152 research outputs found

    Of names and man

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    International audienceThis article, in memory of Jean-Claude Abric, constitutes an opportunity to develop two main ideas. The first one has to do with the history of social psychology and points at the absence of reference to this author in history chapters from French-langage textbooks in the field. The second, drawing upon writings on game situations, states that the main virtue of the representation-capable layman, which is never questioned in social psychology, is that of anonymity. On this solemn occasion, full of memories of life, exchanges and ideas, my paper will be structured by the range of variations around a core idea: that of names. In memory of a man, an author and therefore a name, I intend to approach this topic in two ways; at first from a historical perspective and then from an epistemological one

    Retour sur l’affaire macédonienne : une approche psycho-sociale

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    Le scandale d'une prophétie Une bonne partie des Grecs d'aujourd'hui doit sûrement se souvenir d'une déclaration étrange prononcée en 1993 par K. Mitsotakis, Premier ministre grec de droite de l'époque : « dans dix ans l'affaire skopjienne sera oubliée ». Cette parole considérée comme étonnante sinon scandaleuse, véritable "trahison nationale", par une bonne partie du monde politique, de l'opinion publique et de la presse au moment où elle fut prononcée semble avoir eu en elle quelque chose d..

    Representações e mitos contemporâneos

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    Pensar os mitos nas sociedades modernas, moldadas pelo saber científico, o empirismo e a comprovação, seria inútil, senão utópico. Ao mesmo tempo, seguir rigorosamente a crítica positivista, que quer reduzir o mito a um gênero literário ou a uma fabulação arcaica, negaria qualquer abertura a uma relação com a experiência social, cultural e imaginária. Ao contrário, esclarecer as formas simbólicas do saber que as representações veiculam sob forma de imaginário coletivo, herdado, expresso, midiatizado, partilhado e, sobretudo, experienciado na sociedade seria mais apropriado, senão necessário, nos dias de hoje. Captar estas dimensões que se revelam através do senso comum, sob forma de saber ou recordação identitária é, em algum lugar, historicizar a idéia de sua verdade. É esta concepção dos mitos, herança cultural e metáfora de existência coletiva do passado que tentamos estudar através da sua atualização no senso comum, a identidade e a memória social e histórica através do caso macedônico. Contemporany representations and myths Abstract Thinking of myths in modern societies, fashioned by scientific knowledge, empirical inquiry and verification, seems vain, even fanciful. At the same time, strictly following the positivist critique which would reduce myth to a literary genre or an archaic fabulation would be to refuse any opening to a relation between myth and the lived social, cultural and imaginary world. On the contrary, bringing to light the symbolic forms of knowledge which representations convey within themselves in the form of a collective imaginary, inherited, expressed, mediated, shared and above all lived in society would be more appropriate, even necessary, for the times in which we live. Recovering these dimensions which are revealed in the biases of common sense in the form of knowledge or identificatory memories is, to some degree, to historicise the idea of their truth. It is this conception of myths as cultural heritage and metaphor of a bygone collective existence which I have tried to study through their realization in common sense, identity, social and historical memory evident in the biases related to events in Macedonia. Keywords: Myths. Representations. Cultural memory. Macedonian affair

    Affronter la complexité : représentations et croyances.

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    Ce chapitre vise à problématiser l’idée du rapport représentations-croyances et des tensions épistémiques qui s’observent dans l’étude du sens commun. Il s’appuie sur quelques contrastes de la pensée sociale mis en évidence dans les sciences humaines qui nous amènent à envisager la pluralité de la connaissance au-delà de sa simple adéquation aux canons d’une vérité supposée. L’approche des représentations sociales, théorie-clef de la psychologie sociale, nous offre l’arsenal conceptuel indispensable pour penser la pluralité des registres d’appropriation de l’action et de la cognition en phase avec les contextes culturels de leur expression. À ce titre, nous proposons de renouer avec quelques hypothèses inexplorées de cette approche, notamment celle de la polyphasie cognitive, mais aussi la notion des primitifs représentationnels

    50 years of research on social representations : central debates and challenging questions

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    International audienceTo mark 50 years of research on social representations (SR), we planned both a special issue and a conference to bring together some of the most significant papers from the last 50 years. We are delighted to present the main trends of this special issue in this editorial, and are also extremely happy with the level of thought and debate it has produced. In launching the call for the special issue, rather than reduce this celebration of the 50 years of SR to an obsessive trend towards bibliometrics and impact factors, we felt it would be more informative and thought-provoking to have a collection of papers nominated by those who use them-researchers, teachers, peers, students-as the most debated, insightful, illustrative or valuable for them in their research and teaching. This issue brings together the best of these commentaries, together with the original papers chosen in those commentaries as the most significant and, in some cases, further commentary from the original authors. Hence a defining feature of this special issue was dialogue-dialogue not only between older and newer texts and protagonists in SR, but also between teachers and students, and between researchers with different perspectives, working in different contexts with different methods and politics of research and with different intervention needs and different goals for the futur

    In memoriam: Serge Moscovici (1925-2014)

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    International audiencePreface by the EASP Executive Committee and the Chief Editors of EJS

    De l'effet médiatique au fait politique : la santé mentale en question.

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    International audienceDeux ensembles symétriques mais divergents constituent notre corpus pour cet article. Le premier, un corpus de presse, a été constitué à partir d'une recherche systématique par mots-clefs sur les principaux moteurs de recherche sur Internet des articles relatifs à « l'affaire de Pau » de décembre 2004. Un ensemble d'articles a été ainsi collecté issu de la presse nationale et régionale, des résumés écrits des émissions télévisuelles relatives à l'affaire ou encore de la presse électronique. Malgré sa non exhaustivité, ce premier corpus a l'avantage de mettre en évidence les « traces médiatiques apparentes » de cette affaire sur Internet. Son analyse a été guidée par l'interrogation suivante : quelles formes de communication relatives à cet évènement restent apparentes et accessibles deux ans après les faits ? Le second corpus est le rapport du « Plan Psychiatrie et Santé mentale 2005/2008 », fixant les orientations ministérielles en matière de santé mentale et les objectifs à atteindre d'ici 2008, dont la préparation et l'orientation ont été influencées, accélérées et affectées par « l'affaire de Pau ». À l'instar du mouvement des Enfants de Don Quichotte et des politiques de logement, est-il possible que, dans le cas de la santé mentale aussi, l'on puisse passer d'un fait médiatique aux faits politiques ? La question reste posée. Sa seule formulation montre, une fois de plus, l'importance d'un travail de partenariat régulier associant les usagers, les élus, les professionnels de la santé mentale et des sciences humaines et sociales avec les médias (comités de veille, chartes, droit de réponse des usagers, information et formation des journalistes...

    Of names and man

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    International audienceThis article, in memory of Jean-Claude Abric, constitutes an opportunity to develop two main ideas. The first one has to do with the history of social psychology and points at the absence of reference to this author in history chapters from French-langage textbooks in the field. The second, drawing upon writings on game situations, states that the main virtue of the representation-capable layman, which is never questioned in social psychology, is that of anonymity. On this solemn occasion, full of memories of life, exchanges and ideas, my paper will be structured by the range of variations around a core idea: that of names. In memory of a man, an author and therefore a name, I intend to approach this topic in two ways; at first from a historical perspective and then from an epistemological one

    L’apport de la méthode Alceste dans l’étude des représentations sociales

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