415 research outputs found

    Place of Electrophoretic Deposition Among Thin-Film Methods Adapted to the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Technology: a Short Review

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    Thin film technologies have attracted ever-growing interest in different industrial areas. Concerning solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), especially devices operating in the intermediate temperature range, such technologies are applied particularly for the deposition of dense, gas-tight electrolyte films with a thickness of several μm to decrease ohmic resistance and enhance the cell performance. The main requirements for the technology selected are its low cost, simplicity of the equipment used, short deposition time and flexibility regarding the cell shape. First, we overview thin-film technologies adapted to the deposition of SOFC functional layers, discussing their strengths and weaknesses, with special attention given to electrophoretic deposition (EPD) as being the most simple and cost-effective colloidal method to fabricate different electrolyte films. Then we present the contribution of our scientific group in the development of the EPD method. The preparation of stable suspensions for the EDP is one of the key requirements for its successful implementation and reproducibility; this was considered in detail and the effect of self-stabilization in suspensions based on nanopowders (7–15 nm), obtained by the method of laser evaporation with consequent condensation, was discussed. Such suspensions, exhibiting high positive ζ-potential values (30–50 mV), were shown to be suitable for EPD without the addition of dispersants or iodine. The requirements for the electrode substrates were formulated and a model of particle aggregation near the porous substrate surface was proposed. Deposition parameters were established for different electrolyte films – commonly used yttria-stabilized zirconia, single and multiply doped CeO2 and proton-conducting doped BaCeO3 electrolytes. As was shown, the deposition on the highly conducting cathode substrates is simpler to implement than the EPD on non-conducting anode substrates and, in addition, it produces high quality films which render high OCV values and superior SOFC performance.This work was performed within the framework of a budget task of the Institute of Electrophysics, UB RAS and the SOFC development task of the Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry, UB RAS, and partially supported by the Government of the Russian Federation (Agreement 02.A03.21.0006, Act 211)

    Methodological aspects of the use of dry components of chicken eggs for feeding children with phenylketonuria

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    Currently, one of the most important tasks facing science and production is the creation of functional product technologies for use in different diets of the population in order to preserve and improve health, as well as reduce the risks and consequences of various diseases, including hereditary ones, such as phenylketonuria (PKU). The All-Russian Research Institute of Starch Products develops technologies for the production of low-protein starch-based products/semi-products enriched with functional ingredients and intended for therapeutic nutrition of patients with PKU. As part of the pilot production, the production of these products is organized. Purpose of work:to justify the possibility of using dry components of chicken eggs (melange, protein, yolk) to enrich low-protein starch products (noodles, vermichel, «spider») intended for feeding children over 3 years old with phenylketonuria;evaluate organoleptic properties and efficiency of low-protein starch products enriched in hypophenylalanine diet of patients with phenylketonuria older than 3 years

    Electrophoretic deposition of coatings and bulk compacts using magnesium-doped aluminum oxide nanopowders

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    Received: 06.04.2021. Revised: 02.05.2021. Accepted: 03.05.2021. Available online: 07.05.2021.The authors are grateful to D.Sc. prof. A.P. Safronov (Ural Federal University) for valuable advice during the preparation of the manuscript, to the head of the laboratory of impulse processes Dr. I.V. Beketov and junior researcher Mr. A.V. Bagazeev (IEP UB RAS) for the development of the method for producing nanopowders (EEW method), and to scientific researcher Dr. A.S. Farlenkov (Ural Federal University) for conducting electron microscopic studies.The electrophoretic deposition (EPD) of coatings and bulk compacts in a wide range of thicknesses (from 23 to 1800 μm) from stable suspensions of a magnesium-doped aluminum oxide nanopowder with subsequent sintering of samples into dense ceramics was studied. The initial nanopowder was obtained by the method of electric explosion of an Al-Mg alloy wire with a Mg content of 1.3 wt. %. The study of the dispersion composition, kinetics of deaggregation under the ultrasonic treatment and zeta potential in the nanopowder-based suspensions was carried out. It was shown that a nearly linear increase in the deposited mass and thickness of EPD deposits occurred at a constant voltage of 20 V and an average deposition current of approximately 40 μA when the deposition time was varied from 1 to 180 min. Drying of the coatings with a thickness of less than 35 μm led to the formation of a net of small cracks, while drying of the bulk compacts with a thickness of more than 1 mm occurred without cracking. The ceramic bulk sample with a thickness of 1.2 mm and the density of 98.7% TD was successfully obtained by sintering at 1650 °C for 4 h. It was characterized by a dense grain structure with an average grain size of 5 μm and the presence of a small number of closed pores less than 1 μm in size. Sintering of ceramics was revealed to be accompanied by the formation of a MgAl2O4 crystalline spinel phase, localized mainly at grain boundaries.The work was partially carried out using the equipment of the shared access centers of the Institute of Electrophysics (IEP UB RAS) and Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry (IHTE UB RAS), Composition of compounds

