9 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pokok Bahasan Mobilitas Sosial Melalui Model Pembelajaran Group Investigation Kelas XI SMA

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    Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (Classroom Action Research) yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar sosiologi pada siswa kelas XI IPS SMA Muhammadiyah Enrekang melalui model pembelajaran Group Investigation dalam memahami materi tentang Mobilitas Sosial. Subjek penelitian ini adalah kelas XI IPS dengan jumlah siswa 15 orang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam 2 (dua) siklus. Pada pelaksanaannya pembelajaran Group Investigation merupakan suatu tindakan yang diberikan siswa untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar sosiologi pada siswa. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis secara kuantitatif dan kulitatif. Hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil belajar siswa meningkat dari siklus I ke siklus II. Setelah di lakukan pembelajaran dengan penerapan pembelajaran Group Investigation selama dua siklus pembelajaran, di peroleh hasil sebagai berikut: (1) Hasil belajar sosiologi siswa pada siklus pertama berada pada ketegori dengan skor sangat rendah 6,6%, Skor rendah 20%,skor sedang 46%, skor tinggi 26% dan skor sangat tinggi 0%. (2) Hasil belajar sosiologi siswa pada siklus kedua berada pada kategori dengan skor sangat rendah 0%, skor randah 6,6%,Skor sedang 20% skor tinggi 53% dan skor sangat tinggi 20% . (3) Hasil analisis kualitatif manunjukkan adanya perubahan yang terjadi pada sikap siswa selama proses pembelajaran sesuai dengan hasil observasi yaitu dengan adanya penerapan pembelajaran Group Investigation pada pokok bahasan Mobilitas Sosial dapat meningkatkan minat belajar siswa serta dapat meningkatkan kehadiran siswa

    Islamic Clothing, Religiosity, and Da’wah Communication

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    Clothing is one of the results of human culture which has many functions such as health functions, ethical functions, and aesthetic functions. At the same time, clothing also gives the impression to the public as a form of communication inherent in it. This article aims to reveal clothes with the impression of communication to others. One of the clothes referred to is Muslim clothing which includes a robe, robe, turban, cingkrang pants (for men), and a headscarf (for women). This research method uses descriptive quantitative method with 50 respondents consisting of 25 men and women each. The results showed that Muslim clothes gave many impressions such as the impression of faith, the impression of sunnah, the impression of syar'i and so on. The conclusion of this research is that clothes always leave an impression and message. These impressions and messages are received by the public as a form of communication for the wearer. Muslim clothing gives the impression of religiosity and spirituality


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    Manusia tidak bisa hidup tanpa manusia lainnya dalam memenuhi kebutuhannya, Tentunya dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup perlu adanya kesadaran kolektif dalam masyarakat. Kesadaran kolektif dapat terlihat pada nilai solidaritas sosial yang tercermin pada sikap saling percaya, saling menghormati dan perasaan bersatu diantara anggota masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis solidaritas sosial pada komunitas masyarakat nelayan pulau liukang loe desa bira kabupaten Bulukumba. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus dengan maksud untuk memberikan gambaran tentang solidaritas sosial pada komunitas masyarakat nelayan pulau liukang loe desa bira kabupaten Bulukumba. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi; observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan Teknik analisis data yang digunakan meliputi; pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk solidaritas sosial meliputi; adanya kerjasama, gotong royong dan kepedulian sosial. Dengan demikian solidaritas yang terjadi pada komunitas masyarakat nelayan pulau liukang loe desa bira merupakan solidaritas mekanik yang ditandai dengan belum ada sistem pembagian kerja yang ketat, memiliki kesadaran kolektif, sikap dan perilaku lebih diutamakan, serta berorientasi pada kepentingan bersama. Kata kunci: Solidaritas Sosial; Masyarakat; Nelayan

    The Relation of Paser Ethnic Subalternity in the Process of Moving the Indonesian Capital City in East Kalimantan

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    The process of moving the National Capital in Panajam has had an impact on the original ethnicity that inhabits the location, in this case, the Paser ethnicity. These ethnic communities experience patterns of subalternity relations such as their settlement land and livelihood land are suddenly determined without their knowledge, are not involved in decision-making processes, they are prohibited from accessing the zero point and the Central Government Core Area, and are not given space to become local workers in the work of the State Capital projects. This pattern of subalternity relations then developed into a communal identity which became the basis for the spirit of this community to carry out struggles for emancipation. How this community defines itself as a subaltern is the formulation of the problem that will be answered by this research as well as a research objective. This research approach is based on a critical paradigm because the Paser ethnic community which is used as a research subject is in a cyborg position which requires the role of researchers as transformative intellectuals in helping them to get out of their problems. The research method used is a qualitative method with data collection in the form of interviews, FGDs, and observations, all of which are carried out in a participatory manner. The data were analyzed by finding patterns/themes of meaning and presented narratively. The results of the study found that the pattern of unequal relationships gave rise to collective anxiety and collective perceptions as a subordinated group. The conclusion of this study is the pattern of subaltern relations of the 4 dominant forces, namely the state, companies, dominant culture, and transmigrants, which makes them perceive their group as subordinate. The expected suggestion is that this community needs to continue to build awareness together to continue the struggle for the existence of culture and life while continuing to strive for community empowerment in the form of capacity building

