28 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis pengaturan Praperadilan di dalam KUHAP dan pengaturan Praperadilan berdasarkan Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif yaitu penelitian yang mengacu kepada norma-norma dan asas-asas hukum yang terdapat dalam peraturan perundang-undangan dan putusan pengadilan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Wewenang Praperadilan dalam sejumlah ketentuan KUHAP hanya disediakan oleh Undang-undang untuk menguji “sebagian” kewenangan Penyidik dalam melakukan Penyidikan dan “sebagian” kewenangan Penuntut Umum dalam melakukan penuntutan, yaitu penangkapan, penahanan, penggeledahan, penyitaan, penghentian Penyidikan, penutupan perkara demi hukum, dan penghentian penuntutanBerdasarkan Peraturan Praperadilan di dalam KUHAP berdasarkan Pasal 77 sampai dengan Pasal 83 KUHAP mempunyai unsur-unsur yang mengatur tentang kewenangan atau objek Praperadilan adalah: 1) kewenangan pengadilan negeri untuk memeriksa dan memutuskan sah atau tidaknya penangkapan, penahanan, penghentian, Penyidikan atau penghentian penuntutan; dan ganti kerugian atau rehabilitasi bagi seseorang yang perkara pidananya dihentikan pada tingkat Penyidikan atau penuntutan

    Establishment of legal awareness groups and legal extension of community social diseases for young generations in karang taruna amanah (Village Jati Rejo, Pagar Merbau district Deli Serdang district)

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    Community social problems such as gambling, drinking, drug abuse, which is hereinafter referred to as social disease, are a problem that will be continuously faced in big cities and in areas such as rural areas. These social ills are generally experienced by young people (productive age). This will certainly be a new obstacle for the progress of a nation. Young people who are in the productive age group will spend a lot of time and opportunity when they are involved in the social ills of the community. Therefore we need joint steps from the central government, regional government, private sector, community, family and others to find solutions to problems that occur. Community service activities in Jati Rejo Village, Pagar Merbau Sub-District, Deli Serdang Regency are intended to find out the development of social conditions in the village and provide legal counseling about community social ills to communities in Jati Rejo village with the hope that the community will be more introspective and aware not to be involved in various activities that are against the law


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    English translation. Obscenity against a child is a criminal offense that attacks the honor of the child's decency. The problems and objectives of this study are to find out the form and factors causing the criminal act of child molestation in the PPA Unit of the Medan Police; know the process of handling child molestation crimes by the PPA Unit of the Medan Police: knowing the obstacles and efforts of the PPA Unit in enforcing the law on child molestation crimes in the jurisdiction of the Medan Police. The research method carried out is a normative juridical research method. This study resulted in the conclusion that the form of child molestation in the PPA Unit of the Medan Police is generally an act of copulation by both child abusers and adult perpetrators. Obstacles to law enforcement of criminal acts of child molestation by the PPA Unit in terms of witnesses to criminal acts and finding perpetrators. So efforts were made such as conducting Visum et Revertum to victims and publishing a People Search List (DPO)


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    We are researching to learn how the government controls land ownership according to the Basic Agrarian Law and what happens when they claim ownership of land. We also want to know how they use the term "Property Rights" and what legal things could happen because of that. This study used the Normative Juridical method, which means using legal sources to find the truth based on the logic of law. One way to gather information is by reading books and articles. The research found that the Basic Agrarian Law gives people the right to control and use land in different ways, like owning property, farming, renting buildings, etc. The government ensures that people use land fairly and take care of it. They also decide who can have land and ensure the rules are followed. If there are problems with land, they can help solve them. They also keep track of who owns the land


