16 research outputs found

    Cytochrome c Oxidase on the Crossroads of Transcriptional Regulation and Bioenergetics

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    Mitochondria are the organelles of eukaryotic cells responsible for the ATP production by means of the electron transfer chain (ETC). Its work is under strict genetic control providing the correct assembly of the enzyme complexes and the interface to adapt the energetic demands of the cell to the environment. These mechanisms are particularly developed in the cells with high energy consumption, like neurons and myocytes. This review summarizes several aspects of the involvement of the ETC complexes in the transcriptional control mechanisms of the neurons and other cells. Their influence on the differentiation of neurons is also discussed

    A Moonlighting Human Protein Is Involved in Mitochondrial Import of tRNA

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    In yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, ~3% of the lysine transfer RNA acceptor 1 (tRK1) pool is imported into mitochondria while the second isoacceptor, tRK2, fully remains in the cytosol. The mitochondrial function of tRK1 is suggested to boost mitochondrial translation under stress conditions. Strikingly, yeast tRK1 can also be imported into human mitochondria in vivo, and can thus be potentially used as a vector to address RNAs with therapeutic anti-replicative capacity into mitochondria of sick cells. Better understanding of the targeting mechanism in yeast and human is thus critical. Mitochondrial import of tRK1 in yeast proceeds first through a drastic conformational rearrangement of tRK1 induced by enolase 2, which carries this freight to the mitochondrial pre-lysyl-tRNA synthetase (preMSK). The latter may cross the mitochondrial membranes to reach the matrix where imported tRK1 could be used by the mitochondrial translation apparatus. This work focuses on the characterization of the complex that tRK1 forms with human enolases and their role on the interaction between tRK1 and human pre-lysyl-tRNA synthetase (preKARS2)

    Подходы к оценке инновационной восприимчивости организации

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    Материалы XX Междунар. науч.-техн. конф. студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых, Гомель, 23–24 апр. 2020 г

    S. cerevisiae Strain Lacking Mitochondrial IF3 Shows Increased Levels of Tma19p during Adaptation to Respiratory Growth

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    After billions of years of evolution, mitochondrion retains its own genome, which gets expressed in mitochondrial matrix. Mitochondrial translation machinery rather differs from modern bacterial and eukaryotic cytosolic systems. Any disturbance in mitochondrial translation drastically impairs mitochondrial function. In budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, deletion of the gene coding for mitochondrial translation initiation factor 3—AIM23, leads to an imbalance in mitochondrial protein synthesis and significantly delays growth after shifting from fermentable to non-fermentable carbon sources. Molecular mechanism underlying this adaptation to respiratory growth was unknown. Here, we demonstrate that slow adaptation from glycolysis to respiration in the absence of Aim23p is accompanied by a gradual increase of cytochrome c oxidase activity and by increased levels of Tma19p protein, which protects mitochondria from oxidative stress

    A glycolytic enzyme, enolase, is recruited as a cofactor of tRNA targeting toward mitochondria in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    In many organisms, mitochondria import nuclear DNA-encoded small RNAs. In yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, one out of two cytoplasmic isoacceptor tRNAs(Lys) is partially addressed into the organelle. Mitochondrial targeting of this tRNA was shown to depend on interaction with the precursor of mitochondrial lysyl–tRNA synthetase, preMsk1p. However, preMsk1p alone was unable to direct tRNA targeting, suggesting the existence of additional protein factor(s). Here, we identify the glycolytic enzyme, enolase, as such a factor. We demonstrate that recombinant enolase and preMSK1p are sufficient to direct tRNA import in vitro and that depletion of enolase inhibits tRNA import in vivo. Enzymatic and tRNA targeting functions of enolase appear to be independent. Three newly characterized properties of the enolase can be related to its novel function: (1) specific affinity to the imported tRNA, (2) the ability to facilitate formation of the complex between preMsk1p and the imported tRNA, and (3) partial targeting toward the mitochondrial outer membrane. We propose a model suggesting that the cell exploits mitochondrial targeting of the enolase in order to address the tRNA toward peri-mitochondrially synthesized preMsk1p. Our results indicate an alternative molecular chaperone function of glycolytic enzyme enolase in tRNA mitochondrial targeting

    Yeast Mitochondrial Translation Initiation Factor 3 Interacts with Pet111p to Promote COX2 mRNA Translation