    The Patterns of Hegemony of the Kokoda Tribe in the City and Regency of Sorong, Southwest Papua

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    The essence of social justice in development, as the nation's ideal, is ideally present to provide changes for the better to all people without exception. However, in reality, there are still social inequalities in development, such as those experienced by the Kokoda Tribe in Southwest Papua. The research aims to find out the pattern of hegemony experienced by the Kokoda Tribe. Therefore, the type of research used is qualitative. Qualitative research emphasizes the socially constructed nature of reality. The data analysis process was carried out during the research. Each observation and interview was followed by an interpretation process by connecting one meaning with another. The results show that the hegemony that occurs in the Kokoda Tribe takes place through four patterns, namely: Domination pattern, intellectual hegemony pattern, moral hegemony pattern, and spiral hegemony pattern. The marginalization experienced by the Kokoda Tribe does not occur naturally but is the result of hegemony patterns, namely the existence of a dominant class that constructs the whole life of society

    Media Power Relations in Politics: Critical Analysis Perspective

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    The development of mass media as a channel of public information has experienced many shifts in its function. Critical knowledge works in powers that cannot be controlled. The purpose of this research is to reveal the power relations of knowledge and media working in politics in South Sulawesi. This research uses a critical analytic descriptive method with a critical paradigm as its approach. Researchers used two data sources to support the results of the study, namely, primary data and secondary data. Data collection in this study was carried out through three approaches, namely observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive critical analytics. The qualitative content analysis method is carried out with the help of Nvivo software. NVivo is a qualitative data analysis software developed by Qualitative Solution and Research (QSR) International. The results of this study confirm that: (1) the South Sulawesi People's daily media has strong knowledge power in politics in South Sulawesi, with a central role in shaping political narratives, choosing issues that are reported, and influencing the image of political actors. This indicates the influence of political power, economics, and the interests of media owners who influence political news in the area. (2) Social media practices in politics in South Sulawesi have a significant impact on increasing political participation and strengthening communication between politicians, political parties, and the community. (3) South Sulawesi People's Daily has a role in politics in South Sulawesi as a means to convey messages and influence public opinion. In the political media strategy in South Sulawesi, politicians and political parties utilize it to gain support, build a positive image, and influence public perceptions of political issues

    Awareness of the Importance of Children's Education in the Small Island Fisherman Community (Case Study of Liukang Loe Island)

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    Residents of small island villages are typically classified as low�educated. This study used Liukang Loe Island as a case study to learn the truth about children's education in small island settlements. This study aims to determine how the fishing community understands the importance of education and how to increase public awareness about children's education on Liukang Loe Island. This study, which uses a descriptive qualitative technique with research informants, focuses on the "Harapan" fishing group community on Liukang Loe Island. Information was gathered through observation, interviews, and documentation. The type of analysis that was carried out by qualitative through taxonomic analysis, drawing conclusions using the Miles and Hubberman model, as well as directions to increase public awareness about the importance of education through AHP. The findings demonstrated that the Liukang Loe Island fishing community prioritized children's education, as seen by the community's, particularly families', efforts to ensure that children's education was completed. This is reinforced by the family's commitment to earning a living and covering all the children's educational demands. The fishing communities support their children's ability to advance to the highest level possible. Although there are only elementary and junior high schools on Liukang Loe Island, with limited facilities and infrastructure, children's enthusiasm and motivation to attend school are high. This does not deter the fishermen's children from continuing their high school and graduate education outside the island to obtain a better education. There are two options for raising awareness about education in fishing communities: community training and empowerment programs through NGOs, local governments, and educational institutions; and educational assistance programs in the form of notable scholarships for fishing communities in small islands Keywords: Community Awareness, Fisherman, Education, Small Islan

    The Struggle of Children from Drug-Abusing Families in Facing Social Exclusion

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    This paper aims to explore the perceptions and reflections on the experiences of children from drug-abusing families in their struggle against social exclusion. The results are based on a qualitative phenomenological analysis of in-depth and face-to-face interviews with 27 informants, including; 12 children from drug-abusing families experiencing social exclusion, 10 parents, 3 neighbors, and 2 shelter professionals. This research resulted in the following themes: 1) parentification as a child's struggle, 2) feelings of sadness and frustration, 3) making peace with a negative stigma and 4) limited professional support. The findings of this study indicate that the experiences of children who have parents who abuse drugs are significantly influential in their lives, whether they live together or separated. Therefore, these children must receive adequate financial and professional support to help them cope with mixed and contradictory emotions and how to deal with the negative stigma that may arise from their surroundings

    Application of Problem-Based Learning Model at The State of 2 Majene First Middle School

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    This study presents the application of a problem-based learning model at the State Junior High School 2 Majene. This study aims to describe the methods used by teachers in the application of problembased learning models. This study uses a quantitative approach. Data collection techniques used with interviews and documentation. Problem-based learning is a learning approach by developing critical thinking skills and problem-solving skills and is used to stimulate students’ higher-order thinking. Problem-based learning makes real problems as suggestions for the learning process before knowing the formal concepts. In the application of learning in SMP Negeri 2 Majene seen in 3 aspects, namely; characteristic aspects, aspects of the nature of the strategy and aspects of the stages in the strategy. These aspects illustrate that the implementation of problem-based learning strategies in SMP Negeri 2 Majene has been going well