161 research outputs found

    General form of almost instantaneous fixed-to-variable-length codes

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    A general class of the almost instantaneous fixed-to-variable-length (AIFV) codes is proposed, which contains every possible binary code we can make when allowing finite bits of decoding delay. The contribution of the paper lies in the following. (i) Introducing NN-bit-delay AIFV codes, constructed by multiple code trees with higher flexibility than the conventional AIFV codes. (ii) Proving that the proposed codes can represent any uniquely-encodable and uniquely-decodable variable-to-variable length codes. (iii) Showing how to express codes as multiple code trees with minimum decoding delay. (iv) Formulating the constraints of decodability as the comparison of intervals in the real number line. The theoretical results in this paper are expected to be useful for further study on AIFV codes.Comment: submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1607.07247 by other author

    New technique for dynamic closure of the abdominal wall

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    Os avanços nos cuidados com o paciente traumatizado e com infecções abdominais graves são responsáveis por um número crescente de peritoneostomias. O manejo desta entidade é complexo e várias técnicas foram descritas para seu tratamento. Recentemente foi introduzido na literatura o conceito de fechamento dinâmico da parede abdominal, com elevadas taxas de sucesso. O objetivo deste trabalho é de servir como nota prévia de uma nova abordagem para o tratamento das peritoneostomias, desenvolvida no Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo. Trata-se de um procedimento simples e de baixo custo, facilmente realizado por cirurgião geral. O procedimento também foi utilizado como reforço em fechamentos abdominais tensos, de maneira profilática. O procedimento é descrito em detalhes, assim como os resultados nos primeiros pacientes. Apesar de promissora, refinamentos técnicos e estudos complementares são necessários para a validação da técnica.Advances in care of trauma patients and severe abdominal infections are responsible for an increasing number of laparostomies. The management of this entity is complex and several techniques have been described for its treatment. Recently the concept of dynamic closure of the abdominal wall was introduced in the literature with high success rates. The objective of this report is to serve as a foreword for a new approach for the treatment of laparostomy developed at the University Hospital of the University of São Paulo. This is a simple and low cost method, easily performed by a general surgeon. The procedure was also used prophylactically as reinforcement in tight abdominal closures. It is described in detail as well as the results in the first patients. Although promising, refinements and further studies are needed to validate the technique

    Feridas complexas

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    Complex wound is the term used more recently to group those well-known difficult wounds, either chronic or acute, that challenge medical and nursing teams. They defy cure using conventional and simple "dressings" therapy and currently have a major socioeconomic impact. The purpose of this review is to bring these wounds to the attention of the health-care community, suggesting that they should be treated by multidisciplinary teams in specialized hospital centers. In most cases, surgical treatment is unavoidable, because the extent of skin and subcutaneous tissue loss requires reconstruction with grafts and flaps. New technologies, such as the negative pressure device, should be introduced. A brief review is provided of the major groups of complex wounds-diabetic wounds, pressure sores, chronic venous ulcers, post-infection soft-tissue gangrenes, and ulcers resulting from vasculitis.Ferida complexa é uma nova definição para identificar aquelas feridas crônicas e algumas agudas já bem conhecidas e que desafiam equipes médicas e de enfermagem. São difíceis de serem resolvidas usando tratamentos convencionais e simples curativos. Têm atualmente grande impacto sócio-econômico. Esta revisão procura atrair atenção da comunidade de profissionais de saúde para estas feridas, sugerindo que devam ser tratadas por equipe multidisciplinar em centro hospitalar especializado. Na maioria dos casos o tratamento cirúrgico deve ser indicado, uma vez que a perda de pele e tecido subcutâneo é extensa, necessitando de reconstrução com enxertos e retalhos. Nova tecnologia, como uso da terapia por pressão negativa foi introduzido. Breves comentários sobre os principais grupos de feridas complexas: pé diabético, úlceras por pressão, úlceras venosas, síndrome de Fournier e vasculites

    A phase diagram of the pinch-off-type behavior of impulsively-induced viscoelastic liquid jets

