50 research outputs found

    Shari'ah law : an introduction

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    Providing a comprehensive and accessible examination of Shari’ah Law, this well considered introduction examines the sources, characteristic features, and schools of thought of a system often stereotyped for its severity in the West. In a progressive and graduated fashion, Mohammad Hashim Kamali discusses topics ranging from juristic disagreement to independent reasoning. Also broaching more advanced topics such as the principle of legality and the role and place of Shari’ah-oriented policy, Kamali controversially questions whether Islam is as much of a law-based religion as it has often been made out to be. Complete with a bibliography and glossary, and both a general index and an index of Arabic quotations, this wide-ranging exploration will prove an indispensable resource for Islamic students and scholars, and an informative guide to a complex topic for the general reader

    Matrimonial Problems of Islamic Law in Contemporary Afghanistan.

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    This paper concentrates on problems of excessive expenditures in marriage ceremonies, child marriage, polygamy and divorce. To date, these areas are governed by the traditional Hanafi law which, on the whole, has remained in its medieval form in Afghanistan. The existent statutory legislation which has been added to the Hanafi Law, has introduced no substantial change to the Hanafi traditional doctrines. Modern reforms of the Shari'a as introduced in the Middle East have challenged the validity of the traditional interpretations of the Shari'a principles. The traditional laws of child marriage, polygamy and divorce have been subject to radical change in recent times. Afghanistan also underwent a brief experience of similar reforms under the Nizamnama legislation of the 1920's. These were, however, short-lived, and a rebellion by the traditionalists in 1929 led to a reversal of these reforms. The Nizamnamas constitute the first modernist reforms and are therefore a good starting point in the study of matrimonial problems. The existent evidence in many Muslim countries including Afghanistan points to the continuation of a modernized Shari'a in the area of family law. Modernization of the Shari'a necessitates a process whereby proposals for its reform must seek juristic justifications from within the Shari' a. Needless to say that law reform especially in the area of family law must reflect the social needs. An inquiry into the juristic and social bases of the matrimonial problems is therefore the main concern of this paper. The fact that child marriage, polygamy and divorce are easily attainable without involving legal deterrents to guard against their abuse, constitutes a major problem in these areas. This paper underlines these problems and aims at providing solutions in terms of future reforms. Experience has proved that as a result of the intransigence of the traditionalist religious attitudes, and of the prevalence of patriarchal tribal practices, statutory legislation on matrimonial problems often failed to take effect in practical terms. It is therefore important to be pragmatic in one's approach to finding solutions to these problems

    İçtihad ve Fetva

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    Makalede ictihadın tanımı, fetvanın temel fonksiyonları ve modern uygulamaları ile ilgili bazı düzenlemeler dile getirilmektedir. Ayrıca, ictihad metodolojisi ve bu amaçla önde gelen İslam hukuku ekolleri tarafından öne sürülen çeşitli formüller gözden geçirilmektedir. İctihad ile fetva arasındaki temel fark ve ictihad kelimesinin etimolojik tahlili ile terim anlamı, ictihadın tarihsel gelişimi ve kurumsal hale dönüşmesi anlatılmaktadır. Yine ictihad kapısının açık olup olması, müctehidin vasıfları hakkında alimlerin görüşlerine yer verilmiştir. İctihadın devletin yasama organı için başvurulabilecek bir metot olduğundan bahsedilmektedir. İctihadın geçerli olması için sadece şeriat alimlerinin değil, aynı zamanda farklı disiplinlerdeki uzmanların katkılarıyla oluşan kolektif ictihadı önermektedir. İctihadın metodolojisi ve ictihadda başvurulan kıyas, istislah, istihsan, mesalih-i mürsele, seddu zerai gibi delillerin önemi izah edilmeye çalışılmaktadır. İctihadın tarihi gelişimi içerisinde zayıflama evresinden söz edilmektedir. Yazar, Müslüman topraklarındaki sömürge hakimiyetinin Müslümanların imajını düşürdüğünü, taklit ve muhafazakar düşünceyi teşvik ettiğini, modern hukuki düzenlemelerin fakihlere çok az bir rol bıraktığını dolayısıyla ictihadın bir başka olumsuzluk yaşadığını açıklamaya çalışmaktadır. Son kısımda güncel meselelerle ilgili ictihad örnekleri ile modern dönemdeki fetva örneklerine yer verilmektedir

    Kebebasan berpendapat dalam islam dilengkapi dengan perbincangan seputar kasus salman rushdil...

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    Kebebasanberpendapat dalam Islam : Dilengkapai dengan perbincangan seputar kasus Salma Rushdie, Darul Arq

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    Bandung384 p.; 21 cm

    Sistem keamanan komputer

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    Тадждид, ислах и цивилизационное обновление в исламе

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    The basic theme of this article is that civilisational renewal is an integral part of Islamic thought. The article looks into the meaning, definition and origins of tajdid, islahand their relationship with ijtihad, and how these have been manifested in the writings and contributions of the thought leaders of Islam throughout its history. The article develops tajdid-related formulas and guidelines that should lead the efforts of contemporary Muslims in articulating the objectives of inter-civilisational harmony and their cooperation for the common good.Цивилизационное обновление является неотъемлемой частью исламской мысли. В статье рассматривается значение, определение и истоки тадждида, ислахаи их связи с иджтихадом, а также то, как они проявляются в работах исламских мыслителей на протяжении всей истории Ислама. В статье разработаны формулы и руководящие принципы тадждида, которые должны направлять современных мусульман при постановке задач межцивилизационной гармонии и сотрудничества ради общего блага

    Sharīah And Civil Law: Towards A Methodology Of Harmonization

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