73 research outputs found

    Association of 12 serum biochemical markers of angiogenesis, tumour invasion and bone turnover with bone metastases from breast cancer: a crossectional and longitudinal evaluation

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    Complex biological pathways including angiogenesis, invasion, osteoclastic activation and bone matrix degradation are involved in the formation of bone metastasis (BM). The aim of our study was to investigate the cross-sectional and longitudinal associations of a panel of 12 serum biochemical markers reflecting biological pathways underlying BM development. In a cross-sectional study, we investigated 29 patients with primary breast carcinoma without BM (BC/BM−), 28 patients with breast carcinoma and BM (BC/BM+) and 15 healthy women. In longitudinal analyses, we investigated 34 patients for whom serum was obtained a two different time points: at the time of primary BC diagnosis and after a median time of 3 years. During this follow-up, 15 patients developed BM, whereas the other 19 remained free of BM. In patients who developed BM, the second samples were obtained before BM was documented by bone scan. The cross-sectional analyses have shown all biochemical markers to be significantly elevated in patients with BM, when compared to the patients without BM and healthy controls, except TGFβ1 that was significantly decreased. Multivariable analyses showed that only the bone resorption markers TRACP 5b, CTX and ICTP, and the marker of angiogenesis VEGF were independently associated with BM. Those markers correctly distinguished 85% of BC patients with or without BM from normal individuals. Longitudinal analyses showed that patients with primary BC who developed BM during follow-up had higher levels of TRACP5b (+95%, P=0.08) at the time of primary diagnosis, those patients had also a higher increases of ICTP (P=0.006), MMP-7 (P=0.004) and TIMP-1 (P=0.017) during follow-up than patients who did not progress toward bone metastasis. This study provides evidence of increase and interrelationship of circulating markers of angiogenesis, invasion and bone resorption in patients with BC with and without BM. Markers of bone resorption have the highest independent diagnostic value for detecting and potentially predicting BM in breast carcinoma patients

    Increasing microtubule acetylation rescues axonal transport and locomotor deficits caused by LRRK2 Roc-COR domain mutations

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    ​Leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (​LRRK2) mutations are the most common genetic cause of Parkinson’s disease. ​LRRK2 is a multifunctional protein affecting many cellular processes and has been described to bind microtubules. Defective microtubule-based axonal transport is hypothesized to contribute to Parkinson’s disease, but whether ​LRRK2 mutations affect this process to mediate pathogenesis is not known. Here we find that ​LRRK2 containing pathogenic Roc-COR domain mutations (R1441C, Y1699C) preferentially associates with deacetylated microtubules, and inhibits axonal transport in primary neurons and in Drosophila, causing locomotor deficits in vivo. In vitro, increasing microtubule acetylation using deacetylase inhibitors or the tubulin acetylase ​αTAT1 prevents association of mutant ​LRRK2 with microtubules, and the deacetylase inhibitor ​trichostatin A (​TSA) restores axonal transport. In vivo knockdown of the deacetylases ​HDAC6 and ​Sirt2, or administration of ​TSA rescues both axonal transport and locomotor behavior. Thus, this study reveals a pathogenic mechanism and a potential intervention for Parkinson’s disease

    Contrasting patterns of evolutionary constraint and novelty revealed by comparative sperm proteomic analysis in Lepidoptera

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    Background: Rapid evolution is a hallmark of reproductive genetic systems and arises through the combined processes of sequence divergence, gene gain and loss, and changes in gene and protein expression. While studies aiming to disentangle the molecular ramifications of these processes are progressing, we still know little about the genetic basis of evolutionary transitions in reproductive systems. Here we conduct the first comparative analysis of sperm proteomes in Lepidoptera, a group that exhibits dichotomous spermatogenesis, in which males produce a functional fertilization-competent sperm (eupyrene) and an incompetent sperm morph lacking nuclear DNA (apyrene). Through the integrated application of evolutionary proteomics and genomics, we characterize the genomic patterns potentially associated with the origination and evolution of this unique spermatogenic process and assess the importance of genetic novelty in Lepidopteran sperm biology. Results: Comparison of the newly characterized Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) sperm proteome to those of the Carolina sphinx moth (Manduca sexta) and the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) demonstrated conservation at the level of protein abundance and post-translational modification within Lepidoptera. In contrast, comparative genomic analyses across insects reveals significant divergence at two levels that differentiate the genetic architecture of sperm in Lepidoptera from other insects. First, a significant reduction in orthology among Monarch sperm genes relative to the remainder of the genome in non-Lepidopteran insect species was observed. Second, a substantial number of sperm proteins were found to be specific to Lepidoptera, in that they lack detectable homology to the genomes of more distantly related insects. Lastly, the functional importance of Lepidoptera specific sperm proteins is broadly supported by their increased abundance relative to proteins conserved across insects. Conclusions: Our results identify a burst of genetic novelty amongst sperm proteins that may be associated with the origin of heteromorphic spermatogenesis in ancestral Lepidoptera and/or the subsequent evolution of this system. This pattern of genomic diversification is distinct from the remainder of the genome and thus suggests that this transition has had a marked impact on lepidopteran genome evolution. The identification of abundant sperm proteins unique to Lepidoptera, including proteins distinct between specific lineages, will accelerate future functional studies aiming to understand the developmental origin of dichotomous spermatogenesis and the functional diversification of the fertilization incompetent apyrene sperm morph

    Basal Progenitor Morphology and Neocortex Evolution.

