198 research outputs found

    Impact of the phonon coupling on the dipole strength and radiative neutron capture

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    The E1 strength functions and radiative capture cross sections for several compound Sn isotopes, including unstable 132S n and 150S n, have been calculated using the self-consistent microscopic theory. In addition to the standard RPA or QRPA approaches, the method includes the quasiparticle-phonon coupling and the single-particle continuum. The results obtained show that the phonon contribution is very noticeable for the pygmy-dipole resonance, which, as it is known, is important for a description of the radiative neutron capture. The phonon contribution to the pygmy-dipole resonance and to the radiative neutron capture cross sections is increased with the (N-Z) difference growth. For example, in the (0-10) MeV interval the full theory gives 17% of EWSR for 150S n and 2.8% for 124S n, whereas within the continuum QRPA approach we have 5.1% and 1.7%, respectively. These facts indicate an important role of the self-consistent calculations that are of astrophysical interest for neutron-rich nuclei. The comparison with the phenomenological Generalized Lorentzian approach by Kopecky-Uhl has shown that the (Q)RPA approach gives a significant increase in the cross section by a factor of 2 for 132S n and a factor of 10 for 150S n and inclusion of the phonon coupling increases the cross sections for these nuclei even more, by a factor of 2-3.Comment: 4pages,3figures,International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology 201

    Quadrupole moments of odd-odd near-magic nuclei

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    Ground state quadrupole moments of odd-odd near double magic nuclei are calculated in the approximation of no interaction between odd particles. Under such a simple approximation, the problem is reduced to the calculations of quadrupole moments of corresponding odd-even nuclei. These calculations are performed within the self-consistent Theory of Finite Fermi Systems based on the Energy Density Functional by Fayans et al. with the known DF3-a parameters. A reasonable agreement with the available experimental data has been obtained for odd-odd nuclei and odd near-magic nuclei investigated. The self-consistent approach under consideration allowed us to predict the unknown quadrupole moments of odd-even and odd-odd nuclei near the double-magic 56,78^{56,78}Ni, 100,132^{100,132}Sn ones.Comment: 3 pages, Poster presented at International Conference on Nuclear Structure and Related Topics, Dubna, July 2-7, 201

    Excitations of the unstable nuclei ^{48}Ni and ^{49}Ni

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    The isoscalar E1 and E2 resonances in the proton-rich nuclei ^{48,49}Ni and the {f_{7/2}3^-} multiplet in ^{49}Ni have been calculated taking into account the single-particle continuum exactly. The analogous calculations for the mirror nuclei ^{48}Ca and ^{49}Sc are presented. The models used are the continuum RPA for ^{48}Ni, ^{48}Ca and the Odd RPA for ^{49}Ni, ^{49}Sc, the latter has been developed recently and describes both single-particle and collective excitations of an odd nucleus on a common basis. In all four nuclei we obtained a distinct splitting of the isoscalar E1 resonance into 1 h-bar omega and 3 h-bar omega peaks at about 11 MeV and 30 MeV, respectively. The main part of the isoscalar E1 EWSR is exhausted by the 3 h-bar omega resonances. The 1 h-bar omega resonances exhaust about 35% of this EWSR in ^{48,49}Ni and about 22% in ^{48}Ca and ^{49}Sc. All seven {f_{7/2}3^-} multiplet members in ^{49}Ni are calculated to be in the (6-8) MeV energy region and have noticeable escape widths.Comment: 11 pages, 3 Postscript figure

    On Cooper Pairing in Finite Fermi Systems

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    In order to analyse the role of the quasiparticle-phonon interaction in the origin of nuclear gap, we applied an approach which is similar to the Eliashberg theory for usual superconductors. We obtained that the averaged contribution of the quasiparticle-phonon mechanism to the observed value of the pairing gap for 120^{120}Sn is 26% and the BCS-type mechanism gives 74% . Thus, pairing is of a mixed nature at least in semi-magic nuclei -- it is due to the quasiparticle-phonon and BCS mechanisms, the first one being mainly a surface mechanism and the second one mainly a volume mechanism. The calculations of the strength distribution for the odd-mass nuclei 119Sn^{119}Sn and 121Sn^{121}Sn have shown that the quasiparticle-phonon mechanism mainly improves the description of the observed spectroscopic factors in these nuclei. For the case of nuclei with pairing in both proton and neutron systems it is necessary to go beyond the Eliashberg-Migdal approximations and include the vertex correction graphs in addition to the rainbow ones. The estimations for spectroscopic factors performed within a three-level model have shown that the contribution of the vertex correction graphs was rather noticeable.Comment: The 7-th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, "Challenges of Nuclear Structure",Maiori, May 27-31, 200

