6 research outputs found

    Comparative Technological And Commercial Evaluation of Flax Varieties For The Revival of Flax Growing In Latvia

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    As renewable raw material flax increasingly gain more importance as the range of its use is spreading more and more. Besides the conventional uses in home textiles, clothing and sails products, demand of flax raw materials for technical uses increases rapidly as flax fibers have high specific properties, become components of biodegradable composites, environmental friendly isolation materials, besides flax shives pay attention as well as components of environment friendly building materials. Unfortunately in Latvia during last decades flax crop production had decreased rapidly and nowadays reintroduction of flax growing traditions and conditions are become more and more actual. In spite of depression in sector, in Agriculture Science Centre of Latgale are not interrupted experiments on development of local flax lines. Field trials were sown at the Centre in 2010 and 98 flax lines investigated. In this article reflected analysis results of one perspective local fibers flax line from different aspects and its properties comparison with the standard fibers flax variety Vega 2

    Aquirement of Necessary Therminology in Sport Lessons.

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    Sākot strādāt skolā par sporta skolotāju, saskāros ar to, ka skolēni nepārzināja vingroÅ”anas terminoloÄ£iju. PētÄ«juma mērÄ·is bija noskaidrot vingroÅ”anas terminoloÄ£ijas apguves iespējas sporta stundās. Darba teorētiskajā daļā tika izpētÄ«ti vingroÅ”anas termini, kas ir jāpārzina katram skolēnam, beidzot devÄ«to klasi. Izzinātas pedagoÄ£ijas metodes, kādas iespējams pielietot skolēnu apmācÄ«bā. Praktiskajā daļā tika veikta skolēnu aptauja, lai noskaidrotu skolēnu zināŔanas par vingroÅ”anas terminoloÄ£iju. Tika veikta pedagoÄ£iskā izmēģinājuma darbÄ«ba. Rezultātā tika noskaidrots, ka devÄ«tās klases skolēni pilnÄ«bā nepārzina Å”o terminoloÄ£iju, bet, ja to apgÅ«st, tad stundas motoriskais blÄ«vums palielinās, stundās ir iespējams vairāk paveikt, tās ir dinamiskākas. Atslēgvārdi: vingroÅ”ana, terminoloÄ£ija, stundas motoriskais blÄ«vums.When I started to work in school I saw pupils who did not know gymnastics terminology. In this graduation work the aim was memorize gymnastics terminology in sports lessons. I took the aim to get the gymnastics terminology in sport lessons. In theoretical part there were gymnastics terms what pupils need to know to finish primary school. I got pedagogical methods, what we can use when we learn pupils. In practical part of this work was done questionnaire of pupils to know knowledge of pupils about gymnastics terminology. There was done experiment about this knowledge. At the end I saw that pupils did not know gymnastics terms. In pedagogic experiment I saw that pupils did not know gymnastics terms. Pupilsā€™ competence in gymnastics terminology change lessons consistence. Keyword: gymnastics, terminology, lessons consistence

    Comparative Analysis of Chemical Composition and Technological Properties of Flax Fibers from Different Species

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    Non-wood plant fibres become important raw materials not only for textiles, but for other industrial sectors too, as they offer several advantages including low density, short growing cycles, biodegradability, and quite high cellulose content. Technology performance of ligno-cellulose fibres in a range of applications highly depends on relative content of constituents, mechanical and physical properties of fibres. Content of non-cellulose components and their transition during dew-retting, and main physical and mechanical characteristics of fibres of two flax lines grown in Latvia at 2010 are evaluated and compared with the corresponding properties of ES flax varieties grown in Poland at 2011

    Comparision of Hemp Fibre Properties

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    The chemical composition of hemp fibres of local cultivar Purini and variety Bialobrzeskie cultivated on the field trials of Latgalian Agriculture Center (Latvia) and variety Bialobrzeskie cultivated on the field trials of the Natural Fibres and Medical Plants Institute at the Steszew (Poland) are compared, results of investigation of hemp cultivar fiber yields, physical and mechanical properties of fibers are discussed in this paper

    Comparative Analysis of Fiber Structure and Cellulose Contents in Flax and Hemp Fibres

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    In recent decades, the demand for flax and hemp fibers and annually renewable and biodegradable sources of raw materials is increasing rapidly due to newapplications of innovative materials.Cellulose is most valuable component of bast fibres with a wide application range. Relative content of crystalline cellulose influences mechanical properties offibres. Content and structural composition of lignin determines how severe technologies could be applied to separate crystalline cellulose from matrix.The paper examines the flax and hemp fiber structure and chemical composition of the total comparative analysis, as well as determined and comparedcrystalline and amorphous cellulose composition of several Latvian and grown in Poland fiber flax and hemp fibers varieties.Both flax and hemp biological, physical, chemical and mechanical properties depend on various factors and their interactions: a variety of places of productionand pre-culture, climate and agricultural complexes are harvested and selected initial treatment (fiber) type and parameters which creates problems for fiber withsimilar characteristics. Flax and hemp straw structure, layout and design of the filament are very similar. The fiber mechanical properties are directly dependenton the cellulose content of the fibers, the degree of polymerization, mikrofibrillic angle, initial treatment type and parameters.The total crystalline cellulose constituents of flax fibres are found varying in the range from 64.57 to 75.38 %, whiles in hemp fibers varying in range from64.2 % to 70.5 %. In addition, the fiber contains hemicellulose (12.97 to 26.07 % flax, hemp, 16.99 to 23.79 %), lignin (4.78 to 7.44 % flax , hemp, 5.68 to 7.96%) pectin (0.45 to 3.23 % flax, hemp, 1.37 to 1.64 %), fats and waxes (0.83 to 1.9 % flax, hemp, 0.52 to 0.73 %). These data show the same chemical structurediversity within one biological culture and similarities between the two different cultures

    Comparative Analysis of Properties of Flax Lines to Support Fibers Flax Growing Reintroduction in Latvia

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    As flax is a crop for temperate regions and requires abundant moisture and cool weather during the growing season it meets proper Latvian climate conditions. Although climate conditions are favourable for flax cultivation in country, during last decades flax crop production was decreased fast. At the same time fibers crop production is an important key to the creation of employment in flax growing areas and the development of a sustainable economy of region as well an increasing interest in the use of bast fibers in different branches of economy are observed. The reintroduction of a crop in Latvia involves the question of quality and predictability, as well as the environmental conditions under which profitable production may be undertaken. Varieties enter into the quality and predictability of the crop. The object of our work has been to determine which of flax lines is most desirable from the standpoint of fiber production and determine predictability of agronomical, commercial and technological properties. In order to solve this problem, a comparative study of agronomical, commercial and technological properties of available flax lines cultivated in Agriculture Science Centre of Latgale at year 2010 was made following the routine methods and compared with the corresponding properties variety Vega 2 developed in Lithuania as a standard because no own Latvian flax varieties yet