165 research outputs found

    Relationship Between Hydrobiological And Hydrochemical Parameters Of Lakes Of Karelia As Influenced By Their Geoecological Characteristics

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    On the data on 110 lakes of Karelia the role of natural and anthropogenic factors in the forming of hydrochemical and hydrobiological regimes is discussed. It is shown that the prognoses of hydrobiological parameters on the base of hydrochemical data using regression analyses is not possible due to high variability of data. For the purpose of reconstruction hydrobiological data the complex indexes were worked, then the classification of lakes of Karelia was done. Using the methods of multivariate statistics and the contingency tables the connections between chemical and hydrobiological parameters were investigated. The prognoses tables were calculated to reconstruct the zooplankton and zoobenthos biomass on the base of total phosphorous concentration. The precision of the prognoses varied within 55-86%

    Vene põhikooli lõpetajate eesti keeleoskus

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    The toxicity of Lake Onego sediments in connection with the natural and anthropogenic factors influence

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    The toxicity of the sediments detected in the northern bays of Lake Onego is determined by anthropogenic factors (pulp-and-paper industry and communal waste waters). Besides the toxic bottom sediments were observed in the central deep part of Lake Onego, which is connected to the geotectonic features of the area

    The Main Problems of Pedagogy in the 21st Century and Ways of Solving Them

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    Рассматривается вопрос о новых подходах к обучению студентов вузов в условиях все более увеличивающегося объема изучаемой информации, приобретения необходимых в современных реалиях профессиональных компетенций. Обосновывается необходимость обучения студентов коммуникации как одному из способов создания мотивационной среды в рамках педагогического процесса, что предполагает применение на практике новых педагогических приемов.The issue of new approaches to teaching university students in the context of an increasing volume of information to study for getting professional competencies and of the need to train students in communication as one of the ways to create a learning and motivational environment in the framework of the pedagogical process is considered. The necessity of application in practice of new pedagogical methods of teaching students for future successful self-realization is substantiated. Particular attention is paid to the development of students' critical thinking skills, the ability of interaction and communication, and a creative approach to business

    «Медиа- и информационная грамотность в информационном обществе»: Всероссийская научно-практическая конференция

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    On the All-Russian Research and Practical Conference “Media- and Information Literacy in the Information Society”, held in Moscow at the House of the Russian Literature Abroad named after A. Solzhenitsyn, on 24-27 April, 2013.О Всероссийской научно-практической конференции «Медиа- и информационная грамотность в информационном обществе», состоявшейся в Москве в Доме русского зарубежья им. А. Солженицына 24-27 апреля 2013 года

    Utilization of ferrous-magnesium slag for production of binding materials

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    Utilization of Pechenganickel, Severonickel and Norilsk Nickel smelter plants ferrous-magnesium slag for production of Portland slag cement, lime-slag cement and alkali-activated slag cement has been considered. Influence of mechanical activation of ferrous-magnesium slag, in air and in carbon dioxide atmosphere, on its binding properties has been studied. It has been shown that preliminary mechanical activation in CO2 results in an increase of compressive strength of alkali-activated slag cement. Interaction between mechanically activated slag and liquid glass has been characterized using SEM and microprobe technique

    Интеллектуальная собственность — стимул или тормоз прогресса?

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    Intellectual Property - Progress Motivation or it's DeterrentВ статье рассказывается о международной научно-практической конференции «Стратегия опережающего развития — III», состоявшейся 12—13 мая 2011 г. в Москве

    25-я Московская международная книжная выставка-ярмарка

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    On the 25th anniversary of the Moscow International Book Fair, which was held from 5 to 10 September 2012 at the All-Russian Exhibition Center in Moscow.Автор рассказывает о 25-й юбилейной Московской международной книжной выставке-ярмарке, которая проходила с 5 по 10 сентября 2012 г. на территории Всероссийского выставочного центра Москвы

    Библиотеки Японии: опыт работы с населением, пострадавшим в результате катастрофы

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    On January 22, 2014 the All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature named after M. Rudomino held the Meeting with the Japanese Journalist Kimiko Matsui, who presented the experience of the libraries of Japan in working with people affected by the environmental and technological disaster.Во Всероссийской государственной библиотеке иностранной литературы им. М.И. Рудомино 22 января 2014 г. состоялась встреча с японской журналисткой Кимико Матсуи, которая рассказала об опыте библиотек Японии по работе с населением, пострадавшим в результате экологической и технократической катастрофы