123 research outputs found

    Analytical method for designing dispersion-managed fiber systems

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    This paper was published in Optics Letters and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of OSA. The paper can be found at the following URL on the OSA website: http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?URI=ol-26-20-1544. Systematic or multiple reproduction or distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means is prohibited and is subject to penalties under law.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorders in neuronal xenotransplanted macaques

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    Posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorders (PTLDs) are a heterogeneous group of lymphoid proliferations that occur in the setting of depressed T-cell function due to immunosuppressive therapy used following solid organ transplantation, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, and also xenotransplantation. In the present study, 28 immunosuppressed parkinsonian Macaca fascicularis were intracerebrally injected with wild-type or CTLA4-Ig transgenic porcine xenografts to identify a suitable strategy to enable long-term cell survival, maturation, and differentiation. Nine of 28 (32%) immunosuppressed primates developed masses compatible with PTLD, located mainly in the gastrointestinal tract and/or nasal cavity. The masses were classified as monomorphic PTLD according to the World Health Organization classification. Immunohistochemistry and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analyses revealed that the PTLDs were associated with macaca lymphocryptovirus as confirmed by double-labeling immunohistochemistry for CD20 and Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen 2 (EBNA-2), where the viral protein was located within the CD20+ neoplastic B cells. In sera from 3 distinct phases of the experimental life of the primates, testing by quantitative PCR revealed a progression of the viral load that paralleled the PTLD progression and no evidence of zoonotic transmission of porcine lymphotropic herpesvirus through xenoneuronal grafts. These data suggest that monitoring the variation of macaca lymphocryptovirus DNA in primates could be used as a possible early diagnostic tool for PTLD progression, allowing preemptive treatment such as immunosuppression therapy reduction

    Preference portfolio of small investors with reference to mutual funds

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    A mutual fund is a single large professionally managed investment organization that gained a tremendous attention by the individual investors to satisfy their investment needs. The paper argues and supports the hypothesis stating that the small investor’s perception towards the growth and success of mutual funds industry in India is positive. The survey was conducted in twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad, State of Andhra Pradesh in India. It was concluded that the majority of the small investors are relatively young and equipped with high level education. They are all employed and belong to the range of up to 3 lac1 income. The majority of the small investors preferred to invest in growth funds followed by open end funds, money market instruments, balanced funds and income funds in the order.peer-reviewe

    Generation of Few-Cycle Laser Pulses Using A Photonic Quasi-crystal Fiber

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    KSN wishes to thank CSIR [No: 03(1264)/12/EMR-11] for the financial support through the project.Postprin

    Addressing the real world problem of managing wireless communication systems using explainable ai-based models through correlation analysis

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    In a general parlance, wireless communication tends to be investigated based on the available methods that support enhancing the optimized data link, especially the software-based methods. AI is mainly used to create and design efficient communication network systems and variable node locations. The major factors impacting wireless communications in the current context are enhanced channel frequency, efficiency of using the bandwidth, and modulation type. The software-defined ratio enables collecting the information and analyzing the overall signal-related components and processing them in real-time situations. This will support in detecting unnecessary information and identifying latency at each stage of communication. The study is intended to measure the influence of critical factors in enhancing the overall management of wireless communication systems through the application of AI technologies. The researchers used the questionnaire method in order to collect the data from the respondents and enable them to analyze the data using the SPSS data package.Campus At

    Assessing Perceived Risk and STI Prevention Behavior: A National Population-Based Study with Special Reference to HPV

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    Aim: This thesis aims to provide a multidimensional assessment of infection risks and to evaluate strategies for HPV prevention including vaccination with quadrivalent HPVvaccines, dose-level vaccine effectiveness and condom use in high STI risk situations. Methods: Multiple population-based registers and questionnaire responses provided data for this thesis. Various multivariable and univariate regression models were fit. Findings: Overall, quadrivalent HPV-vaccination was highly effective against genital warts (GW) also referred to as condyloma, which is the first HPV disease endpoint possible to measure. However, effectiveness was contingent upon young age-at-first vaccination, with effectiveness declining steadily the older the age-at-first vaccination. Among women above 20 years of age there was low to immeasurable effectiveness and suggestive evidence vaccinations in this age group tended to reach women at high GW risk. There were marked socioeconomic disparities in the opportunistic (on-demand with co-pay) vaccination strategy evaluated, with women and girls who have parents with the highest education level compared to the lowest having a 15 times greater likelihood to be vaccinated (Study III). Once vaccination was initiated, however, high parental education level was unrelated to vaccination completion. Maximum protection against GW was found among girls vaccinated under the age of 17 who had received three doses of the vaccine. No differences in effectiveness were found for girls who received twodoses between ages 10-16 with that of those who received three-doses between ages 17- 19 (Study IV). GW affects more men than women in Sweden as of 2010 with 453 per 100 000 men and 365 per 100 000 women treated. A decline between 25-30% was seen between 2006 and 2010 among women in the age groups with the highest vaccination coverage. No decline was found amongst men and their GW incidence has steadily increased between 2006 and 2010 (Study II). Reported condom use in high risk situations was low among both men and women, with 41% of men and 34% of women reporting always/almost always condom use with temporary partners. STI risk perception was also low, with approximately 10% of sexually active respondents considering themselves at large risk of contracting an STI. There was no association between men’s condom use and their STI risk perception but there was an association for women (Study I). Conclusions: Results suggest that males bear a substantial burden of HPV-related condyloma where incidence has dropped among women. When planning HPVvaccination among females, efforts should target girls under age 14 for maximum effectiveness. Quadrivalent HPV-vaccination offers most protection against condyloma at three doses. Gross social inequity was found with opportunistic HPV-vaccination. There were large gender differences in factors associated with condom use in high risk situations and STI risk perceptions