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    The evolutionary expansion of the mammalian neocortex is widely considered to be a basis of increased cognitive abilities. This expansion is a consequence of the enhanced production of neurons during the fetal/embryonic development of the neocortex, which in turn reflects an increased proliferative capacity of neural progenitor cells; in particular basal progenitors (BPs). The remarkable heterogeneity of BP subtypes across mammals, notably their various morphotypes and molecular fingerprints, which has recently been revealed, corroborates the importance of BPs for neocortical expansion. Here, we argue that the morphology of BPs is a key cell biological basis for maintaining their high proliferative capacity and therefore plays crucial roles in the evolutionary expansion of the neocortex

    In Vivo Targeting of Neural Progenitor Cells in Ferret Neocortex by In Utero Electroporation.

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    Manipulation of gene expression in vivo during embryonic development is the method of choice when analyzing the role of individual genes during mammalian development. In utero electroporation is a key technique for the manipulation of gene expression in the embryonic mammalian brain in vivo. A protocol for in utero electroporation of the embryonic neocortex of ferrets, a small carnivore, is presented here. The ferret is increasingly being used as a model for neocortex development, because its neocortex exhibits a series of anatomical, histological, cellular, and molecular features that are also present in human and nonhuman primates, but absent in rodent models, such as mouse or rat. In utero electroporation was performed at embryonic day (E) 33, a midneurogenesis stage in ferret. In utero electroporation targets neural progenitor cells lining the lateral ventricles of the brain. During neurogenesis, these progenitor cells give rise to all other neural cell types. This work shows representative results and analyses at E37, postnatal day (P) 1, and P16, corresponding to 4, 9, and 24 days after in utero electroporation, respectively. At earlier stages, the progeny of targeted cells consists mainly of various neural progenitor subtypes, whereas at later stages most labeled cells are postmitotic neurons. Thus, in utero electroporation enables the study of the effect of genetic manipulation on the cellular and molecular features of various types of neural cells. Through its effect on various cell populations, in utero electroporation can also be used for the manipulation of histological and anatomical features of the ferret neocortex. Importantly, all these effects are acute and are performed with a spatiotemporal specificity determined by the user

    Serotonin Receptor 2A Activation Promotes Evolutionarily Relevant Basal Progenitor Proliferation in the Developing Neocortex.

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    Evolutionary expansion of the mammalian neocortex (Ncx) has been linked to increased abundance and proliferative capacity of basal progenitors (BPs) in the subventricular zone during development. BP proliferation is governed by both intrinsic and extrinsic signals, several of which have been identified. However, a role of neurotransmitters, a canonical class of extrinsic signaling molecules, in BP proliferation remains to be established. Here, we show that serotonin (5-HT), via its receptor HTR2A, promotes BP proliferation in an evolutionarily relevant manner. HTR2A is not expressed in embryonic mouse Ncx; accordingly, 5-HT does not increase mouse BP proliferation. However, ectopic HTR2A expression can increase mouse BP proliferation. Conversely, CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knockout of endogenous HTR2A in embryonic ferret Ncx reduces BP proliferation. Pharmacological activation of endogenous HTR2A in fetal human Ncx ex vivo increases BP proliferation via HER2/ERK signaling. Hence, 5-HT emerges as an important extrinsic pro-proliferative signal for BPs, which may have contributed to evolutionary Ncx expansion

    Epigenome profiling and editing of neocortical progenitor cells during development.

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    The generation of neocortical neurons from neural progenitor cells (NPCs) is primarily controlled by transcription factors binding to DNA in the context of chromatin. To understand the complex layer of regulation that orchestrates different NPC types from the same DNA sequence, epigenome maps with cell type resolution are required. Here, we present genomewide histone methylation maps for distinct neural cell populations in the developing mouse neocortex. Using different chromatin features, we identify potential novel regulators of cortical NPCs. Moreover, we identify extensive H3K27me3 changes between NPC subtypes coinciding with major developmental and cell biological transitions. Interestingly, we detect dynamic H3K27me3 changes on promoters of several crucial transcription factors, including the basal progenitor regulator Eomes We use catalytically inactive Cas9 fused with the histone methyltransferase Ezh2 to edit H3K27me3 at the Eomes locus in vivo, which results in reduced Tbr2 expression and lower basal progenitor abundance, underscoring the relevance of dynamic H3K27me3 changes during neocortex development. Taken together, we provide a rich resource of neocortical histone methylation data and outline an approach to investigate its contribution to the regulation of selected genes during neocortical development

    Additive action of a novel Cathepsin K inhibitor and zoledronic acid (Zometa) in a model of osteolytic human breast cancer metastasis

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    86 POSTER--Bisphosphonates are a class of drugs that inhibit the breakdown of bone, and are proving useful in the management of breast cancer patients with bone metastasis, where tumour cells activate osteoclasts to degrade bone. However, many breast-bone metastases do not completely benefit from bisphosphonate therapies, and there is very little impact on overall survival, emphasizing the great need for additional therapies. Cathepsin K is a cysteine peptidase secreted by osteoclasts that degrades collagen in the acidic lacunal space, and thus contributes to the bone destruction associated with bone metastasis. <br/