220 research outputs found


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    Purpose: The relevance of work is connected with understanding that the policy turns into the media process. Problematic is an allocation in a huge flow of information of the most priority and significant: consciousness of the recipient is considerably overloaded; the individual does not manage to carry out the analysis of the obtained information, and only gives it a superficial emotional assessment Methodology: The method of comparison is used for the correlation of political media reality with reality. The method of the analysis of empirical data of political activity promotes the establishment of the truth in the registration of media materials. Result: In the article, the levers used in mass media are analyzed, their manipulative potential is defined. Special attention is paid to the fact that virtualization of political reality in mass media leads to the emergence of ideological symbols. The practical importance of research of manipulative capacity of mass media consists of the identification of peculiar features, forms, and methods of impact on the consumer of information content. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of The manipulative capacity of mass media is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    An innovative approach to the formation of a progressive taxation probabilistic model on personal incomes

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    This article suggests a mathematical justification of the possibility of transition to progressive taxation on personal incomes, allowing socially redistribute the tax burden between different groups without losing the total amount of tax yield to the state budget from personal income tax. The methods of the transition from a flat to a progressive tax scale of income taxation developed. A generalized mathematical model of transition to progressive taxation, which allows evaluating all possible options for the proposed reform of flat rate transformation, is suggested. An algorithm of modeling progressive income taxation is proposed, which takes into account the likelihood of tax evasion. In the following parts of the article a probabilistic model of progressive income taxation and a mechanism to optimize the level of tax rates is formed. A linear progressive tax scale with and without tax evasion are developed based on actual statistics. Keywords: tax, innovation, probability, method, model JEL Classifications: C10, H2

    Mineral pellicles on the lakes surface of warm and cold zones in Kungur ice cave

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    Investigation of mineral pellicles formed at the surface of ponds in Kungur Ice Cave showed their structure and formation mechanism to depend on location in a cold or warm microclimatic zone. In spite of identical initial chemical composition of solutions, infiltrated through carbonate-sulfate massif, different climatic zones are characterized by specific order of mineral crystallization on the water surface. The revealed difference is related to various climatic conditions and solution supersaturation mechanisms. Mineral pellicles formed in different microclimatic zones are described in the article

    Physiological Features of Red Currant Adaptation to Drought and High Air Temperatures

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    An important requirement for varieties is adaptation to growing conditions. The main indicators of water regime, photosynthesis, and productivity of representatives of different species of Ribesia (Berl.) Jancz. subgenus to drought and high temperatures have been studied. Quantitative and qualitative changes of the photosynthetic apparatus are the response to drought and high temperatures. The ratio of chlorophylls to carotenoids is considered to be one of the indicators of adaptability. The total water potential in red currant leaves depends on shoot growth, leaf age, berry formation, variety, and weather conditions, and it is not the main indication of drought resistance. The ratio of bound and free water and water-holding capacity of the leaves is considered to be a determining sign of resistance to hyperthermia. Red currant genotypes do not possess high indicators of heat resistance. The prospects of using physiological rapid diagnostic methods in breeding for adaptability to destructive factors of the growing season are shown. The representatives of Ribes petraeum Wulf. (“Hollandische Rote”) and R. multiflorum Kit. (1426-21-80) have high levels of drought resistance, making them highly potential for wider growing in (semi)arid agroecological condition

    Transformation of the World Labor Market in the Context of Globalization

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    The aim of the study is to analyse trends in the global labor market and identify transformational manifestations in the global labor market in the context of globalization. Methods that were used in the study: of comparative analysis; analysis and synthesis method; method of system generalization; methods of statistical analysis and structural analysis. It is emphasized that the transformation of the world labor market is one of the important forms of globalization, as the international labor market is a world economy’s subsystem and directly affects the dynamics of economic growth and macroeconomic balance. The preconditions for the transformation of the world labor market in connection with demographic and migration processes have been studied. Significant territorial differences in the population’s reproduction in the regional context, historical and current factors in the development of international migration were studied. The dynamics of employment and unemployment in countries with different levels of economic development, structural and vocational transformations in the world labor market are analyzed. It is concluded that the formation of migration models is due to the manifestations and forms of economic growth. The probability of complicating the structure of economic migration due to the increase in the share of highly skilled workers in the overall structure of labor migration flows has been established. Basic employment trends are formed under the influence of structural transformations in the world economy and development of innovation processes. This changes the role of employee in the economic outcome, causing demand for highly skilled workers in the interdisciplinary field. Was made the conclusion that labor migration creates the preconditions for rational use of human resources in the world labor market and prevent deepening inter-Ukrainian labor disparities. This was based on the fact that the functioning of the world labor market is dominant in global socio-economic changes through the international migration’s intensification