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    In this study, we systematically investigate the jet behaviors of viscoelastic liquids, focusing on the region of high velocity and high viscoelasticity, which has not been investigated in previous studies. We generate viscoelastic jets using an impulsive force and categorize the resulting jets into two types: pinch-off jets (jets that break up during elongation after ejection) and no-pinch-off jets (jets that pull back to the nozzle after maximum elongation or jets that return without elongation after ejection). We then propose criteria to characterize these regions using the Weissenberg number and the Reynolds number, which are dimensionless numbers composed of the rheological properties of the solution and the initial conditions of the jet injection. It is found that pinch-off jets occur at Re23.4WiRe \gtrsim 23.4Wi in regions of high elasticity Wi10Wi \gtrsim 10, and at Re250Re \gtrsim 250 in regions of low elasticity Wi10Wi \lesssim 10. We also show that the phase diagram can be explained by modeling a focused jet using the finitely extensible non-linear elastic dumbbell model with the Chilcott-Rallison closure approximation (FENE-CR)

    Acne-specific quality of life questionnaire (Acne-QoL): translation, cultural adaptation and validation into Brazilian-Portuguese language

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    BACKGROUND: many studies about the psychosocial impact of acne have been reported in international medical literature describing quality of life as a relevant clinical outcome. It is well known that the patient's perception about the disease may be different from the physician's evaluation. Therefore, it is important to use validated instruments that turn the patient's subjective opinion into objective information. OBJECTIVES: to translate into Brazilian-Portuguese language and to culturally adapt a quality of life questionnaire, the Acne-Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire (Acne-QoL), as well as to evaluate its reliability and validity. METHODS: measurement properties were assessed: 1) validity: comparison between severity and Acne-QoL domain scores, correlations between acne duration and Acne-QoL domain scores, and correlation between Acne-QoL domain scores and SF-36 components; 2) internal consistency: Cronbach's α coefficient; 3) test-retest reproducibility: intraclass correlation coefficient and Wilcoxon test. RESULTS: Eighty subjects with a mean age of 20.5 ± 4.8 years presenting mild (33.8%), moderate (36.2%) and severe (30%) facial acne were enrolled. Acne-QoL domain scores were similar among the different acne severity groups except for role-social domain. Subjects with shorter acne duration presented significant higher scores. Acne-QoL domains showed significant correlations, both between themselves and with SF-36 role-social and mental health components. Internal consistency (0.925-0.952) and test-retest reproducibility were considered acceptable (0.768-0.836). CONCLUSIONS: the Brazilian-Portuguese version of the Acne-QoL is a reliable and valid satisfactory outcome measure to be used in facial acne studies.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of DermatologyUNIFESP, Department of DermatologySciEL

    Terapia por pressão negativa (vácuo) no preparo do leito da ferida em pacientes diabéticos: série de casos

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    CONTEXT: Complications from diabetes mellitus affecting the lower limbs occur in 40 to 70% of such patients. Neuropathy is the main cause of ulceration and may be associated with vascular impairment. The wound evolves with necrosis and infection, and if not properly treated, amputation may be the end result. Surgical treatment is preferred in complex wounds without spontaneous healing. After debridement of the necrotic tissue, the wound bed needs to be prepared to receive a transplant of either a graft or a flap. Dressings can be used to prepare the wound bed, but this usually leads to longer duration of hospitalization. Negative pressure using a vacuum system has been proposed for speeding up the treatment. This paper had the objective of analyzing the effects of this therapy on wound bed preparation among diabetic patients. CASE SERIES: Eighty-four diabetic patients with wounds in their lower limbs were studied. A commercially available vacuum system was used for all patients after adequate debridement of necrotic tissues. For 65 patients, skin grafts completed the treatment and for the other 19, skin flaps were used. Wound bed preparation was achieved over an average time of 7.51 days for 65 patients and 10 days for 12 patients, and in only one case was not achieved. CONCLUSIONS: This experience suggests that negative pressure therapy may have an important role in wound bed preparation and as part of the treatment for wounds in the lower limbs of diabetic patients.CONTEXTO: Complicações do diabetes mellitus que afetam os membros inferiores ocorrem em 40 a 70% dos pacientes. A neuropatia é a principal causa de ulceração e pode estar associada com problemas vasculares. A ferida evolui com necrose e infecção, e se não for corretamente tratada poderá terminar em amputação. O tratamento cirúrgico é preferido em feridas complexas, quando não há cicatrização espontânea. Após desbridamento cirúrgico do tecido necrótico do leito da ferida este precisa ser preparado para receber um transplante, seja um enxerto ou um retalho. Curativos podem ser usados para o preparo do leito da ferida, mas frequentemente levam a um longo tempo de hospitalização. A pressão negativa usada através de um sistema vácuo foi proposta para acelerar o tempo de tratamento. O presente trabalho teve como finalidade analisar os efeitos desta terapia no preparo do leito de feridas em pacientes diabéticos. SÉRIE DE CASOS: Oitenta e quatro pacientes diabéticos com feridas em membros inferiores foram estudados. Um sistema vácuo de uso comercial foi utilizado em todos os pacientes após adequado desbridamento de tecidos necróticos. Em 65 pacientes enxertos de pele completaram o tratamento e em outros 19 retalhos cutâneos. O preparo do leito da ferida foi conseguido, em média, em 7,51 dias em 65 pacientes, em 10 dias para 12 pacientes e em somente um caso não foi efetivo. CONCLUSÃO: A experiência sugere que a terapia por pressão negativa possa ter um papel importante no preparo do leito e como parte do tratamento de feridas nos membros inferiores de pacientes diabéticos

