199 research outputs found

    Advanced omics techniques shed light on CD1d-mediated lipid antigen presentation to iNKT cells

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    Invariant natural killer T cells (iNKT cells) can be activated through binding antigenic lipid/CD1d complexes to their TCR. Antigenic lipids are processed, loaded, and displayed in complex with CD1d by lipid antigen presenting cells (LAPCs). The mechanism of lipid antigen presentation via CD1d is highly conserved with recent work showing adipocytes are LAPCs that, besides having a role in lipid storage, can activate iNKT cells and play an important role in systemic metabolic disease. Recent studies shed light on parameters potentially dictating cytokine output and how obesity-associated metabolic disease may affect such parameters. By following a lipid antigen's journey, we identify five key areas which may dictate cytokine skew: co-stimulation, structural properties of the lipid antigen, stability of lipid antigen/CD1d complexes, intracellular and extracellular pH, and intracellular and extracellular lipid environment. Recent publications indicate that the combination of advanced omics-type approaches and machine learning may be a fruitful way to interconnect these 5 areas, with the ultimate goal to provide new insights for therapeutic exploration

    Ювілей Михайла Миколайовича Тарана

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    18 жовтня 2008 р. виповнилося 60 років відомому українському вченому-мінералогу, знаному в світі фахівцю в галузі фізики мінералів, доктору геолого-мінералогічних наук Михайлові Миколайовичу Тарану

    Characterisation of non-obese diabetic patients with marked insulin resistance identifies a novel familial partial lipodystrophy-associated PPARγ mutation (Y151C)

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    Familial partial lipodystrophy (FPLD) is a rare metabolic disorder with clinical features that may not be readily recognised. As FPLD patients require a specific therapeutic approach, early identification is warranted. In the present study we aimed to identify cases of FPLD among non-obese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and marked insulin resistance. We searched the databases of three diabetic outpatient clinics for patients with marked insulin resistance, arbitrarily defined as the use of ≥100 U insulin/day, and BMI ≤ 27 kg/m(2). In all patients, metabolic variables and anthropomorphic measurements were evaluated and DNA was sequenced for mutations in the genes encoding lamin A/C (LMNA), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) and cell death-inducing DFFA-like effector c (CIDEC). Out of 5,221 diabetic individuals, 24 patients fulfilled all criteria. Twelve patients were willing to participate, of whom five showed clinical features of lipodystrophy. In three of these patients the clinical diagnosis of FPLD was confirmed by the presence of mutations in LMNA or PPARG; one patient harboured a novel heterozygous mutation (Y151C) in PPARG. The Y151C mutant displayed impaired DNA-binding capacity and hence reduced transcriptional activity compared with wild-type PPARγ. Dominant-negative activity was absent. The combination of BMI ≤ 27 kg/m(2) and the use of >100 U insulin/day increases the chance of identifying lipodystrophy. Thus careful assessment of clinical features of FPLD should be considered in these patients, allowing earlier therapeutic intervention

    Adipocytes harbor a glucosylceramide biosynthesis pathway involved in iNKT cell activation