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    Mitochondrial genomes code for several core components of respiratory chain complexes. Thus, mitochondrial translation is of great importance for the organelle as well as for the whole cell. In yeast, mitochondrial translation initiation factor 3, Aim23p, is not essential for the organellar protein synthesis; however, its absence leads to a significant quantitative imbalance of the mitochondrial translation products. This fact points to a possible specific action of Aim23p on the biosynthesis of some mitochondrial protein species. In this work, we examined such peculiar effects of Aim23p in relation to yeast mitochondrial COX2 mRNA translation. We show that Aim23p is indispensable to this process. According to our data, this is mediated by Aimp23p interaction with the known specific factor of the COX2 mRNA translation, Pet111p. If there is no Aim23p in the yeast cells, an increased amount of Pet111p ensures proper COX2 mRNA translation. Our results demonstrate the additional non-canonical function of initiation factor 3 in yeast mitochondrial translation

    Pentatricopeptide Protein PTCD2 Regulates COIII Translation in Mitochondria of the HeLa Cell Line

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    Protein biosynthesis in mitochondria is tightly coupled with assembly of inner membrane complexes and therefore must be coordinated with cytosolic translation of the mRNAs corresponding to the subunits which are encoded in the nucleus. Molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of mitochondrial translation remain unclear despite recent advances in structural biology. Until now, only one translational regulator of protein biosynthesis in mammalian mitochondria is known—protein TACO1, which regulates translation of COI mRNA. Here we describe the function of pentatricopeptide-containing protein PTCD2 as a translational regulator of another mitochondrially encoded subunit of cytochrome c oxidase—COIII in the HeLa cell line. Deletion of the PTCD2 gene leads to significant decrease in COIII translation efficiency and impairment in CIV activity. Additionally, we show that PTCD2 protein is partially co-sedimentates with associated mitochondrial ribosome and associates with mitochondrial ribosome proteins in pull-down assays. These data allow concluding that PTCD2 is a specific translational regulator of COIII which attracts the mRNA to the mitochondrial ribosome

    An evolutionary ratchet leading to loss of elongation factors in eukaryotes

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    Background: The GTPase eEF1A is the eukaryotic factor responsible for the essential, universal function of aminoacyl-tRNA delivery to the ribosome. Surprisingly, eEF1A is not universally present in eukaryotes, being replaced by the paralog EFL independently in multiple lineages. The driving force behind this unusually frequent replacement is poorly understood. Results: Through sequence searching of genomic and EST databases, we find a striking association of eEF1A replacement by EFL and loss of eEF1A's guanine exchange factor, eEF1Ba, suggesting that EFL is able to spontaneously recharge with GTP. Sequence conservation and homology modeling analyses indicate several sequence regions that may be responsible for EFL's lack of requirement for eEF1Ba. Conclusions: We propose that the unusual pattern of eEF1A, eEF1Ba and EFL presence and absence can be explained by a ratchet-like process: if either eEF1A or eEF1Ba diverges beyond functionality in the presence of EFL, the system is unable to return to the ancestral, eEF1A:eEFBa-driven state

    Biological and Evolutionary Significance of Terminal Extensions of Mitochondrial Translation Initiation Factor 3

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    Protein biosynthesis in mitochondria is organized in a bacterial manner. However, during evolution, mitochondrial translation mechanisms underwent many organelle-specific changes. In particular, almost all mitochondrial translation factors, being orthologous to bacterial proteins, are characterized by some unique elements of primary or secondary structure. In the case of the organellar initiation factor 3 (IF3), these elements are several dozen amino acids long N- and C-terminal extensions. This study focused on the terminal extensions of baker’s yeast mitochondrial IF3, Aim23p. By in vivo deletion and complementation analysis, we show that at least one extension is necessary for Aim23p function. At the same time, human mitochondrial IF3 is fully functional in yeast mitochondria even without both terminal extensions. While Escherichia coli IF3 itself is poorly active in yeast mitochondria, adding Aim23p terminal extensions makes the resulting chimeric protein as functional as the cognate factor. Our results show that the terminal extensions of IF3 have evolved as the “adaptors” that accommodate the translation factor of bacterial origin to the evolutionary changed protein biosynthesis system in mitochondria

    Aim-less translation : loss of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondrial translation initiation factor mIF3/Aim23 leads to unbalanced protein synthesis

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    The mitochondrial genome almost exclusively encodes a handful of transmembrane constituents of the oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) system. Coordinated expression of these genes ensures the correct stoichiometry of the system's components. Translation initiation in mitochondria is assisted by two general initiation factors mIF2 and mIF3, orthologues of which in bacteria are indispensible for protein synthesis and viability. mIF3 was thought to be absent in Saccharomyces cerevisiae until we recently identified mitochondrial protein Aim23 as the missing orthologue. Here we show that, surprisingly, loss of mIF3/Aim23 in S. cerevisiae does not indiscriminately abrogate mitochondrial translation but rather causes an imbalance in protein production: the rate of synthesis of the Atp9 subunit of F1F0 ATP synthase (complex V) is increased, while expression of Cox1, Cox2 and Cox3 subunits of cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV) is repressed. Our results provide one more example of deviation of mitochondrial translation from its bacterial origins