    Medico-social rationale for adaptation of regional drug supply systems to personalized pharmaceutical care for persons of different ages

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    In this study, we identified indicators of the state of personalized pharmaceutical care for target population groups at the regional level, in a model region, with the aim to develop a differentiated approach to such care. The rationale for the choice of Moscow Region as a model region is based on its specific socioeconomic indicators and a comparison of these with respective average Russian values. A need was shown to modernize patient-oriented pharmaceutical care, especially for certain population groups, such as children, women of working age (mothers), and the elderl

    Пандемия коронавируса как основание ограничения прав и свобод человека

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    The subject. The article analyzes the phenomenon of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the human rights and freedoms. It emphasizes that some information about the corona-virus infection was available several decades ago. At the same time, the specialists unfortunately weren’t ready for the possible mutation of this virus, which has now exposed a large-scales threat to the population of the whole world.The purpose of the article is to identify the problems of the implementation of the citizens’ rights and offer proposals for improving the Russian and Belarusian legislation and the practice of its implementation in the field of combating the coronavirus infection.The methodology. The authors take into account the practice of the European Court of Hu-man Rights and the constitutional control bodies of Russia and foreign countries. They make a conclusion on the legitimacy and necessity of the taken restrictive measures. The article is based on the dialectical method, as well as at the logical, historical, systemic methods. Methods of analysis and synthesis were of particular importance. The authors have applied the functional method to research the main areas for ensuring a reasonable balance of private (individual) and public interests.The main results, scope of application. Modern constitutions, including the Russian and the Belarusian ones, contains the most important principles of the rule of law, enshrine human rights and freedoms as the highest value. Human rights and freedoms continue to be are at the epicenter of many disputes and discussions. The modern system of rights and freedoms is constantly developing; the legal status of a person receives new content as the human civilization develops and the paradigm of values changes. For example, we see how information technology and other advances affect the scope of rights and freedoms. Rights, freedoms and obligations are interconnected and interdependent. All groups of rights are currently in the field of view of international organizations. The problem of equality, the elimination of discrimination, the restoration of violated rights, the assessment of the limits of the state's invasion in human rights and freedoms continues to be relevant nowadays.The article focuses on the international and national standards for the possible restriction of rights and freedoms in order to protect the health of the population. The international law rules on human rights oblige states to take measures to protect health and provide medical assistance to those in need.Conclusions. One of the constant problems is the relationship between the rights of a particular person and the rights of other persons, group or society as a whole and the state. At the same time, the coronavirus pandemic forced the public authorities to determine the balance of the priority of human rights and freedoms or the protection of the life and health of citizens. The coronavirus pandemic is the factor that affects the content of the legal regulation of relations in the field of human rights and freedoms. The measures taken by the state affect the right to health protection, freedom of movement, the right to education, right to have sport activity, right to work, freedom of assembly and others.The article proposes to inform the population more fully about the measures taken by the state and society in this direction, about the wider use of information technologies, about the possible responsibility for non-compliance with the requirements for the use of per-sonal protective equipment and the self-isolation regime.Предметом исследования являются правоотношения, складывающиеся в условиях пандемии коронавируса COVID-19, в рамках которых возникают основания для ограничений прав и свобод человека и гражданина. Поставлена цель провести анализ динамики развития пандемии коронавируса с позиций ее влияния на права и свободы граждан. Методологической базой исследования является диалектический метод научного познания, а также логический, исторический, системный методы. Особое значение имели методы анализа и синтеза. Применен функциональный метод для исследования основных направлений обеспечения разумного баланса частных (индивидуальных) и публичных интересов. Акцентировано внимание на международных и национальных стандартах возможного ограничения прав и свобод в целях защиты здоровья населения. Внесен ряд предложений по совершенствованию российского и белорусского законодательства и практики его применения в сфере противодействия коронавирусной инфекции

