R) Expression in Saliva Predicts Feeding Immaturity in the Premature Neonate

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    Background: The current practice in newborn medicine is to subjectively assess when a premature infant is ready to feed by mouth. When the assessment is inaccurate, the resulting feeding morbidities may be significant, resulting in long-term health consequences and millions of health care dollars annually. We hypothesized that the developmental maturation of hypothalamic regulation of feeding behavior is a predictor of successful oral feeding in the premature infant. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed the gene expression of neuropeptide Y2 receptor (NPY2R), a known hypothalamic regulator of feeding behavior, in neonatal saliva to determine its role as a biomarker in predicting oral feeding success in the neonate. Methodology/Principal Findings: Salivary samples (n = 116), were prospectively collected from 63 preterm and 13 term neonates (post-conceptual age (PCA) 26 4/7 to 41 4/7 weeks) from five predefined feeding stages. Expression of NPY2R in neonatal saliva was determined by multiplex RT-qPCR amplification. Expression results were retrospectively correlated with feeding status at time of sample collection. Statistical analysis revealed that expression of NPY2R had a 95 % positive predictive value for feeding immaturity. NPY2R expression statistically significantly decreased with advancing PCA (Wilcoxon test p value,0.01), and was associated with feeding status (chi square p value = 0.013). Conclusions/Significance: Developmental maturation of hypothalamic regulation of feeding behavior is an essential component of oral feeding success in the newborn. NPY2R expression in neonatal saliva is predictive of an immatur

    Chagas' disease and ageing: the coexistence of other chronic diseases with Chagas' disease in elderly patients Doença de Chagas e envelhecimento: a associação de outras enfermidades crÎnicas em pacientes idosos chagåsicos

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    This study aimed to identify the main comorbidities in elderly chagasic patients treated in a reference service and identify possible associations between the clinical form of Chagas' disease and chronic diseases. Ninety patients aged 60 years-old or over were interviewed and their clinical diagnoses recorded. The study population profile was: women (55.6%); median age (67 years); married (51.1%); retired (73.3%); up to four years' education (64.4%); and earning less than two minimum wages (67.8%). The predominant forms of Chagas' disease were the cardiac (46.7%) and mixed forms (30%). There was a greater proportion of mild cardiac dysfunction (84.1%), frequently in association with megaesophagus. The mean number of concurrent diseases was 2.856 ± 1.845, and 33% of the patients had four or more comorbidities. The most frequent were systemic arterial hypertension (56.7%), osteoporosis (23.3%), osteoarthritis (21.2%) and dyslipidemia (20%). Positive correlations were verified between sex and comorbidities and between age group and comorbidities.<br>Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o perfil sociodemogrĂĄfico e identificar as principais co-morbidades de idosos chagĂĄsicos, buscando associação entre forma clĂ­nica da doença de Chagas e enfermidades crĂŽnicas. Foi realizada entrevista e levantamento dos diagnĂłsticos clĂ­nicos de 90 chagĂĄsicos com idade > 60 anos. Encontrou-se: mulheres (55,6%), mediana de 67 anos, casados (51,1%) e renda mensal inferior a dois salĂĄrios-mĂ­nimos (67,8%). A forma clĂ­nica predominante foi a cardĂ­aca (46,7%), seguida da mista (30%). Houve maior proporção de cardiopatia leve (84,1%), sendo frequente a associação com megaesĂŽfago. Trinta e trĂȘs por cento apresentavam quatro ou mais co-morbidades, dentre elas: hipertensĂŁo arterial (56,7%), osteoporose (23,3%), osteoartrite (21,2%) e dislipidemia (20%). Obteve-se correlação positiva entre gĂȘnero e co-morbidades, faixa etĂĄria e co-morbidades