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    Background: Natural killer T (NKT) cells in adipose tissue (AT) contribute to whole body energy homeostasis. Results: Inhibition of the glucosylceramide synthesis in adipocytes impairs iNKT cell activity. Conclusion: Glucosylceramide biosynthesis pathway is important for endogenous lipid antigen activation of iNKT cells in adipocytes.Significance: Unraveling adipocyte-iNKT cell communication may help to fight obesity-induced AT dysfunction.Overproduction and/or accumulation of ceramide and ceramide metabolites, including glucosylceramides, can lead to insulin resistance. However, glucosylceramides also fulfill important physiological functions. They are presented by antigen presenting cells (APC) as endogenous lipid antigens via CD1d to activate a unique lymphocyte subspecies, the CD1d-restricted invariant (i) natural killer T (NKT) cells. Recently, adipocytes have emerged as lipid APC that can activate adipose tissue-resident iNKT cells and thereby contribute to whole body energy homeostasis. Here we investigate the role of the glucosylceramide biosynthesis pathway in the activation of iNKT cells by adipocytes.UDP-glucose ceramide glucosyltransferase (Ugcg), the first rate limiting step in the glucosylceramide biosynthesis pathway, was inhibited via chemical compounds and shRNA knockdown in vivo and in vitro. beta-1,4-Galactosyltransferase (B4Galt) 5 and 6, enzymes that convert glucosylceramides into potentially inactive lactosylceramides, were subjected to shRNA knock down. Subsequently, (pre)adipocyte cell lines were tested in co-culture experiments with iNKT cells (IFN gamma and 114 secretion).Inhibition of Ugcg activity shows that it regulates presentation of a considerable fraction of lipid self-antigens in adipocytes. Furthermore, reduced expression levels of either B4Galt5 or -6, indicate that B4Galt5 is dominant in the production of cellular lactosylceramides, but that inhibition of either enzyme results in increased iNKT cell activation. Additionally, in vivo inhibition of Ugcg by the aminosugar AMP-DNM results in decreased iNKT cell effector function in adipose tissue.Inhibition of endogenous glucosylceramide production results in decreased iNKT cells activity and cytokine production, underscoring the role of this biosynthetic pathway in lipid self-antigen presentation by adipocytes

    Adipocytes harbor a glucosylceramide biosynthesis pathway involved in iNKT cell activation

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    Background: Natural killer T (NKT) cells in adipose tissue (AT) contribute to whole body energy homeostasis. Results: Inhibition of the glucosylceramide synthesis in adipocytes impairs iNKT cell activity. Conclusion: Glucosylceramide biosynthesis pathway is important for endogenous lipid antigen activation of iNKT cells in adipocytes.Significance: Unraveling adipocyte-iNKT cell communication may help to fight obesity-induced AT dysfunction.Overproduction and/or accumulation of ceramide and ceramide metabolites, including glucosylceramides, can lead to insulin resistance. However, glucosylceramides also fulfill important physiological functions. They are presented by antigen presenting cells (APC) as endogenous lipid antigens via CD1d to activate a unique lymphocyte subspecies, the CD1d-restricted invariant (i) natural killer T (NKT) cells. Recently, adipocytes have emerged as lipid APC that can activate adipose tissue-resident iNKT cells and thereby contribute to whole body energy homeostasis. Here we investigate the role of the glucosylceramide biosynthesis pathway in the activation of iNKT cells by adipocytes.UDP-glucose ceramide glucosyltransferase (Ugcg), the first rate limiting step in the glucosylceramide biosynthesis pathway, was inhibited via chemical compounds and shRNA knockdown in vivo and in vitro. beta-1,4-Galactosyltransferase (B4Galt) 5 and 6, enzymes that convert glucosylceramides into potentially inactive lactosylceramides, were subjected to shRNA knock down. Subsequently, (pre)adipocyte cell lines were tested in co-culture experiments with iNKT cells (IFN gamma and 114 secretion).Inhibition of Ugcg activity shows that it regulates presentation of a considerable fraction of lipid self-antigens in adipocytes. Furthermore, reduced expression levels of either B4Galt5 or -6, indicate that B4Galt5 is dominant in the production of cellular lactosylceramides, but that inhibition of either enzyme results in increased iNKT cell activation. Additionally, in vivo inhibition of Ugcg by the aminosugar AMP-DNM results in decreased iNKT cell effector function in adipose tissue.Inhibition of endogenous glucosylceramide production results in decreased iNKT cells activity and cytokine production, underscoring the role of this biosynthetic pathway in lipid self-antigen presentation by adipocytes

    Принципи управління персоналом сільськогосподарських підприємств (на прикладі Луганської області)

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    У статті проаналізовано сучасний стан сільськогосподарського виробництва в Луганській області та здійснена оцінка перспектив реформування управління персоналом на підприємствах АПК. Регресійним аналізом оцінено ступінь впливу деяких факторів на рентабельність персоналу. Рекомендується використання SWOT-аналізу для дослідження й формування раціонального управління персоналом підприємств АПК.Performed analysis of the current state of agriculture in the Luhansk region, evaluated the prospects for personnel resources reforming for the agricultural enterprises. The degree of factors influencing on profitability of personnel is appraised by the regressive analysis. SWOT-analysis is recommended for research and forming of agrarian enterprises rational management of a personnel