    Self-consistent calculations within the Extended Theory of Finite Fermi Systems

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    The Extended Theory of Finite Fermi Systems(ETFFS) describes nuclear excitations considering phonons and pairing degrees of freedom, using experimental single particle energies and the effective Landau-Migdal interaction. Here we use the Skyrme interactions in order to extend the range of applicability of the ETFFS to experimentally not yet investigated short-lived isotopes. We find that Skyrme interactions which reproduce at the mean field level both ground state properties and nuclear excitations are able to describe the spreading widths of the giant resonances in the new approach, but produce shifts of the centroid energies. A renormalization of the Skyrme interactions is required for approaches going beyond the mean field level.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, corrected typo

    Self-consistent calculations of the strength function and radiative neutron capture cross section for stable and unstable tin isotopes

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    The E1 strength function for 15 stable and unstable Sn even-even isotopes from A=100 till A=176 are calculated using the self-consistent microscopic theory which, in addition to the standard (Q)RPA approach, takes into account the single-particle continuum and the phonon coupling. Our analysis shows two distinct regions for which the integral characteristics of both the giant and pygmy resonances behave rather differently. For neutron-rich nuclei, starting from 132^{132}Sn, we obtain a giant E1 resonance which significantly deviates from the widely-used systematics extrapolated from experimental data in the β\beta-stability valley. We show that the inclusion of the phonon coupling is necessary for a proper description of the low-energy pygmy resonances and the corresponding transition densities for A132A132 region the influence of phonon coupling is significantly smaller. The radiative neutron capture cross sections leading to the stable 124^{124}Sn and unstable 132^{132}Sn and 150^{150}Sn nuclei are calculated with both the (Q)RPA and the beyond-(Q)RPA strength functions and shown to be sensitive to both the predicted low-lying strength and the phonon coupling contribution. The comparison with the widely-used phenomenological Generalized Lorentzian approach shows considerable differences both for the strength function and the radiative neutron capture cross section. In particular, for the neutron-rich 150^{150}Sn, the reaction cross section is found to be increased by a factor greater than 20. We conclude that the present approach may provide a complete and coherent description of the γ\gamma-ray strength function for astrophysics applications. In particular, such calculations are highly recommended for a reliable estimate of the electromagnetic properties of exotic nuclei

    Covariant theory of particle-vibrational coupling and its effect on the single-particle spectrum

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    The Relativistic Mean Field (RMF) approach describing the motion of independent particles in effective meson fields is extended by a microscopic theory of particle vibrational coupling. It leads to an energy dependence of the relativistic mass operator in the Dyson equation for the single-particle propagator. This equation is solved in the shell-model of Dirac states. As a result of the dynamics of particle-vibrational coupling we observe a noticeable increase of the level density near the Fermi surface. The shifts of the single-particle levels in the odd nuclei surrounding 208-Pb and the corresponding distributions of the single-particle strength are discussed and compared with experimental data.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figure

    M1 Resonances in Unstable Magic Nuclei

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    Within a microscopic approach which takes into account RPA configurations, the single-particle continuum and more complex 1p1hphonon1p1h\otimes phonon configurations isoscalar and isovector M1 excitations for the unstable nuclei 56,78{56,78}Ni and 100,132{100,132}Sn are calculated. For comparison, the experimentally known M1 excitations in 40{40}Ca and 208^{208}Pb have also been calculated. In the latter nuclei good agreement in the centroid energy, the total transition strength and the resonance width is obtained. With the same parameters we predict the magnetic excitations for the unstable nuclei. The strength is sufficiently concentrated to be measurable in radioactive beam experiments. New features are found for the very neutron rich nucleus 78{78}Ni and the neutron deficient nucleus 100{100}Sn.Comment: 17 pages (LATEX), 12 figures (available from the authors), KFA-IKP(TH)-1993-0

    Self-consistent account for phonon induced corrections to quadrupole moments of odd nuclei. Pole and non-pole diagrams

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    Recent results of the description of quadrupole moments of odd semi-magic nuclei are briefly reviewed. They are based on the self-consistent theory of finite Fermi systems with account for the phonon-particle coupling (PC) effects. The self-consistent model for describing the PC effects was developed previously for magnetic moments. Account for the non-pole diagrams is an important ingredient of this model. In addition to previously reported results for the odd In and Sb isotopes, which are the proton-odd neighbors of even tin nuclei, we present new results for odd Bi isotopes, the odd neighbors of even lead isotopes. In general, account for the PC corrections makes the agreement with the experimental data significantly better.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. Presented at ICNFP1