    高非抱合型ビリルビン血症に対する光療法における青色と緑色光を混合した光療法は青色光単色と治療効果は同等であり、かつ光酸化ストレス反応を軽減する : Gunn ratモデルにおける検討

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    OBJECTIVE:Phototherapy using blue light-emitting diodes (LED) is effective against neonatal jaundice. However, green light phototherapy also reduces unconjugated jaundice. We aimed to determine whether mixed blue and green light can relieve jaundice with minimal oxidative stress as effectively as either blue or green light alone in a rat model. METHODS:Gunn rats were exposed to phototherapy with blue (420-520 nm), filtered blue (FB; 440-520 nm without<440-nm wavelengths, FB50 (half the irradiance of filtered blue), mixed (filtered 50% blue and 50% green), and green (490-590 nm) LED irradiation for 24h. The effects of phototherapy are expressed as ratios of serum total (TB) and unbound (UB) bilirubin before and after exposure to each LED. Urinary 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) was measured by HPLC before and after exposure to each LED to determine photo-oxidative stress. RESULTS:Values 1.00), respectively. CONCLUSIONS:Blue plus green phototherapy is as effective as blue phototherapy and it attenuates irradiation-induced oxidative stress. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS:Combined blue and green spectra might be effective against neonatal hyperbilirubinemia.博士(医学)・乙第1371号・平成27年11月27日Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    慢性肺疾患の早産児におけるプロテインC経路 : 前向き研究

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    Background: Chronic lung disease (CLD) is a major neonatal pulmonary disorder associated with inflammation. Recent studies have shown that protein C anticoagulant pathways, such as those for protein C (PC), protein S (PS), and thrombomodulin (TM), could be useful indices for reflecting pulmonary injury. However, the involvement of these factors in preterm infants with very low birthweight (VLBW) who have developed CLD remains to be investigated. Here, we investigated whether PC pathway-related factors could predict the development of CLD in preterm infants with VLBW. Methods: We collected plasma samples from 26 preterm infants with VLBW (13 each from those with and without CLD) at the time of birth and measured TM, PC, and PS levels in their plasmas. We analyzed prospectively the relationship between these factors in infants with and without CLD. Results: There were significant differences in gestational age, birthweight, Apgar score (5 min), and duration of mechanical ventilation between the CLD and non-CLD groups. No significant differences in the PC and PS levels at birth were observed between the two groups, whereas the TM levels in the CLD group were significantly higher than those in the non-CLD group (P = 0.013). The TM levels correlated with gestational age and duration of mechanical ventilation. However, covariance analysis demonstrated that gestational age was significantly associated with TM levels, and consequently, development of CLD was not associated with TM level at birth. Conclusions: Thrombomodulin, PC, and PS levels at birth could not predict the development of CLD in preterm infants with VLBW.博士(医学)・甲第850号・令和4年9月28日© 2022 Japan Pediatric Society.This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ped.15221], which has been published in final form at [https://doi.org/10.1111/ped.15221]. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions. This article may not be enhanced, enriched or otherwise transformed into a derivative work, without express permission from Wiley or by statutory rights under applicable legislation. Copyright notices must not be removed, obscured or modified. The article must be linked to Wiley’s version of record on Wiley Online Library and any embedding, framing or otherwise making available the article or pages thereof by third parties from platforms, services and websites other than Wiley Online Library must be prohibited.発行元が定める登録猶予期間終了の後、本文を登録予定(2023.01