    Linguistic and methodological prerequisites for teaching scientific vocabulary

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    The development of the information society requires appropriate professional training of the student at the university. The level of training is directly proportional to the ever-increasing need to involve the future specialist in professional communication, i.e. involves effective teaching of professionally oriented vocabulary. In the article the definition of terminological vocabulary and its features is defined. Analysis of the structural form of lexical units made it possible to identify a five-level typology of terminological professional vocabulary

    Anti-Crisis Policy of the Southern Russian Regions in the Conditions of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Introduction. This study analyzes the anti-crisis policy of the southern Russian regions during the three waves of the pandemic, and also assesses the nature of its change as the corona crisis develops. It was important to identify how the regional anti-crisis policy determines the choice of mechanisms and tools for solving the problems of socio-economic development of regions. Methodology and methods. The analysis was carried out in accordance with the methodology proposed by G. Buckert, in the following areas of anti-crisis management: monitoring, training, decision-making, coordination, communication, leadership and recovery potential. The following methods were used to conduct the study: context analysis – a qualitative analysis of documents adopted by regional authorities; quantitative analysis – analysis of socio-economic indicators that reflect the reactions of the economy to decisions made by regional authorities. Analysis. The study showed that regardless of the strength of the impact of the corona crisis and the extent of the damage caused, the content of the policy of the regional authorities can be characterized as “following the center”, which is largely due to the desire to avoid responsibility for the consequences of decisions made. At the first stages of the development of the corona crisis, the goals of containing the spread of coronavirus and state support for the most affected sectors of the economy from the introduction of restrictive measures were the priority. Starting from the second and subsequent waves of the pandemic, the introduction of various measures related to the mass vaccination of the population has become a key area of regional policy. Results. The key problem of the implementation of regional policy measures is identified – inefficient information work of regional authorities, which led to information asymmetry with the increased influence of the media on the social moods of citizens. It is concluded that in order to increase the efficiency of regional policy implementation measures in order to increase the sustainability of regional development, it is important that the ongoing coordination interactions between the authorities at different levels of government have clear goals for restoring the regional economy, and restorative measures should be prioritized with the supply maintenance policy

    Chronosequenzielle Veränderungen post-agrarischer Böden in verschiedenen Klimazonen Russlands.

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    Chronosequenzielle Veränderungen der Vegetation und Böden wurden in der Taiga (Podzole und Albeluvisole), in der semihu-miden Steppe (Chernozeme) und in der semiariden Steppe (Solonetze und Calcisole) untersucht. Die Pflanzen-sukzession entwickelte sich in Richtung ihrer jeweiligen Klimax-Stadien. Die Böden, die vor Beginn der Selbstrestaurierung unabhängig von Klima- und Bodenzone ähnliche Eigenschaften zeigten, entwickelte sich in Richtung natürlicher Ausprägung. Als Resultat stieg die Pedodiversität. Selbstrestaurierung führte zur Zunahme der Kohlenstoffvorräte (C) in Richtung Wiederherstellung der natürlichen C-Vorräten in der Taiga nach ca. 150 Jahren (wie Vegetationssuksession), in der Steppe nach ca. 100 Jahren (langsamer als Vegetationssukzession). Die Zunahme des Gesamt-C verlief in signifikant positiven Korrelation mit der C-Akkumulation in aktiven (freie partikuläre organisches Material (POM); POM in Aggregaten; C in Sand, grob/mittel Schlufffraktion) und passiven (C in Feinschluff- und Tonfraktion) C-Pools (g kg-1). Während der chronosequentiellen Zeiträume (42 – 170 Jahre) war eine komplette Restaurierung aller Eigenschaften meistens nicht erreicht, was darauf hindeutet, dass Selbstrestaurierung sehr langwierig ist
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