27 research outputs found

    Peranan laman Facebook dalam penyampaian maklumat pengurusan pusaka / Mohd Khairy Kamarudin, Mohd Hafizie Suhaimi and Nasrul Hisyam Nor Muhamad

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    Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti sejauh mana media sosial menyampaikan maklumat berkaitan pengurusan pusaka di Malaysia. Kajian ini merupakan kajian kualitatif menggunakan pendekatan analisis tema. Sampel kajian ialah „laman‟ Facebook yang mempunyai ramai „likers‟. Terdapat empat tema yang didapati iaitu „maklumat penganjuran aktiviti‟, „maklumat am‟, „pengiklanan perkhidmatan‟ dan „panggilan untuk maklum balas‟. Kajian ini mendapati „laman‟ Facebook yang dibangunkan kurang menekankan maklumat penganjuran aktiviti dan maklumat am berkaitan pengurusan pusaka. „Laman‟ tersebut juga tidak dikongsikan kerap dan jarak antara satu pos dengan satu pos yang lain terlalu jauh. Kajian ini mencadangkan pemilik „laman‟ Facebook tersebut perlu mengemaskini aktiviti mereka dan menggunakan FBads dalam memberikan maklumat berkaitan pengurusan pusaka

    Motivations of Inter Vivos Transfers Among Malaysian Muslims

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    The surge of interest in inter vivos transfers has sparked a debate over its  motivations.  However, most of the academic research has focused on developed economies; and similar to many other countries, empirical research is  scarce in  Malaysia too. This study,  aims to unravel motives for inter vivos transfers among Malaysian Muslims. It employs logit regression analysis in which the data is collected by means of questionnaires from October to December 2012.This research discovers  that exchange motive is more prevailing than altruism motive among the respondents. More inter vivos transfers are given to daughters, children who provide more services and children with low opportunity cost of their time. However, inter vivos gifts among Muslims in Malaysia have one distinctive feature,  they have been a part of the Malay culturally defined sphere enriched by the Islamic law. This is called ‘hibah’ in Malay language, which originates  from  an Arabic word. It is concluded that the cultural aspect of the inter vivos transfers provides enhanced information as to how the transfer mechanism work.&nbsp

    Faktor pemberian hibah menurut perspektif pentadbir tanah

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    Hibah through transfer the ownership of land is a regular practice among Muslims in Malaysia. Transfer the ownership of land can be completed in the Land Office by using Form 14A. However, there are many disagreements among the heirs towards the equality of transfer ownership as many cases concerning the validity and the withdrawal of the hibah in court. So the question arises, how the selection of beneficiaries by the grantors for their property. Therefore, the aim of this study is to identify transfer of the land ownership, according to the Land Administrator perspective. This study applies a qualitative approach in which semi-structured interviews with Land Administrator was conducted. The results indicates that parents transfer his/her land to the children as to avoid property is distributed according to the law of inheritance and help their children due to economic constraints

    Islamic estate planning and management: Malaysian experience

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    This research explains Islamic estate planning and management for Muslim particularly in Malaysia. This research employs library research which refers to primary sources such as Al-Quran, Hadis and relevant enactments or acts, and secondary sources such as published journals, articles and proceedings related to hibah, wasiyyah and faraid. This study indicates that hibah giving is the first instrument in the estate planning components, followed by wasiyyah and faraid. Hibah is a voluntary gift giving of one or several subject matters to recipient(s) by owners of wealth during their lifetime without any consideration or return. From the legal perspective, there are no special laws or acts which are related to hibah in Malaysia. Meanwhile, wasiyyah is made during the lifetime of testators and the distribution of the estate to beneficiaries becomes effective only after their death. To date, only four states have special enactment related to wasiyyah which are Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka and Kelantan. Then, faraid is another Islamic inheritance distribution method to legal heirs after the death of a Muslim based on the Islamic law. Faraid jurisdiction is under the Syariah Court which is responsible to produce "Faraid Certificate'. The differences among these three instruments can be seen from five aspects namely hukm of implementation, time of enforcement, amount of wealth or estate, recipients and time of making contract