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    ABSTRAKProgram kepemilikan lahan sembilan juta hektar dimaksudkan untuk mengurangi kesenjangan kepemilikan lahan. Pemerintah berencana tidak hanya untuk pembagian tanah tetapi juga untuk memajukan kondisi ekonomi masyarakat. Arah kebijakan tersebut tertuang dalam Perpres No. 2/2015 tentang RPJMN (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional) 2015-2019. Permasalahannya adalah: bagaimana pelaksanaan program Nawacita menuju redistribusi sembilan juta tanah di SUMUT (Sumatera Utara), mengapa program ini tidak sesuai dengan target di SUMUT, dan bagaimana upaya yang dilakukan oleh BPN (Badan Pertanahan Nasional) SUMUT untuk menangani program redistribusi sembilan juta hektar lahan yang tidak sesuai dengan target di SUMUT.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis nomiatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif analitik. Pengumpulan data sekunder dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara dengan Bapak Marulam Siahaan sebagai narasumber dan dari data redistribusi tanah periode 2015-2018 di BPN SUMUT. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori kepastian hukum dan teori keadilan.Hasil menunjukkan bahwa program tersebut belum terlaksana karena pemerintah hanya mendaftarkan tanah yang telah dimiliki oleh masyarakat tanpa sertifikat kepemilikan. Faktor penghambatnya adalah: kurangnya sumber daya manusia, kurangnya peta lahan, deforestasi, kurangnya koordinasi antar kementerian terkait, keterlambatan dalam mengeluarkan peraturan, dan konflik agraria. BPN SUMUT berupaya melakukan verifikasi data, peningkatan SDM, dan penyediaan peralatan untuk praktek teknis di lapangan. Disarankan agar substansi pelaksanaannya disesuaikan dengan kemampuan pemerintah dan kondisi di lapangan dibiasakan dengan pelaksanaan program Nawacita tentang redistribusi tanah. BPN harus lebih persuasif dalam mensosialisasikan deforestasi dan konflik agraria kepada masyarakat, dan rencana tersebut harus dilaksanakan secara konsekuen dan berkelanjutan.Kata Kunci: Nawacita; Redistribusi Tanah; RPJM

    Analisis Hukum Praktik Human Trafficking Dengan Modus Pengangkatan Anak Tanpa Penetapan Pengadilan : (Studi Kasus: Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Simalungun No. 398/Pid.Sus/2017/PN.Sim)

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    Procedurally, the applicable law states that a child adoption needs to go through the procedures for applying for a determination of adoption to the local District Court. If a court decision has not been obtained, it turns out that it can be reported to the local police. Children who are traded by their biological parents to other people, of course, involve various parties. For this reason, it is necessary to know the criminal responsibility of these perpetrators, and what is the basis for the panel of judges considerations in imposing a sentence on the defendant in a case of adoption which results in child trafficking as referred to in the P.N.Sim Decision. No. 398/Pid.Sus/2017 An. Defendant "G.M". The issues raised are: First, regulation of human trafficking crimes in Indonesia; and second, legal analysis of the practice of criminal acts of human trafficking with the mode of adoption without a court decision. 398/Pid.Sus/2017. This research is juridical-normative research which is descriptive-analytic. The results of this analysis show that: First, the provisions on criminal sanctions in the PTPPO Law cannot be used to indict perpetrators of child adoption without a court order; Second, based on the criminal responsibility of the Defendant "GM", he can be responsible for the mistakes he has made. It is recommended that the Government of Indonesia make a policy by summarizing the procedures for adopting children through the courts

    Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Whistleblower Dan Justice Collaborator Dalam Upaya Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi

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    The development of the modus of corruption criminal act in Indonesia today has indicated a wide scale and become more sophisticated so that it is very difficult to prove it. One of the methods to uncover this organized crime of corruption is by using the role of whistleblowers that can help uncover the modus of corruption criminal act more easily. Unfortunately, whistleblowers and justice collaborators in corruption case in Indonesia have not received maximal legal protection; in consequence, people who want to expose the crime and who have the right to gain reward will go to prison instead. In Indonesia, judicial normatively, based on Law No.13/2006, whistleblowers and justice collaborators have not yet received maximal legal protection. The same is true for SEMA No.4/2011; whistleblowers and justice collaborators only received leniency of a sentence. The ideal legal protection is by giving reward, treatment, and protection from all charges as the compensation for what a whistleblower has exposed, whether he is one of the perpetrators or not