17 research outputs found
Aatomkihtsadestatud tsirkooniumipõhiste nanolaminaatide ja segukilede magnetilised, elektrilised ja struktuursed omadused
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneDoktoritöös kasutati aatomkihtsadestamise meetodit, eesmärgiga valmistada multiferroidne nanoskaalas kile, ehk paarikümne nanomeetri paksune materjalikiht. Multiferroid on selline materjal, mis on üheaegselt nii ferromagnetiline kui ka ferroelektriline, st polariseerub nii välises magnet- kui ka elektriväljas ning on võimeline mõlemat polarisatsiooni säilitama ka välise välja eemaldamisel. Sellist materjali oleks võimalik kasutada uue põlvkonna nanoelektroonikas, näiteks mäluseadmete valmistamiseks. Aatomkihtsadestamise meetod valiti, kuna see on ennast tõestanud, kui üks sobivamaid viise üliõhukeste tahkiskihtide valmistamiseks ühtlase paksuse ja koostisega üle suure pinna. Kirjandusallikate põhjal oli teada, et materjali valmistamine, mis oleks üheaegselt nii ferromagnetiline kui ka ferroelektriline, ei ole lihtne ülesanne. Nimetatud nähtusi on tuvastatud ühe materjali samas faasis ainult ülimadalatel temperatuuridel ja/või suurtes materjalitükkides. Autorile teadaolevalt ei ole multiferroidi suudetud valmistada õhukese materjalikihina ning toimivana ka toatemperatuuril või kõrgemal. Mõlemad nimetatud tingimused on kindlasti tarvilikud, et rääkida võimalikest praktilistest rakendustest.
Erinevates ZrO2 sisaldavates kiledes demonstreeriti osa kilede puhul ferromagnetilist hüstereesi ning osa käitus elektriväljas ferroelektrikule sarnaselt. Ühel juhul tuvastati ferromagnetiline ja ferroelektriline polariseeritavus samas kilenäidises.
Järeldati, et kuigi traditsioonilisest ferromagnetismist rääkimiseks ei ole nanoskaalas metalloksiidkilede puhul põhjust, siis teatud juhtudel võivad siiski defektid, nagu näiteks hapnikuvakantsid, materjali ferromagnetilist käitumist põhjustada. Kuigi defektid raskendavad ferroelektrilise polarisatsiooni mõõtmist, võib leida nö. tasakaalupunkti piisava hulga defektide vahel, et saavutada ferromagnetiline polarisatsioon ja piisavalt vähese hulga defektide vahel, et ferroelektriline efekt ei jää veel täielikult piirpindadel tekkiva lekkevoolust tingitud polarisatsiooni varju. Autori arvates tuvastati selline olukord, kui defektirohke ferromagnetiline ZrO2 segati vähem defektse materjaliga HfO2, mille puhul võis kirjandusele toetudes oodata ferroelektrilisust.The main goal was to fabricate a multiferroic nanoscale film using atomic layer deposition. Multiferroic is a material that is both ferromagnetic and ferroelectric, that is, polarizes in both magnetic and electric fields, and retains that polarization after removing the external field. Such a material could be used in novel nanoelectronics applications, such as memory devices or sensors. Atomic layer deposition was chosen to fabricate the films, because this is the method actually used in modern nanoelectronics to deposit ultrathin films, and the only method which can provide conformal films over a large substrate area and at the same time provide thickness control at the nanometer level. It was known beforehand, from literature, that a material possessing ferromagnetic and ferroelectric behavior in the same sample in the same phase will be a difficult task. This phenomenon has been observed in bulk materials and/or very low temperatures, but not in thin films and at room temperature, which are both necessary, if one wishes to consider an actual nanoelectronics application.
In various ZrO2-based thin films, it was shown that some films showed ferromagnetic hysteresis and some exhibited behavior resembling ferroelectric response. In one case, ferromagnetic and ferroelectric behavior were observed in the same material sample.