    Трансформация конституционной идентичности государства в условиях вызовов современности

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    The subject. This article represents an attempt to research the notion of “constitutional identity”, which has recently emerged as a relevant concept in constitutional law, through the prism of its transformation reacting the world’s challenges.The purpose of the research is to confirm or disprove hypothesis that both typical and extraordinary factors may influence differently on the transformation of constitutional identity.The methodology. The article is based on the dialectical method, as well as on the logical, historical, systemic methods. A comparative method was applied to study the features of the constitutional identity of States. Authors pay attention to the interaction of international and national policies.The main results, scope of application. Within the doctrine of constitutional identity it is presented a discussion with respect to terms and definitions of constitutional, state or national identity, constitutional identity of citizens. Moreover, such two notions as “individuality” and “identity” form a curious couple since “identity” may contravene “individuality”. Different factors which can influence on transformation of the constitutional identity, are listed (globalization (antiglobalism), universalization of constitutional values, COVID-19 pandemic, migration, etc.). In particular, different countries choose different models of reflecting the processes of globalization in their domestic constitutional legislation: from striving for unification to systematic confrontation. In this regard, it seems necessary to assess these factors, taking into account the experience of different states. Besides, the activities of international bodies can give rise to the universalization of constitutional values. For example, supranational bodies (in particular, the European Court of Justice) develop generalcial common culture. Another example is the current epidemiological crisis. The coronavirus infection has made its own adjustments to the constitutional identity of states. Examples of such transformation are full border closures or partial closures with individual states; amendments to the national legislation, according to which the issues of measures permissible for implementation by the state are being revised in order to ensure the life and health of the population.Conclusions. Definition the constitutional identity is an important strategic framework for national policy. However, there is no certain fixed constitutional identity of the state. On contrary, the identity of the state tends to be changeable. Transformation can be regarded as voluntary, forced or consciously responsive, expected or not. Voluntary transformation usually becomes a response to the evolutionary development of society, scientific and technological advances and discoveries. Forced transformation is likely to be a reaction to economic, epidemiological, political crises. Therefore, in order to determine the constitutional identity of certain state it is necessary to understand the cultural, historical, social and political contexts of its formation and current development in the conditions of the contemporary world.Рассматривается доктрина трансформации конституционной идентичности и ее проявление в правоотношениях, складывающихся в условиях вызовов современности: глобализация и антиглобализм, пандемия коронавируса COVID-19, научные достижения, универсализация конституционных ценностей – эти и другие разнообразные факторы предопределяют необходимость трансформации конституционной идентичности или стимулируют ее. Ставится цель провести анализ терминов и понятий, используемых в доктрине конституционной идентичности, наработок ученых разных стран для определения ее конституционно-правовой природы, выявления факторов, обусловливающих изменчивость идентичности. Уделяется внимание взаимодействию международной и национальной политики. Делаются выводы о видах и современных практиках трансформации идентичности различных государств

    Preparation of alumina nanoparticle suspensions with narrow particle size distribution

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    Dynamic light scattering (DLS) was applied to the study of the process of the preparing deaggregated water suspensions of alumina nanopowders with specific surface areas of 20-140 m2/g. Nanopowders were prepared by the electric explosion of wire and laser evaporation and, according to electron microscopy (TEM), consisted of nonagglomerated spherical nanoparticles with lognormal size distribution. According to DLS, nonsedimenting water suspensions of alumina nanoparticles, stabilized by sodium citrate at a 5 mM concentration, contain substantial fraction of aggregates. The dynamics of the change in the mean average size of aggregates under exhaustive ultrasound treatment of suspensions with 10 g/l concentration for 1.5-4 h by two types of ultrasonic processors was studied. It was shown that the mean average size of aggregates exponentially diminishes by 1.5-2 times and the fraction of individual particles in suspension enlarges from 45 to 85%. Sequentially centrifuging the suspension at 18000 g separates the remaining aggregates and results in suspensions of individual alumina nanoparticles. Particle size distributions in these suspensions obtained by TEM and DLS are the same within experimental error. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd


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    Aim. To estimate the economic damage by acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in Russia in 2006-2009. Material and Methods. Direct costs and economic losses associated with ACS were estimated. The structure of direct costs includes the costs of hospitalization, medical emergencies, out-patient visits, high-tech medical care, as well as drug therapy in outpatient treatment. Losses in the economy associated with ACS include loss of gross domestic product due to death in working-age, temporary disability and payments of disability benefits. Estimation of economic damage by cardio-vascular diseases was based on analysis of Russian Ministry of Health official statistics. Results. Approximately 520,000 cases of ACS are registered annually (36,4% - myocardial infarction, 63,6% - unstable angina). Trend to increased mortality from myocardial infarction, especially among women, was found during the analyzed period. From 2000 to 2009 this index rose from 34.9 to 41.1 per 100,000 of population among women, and from 52.3 to 55.9 per 100,000 of population among men. Total direct costs of health care for patients with ACS in 2009 amounted to almost 21 billion rubles, and indirect – 53.5 billion rubles. The total economic damage by ACS in Russia in 2008-2009 exceeded 70 billion rubles per year. Conclusion. ACS in Russia is connected with significant social and economic damage. Most part of this damage is indirect losses in economy due to premature mortality of working aged men

    Comparative analysis of the results using direct lateral interbody spondilodesis and transforaminal lumbar interbody spondilodesis in patients with degenerative diseases of the lumbar spine

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    Introduction Various spondylodesis techniques are used in patients with degenerative diseases of the lumbar spine, but the benefits of these techniques have not been proven.Objective of the study was to assess the effect of the type of fusion on the incidence of implant instability and related revision surgeries.Material and Methods This monocentric prospective study included 133 patients with degenerative stenosis of the lumbar spine and confirmed instability of spinal motion segments. Patients underwent transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) with a single cage or direct lateral interbody fusion (DLIF) using standard-sized cages. The conventional open technique was used to supplement TLIF with pedicle screws while percutaneous screw placement was applied in patients treated with DLIF. The duration of follow-up was 18 months. Fisher's exact test was used to assess differences in the incidence of fixator instability based on MSCT and revision interventions. Logistic regression was used to assess the association between potential risk factors and complication rates.Results The use of DLIF detected by MSCT (32.9 vs 3.6%, p < 0.0001) resulted in a significant reduction in the incidence of screw instability and associated revision interventions (11.8 vs 0%, p = 0.0122). The results of logistic regression, taking into account factors such as bone density and the number of levels at which spondylodesis was performed, confirm the relationship between the reduced incidence of complications and the use of DLIF technology. Conclusion Using DLIF instead of TLIF in patients with degenerative stenosis at the lumbar spine level can lead to a significant reduction in the frequency of screw instability and associated revision surgeries


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    Respiratory muscle (RM) strength was studied in 85 men with exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The strength indicators of expiratory (MEP) and inspiratory pressure (MIP, SNIP) in oral cavity were registered by means of the MicroRPM device (CareFusion, UK), as well as intranasal pressure levels by SNIP test. The measured MEP, MIP и SNIP values were compared to the proper indices. Serum concentrations of cytokines (IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-17A, IL-21, TNFα, IFNγ and TGF-β) were determined. The results of the study were processed by means of canonical analysis and by clustering methods. Expiratory RM dysfunction was recorded in mild COPD, expiratory-inspiratory RM dysfunction was recorded in moderate COPD and the diaphragm dysfunction was recorded in severe COPD. Three groups of patients with different combinations of RM strength indicators and immune parameters were identified by means of cluster analysis. The cytokine profile in the first cluster was characterized by maximal concentrations of IL-17A, IL-21, TNFα and TGF-β, whereas RM strength indexes showed minimal values. In the second cluster, a decrease of RM strength indicators by 25-40% against control was associated with a sharp rise of IL-6, along with moderate increase of IL-21 and TGF-βconcentrations. In the third cluster, maximal levels of IL-6, IL-10 and IFNγwere registered, along with low levels of IL-17A, IL-21 and TGF-β concentrations, whereas MEP, MIP и SNIP values did not sufficiently differ from their levels in second cluster. The results of canonical and correlation analysis indicated to interconnections between either certain cytokines, or their pool with the RM strength indicators, dyspnea severity and functional state of COPD patients, thus suggesting involvement of cytokine-mediated mechanisms in pathogenesis of the respiratory muscle dysfunction