11 research outputs found

    Consumer Behaviour Analysis on the Dental Services Market

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    Import 05/08/2014Diplomová práce se zabývá analýzou spotřebitelského chování v oblasti zdravotnictví. Konkrétně řeší poskytování dentálních služeb. Cílem práce je posouzení situace spotřebního chování u studentů vysoké školy. Pomocí provedeného výzkumu a následné analýzy dat jsou představeny konkrétní návrhy a doporučení, které směřují jak na samotné studenty, tak i všeobecně na pracoviště dentální hygieny a okrajově na zdravotní pojišťovny.The diploma thesis deals with the analysis of consumer behavior in health care. Specifically solves the providing of dental services. The aim is to consider the situation of consumer behavior of college students. With the research and subsequent data analysis are presented specific proposals and recommendations both aimed at students themselves, dental hygiene at the workplace and marginal healt insurance.116 - Katedra marketingu a obchoduvýborn

    Marketing Mix Analysis of Small Municipality

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    Import 11/07/2012Název bakalářské práce je Analýza marketingového mixu malé obce. Cílem této bakalářské práce je zhodnocení současné situace obce Koněšín prostřednictvím analýzy jednotlivých prvků marketingového mixu. Na základě zjištěných poznatků a analýz pak následné vytvoření konkrétních návrhů a doporučení, které přispějí k rozvoji obce. Práce je rozdělena na dvě části. První část práce je teoretická. Je zde přiblížena obec samotná, následně základní prvky marketingového mixu a marketingové prostředí obce. Hlavní náplní praktické části je pomocí dotazníkového šetření mezi občany obce získat informace potřebné pro samotnou analýzu a následné vytvoření konkrétních návrhů a doporučení. V práci byl navržen směr, kterým by se dále měla obec ubírat při řešení problematických oblastí.The title of the bachelor work is Analysis of marketing mix of small municipality. The aim of this thesis is assessment of current situation of municipality Koněšín through the analysis of individual elements of the marketing mix and subsequently. Based on the findings and analyses, to develop specific proposals and recommendations that will contribute to the development of the minicipality. The work is divided into two parts. The first part is theoretical. Firstly, the village itself is introduced, then the basic elements of the marketing mix and marketing environment of the village. The main scope of practical part is to obtain information necessary for the analysis and subsequent development of specific proposals and recommendations through a guestionnaire survey among citizens of the village. Finally, the direction has been designed, which the municipality should take to address problem areas.116 - Katedra marketingu a obchoduvelmi dobř

    Production and usage of biogass in South Bohemia

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    The bachelor's thesis deals in particular with comparison of biogas production in individual biogas stations in the South Bohemian Region. In addition, the thesis describes fundamental parameters such as year of commissioning, installed electric output, installed thermal output, input material and employed technologies. Based on the foregoing information, it is possible to conclude that the individual biogas stations have a positive impact not only on the utilization of the produced biogas for energy purposes but also on the environment, waste degradation, reduction of the risk of contamination and acquisition of high-quality fertilizer

    The Social Context of Economic Reform in 1960s

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    The study deals with a new position of social policy in connection with economic reform and in relation with former impugning of its role in society. The component part of economic reform conception was accordingly the restoration of sovereignty and traditional mission of social policy leading to mitigation of social consequences of market regulation of economic processes for inhabitants, for example in cases of unemployment and in mitigation of grants in relation to prices particularly in cases of families with children. The proposal of social reform in 1966 and 1968 took into account far-reaching reconstruction of social system which should be consistent with direction of economic reform.economic reform, social reform, civilian movement

    Detection of CHLAMYDIA PSITTACI in feral pigeons ( COLUMBA LIVIA DOMESTICA ) in Slovakia and their characterisation

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    [b]Introduction and objectives.[/b] [i]Chlamydia psittaci[/i], an obligate intracellular bacterium, which is the etiologic agent of avian chlamydiosis in birds and ornithosis/psittacosis in humans, has been reported to be one of the most common pathogens found in feral pigeons worldwide, and thus constitutes a zoonotic risk. The aim of the study was to investigate pigeons in Slovakia living in areas in close proximity to humans for the presence of C. psittaci, using pharyngeal and cloacal swabs. [b]Material and methods. [/b]122 clinically healthy pigeons from different geographical regions of Slovakia were examined for the presence of [i]C. psittaci[/i]. The adult pigeons of both genders were captured during the summer period in the urban centres of Slovakian towns. Each sample was examined by molecular method PCR, and in the case of positive result the identity of the obtained sequence was examined by a BLAST search. [b]Results.[/b] Of the total number of 244 examined samples, 14 (5.7%) showed positivity for [i]C. psittaci[/i] infection, 5 of which were from pharyngeal swabs (4.1%) and 9 from cloacal swabs (7.4%). A positive result was detected in 13 pigeons (10.7%). Phylogenetic analysis showed that all the positive samples are genetically very close to genotypes B and genotype E. [b]Conclusion.[/b] Phylogenetic examination of the 14 isolates of [i]C. psittaci[/i] identified in the presented study, based on 23S rRNA gene sequence, revealed their close relationship with [i]C. psittaci[/i] genotypes B and E. Both genotypes are predominantly prevalent in pigeons and both can be transmitted to humans. Therefore, it is necessary to perform screening examinations of animals and analyse the epidemiological factors affecting the way of transmission and circulation of pathogen

    Prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis Infection and Its Association with Sexual Behaviour and Alcohol Use in the Population Living in Separated and Segregated Roma Settlements in Eastern Slovakia

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    The aim of the study was to explore sexual behaviour and the occurrence of Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) infection in the population living in Roma settlements compared to the majority population in Slovakia and to assess the association between alcohol use and sexual behaviour within both populations. A cross-sectional population-based Hepa-Meta study was conducted in Slovakia in 2011. The final sample comprised 452 Roma and 403 non-Roma respondents. The occurrence of CT was detected by direct proof of the pathogen by PCR. The association between alcohol use and the prevalence of risky sexual behaviour were assessed using a logistic regression. First intercourse at age 15 or younger was reported by 27.9% of Roma (vs. 4.5% of non-Roma); 93.4% of Roma (vs. 77.9% of non-Roma) used condom inconsistently, 22.8% of Roma (vs. 43.9% of non-Roma) used a condom for protection from unwanted pregnancies and only 8.8% of Roma (vs. 21.8% of non-Roma) due to protection against infectious diseases. However, Roma reported having had five or more sexual partners less often compared to the majority (11.5% of Roma vs. 20.6% of non-Roma). Binge drinking at least once a month was associated with a higher number of sexual partners in both groups, but not with condom non-use. The prevalence of CT infection in the Roma population was higher (3.8%) compared to non-Roma (2.7%); however, the difference was not statistically significant. Our study found no differences in the prevalence of CT infection between Roma and non-Roma despite differences in sexual behaviour. Roma begin their sexual life earlier and have unprotected sex more often, but on the other hand, they seem to be much more restrained in terms of the number of sexual partners compared to the majority population