It was concluded that although one cannot speak of ferromagnetism in the traditional sense, when thin metal oxide films are studied, but in certain cases, ferromagnetism may still arise from the defects of a material, such as oxygen vacancies. Although these defects make the detection of ferroelectricity harder, a reasonable trade-off can be found between enough defects to induce ferromagnetism and not so much to overwhelm the signs of ferroelectricity completely. The author believes such as case was found, when a defective material, which was found ferromagnetic in all cases, namely ZrO2, was mixed with a less defective material, HfO2, known already in literature to be ferroelectric in some cases.https://www.ester.ee/record=b536107
Talve ja lumikatte mõju püsivate peegeldajate tihedusele sõltuvalt maakattetüübist
Aatomkihtsadestatud ternaarsete oksiidide ellipsomeetria
Memory maps : Reading RRAM devices without power consumption
Producción CientíficaA comparative study of MIM-RRAM structures with different insulator materials is presented. Admittance memory mapping was carried out at 0 V dc bias, revealing two clearly separated states, both in terms of conductance and susceptance. The memory in the ON state can be modeled by means of a two parameter (resistance and inductance) equivalent circuit. The parameter extraction provides memory maps for the resistance and the inductance as well. The transition shapes between the ON and OFF state are different for each structure due to specific physical mechanisms.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (grant TEC2014-52152-C3-3-R)Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project TK134)Estonian Research Agency (grants IUT2-24 and PRG4
Electric and Magnetic Properties of Atomic Layer Deposited ZrO2-HfO2 Thin Films
Atomic layer deposition method was employed to deposit thin films consisting of ZrO2 and HfO2. Zirconia films were doped with hafnia and vice versa, and also nanolaminates were formed. All depositions were carried out at 300 degrees C. Most films were crystalline in their as-deposited state. Zirconia exhibited the metastable cubic and tetragonal phases by a large majority, whereas hafnia was mostly in its stable monoclinic phase. Magnetic and electrical properties of the films were assessed. Un-doped zirconia was ferromagnetic and this property diminished with increasing the amount of hafnia in a film. All films exhibited ferroelectric-like behavior and the polarization curves also changed with respect to the film composition. (C) The Author(s) 2018. Published by ECS.Peer reviewe
Properties of Atomic Layer Deposited Nanolaminates of Zirconium and Cobalt Oxides
Five-layer crystalline thin film structures were formed, consisting of ZrO2 and Co3O4 alternately grown on Si(100) substrates by atomic layer deposition at 300 degrees C using ZrCl4 and Co(acac)(3) as the metal precursors and ozone as the oxygen precursor. The performance of the laminate films was dependent on the relative content of constituent oxide layers. The magnetization in these films was nonlinear, saturative, and with very weak coercive fields. Electrical measurements revealed the formation of significant polarization versus external field loops and implied some tendency toward memristive behavior. (C) The Author(s) 2018. Published by ECS.Peer reviewe
Magnetic and Electrical Performance of Atomic Layer Deposited Iron Erbium Oxide Thin Films
Mixed films of a high-permittivity oxide, Er2O3, and a magnetic material, Fe2O3, were grown by atomic layer deposition on silicon and titanium nitride at 375 degrees C using erbium diketonate, ferrocene, and ozone as precursors. Crystalline phases of erbium and iron oxides were formed. Growth into three-dimensional trenched structures was demonstrated. A structure deposited using tens to hundreds subsequent cycles for both constituent metal oxide layers promoted both charge polarization and saturative magnetization compared to those in the more homogeneously mixed films.Peer reviewe
Atomic layer deposition and properties of mixed Ta2O5 and ZrO2 films
Thin solid films consisting of ZrO2 and Ta2O5 were grown by atomic layer deposition at 300 degrees C. Ta2O5 films doped with ZrO2, TaZr2.75O8 ternary phase, or ZrO2 doped with Ta2O5 were grown to thickness and composition depending on the number and ratio of alternating ZrO2 and Ta2O5 deposition cycles. All the films grown exhibited resistive switching characteristics between TiN and Pt electrodes, expressed by repetitive current-voltage loops. The most reliable windows between high and low resistive states were observed in Ta2O5 films mixed with relatively low amounts of ZrO2, providing Zr to Ta cation ratio of 0.2. (C) 2017 Author(s).Peer reviewe
Atomic layer deposited nanolaminates of zirconium oxide and manganese oxide from manganese(III)acetylacetonate and ozone
Producción CientíficaAtomic layer deposition method was used to grow thin films consisting of ZrO2 and MnOx layers. All depositions were carried out at 300 ºC. Some deposition characteristics of the manganese(III)acetylacetonate and ozone process were investigated, such as crystallinity and the dependence of growth rate on the deposition temperature. All films were partly crystalline in their as-deposited state. Zirconium oxide contained cubic and tetragonal phases of ZrO2, while the manganese oxide was shown to consist of cubic Mn2O3 and tetragonal Mn3O4 phases. All the films exhibited nonlinear saturative magnetization with hysteresis, as well as resistive switching characteristics.Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (projects TK134 and TK141)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (project TEC2017-84321-C4-2-R)Estonian Research Agency (projects PRG4 and PRG753
Atomic layer deposition and properties of ZrO2/Fe2O3 thin films
Thin solid films consisting of ZrO2 and Fe2O3 were grown by atomic layer deposition (ALD) at 400 degrees C. Metastable phases of ZrO2 were stabilized by Fe2O3 doping. The number of alternating ZrO2 and Fe2O3 deposition cycles were varied in order to achieve films with different cation ratios. The influence of annealing on the composition and structure of the thin films was investigated. Additionally, the influence of composition and structure on electrical and magnetic properties was studied. Several samples exhibited a measurable saturation magnetization and most of the samples exhibited a charge polarization. Both phenomena were observed in the sample with a Zr/Fe atomic ratio of 2.0.Peer reviewe