    Analisis pewarisan pusaka menurut Islam dalam Filem Klasik, Tiga Abdul

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    Filem-filem Melayu telah memaparkan pelbagai aspek kehidupan masyarakat termasuklah berkaitan pewarisan harta pusaka. Oleh itu, kajian ini menganalisis konteks pewarisan harta pusaka dalam filem Tiga Abdul arahan Tan Sri P. Ramlee dan mengenal pasti kesahan kontrak-kontrak pewarisan ini menurut hukum Islam. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastera yang dicerakinkan dengan analisis kandungan kualitatif. Data kajian diperoleh melalui ujaran-ujaran yang berkaitan harta pusaka di dalam filem tersebut. Ujaran-ujaran ini dianalisis untuk mengenal pasti tema-tema yang dibincangkan. ‘Pengurusan harta pusaka’ dan ‘Perancangan harta pusaka’ didapati sebagai tema utama dalam filem ini. Pengurusan harta pusaka merujuk kepada tujuh subtema iaitu ‘Pengetahuan berkaitan pusaka’, ‘Tuduhan membolot harta’, ‘Wasi mempercepatkan urusan pusaka’, ‘Pembahagian yang tidak adil’, ‘Tuduhan menyebabkan kematian’, ‘Pertikaian kaedah pewarisan’ dan ‘Campur tangan pihak ketiga’. Ketujuh-tujuh tema tersebut dikenal pasti wujud selepas kematian pemilik harta. Manakala perancangan harta pusaka merangkumi ‘Galakan membuat perancangan pewarisan’, ‘Pelantikan wasi’ dan ‘Pemberian semasa hayat’. Subtema-subtema ini didapati ketika pemilik harta masih hidup dan merancang pembahagian pusaka selepas kematian. Kajian ini merupakan kajian awal terhadap elemen pewarisan yang diangkat sebagai salah satu tema dalam sesebuah filem. Selain itu, kajian ini juga dapat membantu penulis skrip, pengarah dan penerbit filem untuk mengetengahkan teori dan isu pewarisan harta pusaka menurut Islam dalam kalangan masyarakat khususnya di Malaysia. Usaha ini dapat membantu memberikan maklumat benar kepada penonton mengenai kaedah pengurusan dan perancangan harta pusaka


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    Abstract. As a country with a majority of Muslim population and recognizes Islam as the official religion, Malaysia is indeed has a large number of Islamic-based organizations offering shariah-compliant products and services. However, such organizations have been receiving criticism from the client and the public on the aspect of management executed by employee. They claimed that the execution of duties among the employee in the Islamic organization does not reflect the nature of the organization itself. The rapid development of such an organization requires a solid understanding among the employee in charge of the task entrusted. However, previous studies have found that the understanding of employee in carrying out their duties in the Islamic organization is quite unsatisfactory. Therefore, this study takes the initiative to study the understanding of the employee in the implementation of Islamic management in Islamic organization. The study was conducted using the qualitative method. The sample of this study consisted of 11 executives in three Islamic organizations. Among the organizations are Islamic Banking, Takaful and Islamic Property Management Company. The location of the study involved selected organizations in three states of the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia namely Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang. The study is expected to produce a holistic model of employee understanding in the management of an Islamic organization. The model involves several phases that aim to ensure that employee understanding covers all aspects such as goals, implementation and impact.Key words: employee understanding, Islamic management, Islamic organisation, Malaysia

    “I want to withdraw my hibah”: why and how to explain it?

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    Hibah or Islamic intervivos plays a vital role in reducing unclaimed inheritance estate problems, aiding recipients, and expecting recipients’ care. However, there are cases of withdrawn hibah that have been argued in the court. This study was performed to understand this problem by interviewing hibah experts in Malaysia. Thematic analysis was applied to find an overview of why donors withdraw their hibah by interviewing 19 respondents who are hibah experts in Malaysia. There were two main themes which were ‘Donor’s desire’ and ‘Recipient’s attitude.’ ‘Donor’s desire’ can be understood by the desire of donor to get benefits from the property that has been perfectly transferred or if the donor still resides on the property. Meanwhile, ‘Recipient’s attitude’ describes a change in recipients’ attitude such as ignoring and expelling the donors from the transferred property. The recipients also might sell the transferred property. This reason leads to donors wanting to withdraw their hibah. This study’s findings recommend that absolute hibah needs to be replaced with hibah legal documentation or living trust. These types of hibah are recognized by Sharī‘ah and Civil law and enable the donors to withdraw their hibah during lifetime. This study is the first attempt to discuss profoundly withdrawn hibah in qualitative approach. The paper offers an additional study on hibah practice in Malaysia

    From government funding to crowdfunding: identifying approaches and models for universities

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    Malaysian public universities are bracing for funding cuts and moving towards autonomous status causing them to be more innovative in generating income. Crowdfunding has been part of the solutions. Unfortunately, the emerging of university crowdfunding platforms in Malaysia is relatively slow as compared to the universities in the U.K. and U.S. This study aims to explore approaches and crowdfunding models used by the universities. This study highlights different approaches used by the universities in incorporating crowdfunding into their funding strategies, which can be differentiated into two main groups, namely setting up a university-operated crowdfunding platform and using existing third-party platforms. The investigation on the Skolafund crowdfunding shows that it could be an example of which the crowdfunding model fits Malaysian universities. The findings in this paper can help the universities to ease the burden due to the budget cut impact by utilising crowdfunding