65 research outputs found

    Characteristics of DLC Coating Prepared by Pulse Biasing: Analysis in Model of Thermoelastic Peak of Ion

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    A mode of pulse biasing of DLC coating deposition is theoretically investigated. In this mode a deposited ion flow of plasma with energy of E0 (20 200) eV is modified by superimposing of pulse potential ~ 1000 V. It was shown that intrinsic stress in a DLC coating can be decreased in several times without of essential decrease of sp3-bonded carbon concentration compared with DLC made in stationary mode deposition at E0 ion energy. A method of optimization of pulse mode parameters is proposed which is based on analysis of location of thermoelastic peaks of ions on phase P, T-diagram of carbon. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3539

    The efficiency of humic growth stimulators in pre-sowing seed treatment and foliar additional fertilizing of sown areas of grain and industrial crops

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    ArticleThe aim of the research was to establish the effectiveness of preparations, made on the basis of humic and fulvic acids on the yields of crops in case of different methods and amounts used. The experiments were held with varieties and hybrids of winter wheat, soya, corn, and sunflower. Based on the obtained results of investigation during the period of 2015–2017, the positive impact of foliar additional fertilizing with 4R Foliar Concentrate growth stimulator on the basis of humic and fulvic acids on the formation of productivity of the main crops sown areas was established. Proceeding from the results of the research, the using of growth stimulators based on humic and fulvic acids, which contain high concentrations of these substances, can be recommended as an expedient and efficient measure of raising the productivity and improving qualitative indicators of corn, sunflower, soya, and winter wheat yields.http://dx.doi.org/10.15159/ar.19.023http://dx.doi.org/10.15159/ar.19.02

    Засоби розробки WebAR: огляд

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    Web augmented reality (WebAR) development tools aimed at improving the visual aspects of learning are far from being visual and available themselves. This causing problems of selecting and testing WebAR development tools for CS undergraduates mastering in web-design basics. The research is aimed at conducting comparative analysis of WebAR tools to select those appropriated for beginners.Інструменти розробки доповненої реальності в Інтернеті (WebAR), спрямовані на покращення візуальних аспектів навчання, далеко не візуальні та доступні самі по собі. Це викликає проблеми з вибором та тестуванням засобів розробки WebAR для CS-студентів, які опановують основи веб-дизайну. Дослідження спрямоване на проведення порівняльного аналізу інструментів WebAR для відбору інструментів, призначених для початківців

    ATLAS detector and physics performance: Technical Design Report, 1

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