    Comprehensive profiling of mammalian Tribbles interactomes implicates TRIB3 in gene repression

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    The three human Tribbles (TRIB) pseudokinases have been implicated in a plethora of signaling and metabolic processes linked to cancer initiation and progression and can potentially be used as biomarkers of disease and prognosis. While their modes of action reported so far center around protein–protein interactions, the comprehensive profiling of TRIB interactomes has not been reported yet. Here, we have developed a robust mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics approach to characterize Tribbles’ interactomes and report a comprehensive assessment and comparison of the TRIB1, -2 and -3 interactomes, as well as domain-specific interactions for TRIB3. Interestingly, TRIB3, which is predominantly localized in the nucleus, interacts with multiple transcriptional regulators, including proteins involved in gene repression. Indeed, we found that TRIB3 repressed gene transcription when tethered to DNA in breast cancer cells. Taken together, our comprehensive proteomic assessment reveals previously unknown interacting partners and functions of Tribbles proteins that expand our understanding of this family of proteins. In addition, our findings show that MS-based proteomics provides a powerful tool to unravel novel pseudokinase biology

    Lipoproteins act as vehicles for lipid antigen delivery and activation of invariant natural killer T cells

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    Invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells act at the interface between lipid metabolism and immunity because of their restriction to lipid antigens presented on CD1d by antigen-presenting cells (APCs). How foreign lipid antigens are delivered to APCs remains elusive. Since lipoproteins routinely bind glycosylceramides structurally similar to lipid antigens, we hypothesized that circulating lipoproteins form complexes with foreign lipid antigens. In this study, we used 2-color fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to show, for the first time to our knowledge, stable complex formation of lipid antigens α-galactosylceramide (αGalCer), isoglobotrihexosylceramide, and OCH, a sphingosine-truncated analog of αGalCer, with VLDL and/or LDL in vitro and in vivo. We demonstrate LDL receptor-mediated (LDLR-mediated) uptake of lipoprotein-αGalCer complexes by APCs, leading to potent complex-mediated activation of iNKT cells in vitro and in vivo. Finally, LDLR-mutant PBMCs of patients with familial hypercholesterolemia showed impaired activation and proliferation of iNKT cells upon stimulation, underscoring the relevance of lipoproteins as a lipid antigen delivery system in humans. Taken together, circulating lipoproteins form complexes with lipid antigens to facilitate their transport and uptake by APCs, leading to enhanced iNKT cell activation. This study thereby reveals a potentially novel mechanism of lipid antigen delivery to APCs and provides further insight into the immunological capacities of circulating lipoproteins

    Lipoproteins act as vehicles for lipid antigen delivery and activation of invariant natural killer T cells

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    Invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells act at the interface between lipid metabolism and immunity because of their restriction to lipid antigens presented on CD1d by antigen-presenting cells (APCs). How foreign lipid antigens are delivered to APCs remains elusive. Since lipoproteins routinely bind glycosylceramides structurally similar to lipid antigens, we hypothesized that circulating lipoproteins form complexes with foreign lipid antigens. In this study, we used 2-color fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to show, for the first time to our knowledge, stable complex formation of lipid antigens α-galactosylceramide (αGalCer), isoglobotrihexosylceramide, and OCH, a sphingosine-truncated analog of αGalCer, with VLDL and/or LDL in vitro and in vivo. We demonstrate LDL receptor–mediated (LDLR-mediated) uptake of lipoprotein-αGalCer complexes by APCs, leading to potent complex-mediated activation of iNKT cells in vitro and in vivo. Finally, LDLR-mutant PBMCs of patients with familial hypercholesterolemia showed impaired activation and proliferation of iNKT cells upon stimulation, underscoring the relevance of lipoproteins as a lipid antigen delivery system in humans. Taken together, circulating lipoproteins form complexes with lipid antigens to facilitate their transport and uptake by APCs, leading to enhanced iNKT cell activation. This study thereby reveals a potentially novel mechanism of lipid antigen delivery to APCs and provides further insight into the immunological capacities of circulating lipoproteins