8 research outputs found

    Accounting Integration Issues of EU Member States

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    The aim of this article is to discuss the dilemmas over the integration of accounting in EU member states. The dilemma could be divided into the following main groups. Dilemma of the user of financial statements. This dilemma consists in determining for whom the integration of accounting in EU is crucial, and who is the intended beneficiary of integration. Dilemma arising from the lack of theoretical framework for drafting directives and standards: the accounting paradigm assuming that accounting is strictly quantitative. Accounting is a social science, whereas the accounting practice has greater influence on social, rather than purely economic, reality. Dilemma over legal regulations and the legitimization of standard setters could be attributed to accounting regulations as legal norms. A classic example of this might be the transition from rule-based to principle-based IFRSs. The dilemma over the legitimization of standard setters has its roots in the legal aspect of accountancy. In order to solve it, it is necessary to answer the question: ‘who controls the processes of accounting integration?’ since the participants of this process often present divergent viewpoints, and sometimes even opposite priorities. Dilemma over the politicization of accountancy. The more globalized and complex the economic environment is, the more of political intervention there is expected to be in the standard setting process, affected by global geopolitical trends

    The state and development prospectives of Polish accounting

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    The article is an inaugurational address given in the Poznań School of Economics (1997/1998 academic year). It presents an outline of the Polish accounting system. The address indicates its advantages and disadvantages. Accounting is a universal, global language of business. Accounting data are also used by oursiders. This determines some special expectations regarding accounting, especially financial accounting. Namely, accounting data must to be of satisfactory quality, they must meet reliability, credibility, accuracy and verifability crieteria. The article presents the Polish accounting system in light of the Accounting Act adopted by the Parliament in September 1994. The conclusion of this presentation is that the present legal regulations and generally accepted accounting standards in Poland are suitable even to a fully fledged market economy. However, the existing incompatibility of accounting standards and taxation regulations deserves a critical opinion. Having this in mind, the article outlines a project of an amendment of the tax system in future. In the concluding part of the article, the author presents the issue of managerial accounting as one of several components of general accounting (other being financial accounting, controlling, and auditing). The very last remarks are about green accounting.Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/201

    Criteria for Choosing a Method of Valuation of State-Owned Enterprises for Privatization Purposes in Poland in the Light of Practical Solutions

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    Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    The state and development prospectives of Polish accounting

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    The article is an inaugurational address given in the Poznań School of Economics (1997/1998 academic year). It presents an outline of the Polish accounting system. The address indicates its advantages and disadvantages. Accounting is a universal, global language of business. Accounting data are also used by oursiders. This determines some special expectations regarding accounting, especially financial accounting. Namely, accounting data must to be of satisfactory quality, they must meet reliability, credibility, accuracy and verifability crieteria. The article presents the Polish accounting system in light of the Accounting Act adopted by the Parliament in September 1994. The conclusion of this presentation is that the present legal regulations and generally accepted accounting standards in Poland are suitable even to a fully fledged market economy. However, the existing incompatibility of accounting standards and taxation regulations deserves a critical opinion. Having this in mind, the article outlines a project of an amendment of the tax system in future. In the concluding part of the article, the author presents the issue of managerial accounting as one of several components of general accounting (other being financial accounting, controlling, and auditing). The very last remarks are about green accounting.Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/201

    Accounting integration issues of EU member states

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    The aim of this article is to discuss the dilemmas over the integration of accounting in EU member states. The dilemma could be divided into the following main groups. Dilemma of the user of financial statements. This dilemma consists in determining for whom the integration of accounting in EU is crucial, and who is the intended beneficiary of integration. Dilemma arising from the lack of theoretical framework for drafting directives and standards: the accounting paradigm assuming that accounting is strictly quantitative. Accounting is a social science, whereas the accounting practice has greater influence on social, rather than purely economic, reality. Dilemma over legal regulations and the legitimization of standard setters could be attributed to accounting regulations as legal norms. A classic example of this might be the transition from rule-based to principle-based IFRSs. The dilemma over the legitimization of standard setters has its roots in the legal aspect of accountancy. In order to solve it, it is necessary to answer the question: ‘who controls the processes of accounting integration?’ since the participants of this process often present divergent viewpoints, and sometimes even opposite priorities. Dilemma over the politicization of accountancy. The more globalized and complex the economic environment is, the more of political intervention there is expected to be in the standard setting process, affected by global geopolitical trends

    Functional Character of Changes in Road Traffic Insurance

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    Increase in development of motor transport, also in Poland, is connected unavoidable with still growing number of car accidents. Not only car owners and passangers but also other persons using public roads suffer damages in their result. Insurance is an instrument which satisfies the need of economic aid to victims of car accidents in the most complex way. Road traffic insurance have been submitted to certain phases in it's development what resulted in formation of three insurance systems. The oldest and the most universal one consists in insurance of civil responsibility of the cause of the accident. A system of insuring consequences of accidents in road traffic was introduced in few countries. Only in Poland, however, the system of obligatory road trafic insurance can be met which is a combination of both mentioned above systems in one integral entirety. The problem of securing actual realization of victims' claims is of importance above all in the countries in which especially rapid development of motor transport has occured. Road traffic insurance had to be radically changed being now an instrument serving to the still growing number of victims of car accidents. A social role of insurance of civil responsibility can be then underlined. The basic and superior aim of the insurance is protection of the victims of car accidents.Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/201

    The role of academic accounting and finance experts in the Polish code of criminal procedure

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    Cel – wskazanie na rolę ekonomicznego środowiska akademickiego w ocenie i osądzie prawidłowości prowadzenia procesów gospodarczych i ochronie obrotu gospodarczego poprzez stopniowe włączanie się w procesy sądowe. W efekcie, do czego sprowadza się teza, znacznie wzrośnie dowodowa rola rachunkowości, a wraz z nią zapotrzebowanie na niezależne opinie ekspertów pochodzących ze środowisk akademickich. Metody/podejścia badawcze – zastosowano metodę badania teoretyczno-prawnego i badania nad stanem i funkcjonowaniem obowiązującego prawa. Wartości poznawcze – wykazano, że zmiana kodeksu postępowania karnego (k.p.k.) w Polsce uświadomi i spowoduje znacznie większe włączenie się środowiska akademickiego – szczególnie dotyczy to obszarów rachunkowości i finansów – w obsługę karnych procesów gospodarczych, co będzie realizacją postulatów i wytycznych MNISW odnoszących się do łączenia nauki i praktyki.The Polish Code of Criminal Procedure (CCP) is forced on July 1, 2015. The most fundamental changes relate to the rules regarding the process of criminal trials, where the Court will not be entitled to play as active a role in the evidentiary part of proceedings. Expert evidences as the independent product of the expert uninfluenced as to form or content by the exigencies of litigation will play the significant role. Expert evidence is sought most obviously in disputes requiring detailed scientific or technical knowledge. Academic accounting and finance experts will play the most important role in incoming criminal procedure